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Dec. 13th, 2004 @ 03:18 pm Supporting the Military Kitten
Why don't we start taking corporate sponsors for the military? We can start off with Target, and they can put their own logos on every jacket our soldiers wear.

It couldn't possibly be worse than the current system, could it?
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Dec. 13th, 2004 @ 09:33 am Here we go again
My Uncle died. He looked so frail at his sister's funeral. (My grandmother.)

Everyone is in Florida now, but I think everything, funeral-wise, is going to be done upstate NY. So I don't even think I can go. There is just no way I can pull that off. :(

So sad, so close to Christmas. His poor wife. :(
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Dec. 12th, 2004 @ 11:09 pm Fetal hats
Current Mood: annoyed

Ok, second cycle trying these damn things.

Damn glad I didnt get a diva cup/keeper or whatever those other ones are, because I can't get these stupid things to work.

Even if it is in perfectly ok, one cough and FLIP.

Glad I spoke to someone else who had similar problems, I don't feel freakishly deformed, now.
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Dec. 11th, 2004 @ 08:43 pm Oh My Gods!
Current Music: Freeze - AEIOU

"Don't worry, the only way I can get "Paganed Out" would be if Silver Ravenwolf, Raymond Buckland, and DJ Conway all threw a Bar Mitzvah for me, and during a wild game of Twister, Ganesh manifested into the bodies of Joyce and River Higgenbotham at the same time. Later Starhawk and Christopher Penczak would crash the party and start handing out bibles after spending a night doing tequila shots with a Baptist minister and converting to Christianity."

I love that strip, I just keep hitting RANDOM for a new little grin. :D

Thanks, [info]rainbear!
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Dec. 11th, 2004 @ 08:07 pm State drag and drop game
I got 46 perfect out of 50 turns (and I think in the beginning its kind of hard to line em up PERFECTLY where they belong, my average error was 13 miles. My score was 92% and it took 243 seconds.
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Dec. 11th, 2004 @ 03:19 pm Ponderous really ponderous
First of all, things worked fine, all I have is laryngitis. Worst I ever HAD but at least it doesn't hurt.

Bit of a stuffed nose, too. Yuck.

Oh, and I was thinking of something. . .you know how many people in the childfree community refer to (bad) parents as breeders?

I think that's wrong.

When you think of breeding, you're usually breeding for quality, for positive traits. You're not breeding to bring out negative traits.

So really, the bad parents aren't breeders, it's the good ones. ;)

What do my CF friends have to say about that? :D
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Dec. 10th, 2004 @ 11:28 pm (no subject)
i feel worse

edit: internet stupidity and drama increasing the agony. ug.
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Dec. 10th, 2004 @ 12:37 pm Dan called it Fear and Loathing in a Chocolate Factory
New trailer.

Thanks [info]urbanemonkey!
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Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 09:53 pm See, this I find intriguing
Current Mood: sick


This is the text to the original post. I'm not asking anyone to do this HERE, but in the link above.

Reach out and touch somebody new.

Hello, my name is CJ and I am conducting an experiment on how many people I can connect to in a span of 10 days. Please tell your livejournal friends about this post and have them comment here.

Include your name and your location and the person who told you about this.

Thanks! ♥

I still have martian death flu but have to do laundry because he doesn't fake it- he really CANT do it properly. He did do every single other thing in the house tho so I could 'sleep' (read: lay down and moan and shiver and sweat).
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Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 09:42 am To the people in the US military here (or former)
Just a question -- I am reading a lot about IRR people getting called up, and I was curious about something.

If someone was busted from E4 to E1 slowly over the period of a year, and was eventually sectioned out, but got a general under honorable conditions discharge, could they still be called up?

I don't need to know, it doesn't affect me or anyone I really care about, but I am sort of curious about my first husband. ;)

Don't mind me, it's just the NyQuil talking.

Also I plan to talk about CO status in the coming time frame. . .this may matter to some people on my list and education on the subject is important. By no means do I think that people in the military are horrible violent people, but for those who truly object to the military, I figured I would point them to some of the information out there on conscientious objection, including programs for people who already signed but didn't get in, or people already in. I think it's interesting stuff even if you don't have a problem with war or the military or anything about it.

Also, that alignment test, I got Neutral Good. Does that mean I am a dork?
you saw it all before. )
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Dec. 9th, 2004 @ 08:43 am Bleah
This is rare. I am very very sick. :(

Thank goodness our cousin was able to take my kids to school, made things that much easier.

And tonite is Burger King nite for the school, and I am not up to going. Plenty of fluids and rest, if possible, I guess, so hopefully I can go. (It's a fundraiser, BK gives a portion of the proceeds to the school.)

Maybe the spousal unit will be up to taking them, but he is the one that gave me this in the first place. His fever was so bad he was moaning and muttering in his sleep. A LOT. Feverish ramblings. And all we could think was thank god it happened on a rainy day when he had no work anyways. . .and he went in yesterday and was almost a 'sick passenger' on the subway (NYers will groan in sympathy at that one) but held on for the sake of fellow passengers.

I've been slow to comment, expect me to be slower. I want to just sleep for 48 hours and that's that.
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Dec. 8th, 2004 @ 07:43 pm If it matters to you
I was talking elsewhere today, and have discussed before, the need to try to support businesses and such that support you and your principles. This is why Dan and I try to buy union, or American, or from companies that are known for using fair labor practices, and try to buy organic and free range when possible.

Well now this site, Buy Blue, breaks down by the political contributions some major companies make.

It may be called BUY BLUE but no matter which side of the political spectrum you are on, the information is useful.

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Dec. 8th, 2004 @ 11:01 am Rumsfeld answers troop's concerns

Not sure if they LIKE the answers he gave them.

Also, you know lostfrog.org? They found the frog.


Make your own grilled cheese miracle sandwich.

See how you would look with a different hair color.

Star Wars Chick

Just clearing out some links of mine. Stomach hurts today. :(
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Dec. 8th, 2004 @ 08:50 am Oh this is AWSOME!
Strip in Dec. 5th's NY Newsday.

Homeland security's new terror alert codes now that they have a New Yorker running it:

*$!@$# ME? ... #$%^~! YOU!!




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Dec. 8th, 2004 @ 08:36 am Amused
I get a feed called regret the error, it's all about media corrections. (Usually funny ones.)

I liked this little thing I picked up today, called A PROACTIVE CORRECTION:


We're just assuming this is a mistake and that a correction is on its way. Please, God, tell us a correction is on the way for this story:

Paris Hilton has been named one of the "most fascinating people of 2004" by Barbara Walters. Walters will host a special on Wednesday, presenting the 10 most intriguing people of the year.

Feed is [info]regret_the_erro if anyone has a strange fascination with things like mistakes.
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Dec. 7th, 2004 @ 10:19 pm Selling Stock Art
Current Music: Texas - Halo - White On Blonde

Well, I read about a stock art place in someone else's LJ.

The deal is, you upload your work, (you still retain copyright, you can pull it at anytime, you can sell it elsewhere, etc.) and let it sit there.

People buy memberships to the site, and are allowed unlimited downloads. Every time one of your pieces is downloaded, you get a tiny amount of money. (20 cents)

Thing is, if you have your stuff just sitting on a hard drive or a web gallery, why not make your art/photos work FOR you? There is no limit to how much you can upload in a day, or ever. It just has to fit certain standards, and then they approve it one photo at a time (usually within 24 hours). To help you find marketable stuff, they show you the top photos of the week, and the top all time ones, and the top search terms. For example, Christmas stuff seems to be hot now, as far as search terms are concerned.

And just like everything else on the internet, you make money on referrals. So if you refer other artists, or buyers, you get something out of it.

It's all about bulk here, really. . .but that's ok. Like I said, most of my stuff is just sitting around, and I don't sell many prints off of annmariehughes.com , so what the heck, might as well put the stuff up there.

And yes, I've already had someone download some of my work.

So if you are a photographer, digital artist (3d or otherwise) or an illustrator with work in JPG or TIFF format, and don't mind putting stuff out like this, give the site a look.

Submit Photos (and other works) to ShutterStock and make $$$!

And in case any of you have a need to buy stock work (something that was once part of my past life), there is this link:

Download unlimited stock photos!
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Dec. 7th, 2004 @ 09:35 pm One of those things. . .
Current Mood: thoughtful
Current Music: The Clash - Train in Vain

So, you know when 'one of those things' happens to you? You know, a coincidence that maybe you put too much stock into, but makes you feel good anyways?

Had one of those today. This morning, actually.

Last night, we hit the bottom of our money. Well, not so much our MONEY but our cash on hand. I had enough to get the snack for F. in the morning, put aside bagel and newspaper money (I pick it up for those two men I took care of this summer) and that was about it. I started off this morning with nothing, and no paycheck until tomorrow. I had food in the house, so we weren't hungry, and no bills were due, and I had a little bit on my debit card, but still, no money, really.

So whenever this situation happened in the past, we would go to Maureen for money. It was always $20, it was always day before payday/workman's comp check/unemployment check, and it was always the first person we paid back. And of course, yes, I thought, ok, if Maureen was here, we'd be around the corner borrowing $20. (And what is really funny is whenever we borrowed from her we would not only get the expected payment to pay her back, but some unexpected windfall, like a check from a relative or a payment for something, or whatever.)

I had scrounged some change last night, too, to get some M&Ms;, had been all over the house and my desk putting all the change in one place, on the shelf above my monitor, with some papers, my inhaler, Dan's UN ID, and some other stuff.

Well, this morning he had to go to the UN (he has been going from site to site, today was the UN, so he needed the ID, otherwise he just takes his bag and hardhat and goes). He went to my desktop, grabbed his ID, and asked if I knew about the $20 there. No, I did not. And I am really good with keeping track of cash on hand, $20 would have been noticed if it went missing.

If he didn't have work at the UN, we would have not seen it today. He has been working between 3 job sites, and today happened to be the UN. Furthermore, I had already been digging around there when I was looking for change. That $20 was not there.

So he smiled and said, "See? Aunt Maureen is still looking out for us!" I made sure to tell her children, too. Without getting morbid or depressing, I do try to let them know how important she is to us, and how important they are to us.

Oh yeah, someone should have told Dan that he didn't HAVE to go to the UN. It was raining too hard to work, (one of those jobs where they need it dry) and no one was there. They should have called or let him know when they let him off early the day before because of rain, not to come in this morning. Of course, if they did that, we wouldn't have found the money, either.

Could be just a plate of shrimp, or maybe Maureen IS looking out for us. I prefer to throw logic to the wind, and believe in the latter.
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Dec. 6th, 2004 @ 10:57 am Geeks everywhere rejoiced
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Dec. 6th, 2004 @ 10:16 am Been meaning to post this
Around the election, I wound up hanging out with a number of more fundamentalist Christian sorts, who were pro-Bush not just for the religious reasons, but because of the war. They felt very strongly that the war was important for not just political but spiritual reasons, that fighting a war can be important. (Not just because they are Muslims but a large part of it seemed to be that way.)

And I wind up reading a lot of conservative Christian writings because of mailing lists that I am on. I have some conservative beliefs but for personal reasons, I dont feel everyone should follow them. But for fellowship I read these lists (a lot about homemaking, a simpler life, and so on) even though there is much I disagree with as far as faith and politics is concerned.

I know this is also a face of Christianity that many of you see, and I am not sure if some of you are aware that there are Peace Churches, who do not believe in war. And taken to what seems like an extreme to me, "No Christian should be afraid to die". Well from what I know, yes, that is true, but I am not ready yet to turn the other cheek to the point of dying, but I do understand on a level what that's all about.

What I have is a list of quotes about peace. From the bible, from great Christian thinkers, from other historical figures. But what I will copy is just the biblical ones. So if you ever wind up in a discussion somewhere like I did, about war and Christianity, you can toss them around if relevant. I just wish I had them memorized when I was around some of the more heated discussions. There are some pretty good quotes there, I don't agree with all of them, but many of them. I find the ones from the early church interesting, especially in light of having the Crusades in the history of Christianity. Reading the words of early pacifists is quite a contrast.

"You have heard it said of old, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: but I say unto you, that you resist not evil with evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also." Mt 5:38-42

"You have heard it said of old, love your neighbor, but hate your enemy. But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you; that you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven; for he makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love them that love you, what reward have you? Do not even the publicans do the same? Therefore be compassionate even as your heavenly Father is compassionate." MT 5:43-48

"Put up the your sword into its place: for all they that take up the sword shall perish by the sword." Mt 26:52

"A new commandment I give unto you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, you shall also love one another." John 13:34

"Do not return evil for evil. Avenge not yourselves, but rather give way to wrath; for it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay, says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsts, give him drink: for in so doing you shall heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:17-21

"Whoever hates his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him." I John 3:15

"If anyone says, I love God, but hates the brothers or sisters, he is a liar... Whoever loves God must also love the brothers and sisters." I John 3:20, 21

"See that none render evil for evil to any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men." I Thessalonians 5:15
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Dec. 5th, 2004 @ 10:36 pm *zing*
And Intrinsa, like all drugs, has certain possible side effects. For Intrinsa, they include hair growth, acne, oily skin and a rare deepening of the voice.

Which does raise one frustrating possibility: A nation of voracious women - not one of whom is able to get a date.

Man, that's COLD!

(And as a person who has PCO, that's funny!)
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