Below is information about the "bodmod" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | bodmod (584361) |
Name: | bodmod |
Website: | BMEzine |
About: | A simple community for those who enjoy/participate in body modification (bodmod). Some basic rules:
1. Use at least somewhat proper grammar (understandable English) 2. Limit posts to the topics of locating new bodmod practitioners in your area, pictures/experiences of recent bodmod events, or questions about specific bodmods (also note that BME's QOD is a much better place to look for answers)
More rules will be put up as they become neccesary.
Also remember to check out _the_modified_ for more body modification fun. |
Interests: | 62: ampallang, anti-eyebrow, anti-tragus, apadravya, bmezine, bodmod, body modification, body modifications, branding, bridge, chemical scarification, christina, cutting, daith, dydoe, eyebrow, frenum, frowney, gauge, gauging, hood, horizontal navel, industrial, ink rubbings, inner labia, kanji, labret, lobe, lowbrets, madonna, medusa, nape, navel, net, nipple, nostril, orbital, outer labia, piercing, piercings, prince albert, rook, scalpelling, scarification, scrumper, septum, smiley, snug, splitting, suspensions, tattoo gun scarification, tattoos, tragus, tranverse lobe, triangle, tribal, true navel, venoms, vertical labret, vertical lobe, vertical lowbrets, vertical tragus. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 196: 0nly_ashes, 3tears_for_you, _____december, ___gwenn, __murderer__, __null__, __polaroidpose, _andlovesaidno_, _paulinaiselite, aelphabawest, aeonia, agent242, ajapanesedream, almighty_ducky, amoree, angeldust666, angelgosplat, angelofmyblade, art_thr0b, azsunshinebabe, azuraskyee, banana_castrate, bangbangsmash, beccaxface, bishoujosabrina, bleumonday, blueskybleeding, bodymodrus, bone_n_ash, boysofsummer_, brankauti, bruised_skies, buzzedangel, bwitchn_vamp, candiedvagina, cellularity, cherrymuffins3, choreah, cinnamongirl505, circle23, cme2694, crashlight, curiousdesire, da_pooksta, daner1369, deadanddieing, deadzie, deannawol, dedoubt, demi_danger, devimustdie, diediemydarling, dildos_r_fun, djpoprox, dollface1334, downonlife_, dyzcordia, efyiu, emodyke04, emptysoul127, evilkytten, evl_poptart_boy, exoskeletron, f5_, facebite, faerieangelic, faerylepdoptera, faeryqueenmab, fairy_bean, fallingidol, fierce_lingua, flower_violence, frozenprncss, fuk_up_x0x, fvckinni99er, glitterpie, gothiksukkubus, haleys_lotus, i_is_ashleigh, iam_notarobot, iamthemurderer, ieatcutepuppys, infertil_embryo, iusebigwords, jackaayy, janejellyroll, jasmineyoghurt, jess1986, jetsxtoxjune, jexxica, kel_sey, kellerina, killbloodspill, laced_in_velvet, lacedvixen, lich_mistress, loofah_orgy, lordtesticlese, lsdjesus, luo_bo, mad_fat_girl, madd_spammer, magdellin, meshisseky, mindslide, minkscarf, moldysockssuck, monfisch, mrsdweezilzappa, mya22, ncucumber16, new_wave_god, nidrotica, numberuntitled, octavie, ohpain, onlyapunkrocker, orgasmofgossip, outofthedark, paincuts, perogieluver, pierce_mine, piercedmuses, pinklemonade13, pinkpluspink, pleasexbleed, pnkxribbonscars, prettyplastic__, promisetears, psycho_whore, punkasbenji, punkisnt_h8te, punkrockneil, pxydust529, quoggenzocker, realitysgonemad, rev_j, rockabillykid, run_away_w_me, rzrblderomancex, saphirrisse, scarsofanguish, seaoftears, seiva_sadism, sexpistolette, shelly_webster, shesaidbangxx, shotie, shroudofvoices, sixfeetsmall, sorryxdarling, soshewrote, spiritandflesh, stainsofromance, starcatcher70, starrpunker, starsattwilight, sthbodyjewelry, stinkles, stryknine, succubus666, sumbebekos, switchercat, sylents, synapsejax, taskmaster, thebloodline, thecenterbullet, theonlykow, theratqueen, tofukiller, trephineyou, trioxin, trunks1321, turkie_tayles, twinkykitten, twisted_fix, unprotectedrex, unsaveable, urbankido, vecktor, voyeurizm, walkitoff, wanton_desires, wardrums, wasteofskin, xbettiepagex, xcaliboix, xdebxorahx, xebgx, xxhav0cxx, xxkitxx, yellow_bananas, yourpoultry, zabbed, zaphod666 |
Watched by: | 127: 0nly_ashes, _____december, __murderer__, __null__, _glue, aelphabawest, aeonia, agent242, ajapanesedream, almighty_ducky, amoree, angelgosplat, angelofmyblade, azsunshinebabe, bangbangsmash, bishoujosabrina, bleumonday, blueskybleeding, bodymodrus, bone_n_ash, bruised_skies, candiedvagina, cellularity, cherrymuffins3, choreah, circle23, cosmiclover, curiousdesire, damuddymeg, daner1369, deadanddieing, deannawol, dedoubt, dissidentdiva, djpoprox, downonlife_, efyiu, emptysoul127, evilkytten, evl_poptart_boy, exoskeletron, f5_, facebite, faerylepdoptera, faeryqueenmab, fairy_bean, fire_ferrie, flower_violence, fuk_up_x0x, fvckinni99er, haleys_lotus, ieatcutepuppys, infertil_embryo, irishgoddess, jackaayy, janejellyroll, jasmineyoghurt, jetsxtoxjune, kel_sey, killbloodspill, laced_in_velvet, lich_mistress, lordtesticlese, lsdjesus, meshisseky, mindslide, monfisch, mrsdweezilzappa, mya22, ncucumber16, nevaehrae, nidrotica, octavie, ohpain, orgasmofgossip, paincuts, pierce_mine, piercedmuses, pinklemonade13, pleasexbleed, psycho_whore, punkisnt_h8te, punkrockneil, rev_j, run_away_w_me, rzrblderomancex, seaoftears, sexpistolette, shelly_webster, shotie, sincitysyco, sleepysin, soshewrote, spiritandflesh, stainsofromance, starrpunker, starsattwilight, sthbodyjewelry, stinkles, stryknine, succubus666, sumbebekos, switchercat, sylents, synapsejax, taskmaster, thebloodline, theonlykow, tofukiller, trephineyou, trioxin, trunks1321, turkie_tayles, twinkykitten, twirlingvixen, unprotectedrex, voyeurizm, wanton_desires, wardrums, xbettiepagex, xcaliboix, xdebxorahx, xebgx, xxkitxx, yourpoultry, zabbed, zaphod666 |
Account type: | Free Account |