Below is user information for h ea t h er. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | robotcharlie (452746) |
| self-fulfilling prophecy |
Name: | h ea t h er |
Website: | reinvent the norm |
Location: | Kansas, United States |
Birthdate: | 1984-06-02 |
AOL IM: | better than last (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
MSN Username: | |
Bio: | In Mind by Denise Levertov
There's in my mind a woman of innocence, unadorned but
fair-featured and smelling of apples or grass. She wears
a utopian smock or shift, her hair is light brown and smooth, and she
is kind and very clean without ostentation-
but she has no imagination
And there's a turbulent moon-ridden girl
or old woman, or both, dressed in opals and rags, feathers
and torn taffeta, who knows strange songs
but she is not kind.
Memories: | 49 entries |
Interests: | 96: acoustic music, activism, adbusters, alternative rock, anarchism, anarcho-communism, anarcho-pacifism, anthropology, back to the land, being obnoxious, belle and sebastian, biblical parallels, bike rides, blueberries, bluegrass, books, buddhism, catholic worker, catholic worker movement, community, community development, compassion, cute shoes, decentralization, distributism, dorothy day, ecovillages, europe, farmer's markets, findhorn foundation, folk music, forest gardens, freedom, gaia, garlic, gift economies, green party, green tea, gutting capitalism, herbs, hillbilly music, innocence, irony, knitting, lentil soup, libraries, local foods, localism, love, mahatma gandhi, meme wars, mother earth news, mysticism, natural food stores, natural home, natural living, neo-luddism, new urbanism, nickel creek, noam chomsky, pacifism, participatory economics, permaculture, peter maurin, pilates, populism, post-punk, primitivism, public broadcasting, quiet revolutions, rain, rainer maria, ralph nader, rednecks, religious society of friends, river parks, roman catholicism, rural landscapes, saint francis of assisi, saints, slow food, sociology, solidarity, stevia, sumo wrestling, sustainable development, the cure, the daily show, the smell of libraries, the weakerthans, thrift stores, vegetarianism, voluntary simplicity, walks at dusk, wendell berry, white stripes. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 76: | __caw_, _boy_, allforleyna, asimplelife, awayslow, blistermoth, brokensphinx, clayse, cordelia_sue, crypticdeity, devise, dutchcourage, ecotopia, eggsaregood, elenoise, escape_of_maude, ewtikins, femme_du_noel, folkmote2, fypast, gemkins, greyrained, hunterl, hurdygurdy, i_am_sharkface, inkedcatpower, jesij, jesuswept, josefk, kim_jong_il__, kore, ktppunk, lawnchair, likehuman, lizallium, mei, mikey_paints, miss_maple, nelsolidarida, noi5e, nowhereoutthere, nube, ohbijou, pacotelic, rainforestjunki, riskofabsurdity, rocketdan, samegirlyouknow, scorpio398, scottbakula, scratchmittens, secondspassed, shes_done_for, simpleanatomy, slowupheaval, snowwhitetan, sourpatchkid, spacepppete, taxishoes, theninthwave, thishouse, thornogson, tiwonge, toesontheground, toric13, townie, transgressing, unloveable, urban_homestead, vocodedreality, xanandax, xanandax_poetry, xblackrabbitx, xmobiusx, yshaloo, zacronos | | 18: | bodhisattvas, catholicworker, centralhearth, co_housing, commdev, ecovillage, frugalgreen, ken_tuck_y, kyshakespeare, lexingtonmusic, love_propaganda, nat_therapist, naturalliving, naturalmed, pantry, permaculture, waldentwo, wildfoods | | 1: | craftivism |
Account type: | Free Account |