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User:clairex2 (333466) clairex2
Location:Washington, United States
Bio:See below. xoxo

Generally happy and completely content.

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Interests:66: acceptance, antiques, being right, bespelled, cheekbones, chocolate, chocolate decadence, columbian necktie, crosswords, csi, diesel, dressing to impress, ebay, etc etc, everything else, francais, friends, frodo, going home from work, hardcore, high class, hip-hop, insight, intensity, internet, italia, jeopardy!, kafka, kierkegaard, la musique, legolas, living outside my means, mac, martin buber, moonlight sonata, movie night, music, my boyfriend, my crew, my laptop, nordstrom, omg, paris, pictures, pirates, postal service, prada, robert doisneau, russian literature, ryan zwiefelhofer, saab, sartre, shopping, sincerity, skull and crossbones, snowboarding, stripes, the chronicles, the jealous sound, throw pillows, tight pants, vintage artwork, william faulkner, word of the day, wordgames, xpccx. [Modify yours]
People36:acceptryan, adolescentnight, allicinnamon, andshewas, armsgravy, bradleyjames, captainxemo, davidchandler, djmystk, emily_core, emointhenight, faithandchaos, foxyadrian, hanako_san, heatherdawson, hiimfrancisco, ifuckinrock, its_oh_so_quiet, joshtrembley, jrtrippin, kat_mix, keepitshut, knowbyheart, mewithoutyou, noanswer_needed, notyetforgotten, ohpossiblymaybe, raingetsmeemo, robbi_is_sxe, seximeximel, superyessica, truebeliever, tylerlewis, wingsoflead, xalonex, xchroniclex
Communities2:__acceptance__, le_musique
Account type:Free Account

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