little butterflies in hell
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in prophei's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, November 4th, 2004
    4:52 pm
    amerikkka... what the fuck just happened???
    every society needs progression to move forward. progression is the process of inventing and re-inventing... it is the result of the creative act. without this, we grow stale. we lose the things that make us great. we die and become irrelevant. living in the actual centers of progression in america gives one an unfortunately false view of the realities that exist in america. almost everything of substance that has driven our progression in modern times has been rooted in the metropolitan areas of the west coast, the north east and the great lakes. our most important universities, technologies and economies exist and flourish there. the things that have made this country known came from places like the silicon valley of the san francisco area... a bastion of extreme thinking, political discourse and cultural diversity. they have come from the great north eastern universities. they have come from the technical scientific places of learning from chicago and los angeles. intensity, diversity, progression and liberalism have given this country most of what has allowed it to become great in this world. it has made us a leader of both thought and product. the powerhouse of this nation is born from thinking forward, from creation... it has NEVER come from conservatism, paranoia and fear.

    the very revolt against the outdated and stale thinking of the rightist structures in this society are what move us forward. the blue states we saw tonight reflected an almost perfect map of americas innovation and what really holds our real future. our great and powerful centers of art and science, of thought and progression have never been built on looking back... and that was clearly illustrated in tonight's electoral map. i have grown up in this part of american society. i have grown up on extreme ideas, on extreme art, on extreme cultures... on the need to think in the box, around the box, inside the box and beyond the box... and i think it has been healthy. i cherish these experiences, this learning and the perspectives i have gained and lost in the process. this lifestyle is never a constant, it is never stale... it changes and grows as situations around me do... as the world does. it is flexible and adaptable. it is evolution, and i demand it.

    these are the kinds of things we cherish as we try to build a better america. one that can deal and cope with not only the diversity of our own nation, but all the other nations we live on this planet with. the ability to consider other ideas, the ability to understand why people think so differently than us. the desire for peace and growth. all this is what our "blue" states have really held on to in my opinion. this is what we have cultivated in this country. it is what we have been the champions of. pushing the envelope of anything and everything.

    living in this kind of environment is a bit of a deception tho.. true perspective about this nation can become unclear and hard to attain. this is a nation of immensity that goes far beyond these places of progression, and what you find outside of my blue states is something vastly different. the "other" america is the conservative america, the ass kicking america, the traditional america, the fundamentalist religious america. it is the america that strives to hold onto old customs and traditions. it holds on to the way things were. it sees more nobility in being firm than being adaptable. it sees more worth in fighting to gain supremacy through force than discussion and understanding. it seems to look at the world through the tinted glasses of it's old faiths and customs... and is happy fighting to make others do that as well. don't get me wrong, i can see some nobility in that. there are very good hard working people from this america. they are as american as me, and have every right to feel like they do... but they illustrated something scary to me this evening. they illustrated that they can overlook some of the most gross misconduct possible. they illustrated that they will accept the dismantling of some of our most sacred rights. they illustrated that they will give up their sons and daughters to die in causes that have been proven highly questionable, if not criminal.

    they have accepted this kind of stuff because they could relate to the leader who was behind all this stuff. their discomfort with my world just continued what is arguably one of the most destructive, divisive and dangerous presidencies we have had. his stance on single issues like abortion absolved him of so many countless other crimes. his ability to sound "tough" made him seem presidential. his near inability to speak coherently and intelligently was somehow perceived as making him sound like "just one of the guys". there was a comfort level with him, and this gave him the vote of enough of these americans to beat out the person supported by the arguably most populated and critically important areas of america. i can not even imagine how good people can be so narrow-minded to support a person so questionable simply because he plays into things that make them feel good. can america afford to sacrifice the culture of progression to cater to the safety of the old? can a free america allow the dictates of the past to chain it's move towards the future? does this sound insane to you that i think this could all represent that?

    the america of freedom and justice has given way to an america of aggression and fear. the america of privacy and personal rights has given way to the america of patriot acts that protect and promote the opposite. the america of progressive thinking has now been certainly trumped by the fundamentalist america that supports just about every action that has made us a feared and disliked (if not hated) nation the world over. we are represented by a man that can hardly speak, and is backed by a cabinet that is blatantly fascist in it's philosophy. a man guided by some sort of self proclaimed and indulgent divine inspiration was just voted in by all the parts of america that are fighting against the very things that make us a great nation. america the great and the stupid. america, the biggest joke on the lips of the civilized world.

    a person has got to be blind to not see the contempt and humor at which people look at our leader... and now they can look that way at the rest of us for actually voting him in again. our political system is run like a crime, our constitution is falling apart, our leaders rule as if ordained by god... and all this is now proven to be the best course by the most backwards thinking parts of this country. some of you people looked at that bumbling man in those debates and actually felt he was somebody that should rule the entire free world? or what is still left of it? i fear this america.

    i live in a bubble that deceives me when i think we can be a force for good. i live in the places that reject the policies of the past. i live in an america that yearns to look forward into the future where we respect people and resolve differences without starting wars under false pretenses. our empire will fall, that is clear. the people who have now shown their power have already begun that process. i have no idea how long it will take, but it is inevitable. our pathetic, scared, uneducated, ignorant and paranoid masses will see to it. they voted for it tonight. it is so disturbing to know that they rule this nation, not the ones that really should. our president ran on a record of fear mongering, nationalism and fundamentalism.. and the people have spoken. i am at such a loss for words. i am so sickened.

    i expected this outcome... but someplace deep inside of me i really hoped that we americans would show that a better side of our culture existed. i hoped that we would collectively vote for progress, responsibility and freedom... and we did the opposite. congratulations to all of you that won tonight. you frankly scare the shit out of me. i see you as the fall of this great country. i see you as the problem, not the solution. i see you as the ignorant and paranoid. i see you as the very thing that will make me do one of two things in the coming years... leave altogether or join politics. i am so angry that i can not stand around and watch your america destroy mine. your america is everything backwards and wrong in this country.

    our political system is so screwed up that i don't even know if i can trust it at all. the whole thing sounds more like a payoff than governance... more like a media blitz than a political process. government at the whims of bad leaders instead of for us. if i can convince myself that joining this fray would actually bring about a change, i will do it. i will do it to oppose everything tonight's vote stood for. i will do it to spite your america. do i really even believe in the greater intelligence of this nations people anymore enough to want to work for them though? i am not so sure right now.. though this may change with time. i am angry, pissed off... mad as fucking hell. ultimately, i will calm... i always do.

    as i re-apply for european citizenship this month, something i feel forced to do for the first time since i was a child, i will have the calm knowledge that i do not have to be here anymore... that i have really achieved freedom. the freedom to leave this place, if i ever really want to. i know many that do, and i guess that the behavior of your new president will be making clear what decision i will need to make. i will not live in an america falling apart because of the ignorance of it's citizens. people that given the chance to stop what is obviously evil, vote it back in. i don't think this happened because americans are inherently evil or bad natured ... it happened because of how fucking stupid we are... and that is the saddest reason i can think of.

    i have nothing more to say about this. good luck.
    Thursday, October 28th, 2004
    12:02 am
    halloween in portland.....
    i wrote a few new songs this week for my show n portland on halloween...

    if you are interested... here are the links:

    let me know what you think.
    i recommend hallucinogens before listening if convenient.. :-)

    Friday, September 17th, 2004
    8:36 pm
    how bizarre, this actually works...

    you can get a free ipod and it is easy. i have friends it worked for, so i know it isn't bullshit (as much as i feel inclined to feel all these things have to be)

    here is even a site talking about it...
    Friday, May 14th, 2004
    7:52 pm
    new music
    please let me know what you think...
    Wednesday, April 14th, 2004
    2:22 pm
    my last post was an oddly dated april fools joke it seems, which i selfishly am VERY happy about. the problem is that this very kind of thing IS happening all over amerikka, so my anger still exists. just cause it isn't always happening to my fav bands, it is JUST AS BAD.

    we need to stop this kind of crap...

    Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
    12:25 pm
    i am so pissed right now that i can barely talk. the disgusting absurdity of our leadership is going too far...

    jesus is now a bad word?

    check this out from the depeche mode web page:

    Due to the recent breast-baring incident by Janet Jackson, and Bono's use of a vulgarity on the CBS network, the FCC have now gone to the next step in securing the airwaves from indecent material. The FCC have now started a serious retroactive crackdown on indecent lyrics. Unfortunately, Depeche Mode are one of the first bands to be victims of this. A number of tunes, including fan favorites such as "Personal Jesus", "Sea Of Sin" amd "I Want You Now" have effectively been banned from U.S. airwaves. We are hurt by this decision, as we are sure you are as well.

    this is the most ridiculous BULLSHIT i have ever heard of. you right leaning people don't think that we are taken over by fascists yet? is book burning next??

    we have no choice but to secure a kerry vote in november, as it is the only sure way to get this administration out of office. please don't waste your vote.
    Thursday, February 26th, 2004
    7:06 pm
    locked inside a bitter spell
    sipping gently on my drink
    kissing at the gates of hell
    blinding sorrows till i think

    wandering in timeless pose
    whispering under the cries
    still in moonlight grows a rose
    gracing hope within the skies

    peering through the looking glass
    directly at the heart in chains
    waiting for the still to pass
    at the steps of my remains

    that which hollow kills the tear
    born in hatred come undone
    need to rise and kill the fear
    before the ending has begun

    (written tonight for somebody i don't know)
    Monday, February 9th, 2004
    1:54 pm
    ~~ Join Us For A Valentines Day Shindig ~~

    On this day in honor of love, join us in celebration!

    You are cordially invited to attend the wedding afterparty of our dearest friends

    Edgar Compton & Michele de Cino

    on this February 14th 2004

    Good music and goodtimes will be provided!!

    This will party will be at the shamii/wil/pickle/dav house in Long Beach, CA
    Please come and show your support!

    If you need any further information, please feel free to email:
    Sunday, February 8th, 2004
    10:20 pm
    written for a friend...
    oh those things that mesmerize
    sparkle in the mid-day sun
    losing time within your eyes
    beauty over chaos won

    paralyzed within a gaze
    captured from within a screen
    hesitate to change the page
    hypnotized by what i've seen

    simple as a point of light
    brilliant like a solar blaze
    beaconing all of my sight
    reaching out beyond my gaze

    images beyond this space
    warm my heart as they inspire
    brighten up my dreary place
    if life is cold... you are a fire
    Thursday, February 5th, 2004
    1:25 pm
    the folly of youth

    yesterday i was snubbed.

    i was snubbed by an arrogant moron, and i got irritated. i got irritated because i was snubbed by the same kind of person i was many years ago.

    it is bizarre to me when ego gets so big that it surpasses the very talents that gave it it's birth. it gets really hard to take seriously, just like i was.

    you aren't even a blip on the radar of life.

    good luck.
    Wednesday, November 26th, 2003
    9:23 pm
    i sit here and wonder why
    the angels have left the sky
    the angels have left my eyes
    i see no more through these blinds

    the moon she watches over me
    through the forest in my sea
    through the blinds i try to see
    holding on to dying belief

    i sit here and look unto
    all the monuments i built for you
    and all the things i did to choose
    that path that made me lose

    all faith the whisper in this heart
    the taste of soul tearing apart
    in dreams that still fear the smile
    that made this process so worthwhile

    there was once a sun in the sky
    that held me close, opened my eyes
    that tore off these rusted chains
    that came to lock up my remains

    there was a god in heaven above
    that filled me with a hope for love
    but living taught me to regret
    that hope i swore i would forget
    Thursday, October 30th, 2003
    12:18 am
    a simple connection through space and time
    entered in full by the turn of a dial, push of a button
    i see something flash before me
    i find myself unable to escape the inevitable transmission


    we are like the gods, distance has an entirely new meaning
    we are no longer bound with the chains of here and there
    all is alive, all is now, communication overload

    i ponder what this path will ultimately bring... achieve
    the human cyborg has lost his past

    he traded it in for a color screen
    he traded it in for a button to push

    stare into the colored lights, go ahead... DO IT

    what piece of our humanity was sacrificed for what we have now?
    what has happened to the spirit of man
    what has happened to intuition of man
    what has happened to the union inside of man
    what has happened to the drive that for thousands of years pushed us beyond...

    not beyond previous tech
    not material progression
    not financial gain
    but sacrifice and love...


    control of....

    is it possible?

    was the tech of the past the mind?
    was the tech of the past the soul?
    was there ever this true union?

    some say there was

    we are such confused people, such confused masses
    we have sacrificed our evolutionary legacy for convenience
    we have lost our spirit to the new gods of technology
    we have halted our true progression
    we are our own emergency brake in the cosmic wheel

    we hang on tight to the things we know, too fearful to really grow into the future

    set yourself free, free from all this
    set yourself free, join with the all
    an eternal embrace, a kiss
    Wednesday, September 17th, 2003
    1:41 pm
    Cool stuff
    It is always nice as an artist when you get somebody excited about something you write...

    prophei: wanna hear an idea i was working on last night?
    friend: yes!
    prophei: vox need to be redone and some more stuff written, but this is pretty cool for 4 hours of work
    prophei: =]
    friend: mrrrowr
    friend: send me more fucker!!!
    friend: go home
    friend: make more
    friend: and send it to me
    friend: oh...wait
    friend: quit work first
    friend: don't ever go back
    friend: go home
    friend: and make more of this
    friend: ill bring you pizza everyday
    friend: so you don't have to leave
    friend: ok..fine...steak
    friend: but...just step away from the computer right now
    friend: and strap yourself onto the music equipment for the rest of your life
    friend: thank you
    friend: and have a nice day
    prophei: so you like it?
    friend: you could say that
    prophei: cool
    friend: hahaha
    prophei: i'll finish then =]
    friend: you think i'm kidding don't you
    friend: go home
    prophei: yeah
    friend: go home right now
    friend: make more of this
    prophei: i need a rich person to sponsor me as an artist like in the old days
    prophei: then i could write albums of stuff like this
    friend: hahaha
    prophei: all day and night
    friend: one day, when i am rich and famous
    prophei: those vox are a first take off the top of my head last night
    prophei: made it all up
    prophei: hehe
    friend: i will do this for you
    friend: i love them
    friend: i love it
    prophei: why thank you
    friend: it's my new favourite
    prophei: you like it THAT much?
    prophei: it is so simple
    friend: oh yes
    prophei: you are weird

    Friday, September 12th, 2003
    12:39 pm
    California is a few hours away from decriminalizing first-time marijuana
    possession for personal use......and just 4 votes short. We need to act
    right now to push this legislation through. Please call the legislators
    below. It has to be done right now.

    The bill, SB 131 introduced by Byron Sher, will make the first conviction
    for marijuana possession for personal use of less than an ounce an
    infraction with a $100 fine. It will win TODAY if we move right now!!!
    The legislators listed below need to hear from YOU!!!!!!!

    Please send a message to telling us
    that you made the calls.


    "I am a California resident calling in support of SB 131, the Byron Sher bill
    which will make the first conviction for marijuana possession for personal
    use of less than an ounce an infraction with a $100 fine. It has already
    passed the Senate and is being voted on in the Assembly this afternoon."


    1. The bill is sponsored by the Judicial Council, judges who don't want to
    waste money and time on minor cases like possession of small amounts
    of marijuana.

    2. Misdemeanor marijuana convictions disqualify individuals from college
    loans and grants under the federal Higher Education Act, foreclosing on
    educational opportunity. This bill will help to keep education available to
    all and reduce strain on our criminal justice system.

    3. Convictions have a proven impact on long term employability.
    Convictions are concentrated in poor communities and communities of
    color. Their cumulative effect is economic disempowerment of certain
    sectors of society, and intergenerational transfer of poverty. A large
    part of the Californian population is communities of color. This bill would
    help to protect them from harsh drug conviction consequences.

    ***If your local legislator is listed below - call him or her first.*** Tell them
    that you are their constituent. Even if your local legislator is not listed, call
    any or all from the list below (the more calls you make the better):

    Cindy Montaez 916-319-2039
    San Fernando, North Hollywood,
    Pacoima, Panorama City, Sun Valley,

    Dario Frommer 16-319 2043
    Los Angeles, North Hollywood, Burbank,

    Simon Salinas 916-319-2028
    Salinas, Monterey, Santa Cara,
    San Benito, Santa Cruz

    Sara Reyes 916-319-2031
    Fresno, Sanger

    George Nakano 916-319-2053
    Los Angeles, Venice, Redondo Beach,
    Torrance, Lomita

    Lou Correa 916-319-2069
    Anaheim, Santa Ana, Garden Grove,
    Orange County

    Manny Diaz 16-319-2023
    San Jose

    Rebecca Cohn 916-319-2024
    San Jose, Saratoga

    Barbara Matthews 916-319-2017
    Tracy, Stockton, Merced, Newman,

    Nichole Parra 916-319-2030
    Bakersfield, Wasco, Coalinga, Dinuba,
    Wednesday, September 10th, 2003
    10:13 am
    i was rather confused when a little while back i was made aware of the fact that my "ex" felt she couldn't communicate with me...more specifically, that i didn't tell her what was going on. i found this rather odd, as i spent a large amount of my time telling her everything in my head. i went as far as to explain in great detail all the motivations behind my thinking as help paint an altogether "complete" picture. when hearing about her statements, i was rather perplexed. i have had to unfortunately come to the conclusion that she just was either not very bright or just not particularly interested during those "end" times. i think that when describing the things i would feel, she would get lost in the very non-linear nature of it. emotions are NOT linear, and this was the problem... she has very little real ability to "connect" with the emotions of others. she is constantly wearing shades colored with her own feelings. she is far too self centered to ever really "get" anybody else... let alone somebody who will try to explain the non linear as coherently as possible in hopes of helping her "get it". it is so unfortunate that everything ended up the way it did, as when she really had any desire to pay attention, she understood plenty. i laugh now, kind of glad to not be subject to an empty understanding of me, perpetuated by the mind-frame of the self-centered. i put way too much work into that time period, and all i got was this lousy memory... go figure.
    Monday, September 8th, 2003
    6:45 pm
    new webpages...
    i have recently begun updating a lot of my old webpages with new design and information. please take a look, and let me know what you think! you will find all of my current dance music up in these pages, with video clips, images and more sound to come. take care.
    Wednesday, August 27th, 2003
    9:55 am
    Robert Anton Wilson finally joins the California election...
    Finally, we have a good candidate for governor of california. Robert Anton Wilson, who I find to be the most brilliant mind of the last hundred years or more, is running for governor of my state as a write in candidate.

    Spread the word! We need to give this guy some votes!
    9:17 am
    sometimes i just can't help but do these...
    red aura
    Your aura shines Red!

    What Color Is Your Aura?
    brought to you by Quizilla
    Monday, August 25th, 2003
    6:20 pm
    My Birthday Party....
    I would like to thank everybody who came out to my birthday bash on saturday night. I hope you are all recovering faster than me ;-)

    I had a fantastic time. It was amazing how well it worked out, and just how fast we finished those kegs... hehehe.

    My birthday couldn't have been any better. It is nice to be surrounded by so many good friends. I love you all.
    Thursday, August 21st, 2003
    1:33 pm
    i recently redid and/or updated 2 of my webpages with new information and design. check em out!

    i am looking for people who might be able to make these more data driven moving forward. it is a real pain updating using html all the time. let me know if you want to help... thanks! =]
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