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The following communities are also interested in "lovecraft".
58 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in lovecraft. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
456 matches:
01011000101 - Forrest
1001nuits - 1001nuits
1hannahbanana - Fox Mulder
1to5odds - Captain Halfheart
8mm - David Jacob Duke
aaronthemad - The mad Nevadan, Aaron al-Hazred
absinthh - Agent of Oblivion
acidflowers - .a.mother'
advent1872 - Ned Seagoon
aeonset - Mars K. Castrato
aethan - Andrew "Aethan" French
ahack55 - Bubba Snax
aithneroad - Absmeister
akage - RedKing
alcoholocaust - alco
alendrel - Alendrel
aleph - The Architect of Zen Chaos
alephomega - Anticipating Anticlimax
alexandria - krit
alexlucard - Alexander Lucard
alfedenzo - Alfedenzo
alfedezno - Alfedenzo
aliasbluecollar - nathan
allamistako - Allamistako
amberite - Immanentizing Wonderland
amnxial - Amnxial
anarchist_2001 - AnArcHISt
anarchylad - max
angelbob - Noah
angeldawn5 - AngelDawn
antropoz - Antropoz
anyachan - Anamhbme
apoorexcuse - ian
aran - Rev. Mother Erin Nicole
archlight0 - Mr. Machine Noggin
arcsine - The Veritable TechNinja
argent93 - Ari
arielite - Ariel Campos
armitage - Henry Armitage
armyofbob - Bob
arsenbug - Count Chalkula
ascendedone - the one who is not to be named
atalantapendrag - Atalanta Pendragonne
atomicnumber51 - Antimony Azazello
aunticrist - Morpheus_
azoth - Reverend Rusty J Brudenell
bakanogami - Thomas McAlister
bamfchickie - The Libmeister
baronbrimstone - Baron von Brimstone
bastling - Darcey
bethynyc - Bethy
bittercupojoe - Bitter Cup O Joe
bjennings76 - 19th Century Tentacle Boy
blackavar - Blackavar
blackgarden - Weird Brother of Prime Rib
blackhat5 - Tony
blackmanxy - The World, the Flesh, and the Devil
blacksail - abby sinthe
blackthorne6 - Dean
blood_rose - Lindel
bloodengel - chuckiebear
botcat - Strawcat
bradx - Bradx
bradykorzo - brady
braineaters - braineaters
brentogara - Brent O'Gara
brianevol - Brian Evol
brianisstupid - take me out tonight.
brokensymmetry - Broken Symmetry
cadmus - Cadmus
cairobat - I am the grue who will likely eat you.
calichan - Calico
candledamachine - candlelight
canker_canison - Canker Canison
captainzap - The Responsible Lunatic
catscan - catscan
cearrdorn - Tracy
chaosdollheads - chaosdollheads
chaosweapon - Chaos Weapon
charlesdee - Dennis
cheapdialogue - Arc 5
chebutykin - Chebutykin
chellmis - Evil Monkey Pirates Stole my Sandwich
cherith - Cherith
cheshirrrecat - tank girl
chicanerys_muse - Mildred Hubble
chinastar - ChinaStar
citizen_cupid - Citizen Cupid
cloven - Queen-of-Space
cluegirl - ClueGirl
cobaltnine - Short Evil Jen
cochese - Nathan Wind
codecattx - David
cometbunny - Butch R. Cleaver
confuseme - confuseme
consolidated - Trevor Meursault
coolio_jackson - MeLikeyButtercup
corewar - corewar
crematia - Ari
cresida - Twilight
croaky - Perrvy Jiraiya Fancier
crookedsmile - nik partridge
cryserica - Erica
crystella - crystella
cthulhu_mythos - Cthulhu
cthulhunz - Dave
cthulhusurfs - Ia! Ia! Kahuna Fhtagn!
cymoril - Ilene
damabupuk - damabupuk
danalili - Dana
dangermagnet - Dangermagnet
dark_druid - Wisdom Draconic
darkamber - Darkamber
darkborne - Abrasive Household Cleaner
darkewolf - Padraig MacIain
darniil - Darniil Entroth
darriusthebard - Ryan
dasein23 - Dasein
davedujour - Dave DuJour
davekrieger - Dave Krieger
daydreamsgone - MiChAeL
dc1020 - deadman
dearly_bereft - Dearly Bereft
defensor - Defensor
deisa - deisa
denizen777 - Denizen777
deus_ex_machina - Der Hugmeister
devilpuppy - devilpuppy
digignome - Error 404
digitalusrex - elsa elentari, covntess ov blumenkraft, KSC KKFF
dizz - Dizz
dob - dob
dorktower - Pillar of Geek
dorukai - Dorukai Barakiel
dr_hill - Dagon
dr_pipe - Doctor Pipe
dragonguyver - Joshua
drawthemnear - reluctant vigilante superhero
dream_machine - Dream Machine
dreamguy - Dan Norder
dreamterra - Tristan
drflup - ScrewFace/DrunkenRabbit/Dr.Flup
drinkycrow - change all this will
drolorezekim - Balance-Seeker
drpsycho - Doctor Psycho
drums_of_drone - Darren
drzachary - zacharias d smytkowski
dsaint - Matt
dualistic - ragedaisy
duir - Jennifer M. Duir
durable - Post Apocalyptic Western Hero
dybbuk66 - Dybbuk66
earthdragon - Me
ekeppich - Eppich
el_vendido - The Dirty Mexican
eljuno - El Juno
elmanie - Melanie
emrecom - the obscure gentleman
ericthemage - Eric
essinem - Sean of the Dead, Drear Squire of Dimness
evilpheemy - EvilPheemy
faeriedragon - faeriedragon
fatherdan - Dan Kelly
fatherdog - FatherDog
fengshui - Ted
feralwolfie - Wolfie
fine_line - Fine_Line
flatlineloki - Justin K. // FlatLine/Loki
flemco - J. Grant
fleshhead - Cheston Pulsifer, Esq.
flw - Frank Lloyd Wrong
fornikate - Some Kinda Hate
fraterkro - Frater Kro
fuckingsilence - Dan
funkymojo - Tim Loughlin
gaston - Andy
geekbot - Andy
gentle - Gentle Slaughter...Life of Gentle
ghostfire - ghostfire
goffchick - Tasha
gorillabiscuit -
gregconley - The Great Filament
grendel_todd - Ian Grey
grimmcleo - Cleo
gunnabefamous - Sarah
gypsydemon - Gypsy Demon
gypzfire - Jen H-M
hadaverde - Faye Green
hashcode - Lord High King Dork
helen99 - helen99
hieronymous - hieronymous III
hormones - Synthesizer Guide Book on Fire
i_am_smrat - the internets personal ingrown wart
iatethecookie - Madman
incitor - incitor
initiate - Bernard
insanepoet - Matt
iq2hi4uok - L Wilcox
ithilien - Lauren
itinerant_bob - Woodlandfae
jamitch - jamitch
jcfiala - John C Fiala
jeevus - Brent Bowden
jeregenest - Jeremiah Genest
jhalynn - Lynne
jola - Jola Rocknrolla
jonathanchrist - "Hey Baby, Wanna Kill All Humans?"
jordansc - Jordan
joshuapanther - Joshua Panther
jozabad - Jozabad
jt93 - skridge
judsonson - The Knight of Broken Mirrors
kaote - the distant wanderer
katheudo - Eric
khaosworks - khaos
kiarrith - Kailing
kindredx - bishop
king_elias - King Elias
kinkybunny - Fallen Angelic Mistress
kisschicky - KISSChicky
klaproth - Klaproth
klokwise - rowan
kuangeleven - Kuang Eleven, Shotgun Virus
kublakhan - Alex
kyriedj - KyrieDJ
kyrin - Ben
labile - Faith
ladylinder - Welcome Aboard Flight 23
laerm - micah
lamsancto - Lamsancto
largesock - Kamakarakakaka Donalamalapapa
larris - Larris Magpie
lauramander - Genghis Kunt
legionfalcon - Scott
levidice - not holy enough for you
lexan - Alex
limacine - The Lowest Form of Life
lingering - The harpy ponders...
litany - the green fairy
lizzie_borden - Lizzie Borden
llachglin - The Avenging Finn
locura_insomnio - locura insomnio
lokust - .the mouse sharpens his claws.
lonevettar - Rudigar Cotton
lordbleys - Volume 2 "Romeo in Black Jeans"
lordcorvy - Lord Corvy
loreleif - Lorelei
lothgar - Joe
lotusabovewater - Doug
lounachick - hey sailor
lucasthegray - lucasthegray
lucifera - Lucifera
luckavery - Arcadia
lyrakristine - The Fishnet Stocking Princess
lyssabard - Lyssa
magicka - Babalon
maldeluxx - Silver M
malloreigh - delirious baby smile
mangor - Dr. Mangor
mantaray - Juan Nadie
many_angled_one - Cam
maxdwolf - Noba D.
meercat - Jen
mercurious - mercury
merikultra - Erik Koil
merirustryfe - Chrissy (SeSe)
mewlore - Lore
miau - something to do
mindsuckr - mindsuckr
mintarr - Joel Hacker
miriku - miriku
missdashwood - SoFearDashwood
mistressxenobia - Xenobia
mitcharf - Mitch Harding
mobyfisher - Moby
modifier - I have 9 heads, but they're not thinkin' too fast
monkeyman666 - MONKEYMAN
montykins - Monty
morbioid - Felicity Walker
moridin - Black Whole
moxie_the_red - Shelly
mrgrey - Mr Grey
nachtmuzik - Jason
narkalant - ryan/reppie mcfurious/reptilicus
necromancer - Cardinal Claudius
neflhim - Geoff
nemesisma - nemesis_ ma
neph - Steven
neron - David
nevla - Nevla
nightlove - Suri
nightstalker - Tastes just like human
nomadzophiel - Matt
norf9 - Norf9
normal - Azhael
nourish - access point
novasoy - Edward
noxy - Oo
nyarlathothep - Nyarlathothep
octarin - Lilliana
odddecay - hug a revolutionary
of_the_woods - Matt
omegaflare666 - Lucca Ashtear
orrin - orrin smith
overstim - Xel
padmaclynne - Padraig Niklaus Bolton mac Lynne
pantos - Stian Andorsen
pariahic - Hustler of Culture
paulvonmurder - Paul Von Murder
pcitizen - Private Citizen
pegasus_ - Pegasus
phaid - Phaid
phoenixchild - Jilliette
pickmansraven - The Genetic Lifeguard
piercekayo - Kayo Blackmoore
pierremenard - The Zemblan Librarian
pineappletyrant - Andrew
plaidavenger - Charlie
plattcave - John R. Platt
pomobarney - Dorian A. W.
poorprncesstina - Your Personal Pro
primroseport - Coverpage
professorenoch - Professor Enoch
prozac - Odin
prufrock - Blue-State Castaway
psycheknot - psyche knot
psygenesis - psygenesis
ptevis - Paul Tevis
pum_purum - Anne Krivdina
purplkat - PurplKat
quasi_evil - Scott
rage_ira - IRA*
rasik - Boxcar Bill
ratagosk - Strength through Joy
ravenwindph - Raven
razorwire - Entropy, beautiful entropy.
re_animator - Re-Animator
red_dirt - Sean
redblessing - A Brockelhurst by any other name....
redhawke - Redhawke, The Bard of Snarkmonkeytown
redpooka - Pooka
redrevolt - 13
resonance42 - resonance personified
rev_jo - "The Reverend"
reveries - Sal
revfish - I GOT WOOD
rialian - Rialian
rockyrakkoon - Z
roninmatt - Suburban Samurai
rubywitch - Ruby
sadmunky - Luke
salmongod - Charles Heathman
sanpaku - Ishkabibble Zoph
sawjockey - Tim
scarybug - Joe Bug
seawolf - Seawolf
segasnk - Serafont
seshua - Diabolus Divinus
sgoilear - some hermit
shaddragon - Shadow
shadowcynic - ShadowCynic
shanagba_immuru - Mr. H Rafngard
shangchi - Shang Chi
sharkbait - sharkbait
shivering - Shivering
simper - Corey
simpledragon - Oblivions Lover
sir_alexander - Alexandre Romero Inforzato
sirinial - Sirinial Voyer
sjmonkey - SJmonkey
skincage - unquiet skull
slawek - LAF-O
slithytove - Emotional resonance and rocket launchers
slitwristwatch - your pretty face is going to hell
sokotos - Sokotos
sonoffire - Son of Fire
sothystar - EOD
space_parasite - Trip
spiffybee - Megan
sporkpimp - Albert
srl - i wanna do right but not right now
starlush - i am trying to break your heart
stasotheduck - Staso
stevegitty - Steven
stillking - The Still King
stoikangel - stoikangel
stonemirror - ע=א
stuffy - Everyone's favourite Malaysian-Chinese Curmudgeon
substitute - cyrano de patio
sueblue - If Only Everything...
surrogatesuffer - Surrogate Suffer
sutekh - Sutekh
swomprat - A stranger in a strange land
sydneyssheep - Zombie Master
sykodjiuia - Ducky
symonblack - Symon Raul Black
tadra - Tadra
talleyrand - Saint of Empire
tanzplag - Crocuta crocuta
taojones - Thomas Didymus Twin
telkemnor - John
tenebrax - Mr Grumpypants McKilljoy, Boffin of Boffington
tenebrouskate - The Towering Sinferno
terminalmalaise - Terminal Malaise
terraknight - Terraknight
the_gneech - John "The Gneech" Robey
theapostate - The Apostate
thenaturegirl - Lauren Murrell
thenewmiller - Waving the Yellow Sign
theswede - The Swede
thomer - thomer
tindalos - Alistair
tinebobean - Christine
tnok - One Armed Bandit
tombaged - Tombaged
tsarina - Vera Merlot
tuxmatt - Matthew
twomonkeys - twomonkeys
tzeca - Judge Fish
ubik2501 - John-Elvis Johnelvisson
ultracarnage - Ultra
uncleboris - Uncle Boris
upaya - The Polite Atheist
urbanomad - UrbaNomad
urizen - Ross
usiel - Reverend
varna - Savarna Deepa
veleda - Veleda
vitab - Vitab
vitabrevis - Alexander Hunter
voide - Ligeia Lovett Lovecraft
vordark - L. Vordark
voronika - Vorstyles
wasabifu - Jules
wes_walker - Wes
wilco - Wilco
wildhaggis - R Burr
wilodendron - Wilodendron
wolfftracks - Randell Wolff
wolfye - Wolfye
wouldprefernot2 - bartleby
xellinus - Saint Xellinus D Ruin
xellos_otaku_21 - V is a Cheerful Munkie!
xl3r2 - Colin
yagathai - The Flail of God
yendi - Member of the Coalition of the Wild-Eyed
yigsnake - Der Gabelschwanz Teufel
yogsothoth93 - Mick
young_egotist - Young Egotist
yukimi - Kimi
zamiel - Alexander Williams
zeno - Jizzmaster Zeno
zer - Zerstörer
zillahviolent - Zillah Violent
ziusudra - Ziusudra
zorikin - m/^z[wv]?or[yi]kin$/i