Tuesday, November 30th, 2004
5:18 am
After FINALLY completing a highly obnoxious project for my anthropology class, I can say with great authority.... HOLY SHIT my great grandparents (collectively) were seriously prolific!
current mood: accomplished
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3:26 am
Well, looks like I'll be looking for a new job after the holidays. *growls*
current mood: pissed off
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Monday, November 29th, 2004
4:36 pm
Oooooo...... Check out the 6-minute preview for the extended edition of RotK. *drools & twitches happily* I'm going to have to have a LotR weekend shortly after finals are over. *laugh* All 3 extended editions, as close to back to back as I can stand.
current mood: geeky current music: Rollergirl - Geisha dreams
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12:58 pm
My only problem with using feather pillows... I'm either just slightly allergic or the pillows were cursed. *laugh* Every time I use them, I just CAN'T get out of bed.
current mood: groggy
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Sunday, November 28th, 2004
11:58 pm
*sighs* I really hate seeing things like this. Especially since the woman had over 100 huskies. I can't help but really worry that somehow or another, Tiana ended up there. *tries really hard not to get depressed*
current mood: sad
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6:24 pm
*groans* Ever get the distinct feeling that a big dose of drama is about to explode in your face?
My downstairs neighbor has asked me to give him a call on his cell. if I see this couple that he & his wife were friends with show up at their apt. again. *sighs* And he's already been up here something like 3 times in the past week & a half to buy firewood or starter logs from me since they're trying not to use their furnace. His wife is going to so seriously hate me, if she doesn't already. And this is the same girl who was screaming for him at the top of her lungs from an open window (3 times in under 30 sec.) while he was just standing outside on their patio talking to my Dad & I. Somehow I think I'm about to find another insanely jealous SO of a friend or acquaintance who doesn't care if their issues are founded in reality or not.
current mood: aggravated current music: Brawl Park - Hardball
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5:22 am
*looks at her WIP list before heading to bed*
Yup. I'm crazy.
Knitted: Coronet 2 dishcloths for Jenni Gandalf hat Elfin lace shawl Simplest Shawl (yarn?) Irish Hiking Scarf (yarn?) Fuzzy Feet (yarn) Peruvian hat (yarn) Fair Isle Moose Stockings Charlotte’s Web Shawl (yarn) (Rogue) (Tilted Jacket – Winter issue of Knitty)
Crochet: Nyarrr-chan Seraphina’s Shawl Ripple baby-blanket Scarf for Tracy’s Aunt
Cross-stitch: Hummingbird for Dad Cat & Computer for Mom Kitchen sunflowers Knight & town Garden Fairy
Italics indicate the ones I haven't actually started yet, whether due to missing certain supplies or just too busy trying to finish others first.
current mood: creative current music: Score from The Crow
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2:22 am
*chuckles* I'm such a sappy puppy-mom. Pandy's being boarded at the kennel over the weekend since my folks were out of town, and I can't seem to stop checking the web cam to see how she's doing.
current mood: mellow current music: the fireplace crackling
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Saturday, November 27th, 2004
2:39 pm
Well, the *gasp* shopping went surprisingly smoothly. Was at the store at 4:30, one of the ladies in line for the cheap dvd players actually volunteered to help me get the box of tv trays into my cart, I found the *ONE* king sized down comforter set that they had out on the floor, and the grocery dept was nearly deserted. :) Kinda wish I'd thought to pick up more spray de-icer before then though. May just have to wait for a few warm days & then go stock up. Getting out of work at 2:30 am does tend to mean that I'll end up with ice on my windows quite a few times.
current mood: optimistic
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Thursday, November 25th, 2004
11:54 pm
10:08 pm
Gah! Somebody kick me, please. I'm NOT a major shopper by any means, but I may have to brave Meijer tomorrow morning. For just over $50 total I can finally snag a set of tv trays and a king sized down comforter & pillow set. And the damn sale is only going on from 5 am until noon.
current mood: aggravated
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6:00 pm - *sighs* Yeah.....
"Scars" - Papa Roach
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut My weakness is that I care too much And my scars remind me that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
I'm drunk and I'm feeling down And I just wanna be alone I'm pissed 'cause you came around Why don't you just go home? 'Cause I channeled all your pain And I can't help you fix yourself You're making me insane All I can say is...
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut And my weakness is that I care too much And our scars remind us that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
I tried to help you once Against my own advice I saw you going down But you never realized That you're drowning in the water So I offered you my hand Compassion's in my nature Tonight is our last stand
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut And my weakness is that I care too much And our scars remind us that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
I'm drunk and I'm feeling down And I just wanna be alone You shoulda' never come around Why don't you just go home? 'Cause you're drowning in the water And I tried to grab your hand I left my heart open But you didn't understand But you didn't understand
Go fix yourself
I can't help you fix yourself But at least I can say I tried I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life I can't help you fix yourself But at least I can say I tried I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut And my weakness is that I care too much And our scars remind us that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
current mood: melancholy
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5:09 am - Punk-ass puppy dawd
Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
4:35 pm
LotR:RotK Extended Edition pre-ordered, Doom 3 & Myst 4 demos installed, LJ checked an even dozen times, knitting stitch research done & printed out, Firefox & Netscape installed on Herk so I can check page designs....
*laugh* Yup. Very busy day at work.
current mood: accomplished current music: Planet Euro on Live365
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5:03 am
Wow. I've been running on 4 hrs. of sleep a night for so long, I'd almost forgotten what real sleep dep. is like.... *looks around & blinks a few times*
current mood: drained
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Sunday, November 21st, 2004
11:49 pm
Oooooo.... And replace the 'plush Grover' with a stock pot that matches the set and a big lasagna pan. For $180. THAT was in today's ad flyer....
current mood: optimistic
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7:46 pm
*growls* Well, my car is now either covered in shit, bleach, or a combination of both. The pressure release pipe for the sewage system that sits just off the downstairs porch.... Apparently started spewing sewage & toilet paper around 11 am. My downstairs neighbor tried calling the office to get someone to come out & take care of it, they refused. He threatened to call the health dept., they finally showed up.....after 4 hrs. He had already spent $15 on bleach to put down so his friends & cats wouldn't track who knows what (eg hepatitis & e. coli) into the house for his 6 mo. old daughter to end up exposed to. When maintenence finally got there....they just put down more bleach. STILL didn't put a cap on the pipe (which is sold at a nearby hardware store). I discovered a set of nice drip streaks all over my car when I came down later. After running Tiamat through a car wash & STILL having marks on her, I'm going to have to have a nice, LONG talk with the girls in the office tomorrow.
current mood: pissed off
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3:16 am
Saturday, November 20th, 2004
6:30 pm
Friday, November 19th, 2004
3:43 am
Two in one night, on the same day that I find out I didn't get the job is just about enough.
Folks, may I have your attention please?!
Knock off the fucking drama and start TALKING to your friends! They aren't Miss Cleo! You need to speak up when they piss you off!
current mood: cynical
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