Sunday, March 25th, 2001
8:03 pm - *Groans*
I'm sick of arguing, though at times, it somehow excits me, which I think is kind of twisted of me. But that's me.
To *you*, the person who reads this, who really shouldn't be anymore (as it seems to fuel you even more), I'm not going to answer anymore emails, as you've probably worked out by now. At the current mood I'm in at the moment, I really cannot be bothered with all this. I'm coming up to a lot of deadlines in schoolwork, as well as an A Level exam next month, and this is all the last thing I need. Right now, school is my life, nothing else. So to anyone who sends me bothersome emails, you know where to shove 'em. :)
I'm not saying your email was bothersome, I just haven't got the time to be worrying about all this rubbish. Stick with your newsgroup for the next 2 months. (BTW, I had countless opportunities to make bitchy comments in this post, and have tried to keep them to a minimum, so don't think of me as harsh).
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12:58 pm - Hmph.
I know that I write this as a public journal, meaning anyone can read it. But that's the point of it. But I do not *force* people to read my comments, so if they see something they don't like, they simply just have to look away. But I guess a lot of it is down to plain old curiosity.
Anyways, you know who you are. I plan on saying what I feel, that is the point of Livejournal. I wish things weren't this way, you and I were good friends, I'd hope we still could be, but sending a petty email to me is a waste of time. For once, I didn't over react. Woah.
I know you've been reading here, as I haven't said *everything* I could have about recent events. This isn't all about you, y'know. And yes, it's public, but who in the hell knows you/gives a toss? This is the internet we're talking about, just millions of faceless people. And yes, of course you can post replies, I don't believe in deleting others posts, due to freedom of speech and all that...
Urgh. I'm so tired of this. Waste of time.
Onto nicer stuff. Watched Empire Strikes Back - excellent as usual :) Cor, Harisson Ford is the most gorgeous in that one! And Boba Fett is introduced! Yay! I want his armour dammit! Then of course there's the music. Some of John Williams' best music, he truly is my favourite composer. Had a lovely chicken korma with pilau rice and pashwari naan just before the film, and I actually managed to eat it all for once, which was nice :)
And on Jet Set Radio, I've managed to gain another 3 characters. There's this cool goth-looking girl, I like her! But the level I'm trying to do is real hard....but I shall manage! ;)
Am nearing the end of The Hobbit, it's getting better near the end...I shall read The Lord of the Rings, everyone tells me it's much better than The Hobbit. Mmmm, it better be! There's some character in it that my sister loves....Aragorn? Can't remember his name -_-
Ok, well that's me for now. I hate to bitch (*cough*) but sometimes it's necessary.
current mood: stressed current music: Empire Strikes Back - Yoda's theme
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| Saturday, March 24th, 2001
2:13 pm - Hot choccy!
Well, my Aunt 'liked' her Playstation to say the least. While she was opening it, she had no idea what it could be. With all the wrapping off she simply stared at it with a puzzled expression, which instantly was replaced to a happy/excited/thrilled/gratified expression :) She loves it, and can't wait to get back so she can set it up! She was just so excited, waving her arms around and cheering, I *knew* she'd love it! Dad had been against us buying it for her - "She's too old for all that" - what rubbish! My Aunt says it'll help modernise her ;) After all that, we showed her Vagrant Story (which she loved due to all the dragons), as well as Dance Dance Revolution, and Jet Set Radio....
Ahhh, I'm just so glad she liked it. I love giving people presents, I like to see their face light up.
Well, was in school this morning with Ms Rehahn working on the music video, which is still playing up. But the guy who works on music videos is coming in on Wednesday, so he'll (hopefully) solve our problems. He better had! We all mainly just gossiped, and she even made us some hot chocolate, which was lovely (though Asti managed to spill a load on the floor - just added to all the other stains!). We're gonna make copies of the final completed video for Asti, Dean and I. Dunno about the other members. Pft.
So it's confirmed now that I'm *not* going on holiday with Alan this year. Mmmm, a nice holiday in London :) That'll be nice. Not got anywhere else planned for this year, and that doesn't matter, I wanna stay home this year. Plus, going on holiday with a family who isn't comfortable with me anymore would be pointless and a waste of 2 weeks. 2 weeks was too long anyways, a week would have been enough. Phew.
Anyways, we all plan on watching the Empire Strikes Back tonight while eating a big curry, mMmMmMmMmMmMm!!!! As you can tell, I'm bloody starving at the moment -_- Oh well, I'll find something. I'm off to read more of The Hobbit (Asti forced me into it in the end).
current mood: cheerful current music: Empire Strikes Back - The Asteroid Field
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| Thursday, March 22nd, 2001
4:58 pm - Rant!
I'm in rant mode, so bear with me *evil grin*.
I've come to the conclusion that there are 4 types of people on the internet. They are:
1. THE SUICIDAL - People who "can't be bothered with life". Maybe if they moved away from their computers for more than 2 seconds, they could attempt to sort their lives out. They totally rely on their internet 'buddies', chat programs like ICQ is their way of interacting with 'real people'.
2. THE DEPRESSED - These sorts are *everywhere*. I was one once, but after kicking in my job and some old ties, I feel a lot better about myself. Look over Livejournal, and I'd say 90% of the people on here seem to suffer from it. "Oh woe is me, everybody hates me, school sucks", the usual.
3. THE MENTALLY INSANE - Quite a lot of these about too. Use non-existing words in their sentences, sometimes in 'real life'. Usually convince themesleves about something, eg, they're worthless, they're above everyone else (only their one-sided opinions matter) *commonly known as 'brick walls'*....
4. THE 'NORMAL' ONES - Perhaps at one stage were odd, but made the effort to change their situation. People that actually have lives, have a future....Many were never odd in the first place, or odd in a good way, eg, not in a self-pitying way. I'd like to think that I fit into this group (having progressed from depressed), have a life other than the internet.
Perhaps I should have made a group on the 'addicted',the people who sit on their arses all the time, permanently hooked up to the intenet as if it's their life-support.
So what's got me into this mood? I've just been thinking (while listening to Savage Garden and their inspiring lyrics), mainly about my life over the past few months, and where it's headed. A few months ago, I was stuck in a job I hated, and in a relationship I had no time for. Now I'm free of both, and feel a happier person. My friends of late have been totally unreliable, to the point that I don't really trust them with anything anymore, and one has (and still is) acting like a 2 year old, is off in the huff. So be it.
I can't begin to describe how much I'm looking foward to leaving school, severing connections, and making a fresh new start at art college. It'll mean a whole new group of friends, and I'll be doing something I *want to do*. I really don't plan on being on the look-out for any 'potential boyfriends', I find I'm happy being 'male-free', and I intend to stay that way. I enjoy having male friends, but friends they stay.
Anyways, I'm in a good mood at the moment. My Aunt will be over tomorrow, she's 50. I can't wait to see her face when she opens her prezzies and realises she's got a Playstation!! She's always wanted one :)
Anyways, I'm off. I wouldn't be surprised/ nor care if I get any aggressive comments over what I've just said. I felt like saying them, end of story.
current mood: bitchy current music: Savage Garden - Affirmation
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| Wednesday, March 21st, 2001
9:32 pm - Sexy Sydney!
A pretty relaxing day, seeing as there was no school....
I couldn't really get much artwork done, as my acrylic paints are too thick, even after being watered down, and they've got a kind of gritiness to them >.< I done a little painiting, but it really stood out from the work I done in class. So I'm gonna have to tell Ms Quorn I got relatively no work done, but that I'll promise to get loads done in the lesson ;) Har!
So I worked more on the art for Florian's page. And I got it finished. It's not uploaded properly yet, but I think it's there on one of his other servers (or something). Now I've never tried doing a link before, I'm very much likely to bodge this up... Look here! It'll most likely not work, I'm crap at all this stuff! If by any chance you do see it, the image is a little small at the mo, but Florian's gonna make a whole new one! Cool! I've just finished off another pic for him, only 2 more to do, then I can get back to writing reviews :) Phew!
Anyways, not much else to say. Dad got a bag of chips for us today, then later on, mum got us some for dinner (she didn't know we'd had some), and I weren't gonna complain! Also, I was playing Vagrant Story on the PS2, and can you believe it crashed!? The screen just bloody froze! And I hadn't saved, waaa! Damn thing.
Well that's it. I hope you and Harry are feeling better, Dean ;)
current mood: relaxed current music: Jerry Goldsmith - The Mummy
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| Tuesday, March 20th, 2001
11:20 pm - Ha!
Oooh, lookie! I managed to successful post the same post 3 times in a row, damn me for being impatient ;) Am I gonna delete the other 2? Nope :D I'm gonna keep them there and be annoying. But hey, no one's really reading them anyways, and if you are, then bloody make a comment or something, even if it's something nasty! There's nothing like a good 'discussion' (read: argument). ;)
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11:12 pm - Goody!
Yay, a pretty cool day for once :)
I woke up from a really odd dream which contained my ex-boyfriend of years ago, Daniel. He was a lot taller, still had braces, but was still just as scruffy :D His sisters were there too, and we were in a cinema, and I was trying to get a ticket for a crap film (don't ask why). Suddenly Daniel and I were in my kitchen, and he told me he still fancied me. I just found the dream really odd.
*Ahem* Anyways, I spent most of the morning working on the drawings for my German friend, Florian. He's liked the sketches I've shown him so far, so now I'm colouring them in. Pencils take forever!! But they're what I'm best at. I'm hoping the pictures turn out alright, cos I have a wonderful 'skill' of ruining a pic at the last minute, and scrapping the whole thing -_- There's already one bit I'm not too happy with....
At school, Asti and I didn't get anything done, a Ms Rehahn was off, and other people wanted to use the editing suite. But I had a long chat with Mr Smith about one of my old essays, and we got into a sort of heated discussion about the "justification of the BBC licence fee." Heh! I mainly argued the points to myself, and it all really helped, as I've got some good new arguments for my exams :) We also watched the dodgily filmed tape of our Year 11 leavers disco, and I haven't laughed so hard in ages! Davisson was filming, and he seemed very interested in everyone's feet all the time! Watched all our teachers singing (badly) 'School's Out for Summer' and then 'Tragedy'. Ward's singing was sooooo bad, and Morgan at the back had the greatest wig on I've ever seen! At one point, all the teachers were doing a dance rountine, but Harding on the end managed to bodge the whole thing up completely, dancing something different in his own little world... :D Anyways, it was great seeing it again, I can clearly remember being there in smart clothes, standing on my chair, clapping my hands ;) Ahhh. I think I was just more happy that it was the end of the year, and a load of the bastards in the room I'd never be seeing again!
The weather has been soooo cold today, I regretted going for a walk down the road - a severly cold wind battered at me, and then the snow started! Heh! Up at Barnet college, the snow was really heavy there, as it's on higher ground than Edmonton.
For the first time in ages, I done really well at Japanese, and Kimiko san seemed really pleased. Got a coffee this week - we turned up half an hour early to make sure we got our drinks! :D
Anyways, tomorrow I shall be doing some painting, the work for Florian must be put on hold. Urgh, I bloody *hate* painting with acrylics. And the one's we got at home are real thick....But I'm real happy at the moment, things seem to be going good, hope they stay that way!
current mood: artistic current music: Castlevania: SOTN - Tower of Mist
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11:11 pm - Goody!
Yay, a pretty cool day for once :)
I woke up from a really odd dream which contained my ex-boyfriend of years ago, Daniel. He was a lot taller, still had braces, but was still just as scruffy :D His sisters were there too, and we were in a cinema, and I was trying to get a ticket for a crap film (don't ask why). Suddenly Daniel and I were in my kitchen, and he told me he still fancied me. I just found the dream really odd.
*Ahem* Anyways, I spent most of the morning working on the drawings for my German friend, Florian. He's liked the sketches I've shown him so far, so now I'm colouring them in. Pencils take forever!! But they're what I'm best at. I'm hoping the pictures turn out alright, cos I have a wonderful 'skill' of ruining a pic at the last minute, and scrapping the whole thing -_- There's already one bit I'm not too happy with....
At school, Asti and I didn't get anything done, a Ms Rehahn was off, and other people wanted to use the editing suite. But I had a long chat with Mr Smith about one of my old essays, and we got into a sort of heated discussion about the "justification of the BBC licence fee." Heh! I mainly argued the points to myself, and it all really helped, as I've got some good new arguments for my exams :) We also watched the dodgily filmed tape of our Year 11 leavers disco, and I haven't laughed so hard in ages! Davisson was filming, and he seemed very interested in everyone's feet all the time! Watched all our teachers singing (badly) 'School's Out for Summer' and then 'Tragedy'. Ward's singing was sooooo bad, and Morgan at the back had the greatest wig on I've ever seen! At one point, all the teachers were doing a dance rountine, but Harding on the end managed to bodge the whole thing up completely, dancing something different in his own little world... :D Anyways, it was great seeing it again, I can clearly remember being there in smart clothes, standing on my chair, clapping my hands ;) Ahhh. I think I was just more happy that it was the end of the year, and a load of the bastards in the room I'd never be seeing again!
The weather has been soooo cold today, I regretted going for a walk down the road - a severly cold wind battered at me, and then the snow started! Heh! Up at Barnet college, the snow was really heavy there, as it's on higher ground than Edmonton.
For the first time in ages, I done really well at Japanese, and Kimiko san seemed really pleased. Got a coffee this week - we turned up half an hour early to make sure we got our drinks! :D
Anyways, tomorrow I shall be doing some painting, the work for Florian must be put on hold. Urgh, I bloody *hate* painting with acrylics. And the one's we got at home are real thick....But I'm real happy at the moment, things seem to be going good, hope they stay that way!
current mood: artistic current music: Castlevania: SOTN - Tower of Mist
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10:46 pm - Goody!
Yay, a pretty cool day for once :)
I woke up from a really odd dream which contained my ex-boyfriend of years ago, Daniel. He was a lot taller, still had braces, but was still just as scruffy :D His sisters were there too, and we were in a cinema, and I was trying to get a ticket for a crap film (don't ask why). Suddenly Daniel and I were in my kitchen, and he told me he still fancied me. I just found the dream really odd.
*Ahem* Anyways, I spent most of the morning working on the drawings for my German friend, Florian. He's liked the sketches I've shown him so far, so now I'm colouring them in. Pencils take forever!! But they're what I'm best at. I'm hoping the pictures turn out alright, cos I have a wonderful 'skill' of ruining a pic at the last minute, and scrapping the whole thing -_- There's already one bit I'm not too happy with....
At school, Asti and I didn't get anything done, a Ms Rehahn was off, and other people wanted to use the editing suite. But I had a long chat with Mr Smith about one of my old essays, and we got into a sort of heated discussion about the "justification of the BBC licence fee." Heh! I mainly argued the points to myself, and it all really helped, as I've got some good new arguments for my exams :) We also watched the dodgily filmed tape of our Year 11 leavers disco, and I haven't laughed so hard in ages! Davisson was filming, and he seemed very interested in everyone's feet all the time! Watched all our teachers singing (badly) 'School's Out for Summer' and then 'Tragedy'. Ward's singing was sooooo bad, and Morgan at the back had the greatest wig on I've ever seen! At one point, all the teachers were doing a dance rountine, but Harding on the end managed to bodge the whole thing up completely, dancing something different in his own little world... :D Anyways, it was great seeing it again, I can clearly remember being there in smart clothes, standing on my chair, clapping my hands ;) Ahhh. I think I was just more happy that it was the end of the year, and a load of the bastards in the room I'd never be seeing again!
The weather has been soooo cold today, I regretted going for a walk down the road - a severly cold wind battered at me, and then the snow started! Heh! Up at Barnet college, the snow was really heavy there, as it's on higher ground than Edmonton.
For the first time in ages, I done really well at Japanese, and Kimiko san seemed really pleased. Got a coffee this week - we turned up half an hour early to make sure we got our drinks! :D
Anyways, tomorrow I shall be doing some painting, the work for Florian must be put on hold. Urgh, I bloody *hate* painting with acrylics. And the one's we got at home are real thick....But I'm real happy at the moment, things seem to be going good, hope they stay that way!
current mood: artistic current music: Castlevania: SOTN - Tower of Mist
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| Monday, March 19th, 2001
11:12 pm
Ok, my mood is a lot better, all is forgiven/fogotten ;) I think getting hit at karate knocked some sense into me! While my sensei and I were fighting each other, he kicked me and gave me a nasty deep cut on my hand from his *toe* nails! Ewwwww!!!! Twas bleeding everyhwere, mmm.... Anyways, feeling better now, but am totally starving....
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6:07 pm
Ok, forget what I said about feeling ashamed about some of the comments I said. I don't feel ashamed at all. And I'll go on to say more like them the way I'm feeling *again* at the moment as a certain 'person' has just arrived home.
No one is gonna touch my Castlevania soundtrack but *me*.
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5:16 pm - "It's a fucked up day!"
I am not in the greatest of moods at the moment. But I'll get to that in a minute.
The weekend was spent mainly doing art homework, got quite a lot done, I was chuffed with myself. Also met a cool German guy who owns a great RPG site, and spent ages talking to him over ICQ. I've become a writer for his site, and have already done a review of FFVIII: Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec, which he liked :) He also wants me to do designs for his splash page and main page, so we've been sending drawings back and forth, working everything out. Should be cool.
Also, Star Wars was on Sky Premiere, which was excellent. Next week will be the Empire Strikes Back, my fave of the original trilogy. Odd that The Phantom Menace is being show *last*, though it is actually the first film. It depends which way ya look at it ;)
Today was pretty alright, until around now. Was meant to be going round Dean's, but instead decided to stay at home and do some art homework, which paid off, as Ms Quorn was pleased with me....for once. She told me to copy a painting (from the nude peeps book), left me to it for an hour or so, and when she came back and saw what I'd done, she was actually *happy*! She liked the 'brush strokes' and the 'use of colour'and stuff like that, and has even let me borrow her precious book to do some more studies from. But it's gotta be back by Thursday, tch. Tonight I'm out, tomorrow I'm out, which only leaves Wednesday. *Sigh* Well, I'd better get something done.
Ok, anyways, I was feeling pretty good with myself, and Asti and I headed to Rehahn's room to do some more stuff on the music video, but she weren't there, and we couldn't get into her cupboard to get out the editing suite. Asti and I suddenly had a huge stupid arguement about who was gonna go and get Smith, as neither us wanted to. I started getting real pissed off, when Dean walks in with lots of nice food and everything...none of which I had. The arguing to me was getting too much, so I stormed out. Plus I never like arguing on front of other people (and some people seem to get a kick out of watching family members argue, especially twins), whether Dean's like that, I dunno. I said some nasty things which I'm ashamed of, but I'm still annoyed. I always come out looking the worst in these situations.
Anyways, I was driving home on my bike, extremely pissed off, when a guy in a car pulls out on front of me and taps the side of my bike. It was a car full of teenagers, and they were all laughing, waving their fists at me and swearing. What annoys me most about this is the guy saw me coming, and actually pulled out to hit me on purpose - he found this extremely funny. Nothing's damaged on my bike, but my mood was even worse.
So I get home, and start telling mum everything, moaning at her, and putting her in a bad mood. But one good thing is waiting for me - my Castlevania: SOTN soundtrack arrived from Japan. I'm listening to it right now, it's very cool :)
Well anyway, I've got karate tonight, and with the mood I'm in now, I hope we do some freestyle fighting tonight, need to get my anger out somehow.
current mood: aggravated current music: Limp Bizkit - Hot Dog
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| Thursday, March 15th, 2001
2:40 pm - Sam, aww! :P
WE FINALLY FINISHED EDITING OUR MUSIC VIDEOOOO!!! Yay!!!!!!! *Ahem* I am happy. Put a litle bit of it onto to tape to put along with the music, and it actually worked really well (the bits we saw anyways). I'm dead chuffed about the shots that go on the fast beat, they look real cool, and work exactly how we originally wanted them to. We're gonna stay after school next Monday to put all the video onto tape. And then at some point, we gotta put the music on it :D For now, we just put the music on a CD player to compare it to.
But anyways, art was extremely crap this morning, surprise. I think that Ms Quorn became an art teacher so that she could find the *faults* in everyone's work, mine especially. But eh, I never let it get to me, she's more into the "fine arts" (look under "crap" in the dictionary), and hates all forms of cartoon drawings. Tch, ignorant teacher. She gave me a book to look through on paintings of the human body, and said "Oooh, watch out, there's some very naughty pictures throughout it!" - there was tons of pics of naked women (not classed as "naughty"), and a few pictures of naked men, which is quite unusual. Why is it the norm to see naked women? Maybe cos female bodies are just so much more interesting to look at/draw than males, not matter what the shape and size. I say all this from an artist's point of view, by the way! ;)
But anyways, I thought "Oh miss, grow up!" as she seemed really embarressed about the pictures. Hell, I've done life drawing courses with naked men at them, I don't get embarressed. I'm 18 dammit, yet my teacher still treats me like kids. That's why I can't wait for college.
Just come back from the garage with my bike - it still feels no different. I guess it's a case of just wearing the new engine in. Hmmm, one day I shall get a 125cc, and *hopefully*, my troubles will be over, bwa! Oh, and that gorgeous guy was there *again*, and was talking to dad for ages, while I just leered ;) His name is Sam, aww :P When I hear the name Sam, I can't help but think of Sam Vimes from the Terry Pratchett Discworld books.....
Got a load of cool magazines, 2 Playstation 2 ones, and Empire (has sexy Indiana Jones is on the front!!!). One of the PS2 mags has some demos and videos on it - like the Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within trailer (looks cool, but lacks personality), and Onimusha (cool monsters, *must* get this game), more of the sexy Zone of Enders (supposedly out the end of this month...yeah right), and of course Metal Gear Solid 2, which seems to get better and better. The clips shown were from the demo that comes with Zone of Enders, and it's just looks soooo lovely :) OoOo!
One last thing - right now I'm really quite happy. My schoolwork is going ok, is on track, and my friends at school are all happy. Anthony might be borrowing my Star Wars tape, we shall see ;) Dean's happy, which is good, and hopefully round his house next Monday, we'll be meeting an old friend of ours, Monica! I can't wait!
Sheesh, I've went on a bit here... O_O Ok, I'm off to read the magazines, then play some Jet Set Radiooooo!
current mood: melancholy current music: Onimusha - has an orchestra soundtrack!!!!
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| Wednesday, March 14th, 2001
9:59 am - Jet Set Radioooooooo!
Yesterday, Dean ofered me Jet Set Radio on the Dreamcast for only £10, so I said yay! Ok, so the box is broken, but the game works perfectly :) I've always wanted it, but the £40 price tag has always put me off. Anyways, it's excellent, and in case you were wondering Dean, I can now do the graffiti, yay! Tis a lot of fun, but I get all bloody panicy with that mad cop chasing after me all the time! That DJ is a right weirdo! But I can't help laughing at his animation. Even mum and dad enjoyed watching the game, which was really shocking. Dad liked the idea of getting chased by the police, oh surprise.
Also yesterday, I ate some chicken with this really odd sauce on it. It was meant to be a spicy sauce, but it tasted more like bloody washing up liquid! And even though I hated it, I ate quite a bit, as I was just starving -_- Typical. At Japanese in the evening, I felt awful. And the cafe shut early, so I never got my coffee (that place has the nicest tasting coffee!). Urgh. I don't think I could have even eaten any chips last night *gasp*. Anyways.
Took my bike down to the garage again today - that gorgeous guy was there again ;) But I wasn't there long, was just dropping it of this time, as they're actually gonna have a proper look at it this time, woah! It's most likely not gonna be ready today, so Asti's gonna have to take me on her bike, lovely.
Mmmm. Gonna play some more Jet Set Radio in a minute. Then it's off to school, though our group has booked the editing for *after* school. Hope we're not there till 6 again like last week. But hopefully, we should finish editing it all today. Then comes the hard part, of fitting it all in time with the music....
current mood: awake current music: Jet Set Radio
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| Monday, March 12th, 2001
8:20 pm - Tate modern = Crap!
I got up early, ate brekkie early, got into central London early, yet Asti and I still managed to get to the Tate Modern late. Why? Cos Asti and I took the wrong direction when we came out of the tube station - well, no we didn't, left was the right way to go....if you were coming out the exit on the opposite side of the street! Har har! We walked in a MASSIVE circle, panicingfor a little while, then laughing when we realised the right way to go, and ended up walking past the tube station again half an hour later!
Anyways, we were meant to meet the art teacher and our class out the front, but seeing as we half an hour late, they'd already gone in. Good! Let us go round the gallery in our own time. Luckily, we met up with Wayne and Denise, who told us what we had to do - draw 2 pics related to our exam questions (I done 3, oooh!). Never found our teacher in there, so we'll go see our teacher tomorrow and apologise, and show her what we done. :)
But anyways, the Tate Modern is a crap gallery, it's official! The art in there is terrible - the best work in there was by Matisse, and I've never really been a fan of his. There was a room with a woman on a tv groaning...very odd, And typical that a painting I had to copy was only a few rooms from it, so I had to put up with itfor half an hour....There was the usual canvas all in one shade of red ("Wow, tis a work of art!" passers-by commented). Boring. Went to the gift shop, got some postcards, and left quickly, hopefully never to return.
Of course, had to go for a wander in London :) Asti and I had a long wander along the Thames (what a *clean* river, pft!). But I love looking at the Thames, makes me feel calm. We went to the Japan Centre, and I got a cool little book on Vision of Escaflowne, tis excellent! Pics of Dilandau, and designs of all the characters, yay! Played DDR in the arcade, done all the hard songs and showed off to the people there, heh heh! I'm not used to doing it with heavy trainers on though!
Went to get the usual iced mini-doughnuts at the Plaza (gawd I love them!), and Asti got some sweet and sour chicken with rice (I helped myself to some, heh). Got the 2 new Harry Potter -influenced books, Quidditch and Dangerous Creatures, cool! Then back home in the pooring rain, but ta da, I had my umbrella with me! :D
I couldn't be bothered with karate tonight. I'm shattered with all the walking today (tch tch), and my left leg at the top is really hurting. Tch, wassamatta with me eh? I need to walk more!!!
Ok, dad's gonna be back any second with some chips, mmm.
current mood: drained current music: Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz (again, got the single at last!)
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| Sunday, March 11th, 2001
7:23 pm - Weekend....
An average weekend.
Yesterday, I didn't get any school work done, had a nice lay-about day, ahhh :) Did think about going out and doing something, but bah, I couldn't be bothered. I watched wrestling in the morning (it gets more over the top every time I see it, it's sooo ridiculous!). Throughout the afternoon, I watched tv, ate some chips, and read a little. I feel bad - I haven't played on FFIX in a while, tch. I'll try to get round to playing it (DDR is taking up all my game time, dammit!).
In the evening, I watched Gladiator....along with the rest of the family! I couldn't believe dad wanted to watch it as well (he usually detests Hollywood blockbuster films). Well anyways, the film was just as great as I remembered it, lovely and gory :D And dad really enjoyed it *gasp*! Straight after that, Asti and I ran downstairs to watch Evil Dead 2, which also gets better/funnier/tackier everytime I see it! Har har! I recommend that film to everyone!
Ok, today, I remember waking up thinking "that was a really crap dream", but I don't remember what happened in it -_- I re-wrote some of my media, which made me happy, and dad took me and Asti out for a Sunday wander round Crewe's Hill, retail parks, and crappy Enfield Town (only for HMV). Damn, Gorillaz new song wasn't there, and neither was Quidditch Through the Ages wasn't out either. Boooo! But in one of the pet shops, a rabbit was running around outside its cage - it was black, and had really silky fur, mmm. Tasty. :P
Tomorrow, shall be off to the Tate Modern gallery, it's supposedly really crap there. Booooring. And we've gotta stay with the teacher, how childish. I don't wanna draw modern art. :( Oooh, but I hear there's a video tape of a naked guy jumping on a pogo stick.....that's considered art?!? Heheheh! Should make the trip worthwhile. Afterwards, I plan on popping into central London to get Gorillaz single, look for the books, and maybe go to the arcades for some DDR! Ok, the last one I must do! *Looks around for change*
Ok, well that's it. Nothing much happened, and I liked it that way :) I'm off to play a game, I'll decide what when I'm in my room.
current mood: calm current music: Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz
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| Friday, March 9th, 2001
2:08 pm - Need food... -_-
I'll start this off by saying that I'm am sooooo damn hungry at the moment. I honestly think there's something wrong with me, is it normal to be this hungry *all* the time!?! Anyways.
Art was crap as the usual teacher wasn't there (my fave), so we had Ms Quorn, who got all annoyed when we moved back into our old art room, away from Year 12. Art always goes real slow on Friday, it just drags on. Just as I was leaving school with my big important project, it started bloody raining, gyaaargh! I wrapped my project up in about 3 layers of plastic bags, and yup, it stayed dry. I didn't ;) Nah, didn't get that wet, just a little on my arms.
Anyways, am sitting here so hungry I'm actually starting to feel sick! O_O Mum hasn't been food shopping yet, there is absolutely nothing in here! I'll end up eating George's food soon y'know.
Well anyways, plans for tonight - DDR, bath, half glance at Buffy and Angel, find something to bloody well eat! Weekend plans - work on my media essay. *Groan* Get some more art done, DDR, eat something. And perhaps get rid of ICQ.
I'm coming to really hate ICQ, it's so damn impersonal, and everything gets taken wrong. Plus I can't really be bothered to sit here wasting my time talking to people. I can't seem to do anything right lately with people on that program, so I'll either get rid of it or just leave it off. Then again, Asti must still want it. Ok, then I won't get rid of it.
Anyways, I'm off. I'm gonna tear this house down searching for food!!!!
current mood: hungry current music: Don't care! Need food!!!
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| Thursday, March 8th, 2001
10:03 pm
Quick update: I need to talk to someone who's seen the latest series of the X Files, waaa! The episode I just saw was really cool, but the ending was terrible, it didn't explain anything! Like why the ghost brother had been after his brother with a knife, where he actually went to, etc. Damn X Files, not bothering to be helpful >.< Soooo annoying.
Anyways, it's latish, I have school tomorrow (bleh, art again). I'm gonna go play some more DDR. Hopeful tomorrow, everyone I know will be a little more clear. *Everyone* has been acting odd today, some reasons I know, some I don't. Tis annoying. My prayer for tomorrow - to have everyone sane again.
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6:59 pm - "Och, I'm Scottish too!!!"
Up early for art today, which was as boring as ever. Had to do the usual 'copy a crappy artist's work' - badly I might add (in my case anyways). And I had to use powder paints, yarghhhhhhh! But it turned out ok.
After art, we could go hom early as we weren't editing in media today, yaay! met mum by the car, and she had a sexy Playstation One in the back (it's sooooo cute!!!) as well as Soul Reaver and Resident Evil 2 - for my Aunt of course ;) What a cool 50th birthday prezzie! I hope when I'm 50 someone buys me a cool console (and if they're not around, some form of cool technology). :P
Went parent's evening, which was embarressing and made me wanna cringe as usual. My 2 media teachers bunched together, and mum met Mr Smith for the first time. They both seemed to love the fact that they're Scots ;) Ms Rehahn kept looking at me and my sister and smirking when mum went off on her usual rambles about...stuff. *Groans* Art teachers were fine, though I've gotta re-do my still life painting (knew this already), bleargh. Ms Quorn says I'll be real busy, but I can manage. I'm sure I can. :) Barely.
Have not been in long. Am totally starving! Had some chips and a sausage earlier, which didn't fill me up (as mum bought a bag of chips to be shared between 3 people for dinner, tch tch). I think mum's got a water melon, might be having that soon. Goody, cos I'm bloody starving!!!!
Other stuff has gone on today, but I'd rather not talk about it. I'll write that in my real life diary, away from prying eyes...
current mood: bitchy current music: Limp Bizkit - My Generation
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| Wednesday, March 7th, 2001
7:20 pm - *Leer*
Pretty interesting day today.
Had to get up early, as I was taking my bike down to get fixed again at Bikerama. As I sat waiting, loadsa guys kept walking in and out wearing all their tight leather gear :P I just mainly sat there leering and enjoying the sights (though a few of them were a bit too old, heh). The guy answering the phones and everything was *lovely*, wearing really cool baggy clothes, and had a real deep voice. I had a good leer at him, ha ha!! While not looking at the men, I watched the tv in there, which was Trisha, on the subject of 'Men who want to be women', lovely! Anyways, one of the mechanics asked me if the restrictions were off of my bike, I said yeah, he nodded, and when driving it later, it actually feels a little faster, which I'm *very* happy about! It's still accelerating a little bit too slow for my liking, but I suppose I'll just have to wear the new engine in. *Sigh* I'll go do a thousand or so miles around the block, that should do it, eh?
After all that, got back and decided to reply to a load of old emails that had been building up in my Inbox. Asti and I decided to paint our Gundam models, which haven't exactly turned out the way we wanted 'em to - I can't paint!!!! Waa! Well anyways, while doing this, ate some chips and watched Home Alone 2 on Sky, which made me feel depressed (everyone running around at christmas having fun).
Then was off to school for the last lesson. There was some confusion, as another group turned up thinking it was their turn on the editing suite. Seeing as our group are a nice bunch of people *cough*, we let them go on first, as we were staying behind after school anyways. Asti Dean and I sat working out the time for the remaining shots of the video (still got a few more to do), and I read some of Newtype. Oooh, I can't wait for the Cowboy Bebop movie!!!!
Finally got on the editing suite at three thirty, and ending up leaving school around ten to six, when it was deserted! Lovely. We got quite a lot of the video done, are on the last third of the it now. Had a lot of fun doing it, freeze-framing everybody and taking the piss :P Yes, I had it done to me, and all I could do was cringe. But a lot of cuts have had to be made. One of the people in the video left a huge gap in the running/walking scenes, and so on some of the shots, all we can see of him is a leg and stuff. And some of the shots don't work as well :( Doh! Anyways, due to leaving late, it was practically dark, and there was a very light drizzle....
Anyways, I'm off for a bath. Gotta do a little media work, and then I think I'll watch Silence of the Lambs (if I can find it, I'm *sure* it's in this house somewhere), just to compare it to the book....
current mood: amused current music: The Jam - Town Called Malice
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