I MISSED something again, didn't I??
Aug. 16th, 2008 @ 02:19 pm
( A question about Who 4.12/4.13, The Stolen Earth/Journey's End -- so, spoilers, obviously )
There is really no denying Johnny Depp's wonderfulness. There really isn't:
Johnny Depp, Law and Farrell's Gift to Ledger's Daughter.
Current Mood: lazy Current Chanty: Blur -- "Song 2" ( Whoo-HOO!!!)
I can't deal with this after a weekend of reading about Death Baby ...
Aug. 10th, 2008 @ 10:24 pm
HOLY BANANAS NOW *CHEF* HAS DIED. What is going ON with celebrities this year?!
2008 is freaking me _out_!! Seriously, every time I go to www.imdb.com or my home page, I am seriously at the point where I tense up when the news ticker starts to load and I think, Okay, who's died this time?? _Every time_ I get online!!!
(... I love it, I love how I do that. Someone famous dies and, instead of feeling sadness or sympathy for said celebrity and/or their families, my instinctive reaction is one of, Aww, jeez, now I'm gonna be weired out for ANOTHER three days. Because, really, it all comes down to how it affects ME. :S)
Seriously, though: David, Tony, John B., Johnny -- you guys keep your heads down this year, you hear me???Current Mood: numb
"I can't read anything but science fiction lately; everything else gets on my nerves."
Aug. 6th, 2008 @ 01:22 am
(Quote courtesy of my mother, whom I <3.)
"So here's the billion-dollar question: Did any of the kids aboard pass the tests just because they actually were normal? Or did all of them also give up a year of Saturdays so they could learn how to hide their homicidal tendencies from the testers? 'Remember, we don't say anything about having sex with little Fido.'"
-- From Joe Haldeman's newest, "Marsbound."
It's 1:30 in the morning, I'm eating a bowl of cereal and starting this book -- and then I get to that paragraph and nearly snork-drop a mouthful of Crispix across the table.
Joe Haldeman, I can see that thy name will in fact be Teh Fan*tas*tic. I only wish I'd listened to magratpudifoot sooner. On the upshot -- GOOD sci-fi to catch up on! Yayness!!
... it's going to KILL me to have to put this aside Saturday morning/afternoon at work to plow through the CallBullshit-Asshattery that is "Breaking Dawn" in preparation for my teen book group meeting on Tuesday.
Still -- at least I'll be in the middle of an awesome book that I'll be able to come back to.
... I know I have a MINIMUM of two "Pirates" essays I need to get up -- but I imagine the next post from me, to appear in the near future, will involve the ending of "Who"'s fourth series, which I'm afraid I've finally decided I more or less love absolutely entirely. I will try to keep the Moffat-bashing in it to a minimum, too, because that shall be for an ENTIRELY other post.
I have occasionally been writing lately. YAY.
... why am I not in bed yet??Current Mood: amused Current Chanty: Bon Jovi's "Welcome to Wherever You Are"
"I am *not* suicidal. I just wish I was never born. There's a difference."
Jul. 11th, 2008 @ 09:31 pm
(Beware; TMI lurks ahead ...)
If, on Wednesday morning, you woke up at 5 a.m. to start throwing up, throwing up so hard that you were contemplating bringing your pillow into the bathroom to lie down on the floor in between bouts to conserve strength, throwing up so hard that you were clutching onto the toilet seat like a life preserver, throwing up so hard that when your braid fell into the bowl you really couldn't consider it to be more than a mild annoyance at that point because you had the stomach flu so bad that death was imminent anyways so who the hell cared about your hair ... if you were that sick, and then, a few days later, you decide that that level of misery was WORTH the three days off from work you got, well ...
Well, you really really REALLY need to start applying for new jobs again. REALLY.
(... and I STILL don't feel good. And I'm attempting to go into work tomorrow -- although, at least, I can leave after half a day if I need to, or in fact not go in at all; I've got a back-up. Which is all very reassuring. That is one of the worst stomach flus I have ever had -- and sans fever, no less. Good thing I'm not the type to overly worry about things. :P)
Also: I hate the "Twilight" books so much I could scream. Just FYI.
And I love "Monk." Despite my Inner Commodore's attempt to ruin it all for me. :P :P :P
SIGH.Current Mood: sick
I wish to take Mr. Moffat to visit Mrs. Lovett. With perhaps a quick shave first. I'm THAT mad.
Jun. 28th, 2008 @ 08:21 pm
( Spoilers for Who 4.10, 'Forest of the Wossname' )
The only good word I've got for the whole two-parter is Donna. In fact, the only emotion I had last night beside seething rage was when Donna did actually have me tearing up about two-thirds of the way through. Even Moffat can't ruin her fan*tas*tic level of Awesome.
On the upshot -- "Wall-E" is just the neatest movie ever ...Current Mood: tired
» A Letter to Mr. Moffat -- and some random Cap'n Jack |
If you really liked "Silence in the Library" and/or are a big Moffat fan, I would skip this one. I'm pretty ticked. :P
( A 'Who' rant cut for 'Silence in the Library' plot spoilers, as well as Season Five production notes spoilers )
Sigh. Sigh sigh sigh. Mum didn't like this one either, and she takes her "Who" far less seriously than I, and the whole thing nearly made me cry. 'Course, I was pretty dead by Friday due to sleep deprivation from a week of working extra hours and taking care of a hurt dog (she's doing much better now) -- but STILL. _STILL_!!!!
And a word of note -- I'm not giving up on the Doctor. I'm going to keep watching, and I'll be more than happy to eat crow if it turns out I'm wrong about all this. Matter of fact, I'll be OVERJOYED in the consumption of said avians, because it'll mean I was wrong and I won't have to give up "Who" the way I did "Becker" when Reggie left. (And I _adored_ "Becker," I really really did. And do.) But I have an awful, awful feeling that I'm not.
Sigh. Where's Paul Cornell when you need him??
All I can say is, it's a good thing AWE worked out the way it did, because if I'd had to watch the Character Idocity of Cap'n Jack the way I have to watch it for the Doctor, it would have _ruined_ me.
Speaking of Cap'n Jack, though, I am thinking more or less certainly now that, in honor of my five-year PotC anniversary this July, I ought to embark on a little column project I've been considering. Maybe a little writing discipline in one regard will help me work out some writing discipline overall ...
MagratPudifoot, Hadesgal -- I TOTALLY owe you emails. Keep an eye on your inboxes this week.
Jun. 22nd, 2008 @ 08:19 pm
» "Juno" spoilers ahead, for shizz |
So Mum and I watched "Juno" last night. I hated it just a skosh less than I thought I would, but not by much. Mostly I could at least give it props for really brilliant acting by everybody -- Jason Bateman was able to make me feel sympathy for his pedophile of a character, for crying out loud -- but the problems with the story ultimately outweighed everything else. To wit:
-- It's nice to see a film that doesn't treat a teen pregnancy as if it's the absolute end of the world and the end of a chance at a good life for the young woman involved ... but this film went waaaaaaaaaaay too far the other way. One brief crying scene at the end of the film is not enough to suggest that the entire pregnancy episode was nothing but a brief bump (ha ha) in the road for Juno, a quick ordeal that she could put firmly in her past and come away from pretending it had never happened. Idiots.
-- Isn't it nice how Juno felt abandoned by her own mother, had to deal with her own decision to give up her child (I am absolutely 100% in favor of adoption, and I think it's a fantastic way to deal with an unexpected teen pregnancy -- but are they seriously going to act like it doesn't have even a _little_ emotional repercussion for the mother giving her child up for adoption? That's a noble thing to do, sure, but it has to be frickin' HARD on you) -- and then has all her abandonment issues and inner struggles cured for her by finding The Perfect Man? Golly gee, but I love it when women are able to overcome their hurdles and obstacles in life, when they are able to develop as people, when they have their Hero's Journeys by FINDING THE RIGHT MAN. Because OBVIOUSLY all it takes is Your Soul Mate to make your life and soul complete and whole and good, right?? WHAT THE HELL IS _WRONG_ WITH THIS MOVIE?!?!??
-- ... and speaking of things being the hell wrong, why did we pretend that Juno's almost-relationship with the adopted-dad-to-be was just that, an almost-relationship that was part of her simply realizing her mistake in not being with the father of her child? Because it wasn't. She was sixteen. He was around twenty years older. She might have been of legal age, but I still call that pedophilia, world. EW.
-- WTF was up with the visit-to-the-abortion-clinic scene?? Aside from the obvious plot holes (how the hell did the Racist Stereotype Teen Protester know that Juno's baby had fingernails? Juno could have been a week pregnant for all R.S.T.P. knew), I want to know why she appears to have such an unreasonable offense against condoms.
Sheesh. I was hoping to put off Indy 4 until tomorrow, because I had wicked insomnia last night and I want to be awake enough to enjoy the film -- but I think I need something to clear "Juno" out of my system. Drives me CRAZY.
(This also makes we wonder if I'll ever get around to watching "Enchanted." If I hear about a film and instantly sense that I'll hate it a LOT, I often try to watch it anyways, so that I can at least give it a fair shake before writing it off. On the other hand, that's already an hour and a half out of my life I'll never get back -- do I really want to do that to myself AGAIN?? Sigh. Maybe I'll just wait a few months first, at least ...)
Also --
( Doctor Who Series Five PRODUCTION spoiler -- no plot details are given away. )
I have a cold. :P
May. 25th, 2008 @ 11:25 am
» A new dawn, a new day ... |
(NOTE: It's very rare for a RL entry to sneak its way onto my LJ anymore -- I tend to use Random Shoes (soon to be moving) for that. But I check Random Shoes at work _all the time_ -- hence the soon-to-be-moving -- and anything I look at while at work is no place to be making an announcement such as this. Plus, I wanted to use the new icon. Plus, I <3 you guys and want to share the _occasional_ RL update ...)
I had a crap, CRAP day at work today, the latest in weeks' worth of crappy, crappy days at my place of employment. Oddly, though, today was so draining that, instead of collapsing into a puddle of goo once I got home, I simply kept going through the exhaustion -- I think because I've reached a point in my tired-ness and my disgust and my anger that exhaustion, laziness, and fear of failure have all been toppled over in the face of RAGE.
(Not the scary-Stephen-King-"Carrie" type of rage. The motivate-you-need-to-make-positive-changes kind of rage.)
To wit --
I have applied for a job.
One of many future applications to be submitted -- or, at least, as many as it takes to get me a new job.
Given how long I've wanted to do this, how many voices of self-doubt I've had to wrestle past to get to it, how many inches of fingernails I've bitten down as I struggled to type and format what needed to be typed and formatted -- given the massive, internal EFFORT it took me to get just to a place where I can email a cover letter and resume to a prospective employee who will almost certainly turn me down anyways, for a job I actually kind of semi-want but which by no means is my _absolute_ top choice ... given all this, it is no exaggeration to say that I in fact win at life. At least at MY life, and at least for tonight.
And I'm doin' one day at a time, so that's good. That's ... good.
I'm off to watch as much of a new-to-me Season One DS9 episode as I can make it through before my eyes weld shut for the night (e.g. five minutes), and then go to bed with my teddy bear.
May. 14th, 2008 @ 10:14 pm
» Just watched "Partners In Crime" ... |
Nice to have Donna back. Nice to have _the Doctor_ back.
But, the second-to-last scene???
Ooooh, you are a CRUEL man, Mr. Davies. A CRUEL man!!
Apr. 25th, 2008 @ 11:12 pm
» Quarter of a Century |
It's that time once again to wish James Woods many happy returns.
But I'd also like to extend my traditional shout-out this time round ... and wish our Tenth Doctor a day as wonderful and fan*tas*tic as mine turned out to be.
Happy Birthday, gentlemen.
Apr. 18th, 2008 @ 11:28 pm
» I've just enough religion and a half a tank of gas ... |
I have a Bon Jovi t-shirt.
Life ... is good.
Mar. 6th, 2008 @ 12:42 am
» "It's like he touched every tree in the forest ..." |
( Me and Mr. Monk (with spoilers for 'Mr. Monk Is on the Run Pt. 1') ) All I can say is, if this week's episode doesn't prove that ol' Adrian's been a member of my Magnificent Trio -- Quartet? -- all along, nothing will.
And yet, my suspicions are that this won't be a problem.
Feb. 21st, 2008 @ 06:38 pm
» Like I don't have enough half-finished memes to work on already ... |
Borrowed without permission from fictionbya:
Leave a comment and I will:
1. Tell you why I friended you. 2. Associate you with something - fandom, a song, a color, a photo, a word etc. 3. Tell you something I like about you. 4. Tell you a memory I have of you. 5. Ask something I've always wanted to know about you. 6. Tell you my favorite user pic of yours. 7. In return, you must post this in your LJ.
Post, and we'll see how long it takes me to get back to ya ... ;-D
Jan. 30th, 2008 @ 10:18 am
» Happy First Anniversary, Doctor ... |
Which Doctor Are You? (Doctor Who!)
Okay, I do totally admit to taking the test twice. But first off, the first go wound me up as Four, which is just not right ... and second of all, I took it first last night, and I was tired enough that I wasn't properly reading the questions. When I did it again today, I was paying enough attention and going slowly enough to realize that "favorite color" was more in relation to what colors you like to WEAR, as opposed to which ones you just generally favor (which *are* two different things for me); and also, just because a song lyric has the word "optimistic" in it, it doesn't necessarily mean the entire psychedelic weirdo on-crack exert pertains to you, if you take the time to read all the choices all the way through. (And tomorrow I'm looking up the song "Bliss," because man, those _lyrics_ ... it's up there with "Feeling Good" as summing up my feelings about this year ...)
So I changed those two, and Voila, I'm Ten. And there's no arguing with that, is there? (It can't have hurt that I actually do wear Chuck Taylor's ...)
This week I am going to see both a showing of "Sweeney Todd" (the play, not the movie) on Tuesday, and a showing of "The Lion King" (also play, not film) on Thursday. And there is really no point in pretending that I didn't purchase Sweeney Todd tickets because of the Jack Sparrow link, just as there's no point in denying that Ten's straight-faced quote of, "From the day they arrived on the planet ..." had me buying up a pair of tickets for The Lion King.
So as I was driving back to my apartment tonight, it occurred to me, hardly for the first time, that is simply AMAZING how much credit those two can take for influencing my life. And me.
And thank God for that. ^_^
Jan. 27th, 2008 @ 11:11 pm
» My first post in ages; wish it was a bit cheerier ... |
Of the handful of movies that I've seen Heath Ledger in, none of them have really done anything for me,* though I do have the highest hopes in the world for "The Dark Knight." I think this is the role of the Joker as I've been waiting fifteen years to see it, after all -- but still. TDK hasn't even come out yet, so, technically speaking, it's not like I'm even a fan...
But still. Dude. I actually had that yank-the-carpet-out-from-under-you sinking sensation as I was standing in front of the computer reading the article.
That's ... just really sad. So very sad. He was only twenty-eight years old.
If Johnny Depp, David Tennant, or John Barrowman even THINK of pulling a stunt like dying at a horribly young age, I will have to hurt them. I don't even wanna think about it.
Off to job hunt (!), then watch the first eppie of "Torchwood" in honor of DVD release day. But this is certainly going to be stuck in the back of my mind. Because -- Dude.
* With the possible exception of "Brothers Grimm," although I seriously have to rewatch that to properly make up my mind. I suspect I'd adore it to pieces if I could just sit down and give it another viewing ...
Jan. 22nd, 2008 @ 08:52 pm
» It's shameless commercialism, but still -- w00t!!! |
I have The Coolest Mum In The World.
When I tell you why, you will agree.
Actual Phone Conversation From Tonight:
My Mom: "Oh, and I got your second email about Jack's sword."
Me: "Yeah -- listen, like I said in it, I'm sorry about that whole thing. I know we're not doing big presents this year because we're taking a trip, I just got overly excited when I saw that thing on sale. Don't pay me any attention."
My Mom: "Yeah. You're getting the sword."
Me: (*half shocked and half having expected it*) "I -- what?"
My Mom: "You can get the sword."
Me: "No -- look, it's too big, and we're doing a vacation this year; I just got all wound u--"
My Mom: "Look, shut up. You're getting the sword. And I'm going to bed now."
Me: "... how much can I really be expected to argue with this?"
My Mom: "Yup. Good night."
Beneath the good ol' Catholic guilt that my mum is getting such a big Christmas gift for me, of course ... is the very real fact that I'm just appreciative because I've got one kick-ass mum.
Nov. 28th, 2007 @ 10:41 pm
» I must must MUST stop looking online ... |
(I never post on my blog while at work, but this is an EMERGENCY ... in my own warped little fan-obsessed brain, anyways ...)
So I'm fiddling around online while sitting at the Reference Desk, instead of getting ready for my program this afternoon like I should be (although, I really am ready, I just gotta double-check that everything's ready to go), and I end up puttering around Master Replicas' site, for no particular reason ...
And I see THIS.
It's always been the compass I've vaguely had my eye on ... and if I were to buy this, I wouldn't be able to buy any other superfluous items for myself for two months (normally, I'd spend two months saving up for it and then buy it, but if I wait for two months, I'm sure they'll be out of stock by then) ... and I won't be able to do anything with it but hang it on the wall ... and I should be saving up for "Torchwood" Season One on DVD and next year's Halloween costume ...
But I do just barely have the cash for it right now. (And I do mean just barely -- but normally, I simply wouldn't have the cash for it period.) And the sale price is unbeLIEVEable. And it has free shipping.
But it's not the compass, and I don't need it ...
Oh, what to DO?!? ;-D
(I'd be soooooo less tempted if next week's release didn't have me all wound up ...
Nov. 27th, 2007 @ 01:16 pm
» And I <3 Chad Vadar |
I've been realizing over the past several days that somewhere along the line I have somehow developed a deep and determined sense of defensive protectiveness of John Barrowman. I suppose that inarguable evidence in support of this phenomenon can be traced back to my outraged reaction to the Y2H Debacle back in September, and really should have tipped me off to what was happening back then. But it's only been in the past few days -- when I happened upon a message board where someone mentioned really wanting to see "John Barrowman's smarmy ass taken down a peg," and my immediate reaction was a sense of horrified shock, coupled with a need to find the poster and punch them quite THOROUGHLY in the face -- that I realized that a full-blown Need to Defend John Barrowman had in fact taken full hold of me.
I've no real logical explanation for it, either. The only other obsession that has warrented such a protective reaction in me is the character -- not actor -- of Cap'n Jack Sparrow.* And yet, somebody insults either John Barrowman OR Captain (not Cap'n) Jack, and I'm bloody well ready to send out a call to arms and prepare the ice cream vans.** Which, again, I find odd, because, of the Whovian universe, I'm still fairly well certain that it's the Doctor who has had the most profound impact on me. And yet, for reasons I can't even entirely figure out (at least not at two in the morning), it's John Barrowman and Captain Jack and "Torchwood" that I'm ready to start throwing Zoom popsicles around to defend. Because you do not MESS with my Captain Jack.
So I'm just gonna steer of "Torchwood" fandom (or un-fandom), I think. Does ANYbody else like that show?? :P
In other sci-fi news, I watched the "Attack of the Clones" Rifftrax tonight. Man, I had forgotten how utterly, disintegrately BAD the new Star Wars movies are. It's so bad that, while I hurt myself laughing at the "I love the water!" RiffTrax scene, it was still REALLY hard to get through the whole movie. Yeah, it's THAT bad.
Definitely worth the RiffTrax, though. "I love the wa--" // "Yeah, let's not talk anymore, okay? Let's just stand there ..."
And SCHMEE! I love Schmee. :D
-- also, I have finally picked back up with my "Deep Space Nine" tapes, where I had stalled out months ago in the beginning/middle of Season Seven, and am now probably six or so episodes away from the series finale. This isn't as sad as it could be, because I started taping and watching sometime probably around season four or five, so I've still got a couple of unwatched seasons to get through, and so there's plenty of lovely new-to-me DS9 to be watched. But still, I know enough about how it all turns out to know that there's plenty of bittersweet melancholy ahead, and so I imagine a fair amount of blubbering all over the couch will be directly forthcoming.
And wait until I get through my rewatch of "Doctor Who" series three, and watch "Last of the Time Lords" while NOT in a haze of fever and flu for the first time ... man. That'll be good for a few dozen boxes of tissues ...
(*looks randomly at clock*)
It is nearly TWO-THIRTY IN THE MORNING! I took some comp time tomorrow and don't have to be into work until 1 p.m., but what the hell am I still doing up?!? To bed!
... I can play an Über-simplistic, but still two-handed, version of "Doomsday" on the piano. Which is very, very fantabulous -- 'cause it's still all about the little things.
-- I haven't told you guys about my Chuck Taylor's yet, have I?? ;-D
* Because Johnny Depp doesn't really need defending, because critics and fans generally like him. And as a note of (quasi)interest, my instinct is not to protect Jack Sparrow from his critics -- he can handle them -- but from his fangirls. :P
** Sorry -- too much Eddie Izzard discussion this weekend.
Nov. 26th, 2007 @ 01:31 am