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I've made a little space for the cheese slices...
This could be trouble... we better make a fort.
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agent57's LJ stalker is princesskitana!
princesskitana is stalking you because you said something bad about them on your LJ. They are also eating your food when you aren't looking!

LiveJournal Username:

LJ Stalker Finder
From Go-Quiz.com

So THAT'S where all of my food has gone, and not in my belly as I previously suspected!

mood: happy

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Ow, my debit card!

Actually, it wasn't actually expensive, it just we bought stuff we didn't need. Like bamboo. And other bamboo. And the cutest damn lantern thingies ever. MmmmmmIkea.

We took regular roads out there, and it was much quicker than taking the expressway. Also, cooler. So many weird little things between Chicago and Schaumberg. We drove under a plane as it was landing. That was cool.

Arg, I swear TNT only has ten episodes of The X-Files, and not one is the one with Munch in. I am sad.

Yes, there was something else, but I forgot.

Oh, hey! *points at mood icon!*

mood: bouncy
music: Destroyer [The Kinks]

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Yes, but do you have a FLAG?
Last night we went to Tim Burton night at the Brew & View. Big Fish + Sleepy Hollow + Edward Scissorhands = six hours of crying and Johnny Depp hotness, all for five dollars. It's smokey and people are talking and the sound quality is kinda bad, but that place is still cooler than a regular style movie theater. Comfier, too

Look at me, all doing things and going places.

Also, I have new clothes! *gasp!* I'm taking steps to liberate my cleavage with supportive bras and lower collars. After all, cleavage is one of the few advantages to my figure.

Then I get paranoid that I'm a lot more hideous than I think I am. I don't want to wind up like the fat girls you see at malls wearing backless halter tops, oblivious to what they're subjecting the public to, but... I think I'm kinda cute.

I guess the hard part is convincing others.

It annoys me that I can go from having a ton of self esteem to having none of it so quickly. And vice versa.

This post isn't just an excuse to use my newest icon, I swear.

mood: blah
music: Stupid Girl [Garbage]

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This is not real, but it will deal with this thing between tonight and tomorrow...
I went to a yoga session that wasn't my usual Columbia-yoga-class-for-school-credit today. (well, okay... I have to write an essay about the session for my Columbia yoga class, but anyway) I feel pretty good, aside from the fact that I stretched my back a little to far. Hopefully it won't hurt all the way into tomorrow.

As much as I used to scoff at this sort of thing, the yoga class this semester has really helped me. Not only am I (a little) more flexible, I've been less stressed and generally crazy-go-nuts about my final projects this semester. (we'll see if that's a good thing when I get my grades back)

Of course, I'm making myself mac and cheese for dinner tonight. I'm not actually healthy, I just pretend to be sometimes.

In other news: I love when the moon is out during the day. I love even more when "during the day" means "8:00pm but still light enough outside that it can be considered day." Mmmmm... impending summer.

In other other news: one of the yards on our street is covered with what I believe to be moth balls. Why is this? Is naphthalene secretly a fertilizer and I just wasn't aware? Or maybe they're trying to get rid of the cicadas everyone is talking about...

mood: bendy!
music: Light & Magic [Ladytron]

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And did I mention...
...All of those updates?

Sorry. Now that I've found the will to website again, this journal will probably mostly be plugging.

mood: internerdy
music: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Maps

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It's two am, the fear has gone...
I hate that certain type of stomach ache that makes you feel like you need to eat something. I know I don't have to eat something, cause I just ate two fajitas...

Mmmm.... fajitas.


In other news: Rah is here for the weekend! I so don't feel like ever doing any schoolwork.

mood: Ow.
music: Twilight Zone [Golden Earring]

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Wiggle your big toe...
Personally I don't think you could die from getting just the top of your head cut off.

I mean, they used to do it all the time in the middle ages.

Still... *LOVE*


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I just totally updated my website.

It's not very 600x800 friendly anymore, what with all of the large art...

mood: surprised
music: Lawrence Arms - Right as Rain (part 2)

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Some registration crap you're probably not interested in...
Woot for testing out of English Comp I and the intro level math class!

So, I have:

-Design Lab
-History of Communication Design (hopefully "Staff-ARTD" isn't short for "George Thompson")
-Beginning Painting (that course name is just awkward)
-Math in Art and Nature

I'm wondering if I should take Comp II this sememster or next. I suppose I have to get it done with some day... my biggest problem is fitting it nicely into my schedule. Everything must be neat and compact! Hmmm... what else could I take instead? Other than Beginning Puppetry, of course... *waggle*

It's too bad the Sculptural Paper class is at the same time as my Design Lab...

mood: My underwire is poking me...
music: And the lesson today is HOW TO DIE!

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And there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car...
Let's hear it for not having to move out every summer! Hurrah! *evil*

Of course, Manda and I drive back to Michigan almost every weekend, so there's still a lot of moving involved.

Everyone else is done with school! Stupid Columbia schedule... It's unfair to make students stay three weeks later than everyone else when there is so much beauty and warmth and SUN about them. Spring is not for learning! Spring is for grilling and going places far far away where it's even warmer and sunnier!

Our yard is full of gnomes.

This computer's clock tells me it's 12:13 PM... on February 5th, 2004.

*changes it*

mood: Spring!
music: The Jayhawks - Blue

User: [info]agent57
Name: blue
This town rips the bones from your back...