November 27th, 2004
| 10:05 pm - Random facts... I write at about 1000 words an hour, which is 16 words a minute, when I'm really going. I can type up to 85 though, at times, when I'm just copying. And I can read a 800 page paperback book in a day. (granted, it takes up most of my day to do this, but I can do it. :p ) Current Mood: amused
November 26th, 2004
| 10:11 pm - Writing journal updated. See here. Current Mood: artistic
November 24th, 2004
| 01:28 pm - I told you. I told you all!!!! I did, really. :P
T-Tauri is starting to lift off. We've a few various discussions going, 15 members and a small handful of people who pop in at least once a day.
I told you I'd do it. :P
Come join us! New people are always fun. And we're a smart, creative bunch.
::finds a pimp cane, hat, and slick tailed coat and pimps her site::
Lookatme! Lookatme! Lookatme! ::does a liddle dance with tap shoes::
Oh, and you know what? I discovered what the culture of "bling bling" is related to. Pirates! Pirates, carrying their wealth around and showing it off with shiny gems on their fingers and in their ears, yet having an aura of being "close to the common man" be it common sailor or common street kid. There's so totaly a connection. Isn't there? Or am I having Wednesday blues or something? Current Mood: amused
November 22nd, 2004
| 06:35 pm - General Alert: I still like Nymphetamine (<---clicky)
| 05:58 pm - 7 Deadly Sins
I was equal on wrath, lust, and sloth, so it gave me a tiebreaker and declared me lustful...I put down that I'm more likely to read smutty novels since I run House Eglantine. Lol. Current Mood: apathetic
November 21st, 2004
| 05:38 pm - News at Nine: Virus on internet jumps the gap to humans! No, seriously...In my surfing today, I've come across 7 or 8 people on my friendslist or connected somehow to me via my friendslist that have been saying that they are sick.
Including me.
We're all over the frickin' world! From New York to Illinois to the UK to the west coast...what's up with this? Why are we all sick at the same time? While living in so many different places? What's the odds of it?
There must be a plot against us! ::puts on tinfoil hat:: Current Mood: amused
| 02:36 pm - Applying biology to fantasy... So I was just theorizing why animals don't seem to always be choosing intelligence in evolution (some species have stayed the same for gazillions of years) on a friend's LJ. And I was thinking about animals in real life that are smart in comparison to the rest of the animal world, but not as smart as humans, and why exactly that may be if intelligence in humans has done so much in our favor. And I was thinking of creatures in fantasy worlds that are just as smart as humans, but do not possess the physical tools (ie, hands, or something that can substitute as hands), and how much that would just frankly suck...I mean, being smart but not being able to affect the world much yourself? If you were a creature that didn't have hands or anything, or any other way of exchanging information or manipulating the world around you like humans do, you'd have to make do learning human/hominid ways just to get your ideas into the world...or you'd have to work through a human or human like creature. Nudging junk around with a nose or a paw or a hoof can only get you so far, else the entire animal world would be filled with tool-makers. The effort to get an effect is just too large in comparison to the payback for anything to evolve.
I don't think any fantasy creature that doesn't have some way of manipulating the environment to its advantage could develop humanoid intelligence (unless the creature was tampered with--easy enough to set up in a world that uses magic, though. Could spur some interesting book ideas.). I don't think the race would or could sustain itself. I do believe that you could have a possibly alien intelligence, to process different sorts of information relevent to it, but not one exactly like human intelligence.
Anyway, I think my point is you could do some interesting things with fantasy if you apply biology to it.
Heck, you could probably do some interesting things if you applied other branches of science to it.
((Gah, I shouldn't be telling all of you my ideas! What am I, stupid?))
Anyway, wanted to share. I guess this isn't really a writing-involved post...more of a idea-generation post?
((cross posted to T-Tauri and my livejournal.)) Current Mood: creative
| 02:44 am - And because I am compelled to pass insanity on... Kingdom of Loathing.
My main character (I have several to kill time) is Domini. Current Mood: sleepy
| 02:38 am - Embarassment and Characterization Crosspost can be found here. Current Mood: tired
November 20th, 2004
| 09:38 pm - The chicken, or the egg? ( Nuture vs. Nature )
It'd be fascinating if environment could bring around a true personality trait though. It'd be a good story too. I wish I was telepathic and I could root around in someone else's brain. The problem with psychoanalyzing myself is that I have no control subject to compare my findings to, and I'm not exactly your typical human. So my speculation is less than scientific. Sometimes by observing others from the outside I can pinpoint things that are common to all people, but other times I can't. This is one of those times.
This would make an excellant story though...not sure if it'd be sci-fi or fantasy or...hey, Hannah, slipstream? character, two different timelines/universes, the emphasis on developing personality from enviornment, with little to no emphasis on the element of time and alter-universes (more traiditional SF topics).
In other news, I still have a cough, and I don't know what day it is. Is it saturday or sunday? I hate it when I loose track of the day of the week. I think it's saturday, but it feels like I should go to work in 10 hours...possibly since I took most of thursday and friday off. Knocked my time sense off track. Current Mood: contemplative
November 19th, 2004
| 11:20 pm - ::cough cough cough:: I was doing ok this morning...just occasional coughs. Now I'm coughing almost nonstop. I must have exerted myself too much today--I was hoping the lack of serious coughing this morning was a sign this cold would be quickly over, but I guess not. It's just worstened.
| 07:56 pm - Phoenix impersonator. ( Freeform thoughts. Long and windy. )
Call it aftermath, she's turn-ing blue Such a lovely co-lor for you... Current Mood: numb Current Music: None, just the "Blue" lyrics from Perfect Circle playing in my head.
| 01:06 pm - Writing journal updated. Since I've not done it for a's an expansion on a snippit that everyone really liked I did a few months back. I'm not sure if I did the original snippit justice...those of you who saw the orignal snippit, and liked it, you tell me?
Link to my writing journal.. Current Mood: blah
November 18th, 2004
| 05:03 pm - So, can I have Mayo on my Beef? So I stopped McDonalds (yeah, I know) on the way home, and ordered a chicken something without lettuce.
I just got to the sandwich (finished off the fries first) and discovered...they did hold the lettuce...they do have mayo and a tomato...but they put a beef patty instead of a chicken patty on the bun.
Geez. Guess someone isn't smart enough to even work at McDonald's, huh?
| 01:02 pm - Um...yeah...that's why I have a cold right now... I just got this in a spam email:
90% of all sickness and disease begins in an UNCLEAN COLON!
Since "Death begins in the colon," you should find out HOW to clean your colon.
Toxins and waste build up in your colon just like they do in the pipes of your home. Both demand immediate attention or the results can be disastrous!
No wonder Colon cancer is second only to lung cancer in terms of cancer deaths in the U.S., claiming the lives of nearly 50,000 men and women annually. Want more info on how to cleanse your colon? Click here and I'll send it to you.
::dies laughing::
November 16th, 2004
| 08:42 pm - Octavia Butler Octavia Butler is an excellant writer. I was searching for more current news on her (last book she published was mid-nineties) and found this article, dated Jan. 2004, which, to me, is fairly recent as she publishes so few and far between.
Apparantly, her next book is about vampires. Or at least, the one she was working on at the time was.
I really really really want to see her take on vampires. It should be very fun. And it's not a far leap from her previous themes.
November 15th, 2004
| 10:31 pm - Early birth... A slightly early "birth" means things are still slightly ugly and out of whack, but due to the shutting down of the Kitchen Table (official Anne McCaffrey board) in a month, I've opened the T-Tauri message board a bit early, for anyone who wants to cast their lot with me. Come in, look around, help me get this durn thing off the ground!
I admit it's a bit empty...but that's because you haven't posted, and I already have a gazillion least one per I can't add too many more myself without looking like I'm talking to an audience that doesn't exist. I can't do this by myself. If any of you want to jump in and start pushing, we'll have this boat out to sea in no time. :)
What's interesting, is there's already a poster who specializes in SFF poetry. I didn't realize there was such a thing! But then, I'm not too good at poetry. I look forward to learning more about it though. :)
Come on, come on. ::shoos you to the new forum::
November 7th, 2004
| 01:45 am - Incredibles... For those of you who have seen the excellant movie The Incredibles (go see it if you haven't), did you notice that Syndrome, even adult, is such a total fanboy? "Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl????" (Unspoken text: "Got *together*????" No waaayy!)
The reviewers don't seem to be picking it up, but he's the total fanboy. Totally. It's really fun to watch him fanboy about things.
November 2nd, 2004
| 06:00 pm - Yep. My vote's in. I voted. Place was literally 2 blocks away, but I drove because I was cold. We had the punch card thingies. Not hard at all.
::waits for the outcome::
October 31st, 2004
October 29th, 2004
| 05:56 pm - Never pegged myself as a Cradle of Filith fan... But I love their song Nymphetamine.
Wow. Very cool. Current Mood: peaceful
October 28th, 2004
| 07:23 pm - The differences between writing original fiction and writing fanfiction tartanshell posted about Mary Sues in her LJ, and I got offtrack with my own ideas about how writing original fiction differs from writing fanfiction. ap_aelfwine responded to one of the bits I posted along these lines.
ladystained: But I think that the skills a fanfic writer and an original writer learn are different...and also, they learn different things at different times, which may be why I see some (to me) weird ideas floating around fandom writing.
ap_aelfwine:Interesting. Do you think it's because of readers who approach fanfic differently to original fiction?
I write both fanfic and original fiction. I started with originals, and took to doing fanfic mostly cos I didn't have access to people IRL who were much interested in writing at the time and it was a way to Get Stuff Read (and commented upon).
From what I've seen, many fanfic readers have different criteria to readers of original fiction, different, I think, to even their own criteria for original fiction. I'm thinking of people who read only slash, or het, or femmeslash, people who read only one fandom, people who read only one pairing, etc.
There are people who will skip through a long series of stories (I've noticed this with my friend Azalais Malfoy's House of Ill Faith series) and read only the slash or only the het, or only the bits that contain some pairing they like. And they don't seem to care that they've got no idea of the continuity because they won't read the whole thing, even though they express liking for what they have read.
There are people who will read bad writing if it's in their category, and who won't read good writing if it isn't in their category. And the thing that really confuses me is that some of these people know the difference.
I don't meant to criticise anyone's tastes, but I just don't get it. I judge fanfic by about the same standards as I'd judge original fic. Maybe I'm not quite as severe as I would be with published, edited fiction, but I do look at fanfic much as I'd look at something that showed up on paper in a writers' group.
Anyone have any thoughts? I'll post mine in the comments below. Just wanted to open up the idea first before going around to express my opinions on it. Current Mood: thoughtful
October 27th, 2004
| 10:28 pm - Nan-no-no Just for the record, I am not doing NaNoWriMo or whatever it's called.
I don't know why I had to say that, but I am.
No NaNo for me. Nope. No way.
Believe me, you wouldn't want to see me melt down trying to do it. And I would melt down. :p Current Mood: annoyed
October 20th, 2004
| 08:30 pm - Oh no, I'm still stuck in middle school!
ladystained's Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level: 8 |
Average number of words per sentence: | 17.26 | Average number of syllables per word: | 1.44 | Total words in sample: | 3090 | Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern |
Grabbed from Resar.
October 18th, 2004
| 07:01 pm - Think they'll hire me?
October 17th, 2004
| 11:11 am - Interested in helping? Ok, I'm an untrustful sort of person, my first reaction is not to do this, but there's no way I can get T-Tauri going without help. So I'll take the plunge and try to trust you guys. ;) Take a look around at what I have up already--the links I've put up and the blurbs I have. Think you can do that? Want to help out? Give me your SN there (for t-tauri, not the board...the board is still under construction) and I'll give you permissions to post things. Hopefully we can make something cool. :)
October 16th, 2004
| 07:12 pm - Spanish Rap? Surfing obscure digital cable channels, and there's a "radio" like music channel playing spanish-language rap/pop. Never heard that before!
There's also a Showtunes one, playing the Beauty and the Beast Musical soundtrack... (I own this, so I knew what it was immediately, lol)
"Be our guest, be our guest..."
Also, apparantly Korn has made me trip up! I've heard "Word Up" on the radios, and I thought it was some 80's tribute band because the song has that 80s feel...but apparantly it's Korn?
I'm all confused now. (yes, there's a rock cable channel...and an opera, 40s, light classical, electronica, and other forms of music channels.)
There's also a MTV Spanish with spanish music videos.
(can't you tell I watch tv seriously only once in a blue moon?)
Exploring my cable box is just too funny.
October 9th, 2004
| 10:33 pm - Snape fans, don't kill me... I just find this very, very amusing. Current Mood: amused
October 6th, 2004
| 08:31 pm - If I did Pern fanfiction more regularly... Here's a passage I'd add in, somewhere:
As the sheet music's notation demanded a moody crescendo, his body swayed in time with the notes his bow and quickly dancing fingers coaxed from the violin. Then it was done, the last note hanging in their ears, and his right hand and the bow raised towards the sky in a triumphant salute.
"What was that?!"
He shot a grin at his father, knowing full well the man took such extravagant and unnecessary movement while playing extremely poorly. "I was playing to the audience! They love it when I get into my music!" He lifted his bow and made as if to play the passage again, with even more sinuous body movement.
"There are only two times a man should writhe about like that in his lifetime--immediately after being disemboweled by a rabid beast in the woods, and in bed with his wife! Playing a classical instrument in front of a cultured audience is not the time for an upstanding young Harper to writhe!""
I thought it up while thinking of Robinton's relationship with his father, and how it was noted somewhere that Petiron hated unecessary movement when conducting. I assumed it'd carry over to musicians as well, and thought up this scene (which "appeared" first as only funny dialogue while I was driving home from work).
I'd love to use it in a fic, but I'd first have to beat it into a proper Pernese style, and then find some reason to write a story around it that didn't violate the Pern timeline too much.
::sigh:: That above is only a sketch, btw. No characterization, no real work on the wording...just an outline of the scene in my head that I found to be really funny. It works best if you're listening to music with some sort of violin crescendo in it, and then visualize characters speaking the lines (or the gist, depending if you daydream with words or not).
I think it's funny as hell, though...I just don't think it works well with Petiron's character...I mean, he might say it by mistake, not realizing it's funny, but I don't see Robinton purposely baiting his father in a way that'd provoke Petiron to say those lines. Although I suppose some other journeyman could be the one provoking him... Current Mood: amused
| 09:44 am - Auctions has started up a new Auction Site. You need a credit card on file (for id verification) to bid, but other than that, the site works very similar to how eBay works.
eBay of recently has been in a snarl with billing issues for sellers, which has been going on since spring and still isn't resolved--they double bill, bill incorrectly, and do not have enough staff to give any sort of reasonable customer service. Sellers like me are hoping, which has a pre-established base in their own business of selling overstock, will be able to introduce some healthy competition to ebay and break their monopoly--if they're worried, they'll focus more on helping sellers. So if you're of a mind to do online auctions, please give a look! They're only a week or so old, and have a few bugs on the sellers' ends, but the bidder ends of things, having less 'moving parts' so to speak, seem to be moving smoothly. Most of the sellers are also big eBay powersellers (like myself), so while you should be on the lookout for fraud as always (there's always a bad apple or two on these sites) especially when you're looking at high priced purses and the like selling from asia for $20.00 (all fakes), most of the people selling are professionals.
October 5th, 2004
| 02:20 pm - Got Tear Gas? So Iâm answering phones, and I get this guy with this creepy-cheerful raspy voice.
Guy: Hello! How are you?
Me: Iâm ok.
Guy: Is this an army surplus store?
Me: Nope.
Guy: No? You donât carry tear gas?
Me: No we do not.
Guy. Okay then. ::click:: Current Mood: confused
October 4th, 2004
| 05:35 pm - Too funny!
Current Mood: amused
October 2nd, 2004
| 11:10 am - I'm gonna be one of those eccentric old ladies So this morning I found this really cool grocery store. You know how your big grocery stores usually have one aisle that's faintly populated with foods from other countries? Well, this store was entirely comprised of pieces of international grocery stores. There was a USA-food section, but it was about the same size as the other sections. What was interesting that the people inside were literally of all races and nationality--including americans (which normally doesn't have lots of foreigners, and no americans, or vice versa.)
Anyway, there were so many new things, that I didn't know what to buy. So I wandered by the floor deli section (the one where the meat is pre-cut) and found...mystery meat. Or rather, the ends of various types of deli meat. It was only $1.25. I don't know what I was thinking...or rather, I do know what I was thinking... "Deli meat sampler!" know,a way to discover new deli meat without having to buy too much of it.
I think I'm officially eccentric now. Eccentric outside of the realm of nerdy creative person. ::eats a bit of olive loaf that was in the 'sampler':: Current Mood: embarrassed
October 1st, 2004
| 10:22 pm - Totally random thought Say you were facing a monster or something, scared stiff. Facing it's to the front of you, not to the left, not to the right, dead center. Say you turned to flee for your life...when turning in order to flee, would you turn to your right or to your left?
Either way, you have to make an "instinctial" decision which way to turn. I doubt anyone here has ever given thought if they should turn around leading from their left or right side. However, it's a choice that must be made, and I'm betting that it is influenced by which hand/side you favor.
I've always wondered why people can't use both hands equally well, but if this is related ( a far shot, but it's an interesting theory), favortism of one side or another would allow someone to make the instant decision to turn around and go the other way without having to decide which way to lead when turning around.
Where I'm going with this idea is probably totally false...but yeah. It sounded good in my head. Right/left handism brought about by an evolutionary need sometimes to take an action without having to stop to figure out which hand/foot/side to use (because we are a bilateral species, with one side for all intents and purposes mirroring the other in limb layout, therefore, assuming there's not a bigger reason to use one hand/foot/side or another, one is as good as the other.)
Any experts in the human nervous system out there?
| 08:04 pm - Got a raise today. As part of my boss's plan to pay his employees only once a month starting January 2005, I got a fifty cent raise today. That's really cool, but I'm still hating the paid-once-a-month-thing...why? Because I literally am living week to week with each paycheck allocated to a major bill...and to do the thing he wants, I'll have to have 3 weeks of pay saved up (or more) which will seriously put me off balance--basically, I'll have to get another fucking loan from him to cover it.
There's 4 weeks in a month. First week is car insurance. Second week is car payment. Third and fourth weeks are rent. Repeat for next month. For every week except the first week (and odd fifth weeks that happen every 3 months or so) I have between $20 and $50 for gas, food, clothes, and whatever else I need for an entire week. There's no way in hell I can save up 3 weeks' worth of pay as all my payments are tied to deadlines. And if I get some other type of bill--say I forget to park my car on the wrong side of the street again during street-cleaning night and get a 35 dollar ticket--there goes my food money.
::trudges off to look for part time jobs again:: Current Mood: stressed
September 30th, 2004
| 10:41 pm - The best laid plans... I wanted a message board directly linked up to Mambo, but the phpbb port out has bugs with the release of mambo I'm using, so I'll have to wait on that. Until then, here's the prototype message board; you can register (those of you who registered with Mambo will have to also register here), but don't go nuts outside of the general discussion forum, as I'm still putting up other forums, deleting forums possibly, and moving stuff around.
September 29th, 2004
| 08:38 pm - Me want links! ::Cookie Monster Impression::
Containers of Vast Knowlege, Lend Me Thy Ways!
Or in other words, any SF writing links for me? I mean links to good informative SF writing sites...I have a few myself, but I need more to populate the sections of T-Tauri. I have a pitiful start consisting of a link to (which I need to rewrite the blurb for) and a link to the hugo awards page. I figure I'll start putting in the links I know myself, then add any contributions you guys give me.
I need mostly links to SF writing in particular, but links to good general grammar sites, publishers' sites, workshop sites, etc are good too.
All my thanks will flood your homes
Excuse me. I'm unsure why I'm being a nerd with silly words and phrases. Mamaslyth has a giant pink insect with a heart or something on it at the top of my friendslist...I think it's contaminated me into being odd.
September 28th, 2004
| 11:12 pm - In the Navy... I had the weirdest dream last night. I started out wandering around these cave like things. Then it turns out I'm going underground because alphasunrise is recruiting me into the navy--I even got a white sailor suit. Even more amazing, it seems sailors can levitate, and that was a large perk to joining the navy, as opposed to some other branch of armed forces, I guess. So I'm enlisted in the navy in Chicago...which turns into Budapest, where another sailor is flying/levitating me around, because I hadn't been taught to levitate yet.
September 27th, 2004
| 12:25 pm - T Tauri! Thanks everyone who suggested star/stellar/etc names for me. Double thanks for zero_gravity for linking me to the wikipedia article where I found my name.
As I explained things on my board...
"Well, I was looking for names for young stars...I came across Bok Globules, which are dark nebulae-like things that are considered nurseries or something for young stars (stars form in them) but I figured nobody would want to be called a globule, or blobby, or whatever would evolve from that, so I decided against it. The other names, like nebula, dark nebula, etc where stars form are over-used in sci-fi. Two people suggested stellar nurseries or something along those lines, but I nixed that too, not wanting to be called infantile, even if its in a nice way. Save steallar nurseries for space camp names.
Then I came across T Tauri class stars. I figured that's pretty close to the mark:
Class T stars are very young and low density stars often found in the interstellar clouds they were born in. These are stars barely big enough to be stars and others that are substellar, being of the brown dwarf variety. They are black, emitting little or no visible light but being strongest in infrared. Their surface temperature is a stark contrast to the fifty thousand degrees or more for Class O stars, being merely up to 1,000 K. Complex molecules can form, evidenced by the strong methane lines in their spectra.
Being as this would be a resource for young authors, and authors still learning, that sounds fitting. It's cool that it has something to do with space and stars, but we're not all claiming to be instant superstars by using a brazen name, ya know?
T Tauri. And it's kinda like Taurus, which could have the fantasy bent, right? Or at least New Age. We could even take it farther, and make our logo a bull. Starbull! Whee! ::giggles:: Bulling our way to the top. The bulls with square balls. /obscure Anne McCaffrey reference
And, the "methane lines in their spectra" goes well with cows/bulls too...because...well...aren't they supposed to produce a lot of methane? ::rolls eyes at self::
Is T Tauri a horrible name?"
Btw, thanks the_numinous_1 and grey_bear for the nursery ideas; I was unclear on what I wanted, so they didn't work, but the effort is appreciated. :)
| 09:45 am - Word roots! Can anyone give me word roots for various "young" space phenomena? Ie, what a young star is called, or the area stars are born in, or something?
I found this already:
Bok Globules Named for the Dutch-American astronomer, Bart J. Bok, who first drew attention to them, these a small black clouds seen against star-filled regions of the Milky Way. They are dense clouds of molecules and dust, and are the sites of active star formation.
My problem is, "globules" isn't the most pretty and shiny word to call a group of authors. LOL! I do like the idea of dark nebulae, though.
Anyway, any help? I already found some stunning pictures of starfields to use as graphics. :)
September 24th, 2004
| 09:04 am - "If I build it, will they come?" semi x- or re-post. One line synopsis: I'm thinking of building an interactive community for would-be SFF writers like myself.
See here for details as they develop. (My SN is Lady Domini)
Edit: I just changed permissions on that forum so you can post without having to register. For the duration of that thread only. So if you have something to say, feel free to chime in! Current Mood: ambitious
September 22nd, 2004
September 15th, 2004
September 5th, 2004
| 11:19 am - I need a kid to give this to now... Newbie
September 4th, 2004
| 09:11 pm - Stolen from Kaseido
Gah, I hope not.
| 08:34 am - Haircut question! I've not cut my hair many times in my life at a place...I've mostly had a friend do it for a while, then let it grow long. However, I want to chop it off today.
My question much do you tip the person who's cutting your hair? I know you tip them, but I don't know how much, and frankly, unless I go to great clips (which I'm not sure I want to do for an initial cut, although I'll go there to maintain it), I need to factor it into my budget.
Any help?
August 30th, 2004
| 03:53 pm - Happily ever after Why do so few SFF stories rarely have the main character's best friend of whatever not like the person the main character is interested in? They never say, "You know, I don't like him, I think he may ..." etc etc. They always meet their true love in book one and their "true" friends are always dandy with that person. The few times the "true love" isn't real, there ends up being a kingdom betrayed and the lover who turned "bad" or "false" ends up evil or something.
Hey, someone should write a story where the conflict is between two powerful ex-lovers/spouses/etc. That'd be fun/funny/not so funny for those who've been through it (lol). Current Mood: thoughtful
August 29th, 2004
| 10:36 pm - You know you're a writer when... Your councilers are afraid you're making a psychotic break when you use a common word grammatically wrong.
Just random memories...right before I left college I was distressed, and when I'm distressed my thoughts keep changing, and thus the sentences change as I write them because I rethink how I want to word things, come up with better ways, so I end up using a word tense wrong here or there sometimes when I edit and forget to progress down to the end of a longer sentence to edit everything. They thought that, since schitzophrenia runs so heavily in my family, I might be having my first psychotic break.
Looking back, that's really funny.
( Read more... ) Current Mood: contemplative