Chicken of the Sea's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Chicken of the Sea's LiveJournal:

    [ << Previous 20 ]
    Wednesday, September 4th, 2002
    9:33 pm
    Oh the joys of school!
    wow... its weird being back at school... its like its all the other people who were there last year... and
    then the new comers... it seems like its our school, and they're just there... i kinda wish they never came!
    weird isnt it... last year i complained about not enough people, and this year im complaining about more
    people... i never win with me...

    so... bible this years in english... for everyone.... whoohoo!!! thank the lord! hebrew class has about
    5 or so more people and one less... aaron... *sniff* i miss that kid... evan still seems to be tormenting
    me in hebrew and volenteering me to answer some question the teacher asks... how sweet of him... not... ack!

    man... im not mentally prepared for school... not yet!!! one more month... at LEAST!!! i miss caryn like
    fuck... december i go and visit her... she claims she'll take me to get my cartilage pierced... c... i
    figured my 'rents wont kill me since they took most of their anger out on caryn when she did it...

    meanwhile... a*0=0 because a*0+a*0=0+0!!! DOESNT THAT MAKE EVERYTHING MAKE SO MUCH
    MORE SENSE THEN IT DID BEFORE!?!?!!?!?!? yesterday we learned how to count...
    it was exciting shit... lemme tell ya!

    well... im off... id like to get to bed early tonight... fat chance!!! oooo... c... i dont understand why
    people say that... its either fat chance or slim chance... but fat and slim are opposites... and yet slim
    chance and fat chance mean the exact same thing... oh what to do what to do?!!?!? i dont get it!!!

    Monday, September 2nd, 2002
    6:51 pm
    o deary me!!! school starts tomorrow... o what to do what to do?!?!?! some may rejoice... others may panic....
    dfljkhgykjg tkfvtvhbvgkjfvhkbvyukgjvbhkmthfgjkvm ftu j ,gy fh,tfb m,n,tgjhkf cmhtbjkfcgh jkfhg,m cn#%$#^%&^*&^&^
    $%#&^&*)*&((*#W@!df.k ghcm kjv,mb,v h,mfgjh k,vgj ghvm hnb,vn,gmghnfkm,gkjhf,m khgcvng, vhn.,gv!!!!!!!!!

    as for me... im the panic type... newho... just came back from michigan... awesome time... lemme tell ya!

    meanwhile... i have no idea what to wear tomorrow... c... what i was thinking... look decent enough the first day
    so i dont scare neone away... then the rest of the days... to hell with others! yes yes... thats my plan... and
    then once my stretch marks go away... olive branches all the way baby!!! whoohoo!!!

    so, turns out hannah and becka are NOT taking the train this year... damn them! and inez for not letting them
    only pay for 2 or 3 days a week for the cab/now to be limo... interesting eh? its not fair!! now i have no one
    to join me with making fools of ourselves... hmmm... and aaron doesnt go here nemore!!! he just HAD to move to
    florida!!! the train pool is now officially ruined!!! ruined i tell ya!!!! this is gonna be hell... no one to
    talk to... and i wont know neone on the train the first day... supposivly the new junior guys taking it... rumor
    has it... he lives in the city....

    newho... maurissas no longer going to our school... so i hear from becka... who knows... she could be wrong....
    so... lets c... whos left our school so far: abby, rachel weiner, aaron and maurissa... 23-4+1= 20 people in the
    sophmore class...

    man am i depressed... its not fair!!! i dont want school to start!!! not yet!! not now!!! im not ready for
    this kind of torture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! i cant learn! not yet!!! i dont remember.... i got
    so stupid over the summer... as did everyone else...

    neways... im off to cleaning my room... it seems to be a mess, and my darling mother doesnt seem to think its
    alright for it to look like this...

    p.s. i finally recieved my mix and video!! whoohoo!!! the mix has good songs on it but its terrible quality for
    some of the songs... and they didnt even put a lot of the songs we requested on it... and added some songs ive
    never even heard before.... hmmmm.... this could only mean one thing...

    Current Mood: stressed
    Current Music: piano man...
    Thursday, August 29th, 2002
    4:51 pm

    Which Cartoon Cat Are You? Quiz by gypsydance

    so, went to school yesteday for an hour and a half and found out that... once again... im the only girl in my
    hebrew class... with 3 more guys than last year... o the torture... what to do what to do.... neways... im
    dreading going back to school on tuesday so much! i really cant learn again... i think i got really stupid over
    the summer... i hate it when that happens... but, the good news is... its only a four day week... but still... i
    cant put up with it... im really not ready to go back...

    well... i think thats it... BESIDES.... my tan, for some reason... got so messed up... i dont know what happened
    or how it happened... hopefully when i go to michigan this weekend... itll get fixed...

    well, i dont have much to say... and i dont think theres nething else... o wait! so, our camp was supposed to
    send mixes... well.. everyone else seemed to get it... but not me... i have no idea what happened... its not fair!
    damn them and the mail service....
    Monday, August 26th, 2002
    12:24 pm
    caryn's gone...

    i'm a mess...

    ...the end
    Sunday, August 25th, 2002
    7:07 pm
    i just thought of another one...

    seran wrap is really plastic wrap

    interesting eh?
    Saturday, August 24th, 2002
    4:47 pm
    ack!!! murder to driver's ed!!! i think i saw the most boring movie EVER!!! man... it was torture... good thing
    i dont have it today... i would run the risk of seeing it again... *GASP*... neways... our instructor guy warned
    us about the movie and told us he wasnt going to be in the room for it... so we were all doodling and not paying
    attention... parts of it we were... the whole movie was this guy talking to this class, which we didnt even see
    their faces, so who really knows if they were there.... and he had a white board... he was talking about friction
    at one point... he mentioned sand paper... wtf?!?! and then he punched a piece of paper... i found that quite
    amusing... so, im actually interacting with 2 people from my class!! whoohoo!!! this girl named laura knows an
    old friend of mine from anshe, rachel tanz... so that was exciting... and then laura's friend... whos name i havent
    learned yet... was talking to me as well.... and katie grass is in my class... still no acknowledgment from her...
    damn bitch... well, she left anshe early... so i guess i shouldnt expect it... but ALACK!!!! we were best friends
    in nursery and jk... and then i think she left in 3rd...

    meanwhile... caryn leaves the day after tomorrow for israel... o no! im gonna die... we had a little day together!
    we went out for lunch and went shopping... so that was fun...

    i also got my haircut today... its at my shoulders and layered... its very short compared to how it used to be...
    i like it better...

    my cheeks are going down... originally, i couldnt see my ears when i smiled... now i can!!! yay!!! actually, to
    come to think of it... at one point, i couldnt see my ears without smiling... AND... yes yes... theres more!!!!!!
    you can see my "real" cheek... like the way it used to look... right by my ears!!! yay!!! i just hope that my
    cheeks wont deflate like that... i'll have these huge things on either side of my mouth and then the rest would be
    normal... man, that would be hideous looking... hehehe!!! i can see it now! mwahahahha!!!!

    well, im off to getting my jeans shortened... how weird is that... pretty weird if u ask me!!!!
    Wednesday, August 21st, 2002
    8:56 pm
    dear lord...
    everyone off the road... so, i got my permit today... i dont know how i did since i got 5 wrong... i dont even
    get why they had me go to get it... it makes no sense... i've only been to 5 classes... so, i really didnt learn
    half of the info i needed to know... o well! it really doesnt matter since my 'rents are making me wait until
    the spring time to get my license... for that, they shall die! blechness to the EXTREME... or maybe its for the

    on a happier note... we got a new principal for CJHS... more of a vice... but it doesnt really matter... roz
    still seems to be headmaster and what not...

    meanwhile... i really dont want to go back to school in a week and a half... theres no way my face will be down
    by then... and my "scars" wont be gone until NEXT summer... i dont wanna see neone... well, some people, but not
    others... im not really good at that whole friends thing... it sux that im not outgoing...

    and... AND... i cant talk to guys... i dont get it!!! i mean i can, but i cant talk to them like i can talk to
    girls... retard me! i know what i'll do... i'll just concentrate on school and become one of those dorks who
    only care about school and have no social life... wait wait... last year i had no social life and i really didnt
    care about school... but what REALLY sux... is that the state asks for ur grades when getting insurance... so i
    actually have to try and do well this year... i guess it'll get me farther in life then blowing off another year.

    so... for school we have to read this incredibly boring play, "a man for all seasons"... its about henry VIII...
    now tell me... WHO THE HELL GIVES A SHIT ABOUT HIM?!?!! i really think we should burn all plays... i cant read
    them! they suck!!! they annoy me soooo fucking much! its so short, but u have to read it about 10 times to
    understand it... which really bites... im not even finished with act I... theres only 2 acts... thank god... im
    on page like 50 and there are 163 pages... i did, in fact, order sparknotes and actually picked them up yesterday!

    well... im off... i dont think theres much more to complain about... or state for that matter... maybe i'll strip
    naked, put on olive branches and go dancing in the streets... i havent done that in awhile... it could be an
    energy booster... maybe even a little fun...
    Tuesday, August 20th, 2002
    2:55 pm
    wow... its been awhile...
    wow... such a long time since the last time i wrote in here... well, the good news is, i bought a pair of
    pants... so now i have about 2 pairs of pants that fit!! woohoo!! so, my cheeks havent really gone down
    as much as i hoped... but my face looks longer... so, then maybe they have... week by week, they're getting
    easier to sqeeze... hopefully in 2 weeks, they'll be so close to normal, that u cant even tell i was once
    twice the size of my real face size... so, my mother just recently informed me, that i'm meeting with my
    new hebrew tutor at 4:00... so nice to know my mom communicates with me on a daily basis... but, i'm some-
    what excited... i guess... that im getting a tutor... this way... i can actually learn the language... i
    mean, seriously... ive been learning hebrew for how long now? 12 years? and havent learned nething...

    i'm really not that excited for school to start... i dont wanna see neone... i know it sounds rude... but i
    could go for another week then we're given before i see them again... at the moment, i hear that they have
    17 freshmen... so thats exciting news... aaron left... he called roz to tell her that hes not coming back
    from florida... now isnt that a big: FUCK YOU to roz... mwehehehe!!! that cracks me up! so, 2 sophmores
    left, and we're recieving one new one... and... AND... 2 new juniors... wooohooo!!!!!

    so, turns out, i cant get my teeth whitened until NEXT june... how much does that suck?!!? a lot... o well!
    my cousin made a website... and let me tell you... its classic... its really funny... i think so at least...

    random question (stolen from my cousin): does the word freckle sound dirty to you?

    caryn leaves on monday... man, its gonna be hell without her...
    i'm going to michigan over labor day weekend... so that outta be fun...
    i'm getting my permit tomorrow... yay!!! but i wont be able to get my lisence on my bday... the earliest
    will be in november... but thats ok... i probably wont even get it by then...

    meanwhile... this entry is taking me 5 times longer than it should... i'm off!!!
    Thursday, August 15th, 2002
    10:15 pm
    what i've discovered...
    in everyday life... people always say bandaid and kleenex... well... little do they know...

    kleenex is really tissue
    bandaid is really an adhesive strip
    frisbee... disc
    chapstick... lip balm
    xerox... copy
    Q-tip... cotton swab

    thats all i can think of now... miriam cant seem to think of others either... but when i do... i will add...
    some people say tabasco sauce instead of hot sauce... so that could be one...
    10:54 am
    so, caryn finally comes home today... i can hardly wait! man, i missed her so much... i'm gonna die next year
    without her here...

    anyways... yesterday was my 2nd drivers ed class... man that class is so boring... i could just take my pen and stab
    myself in the stomach... man, those movies are bizzare... so, i'm supposivly getting my permit next wednesday...
    that is if the computers arent down... my teacher gave us a lecture about how you are not to sign the permit paper
    with a crayon... who in their bright mind would do so?!?!

    so, i was thinking... when resturants give you mints with the bill... are they trying to imply something? i mean i
    know they're saying... have a nice day and all... but really, some people could take it offensivly... my father says
    that they give them to you so that you have a refreshing taste in your mouth... well, what if you think what you ate
    gives you a refreshing taste... then what? you dont need the mint... and they never give you a toothpick... they
    really should... people always have crap stuck in their teeth... with no toothpick, where does that leave them?!?!?
    well, if they're single: smiling at someone they find attractive with a big piece of something stuck between their
    front teeth... thats embarrassing...

    pink eyes finally gone... but im still waiting to fully deflate... i have 2 pairs of pants that still fit me... and
    i wont wear shorts... so that really limits my options of what to wear... man... steroids are a bitch... well off to
    the wart doctor... whoohoo!!!
    Sunday, August 11th, 2002
    6:40 pm
    explaination of the fat...
    ok ok... so its not really fat... i mean im still fat, but its just water weight... 15 pounds of it! its awful...
    so... here i am... a moon shaped faced girl with a huge lower body (waist down)... of what i used to be... a girl
    with a skinny, long face... yes yes, i admit, i will miss my cheeks... but at the moment they're not sqeezable
    because its water weight... its weird... i have stretch marks all over my body... aka: underarms, waist, thighs,
    inner knees and lower legs... this is what i get... how lovely... wouldnt you say? yea, so i dont wear shorts or
    tank tops... monday i go to the doctor and he might just take me off the steroids!!! yay!!! im also FINALLY
    starting drivers ed tomorrow... whooohooo!!! on top of crohns and a cold... i have pink eye... wow, isnt this
    summer just the dandiest?!?! so, since my parents refuse to let me play the drums inside the house, ive decided
    not to learn... instead... i just might take up acroustic guitar... haha!! me with a guitar... funny image...
    but really, i just might... it would be awesome to learn... meanwhile... my eye itches like crazy, i cant stop
    coughing and im plump! woooohooo!!!!

    have you ever had the feeling of your eyes being glued shut, and you want to open them to pee, but you cant seem
    to get them open? yea, ok, i guess im just weird like that... or maybe its the pink eye... dont insult me! i know
    where you live!!! i can easily rub my eye and then yours!!! mwahahahahaha!!!!

    caryn comes home on thursday!!! whoohooo!!! i can hardly wait!
    Friday, August 9th, 2002
    6:51 pm
    i'm back and fat...
    hello hello... man o man... it's been so long since i've written in here... wooo... well, yesterday i got back from
    camp... i did all my laundry and didnt get to sleep until 12:30 in the morning... but i slept until 1:30 in the
    afternoon... so that was nice...

    camp first session was okay... i think it couldve been a lot better if i was just a tad more outgoing... or maybe
    not... damn cjers... such bitches... they were always like: "that shirt is so c-u-t-e... can i eat it?" they
    spelled out everything and wanted to eat anything they liked... i was just waiting for them to misspell something..
    once this girl was like: "omg... that skirt is so c-u-t-e... can i eat your ass?" i was stunned... and then once
    she was talking to this girl... who, keep in mind, didnt have the biggest boobs... they were actaully pretty small
    (not that i should talk, but she wasnt referring to me, so it doesnt matter): "your boobs are so big... feed them
    to me..." HELLO?!?!? what on earth?!?!

    we went on a four day tiyul which was the shit... i became really close with these 2 guys... jonah and ari... who
    didnt even acknowledge me after... well, jonah did, but he was required to 'cause his sister's friends with caryn..
    anyways... i got lucky and was in a tiyul group with bobrica... so we had fun with jonah and ari... we were always
    found together... the four of us... and always in the front... so, we had to carry all our shit with us... no
    showers, deoderant or anything in that sort... i was in one pair of shorts the whole time and only brought one
    other shirt... we all smelt so bad, but i really didnt notice...

    if we had to shit... which i did quite frequently, we had to ask for the shovel... yes yes, we had to bury our shit
    we had a shit shovel... 2 actually... we were told to wipe with sticks and leaves... because if we wiped with
    toilet paper, we had to carry it... most the time i did use toilet paper... that was to go in a bag that we had to
    carry for the rest of the time... 2 girls had their periods... i got stuck carrying the bag the last day... enough
    said right there... after the first time shitting and digging... i decided that it wasnt worth digging nemore and
    that i'd just cover my shit with leaves... but i brought the shovel with me neways and then just stayed there a
    little longer... it was a pain in the ass to dig a hole... it took so long and the ground was so fucking hard...
    so, the first nite, i was constipated... yes yes, there is, in fact, a point to this story... around 3 in the
    morning i had to pee... so i woke up bobrick and we went... little did i know... i had to take a shit too... so, it
    was so dark out, i had nothing to wipe my ass with... so while i was squatting there... over who knows what...
    bobrick went off on a search for leaves... the next morning... jonah was walking around out camp site... and to his
    surprise... came across this massive shit on a rock... (i swear i shat in a bush)... anyways... so he went to our
    group leader... whos name was as well ari... we called the other ari "stern" his last name... so he went to ari and
    told him about it... i was shocked... bobrick looked and me and gave me this look... what? it was dark... like i
    knew where i was shitting... so ari went with jonah... sooner or later, everyone was gathered around it, wondering
    where it came from... ari said that it looked like it came from some kind of animal... still, to this day, no one
    from the group knows...

    we also went on a biking trip which killed my pussy beyond belief... jesus... we were supposed to do 73 miles, but
    they made it to 65 because it got too hot the second day... i, personally, only did about 28 miles... we had to
    walk up every fucking hill... i was told to put my bike on the lowest gears and go slowly up the hills... little
    did i know that i would start falling backwards... i guess i was going a bit too slow... in the beginning of the
    trip, i was in the front with bobrick... sonner or later, when we came across this huge assed highway hill... i was
    the first to start walking it so everyone rode past me... they all said, "on your left..." and i gave them the
    finger and said, "fuck off"... it was awful... so once we finished going up that hill... it was downhill... or so i
    thought... after the 2nd uphill (after the highway) i threw my bike down and had a major break down... so, i rode
    in the van for the rest of that day and the 2nd day... bobrick joined me then too... it was fun... we stopped at
    woodstock, which was awesome... so bobrick and this other girl... shanker... were riding and this woman asked if
    we were doing some kind of marathon... bobrick said no, and shanker said: "it's fat camp!" woooo...

    we also went rafting... SSPMS!!!!! that would be my group... we were all so pissy... we had not the slightest clue
    where we were going...

    besides the fact that i made no friends... the trips were awesome...

    moving onto second session... lets just say it was the shit! we went out of camp so much:
    hospital- with crosses all over the place... we sang to sick people
    humane society- where visited unwanted animals and played with dogs
    kmart- took poleroids... spelled so wrong
    saw "promises"
    had a car wash
    went on a tiyul- they made us carry all our shit on our hike cause they were trying to make it a solelim type thing,
    we didnt even need to take all our crap with us... they parked the van at our camp site and then we went hiking...
    and we got lost 4 times...
    went to a casino... RED 14!!! it was called "ho chunk"
    horseback riding- dear god did that hurt like a mother
    bowling- stole the shoes
    rainbow falls- not so fun... well, actually... we wanted a raft... so we saw this guy on a 2 person one... bobrick
    decided to get in it and introduce herself and then ask if we could have his raft... he said no, but it was

    for our hatzagah, we made a film... which was awesome... first hatzagah that i actually had speaking lines!!! we
    also made a carnival/beach party/lip sync for the camp... it was the shit!

    i think thats all the time im gonna waste for whoevers reading this... good bye for now!

    p.s. i'll explain the fat thing later...
    Sunday, June 23rd, 2002
    8:12 pm
    last entry for 7 weeks...
    wow.... its actually here... i've been looking forward to it for so long... it doesnt seem true... it finally
    hit me that i'm leaving... and im nervous as fuck... its a new camp... new people... new experience... well...
    caryn will be there so thats a major plus... but still... i know i shouldnt be nervous... but i AM... nervous
    and excited... im all packed... except for my carry-on... which is so big that it could kill people... well...
    hmmm... yea ok... so... i went to abercrombie to find jean shorts... and... something happened that has NEVER
    happened to me before... the pair i tried on were too big in the waist, but way to short... it was nice! lol...
    wow... i feel like such a loser... which i should... i feel like i forgot to pack so much shit... o what to do
    what to do... at 9:00pm im gonna start getting ready for bed... that way i'll be in bed at 9:30... mwahahha!!!
    wooooo... i have to get up so early... and just my luck... i'll look like shit and there'll be a shit load of
    hott guys at the airport... or even worse... ON MY PLANE!!!! o no!!!! must attempt to look good!!! wait...
    that could take a while... ok.... nevermind... screw it... i dont have the time... i shaved... thats good
    enough for me... ok... well enough rambling... im off to finish packing my carry-on... i swear i forgot a shit
    load of things... damn it! i HATE that feeling!!! well... im off... last words for another 7 weeks...

    life is like a penis... when it gets hard... fuck it...
    everything you do dressed... is a lot more fun undressed
    Thursday, June 20th, 2002
    8:05 pm
    got bottom braces off...

    i seem to be the only lifeless loser online... what a shame really... well, tomorrow i'm gonna have somewhat of
    a life... possibly... saturday i get my haircut... wippe... today i went to the hospital... they lowered my
    dosage of the steroids... so thats good... i gained 4 pounds... because of the steroids... and my face looks
    fatter... or as my father would say... fuller... haha... trying to make me feel better about the fattness from
    the meds... so... im officially brace free... its nice i guess... i go to the ortho AGAIN tomorrow to pick up
    my OTHER retainer... what fun... 3rd day in a row... just cant get enough of them.... i leave for camp on mon...
    still havent finished camp shopping... i should probably get that done... well... im off to sulking because i ran
    out of yarn for my sisters afgan that im making her for college...

    p.s. ari... my darling cousin... i still love you even though i never mention you... i seem to only mention people
    i have something to say about... what could i say about you??!? THANX FOR THE MIX! there ur mentioned... I LOVE U!
    Tuesday, June 18th, 2002
    10:50 am
    good news:
    i got my braces off... the tops at least...

    bad news:
    it looks horrendous...

    this was exactly what i was afraid of... that i'd look bad with my braces off... i told then and asked them if
    they could put them back on, and they said that they dont do that... which really sucks for me... o well, i just
    wont smile... my front top teeth are so fat... its all unproportioned... damn them... they were supposed to FIX
    my teeth and make them look better... not worse... they did, however, tell me that my gums will recede... so in
    a few months, my teeth will look somewhat more normal than they do now... my bottom braces are still on... yes,
    yes... the 3 they put on... they added one more though... i look foolish... o well... lifes a bitch...

    so, all the ramah people are gone... thats 9 people: becky, mollie, garrett, judah, evan, deanna, beth, lisa
    and cori... its kinda sad, though, that they're gone... i leave on monday for camp... im kinda excited, but
    nervous at the same time... i just hope im in a cabin with bobrick or someone i know... but definatly bobrick...
    shes my source of clothing... she has the clothes i can never get...

    so, besides the fact that my teeth looked retardly messed up... nothing else really happened... wait!!! i lied...
    my room is clean and i got rid of a shit load of clothes... so thats good... ahhh, well... im off!
    Sunday, June 16th, 2002
    9:28 pm
    man, everything literally hit me about an hour ago...

    although im so fucking happy to be out of cjhs until next year... its kinda sad at the same time... it really
    didnt hit me, until today, that school's over... i dunno why it took so long... its weird really... and to think
    that even though i'm fed up with the majority of the people, i'll miss them.... doubt they'll miss me though...

    tomorrow caryn's leaving for camp... my mom nearly cried herself to sleep last night because its just coming to
    her that caryn will no longer be living in the house... yes, i'm sad too... but it hasnt hit me yet... plus,
    i'm gonna be with her for the first 4 weeks of the summer... so that'll be nice... i really dont want caryn to
    leave for college or israel or wherever the hell shes going next year... the house is gonna be so fucking empty...
    im not gonna have neone to talk to nemore... man... its gonna be hell...

    also tomorrow... im gonna be at the hospital... for about 5 hours... ickness to the extreme! i have to leave the
    house at 7:30 in the morning... i have to have a blood test and then i have to drink this shit to make my shit
    white... but thats not the purpose... thats the result... they have to see where exactly the crohns is... so,
    then they take all these x-rays and until my shits back to the normal colour... i get to go home... they have to
    wait for the stuff to go through my system...

    went camp shopping today... wow, wasnt it fun... maybe... got clothes and toiletries... im excited for camp...
    ty will be a nice change from cyj... 7 MORE DAYS!!! woohooo!!! i still have a shit load of crap to get for camp
    and im doing something practically every single fucking day this week...

    i have a new cd addiction... the goo goo dolls dizzy up the girl... great cd... lemme tell ya... man has this
    weekend been soooooo slow... i got together with liz yesterday and met 3 of her friends which i already semi-
    met before... we went to target... woooo... great store... the 5 of us were definalty those people you dont want
    in the store... it was crazy... but, by the end we somewhat calmed down... well they all did... i was still
    laughing at everything... adina and i were reading porno books out loud while they were all trying on clothes and
    getting other things that they needed for who knows what... o it was good clean fun indeed... i saw sam there
    with her father... it was nice to see her again... man, i havent seen that girl in ages... before we went to
    target... liz and i went to see "the divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood"... it wasnt that bad actaully... it
    was cute... definatly a chick flick...

    well thats all for now... i gotta go write caryn a plane letter... and make her a mix... fun fun fun!!!
    Friday, June 14th, 2002
    10:56 pm
    all i wanna say is...
    Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
    7:47 pm
    finally had a good shit... and finally cried... im so happy... wow, isnt that just an oxymoron? o well.
    i think i fucked up on bio... considering i did: "when in doubt: large intestine..." its not MY fault
    all the parts look the same... plus my class didnt go over this certain part... o well.... what's done
    is done... the worst is over at least... only 2 more finals... well, geometry shouldnt be too bad... but,
    i first have to refresh my memory with all that transformation shit we learned... and i suppose all those
    formulas.... o crap... so... nevermind... the math finals gonna be hell... o well... so i'll fail... at
    least i'll still pass the class... meanwhile... mollie and i are finally back to where we used to be...
    so thats good... but everything else seems to be falling apart...

    quote of the day: just when you think things cant get any worse... they do...
    Tuesday, June 11th, 2002
    10:04 pm
    wet wet wet day...
    duck.... duck.... duck.... GOOSE!!! exactly how it was today outside... so hannah and i begun walking...
    me, thinking there was a dominicks of somesort... so its starts to drizzle.... o its alright... just a
    little rain... it wont hurt is.... starts to get a little heavier.... eh... we can manage... then....
    BANG!!!!! it starts pouring.... my god.... it was funny i guess..... man, we were running so fast...
    people were giving us weird looks... i was tempted to use my nonhitchhiking skills... but.... decided
    not to.... what a shame really... im sure they would've come in handy.... i really wish i wouldve seen
    us when we walked into school.... dripping wet.... cold and wet.... so.... we headed straight for the
    latrine to dry off.... haha!!! no success there!!!! we were so fucking wet.... classic line today:
    lauren, if i wanted to get this wet, i couldve just jumped into a pool.... well... it was better at the

    during the talmud final we were wet... and of course the air was on... but we were dying of coldness...
    i was wearing becka's sweatshirt... so that helped a smidge... so... after the final.... i went straight
    to the latrine... took off my pants and dried them under the dryer... they finally dried... but everything
    else was still wet.... i had a major fear of sitting down.... but i did neways... so it was good clean
    fun indeed.... i assume.... looking back on it i realize it was stupid as hell... and no, we never did
    find the nonexistant dominicks... but we did find a sams and sports authority....

    the english final wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it was gonna be, but i probably screwed over the
    talmud final considering i combined 2 mishnaot into one.... what?!?! it seemed like the sensable thing
    at the time... when i was freezing.... my excuse will be hypothermia... it might just work... haha... no!

    quote of the day: always expect the worst in life... that way you'll never be disappointed...
    Monday, June 10th, 2002
    4:00 pm
    screw the world...
    so, this morning was fun.... hannah and i walked to school from the train station...
    it was so fucking hot though.... we came in bright red... neways... we stopped at
    starbucks on the way.... and then at a food mart.... so we were dying of heat... and
    we were looking for a sprinkler to go run through.... no success... so we saw this...
    well acutally, hannah spotted it... (im giving her ALL the credit).... and there was
    water coming out of it.... so we put our hands on the rock and wiped the water all over
    our faces.... and then it hit us! we dont know where the hell that water's been... we
    couldnt get a hold of ourselves... it was so discusting and yet hilarious.... well, i
    guess we all do stupid things in life... some more than others.... oh! so we were
    walking through this parking lot... and we saw that there was a tjmaxx.... so we thought,
    o hey! they have to have some kind of cold drink or something in there.... so we came
    up to the door... and it said it opened at 9:30... and i said, "what!?!? 9:30?!?!! what
    kind of target is this?!!?" well, little did i know, it wasnt a target... silly/stupid
    me.... so, then we finally got to school.... with about 15 min to spare... and we dried
    off from our sweatiness..... o it was good clean fun indeed...

    well.... so today was the first day of finals... history and bible... i think that i at
    least passed history... but know for a fact, that i screwed over bible... whatever... i
    dont care nemore.... i told him that.... and my 'rents... it doesnt matter to me! its
    a waste of time... in my opinion....

    im really sick of life though.... everything seems like its falling apart and not working
    out the way i hoped... i mean not even in the least... this semesters finals arent nearly
    as good as last semesters.... its a shame really.... and im sick and tired of always being
    talked down on!!!! god! it makes me feel so fucking stupid!!!! ARG!!!!!! but.... the
    worst is when u thought u were really good friends with someone and then when the friendship
    becomes distant.... and then u bring ur feelings up to them.... and they dont see it... its
    like it doesnt matter to them.... so they say that they'll keep an eye out for it and what
    not.... and NOTHING changes.... it seems like ur making all the effort and they just dont
    care.... man.... summer better come quicker.... im ready to kill everyone in this goddamn
    well.... off to studying for more finals.... wipee....

    p.s. got our yearbooks today... they didnt turn out as bad as i expected...
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