Long time no postee!!!
I've missed you guys and just took some time to read up on what you all have been up to...jesus!
What an insane past few months...to say the least.
Tome and I went to Chicago...for like...a month? In the process, we lost all of our money trying to find jobs and shit. So we came back to Madison and our respective families (Nate, Dave, and the MadFam being mine!) in order to start over again. We kinda sorta did...
We got jobs now (I'm working TWO...christ, I gotta quit that shit) and we're pretty much doing okay. We've been living in Blue Balls, the greatest little Neon this side of the Mississippi *heh* and we are moving into our own little studio apartment as of TODAY!!! WHEEEE!!!
So yeah...thanks for being around...it's good to see how far a lot of you have come in the past few months.
DO NOT FORGET TO GO SEE JOHN KERRY ON WEDNESDAY IN MADISON!!! It is vital that ANYBODY BUT BUSH get a good showing of support on their campaign thingers.
So you know, I don't have a computer right now, but that's still kewl. I gave it to Jerome and I HOPE he's been able to fix it. He moved to Albuquerque, NM and I hope he's doing alright. He's been getting a lot of gigs I hear from Kyle, so that's great news. Keep it up, J-Lo!!!!
That's prolly enough shit for now...I love you guys...keep in touch, k?
/.peace -Thierry