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Below is user information for Joe Cool. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:ritone (884294) ritone
Joe Cool's Real Life Ramblings
I'm just looking for a nosh.
Name:Joe Cool
Location:Rochester, New York, United States
Bio:21 year old college male. I will probably spend most of my life at a keyboard in a plastic box working for someone else, worrying about male pattern baldness and PTA meetings. God I hope college never ends.
Interests:7: anime, blacksmithing, computers, hunting, mp3's, rit, rochester institute of techonology. [Modify yours]
People11:aberration, angyelle, bobo_phaedrus, boniter, nassboy, pi_girl, shakeawake, silverwolf333, stagraven, suncirkles, theplasticpope
Communities5:gothupny, rit, rit_politics, syracuse, syracuse_uni
Account type:Free Account

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