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December 28 2004

Bookmarks | WordPress Bookmarks: A few good links

Kind of like pastebin - but for files, and Mark offers it up so you can download and host it on your own server.

A version of Spam Stopgam Extreme.
[seen on a lot of sites, but most recently on PhotoMatt and Weblogtoolscollection]

WordPress "Suggest" plugin
Kind of like "Google's Suggest" feature - for WordPress Searches.

WP-lists Plugin
Centralized List management (through wordpress?)

Posted by Jennifer

December 24 2004

WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins: WP-Gallery Plugin 0.1

The WP-Gallery Plugin 0.1 offers a nice, easy way to include your Gallery albums and photos within a WP powered blog.

Posted by Christine

December 22 2004

WordPress: WordPress 1.2.2 is Available!

Earlier this week, the 1.2.2 version of WordPress was released. This release fixes a few bugs and security issues and is recommended for all 1.2 users. More about the upgrade in the WP Development blog. Wondering what files changed? Here's a list.

Posted by Christine

December 9 2004

Call for help: Tools for Web Development on the Mac?

The last time I did any extensive web dev on the mac was about... oh, maybe SIX! years ago. Eek, I feel old. In any case, I've been doing everything on the PC since then, and while I have a number of really great tools on the PC that I like, I'm clueless when it comes to mac tools.

On the PC, the tool that I use the most is Dreamweaver. Not so much for it's "WYSIWYG" feature, that doesn't work too well for me, but it does auto-complete HTML tags, it knows php functions and can tell me what data types I have to pass in, does code highlighting. I even use it to make my stylesheets, because I can get it to pull up the "correct" way to write out a style definition if I forget (which is often).

So what tools do I need to do development on the Mac? I've downloaded a trial copy of Westciv Stylemaster which seems to give me what I need for writing stylesheets. I have BBEdit, but it doesn't do the auto-complete stuff like dreamweaver does (of if it DOES, I can't find it!).

Cany anyone make some recomendations? (Post in the comments please)

Posted by Jennifer

December 7 2004

WordPress: Lessons Learned: WP security bug

There's a pretty serious security bug with WP 1.2.1 (and the current 1.3 alpha), one that can make it so your blog is basically unusable (not permanently, as far as I can tell) but still - if you're using WordPress you should probably make this change.

In any case, here is how you fix the problem. It's a very easy fix. If you can search for text on a page, you can fix this problem.

I hesitated posting this, because I don't want to "start a panic" - nor do I want to give instructions on how to hack WP blogs. But I do think it's important that people go ahead and make this change.

[brought to my attention by Christine]

Posted by Jennifer

FireFox Extension Bookmarks: Tab Preferences

Need to bookmark this so I can find it again...

Adds some great preferences/options relating to tabs, etc. (for example, can force links that would ordinarily open in a new window in a tab in the background.

The author of that extension also has a few others too that look interesting. Here's the extensions homepage

Posted by Jennifer

December 1 2004

WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins: User Comments Plugin

Just saw this on the hackers mailing list:

User Comments Plugin
This plugin will moderate comments from users who are not registered and logged in users of the site.

Posted by Jennifer

November 25 2004

WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins: iTunes plugin for WordPress

WP iTunes
Display what's currently playing on your iTunes on your blog.
[via Weblog Tools Collection]

Posted by Jennifer

November 22 2004

WordPress: Lessons Learned: Conditional text despite content not being echoed

One of the things Christine had asked me to add to pixelog, was, when no "previous" entry was available - to have the text still show up, but be "greyed out". I remembered a post Alex King had made on the hackers mailing list about capturing the text that some functions typically echo into a variable. What he suggested was to do the following:

$my_title = ob_get_contents();

This was the trick I needed. Here's the code I used do the "greyed out" effect. (The issue here, if you don't know - is that next_post() will simply echo nothing if there is no next post)

//determine if there is a next post
$nextpost = ob_get_contents();
//now print the appropriate link or greyed out text
if ($nextpost) {
next_post('&laquo; % | ','previous','no');
} else { ?>
<span class="grey">&laquo; previous</span> |
<?php } ?>

(Yes I know I'm using the text "previous" with the next_post function... that had to do with her preference of displaying the photos)

Posted by Jennifer

WordPress Bookmarks to Plugins: External Links Wordpress Plugin

You know how some people have those little icons next to their links - and you can do that with CSS auto-magically on all links, but it doesn't work with IE. Here's a plugin that will add a class to all links so you can have that little icon show up for IE as well.

External Links Wordpress Plugin
[via del.icio.us]

Posted by Jennifer

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Recently updated/edited

12.22.2004 03:01 am
WordPress 1.2.2 is Available!

12.16.2004 9:44 pm
IPod envy

12.09.2004 10:14 am
Tools for Web Development on the Mac?

11.22.2004 10:38 pm
Conditional text despite content not being echoed

11.17.2004 11:39 pm
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11.12.2004 8:05 pm
WordPress Design Sandbox

11.10.2004 10:49 am
ASP: Look up / translation script

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