It becomes clearer and clearer each day. |
[08 Aug 2004|01:42pm] |
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rejuvenated |
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Nellie McKay! |
] |
Wow. i realized stuff.
Yesterday, I decided to wear my pink dress with white polka dots to neighbor night. i wanted, no needed to dress up. And I did. And I should do it more. Skirts and dresses are so fun! And I love being pretty. It's great. I'll dress like a normal person sometimes, but I feel like being pretty. I just do. And Lush. I love Lush. I need to go there and get more bath bombs. And I'm going to get fairy wings. And I'll be glorious. Just glorious. It's fun. It's like playing dress up. And why do only little kids get to play dree up? That really isn't fair.
I'm going to be all shimmery and fabby this year. And I'll start doing crazy spelling stuff. It'll be marvy. and I'll use marvy, fabby, bloge, snogging, and other Brittish temonology more. And then the writting night. I'll have that and It shall be friggin bad ass.
And I'm going to learn more about Will. MAybe there is a chance we can have a happy relationshipt. If not, I'm going to make him fall in love with me. And them be heartless. And Christine is going to be a heartless boy magnet, so it shall be grand. And now I have the bible. my hot pink bible of flirting. Hooray!
Things that I have that have led to this epiphany: ~Superflirt, the bible ~red cat eye sunglasses with rhinestones ~Lush Times ~a pink dress that Lolly described as being very Marilyn ~23rd ~marvy friends ~Nellie McKay, Get Away From Me ~Abbey Road ~a faerie skirt ~!high school writing night (HSWN)
So yes, I'm happy. Very happy. Oh! This'll be a grand, grand year. Just marvosity everywhere. Now, I shall make myself a mocha. Yummy!
JeremySupnerhasashowandIknowtheexactdateandit'sgoingtobereallygoodandJeremySumpner. Waaa! |
[08 Aug 2004|12:33pm] |
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curious |
] |
The title, by the way, was an Ellen Refernce. Which is the point of this entry. Ellen is in California right now. Typical Ellen would try to find her way to a computer with internet connection so that she could update her livejournal. So I'm very suprised that she hasn't updated. So I find that quite odd. yes...
BOYCOTT WAL MART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got to hell Disney! |
[06 Aug 2004|04:31pm] |
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pissed off |
] |
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Nellie McKay |
] |
God dammit! Today I was flipping through channels, and went to Turner Classic Movies, channel 32. Wehn I got there, it was some sports thing. So Iwent back later. That channel is now some stupid ESPN classics channel. I don't give a rats ass about sports. I want to watch a friggin movie. But noooooooooooooooooo. Disney has to have 50 ESPN channels. I swear, they're trying to take over the world. They own too much shit.
And boycott Wal Mart. They are the epitimy of greed. They suck ass!
Hee hee. I feel special(er) |
[05 Aug 2004|03:09pm] |
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accomplished |
] |
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Nellie McKay |
] |
LiveJournal Trading Cards Free Account Edition
User Number: 1910206
Date Created:2004-1-16
Number of Posts: 120
I'm living in a small town, trying to get through high school. I'm loved in a serrious way by all my friends. my hangouts include a bookstore, a lingere/romance store, a cafe, and a candy store when ever the boss is out a-singing and a-dancing. |
Strengths: Friendly, passionate, huggable, writting, being happy |
Weaknesses: gets too pasionate during some arguments, lazy |
Special Skills: writing, arguing, making people happy, over analysing, making hot chocolate |
Weapons: liberalness, fiery passion, huge support grop, too cute to be mean to |
favorites! yay! : Books: Poinswood Bible, To Kill A Mockingbird, Gloria
Color: pink!
people: Andy Warhol, Barbra Kingsolver, Audrey Hepburn, John Lennon, Gahndi, Pre, Mr. Mizell |
Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by crossfire_
Dude... |
[03 Aug 2004|05:10pm] |
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thoughtful |
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Nellie McKay |
] |
Dude, it's crazy. Like, how I've changed. I'm not the same peron I was a year ago. Change is crazy. Like, last year, I wasn't spending money on underwear and listening to Nellie McKay. I wasn't even listening to Magical Mystery Tour or Simon and Garfunkle. I wasn't planning on being a hearltess boy magnet or thinking about the pill or pre marital sex. A year ago I was worried about my mom and high school and training for xc. I didn't even drink caffine! I was liberal, but I think I've become more liberal. I never swore. It's just crazy. Now I talk to Blue Flame and Bush bash, swear with Nate and them, go to Mi Amore and search for corsetts. I bitch about yearbook and other stuff. I'm differnt.
I heard Mr. Bates is back in town. *applaudes* Would he think I'm the same person?
Hey you crazy kids! |
[31 Jul 2004|01:41pm] |
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mood |
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mellow |
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Nellie McKay |
] |
I feel very farie pretty today. I just need some wings and it'll be perfect! I just put on some Faerie dust too.
Oh, my livejournal is so pretty! If you've just reading this on your friends page, go visit it and see the pretty colors.
I'm going to Portland on Wendsday. I'm very happy. I'm seeing Susan (finally) and school shopping. Hooray! And then I'll do even more when I'm with Christi Brinks and Silly Zilly. Oh yes, it'll be fabby.
So right now, things are good. I'm thinking about making myself another mocha. I got this great stuff yesterday. You add hot milk and it;'s instnt mocha! Hooray! And it's vair yummy. Nice and calming.
I woke up at eleven today. My sleep habits are probably screwed up now, butthey'll get better. Or something.
Talked to Will about Farenheit 9/11 yesterday. He said his parents won't let him see it. Well, it's not in the theaters anymore, so his padres lucked out. Kayling talked to him the other day. He likes Christian music and he respects Bush. Shit. I'm very into politics, and I kinda want to date someone who'll agree with me. And I kind of think Christianity is a bunch of crap (sorry to all you Christains out there), so that could be bad.
Alright, here's what I want in a guy: He's taller than me, by quite a bit (i'm 5'2"). I prefer dark hair, butit doesn;t really matter. Just al long as it's nice. i want a liberal, artistic guy. Yeah, I know, sounds quite a lot like Nate and Skyler.
Well, that's all from me right now. Maybe more later.
Dude, so fucking tired |
[30 Jul 2004|12:42pm] |
[ |
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so freaking tired |
] |
[ |
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Nellie McKay |
] |
But I took glamour shots with Christine, Kaylin and Ellen. That was kewl. Christine got me a really cute dress. And we got our bible.
I must tell you about our bible. It's hot pink. It's called "Superflirt" by Tracey Cox. It's awsome. It tells you how to get people to fall in love with you. It's great.
Yeah, stayed up till 5:30. Woke up just before 10. Fucking tired. And I have no money. So, it sucks, kinda. Or something.
Yeah, slightly dilusional.
Hee hee |
[27 Jul 2004|11:18am] |
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silly |
] |
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Abbey Road- Octapuss's Garden |
] |
Wait, so I'm also Doc Oct? Check out Ellen's also for much hilariosity.
Congratulations to Lance Armstong on his sixth win in the Tour de France! Hooray! Wining six times, batteling cancer, batteling rumors on drungs (which I do not belive). Yay Lance!
I saw Farenheit 9/11. I hate Bush in a whole new way know. Loved the Orwell quote.
I'm back! |
[25 Jul 2004|09:44am] |
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mood |
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happy |
] |
Hello loves! I'm back. I don't really feel like writing alot because, well, I don't. I just don't.
New Jersy is OK, I don't like Washington D.C, and New York is OK. Sage is like an east coast verson of me, only I listen to better music.
Well dahlings, that's all for now. I just wanted to say I'm back.
Oh Darlings |
[07 Jul 2004|02:13pm] |
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mood |
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good |
] |
Tomarrow, I'm off! Down to Sacramento and San Francisco, then over to New Jersey. I don't know the next time I;ll be online or anything. Maybe I can check me e-mail at Sage's.
Wehn I get back, I'm going to start organizing the high school writting night. IMPORTANT If you want to be part of it, e-mail me. Don't comment on this (well, you can, but not for the writting night). my address in I want an idea of how many will be comming.
Ta ta darlings. I will miss you all.
High School Writing Night |
[05 Jul 2004|03:52pm] |
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mood |
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ecstatic |
] |
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O.C. Soundtrack- Caught ByThe River |
] |
OK, coolest thing ever. Yesterday, I dropped into the 10th muse for an Italian soda. The owner said she wanted to talk to me about something. So, after she helped a few people, she asked me if I'd like to start a high school writing night. It'd be atht he 10th muse. I'm still figuring out when and what we'll do. But it'll start in August, when I get back from New Jersey. It'll be really fun. We'll do staries and poetry and lots of things. So if you're interested, call me by thursday, or e-mail me. If you don't see this tillafter thursday, just e-mail me or leave a message on my machine.
This'll be great!
This is pathetic |
[03 Jul 2004|09:34pm] |
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mood |
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irritaated by tourists |
] |
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Law & Order, SVU and fireworks |
] |
Oh my God. This is really pathetic. It want it to be August. I'm serrious. June was way too slow. I want it to be August because:
1) School shopping 2) Taking Josh shopping 3) I get to see all my friends in September 4) My dad is driving me crazy! 5) I'm excited about honors English 6) The sooner we start, the sooner we finish
But I'm sort of dreding cross country. Yeah, it was fun last year, but I hate running. I went on a run today and it was bad. And I hate competing too. Maybe I'll hurt something...
Oh, one more reason I want it to be August: TOURISTS!!!!!!!! In August, they're still here, but it's closer to September, so we'll get rid of them sooner.
Pathetic, I know.
[02 Jul 2004|07:09pm] |
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numb |
] |
I hung out with Ellen today. It was fun. There was someone from the Democratic National Party who asked us if we wanted to get Bush out of the White House. We gave some money and signed this paper thing. We went to Mi Amore and I tried on this really pretty pink corsette. I need to cash in my paycheck.
Shakespeare was fun. Well, Comedy of Errors and The Royal Family were. King Lear was really depressing. I had to leave during intermission. It was bad.
OK, I don't want anyone to spaz out, but I've been having panick attacks for the last couple years. And I had one during King Lear. So, I told my dad about them. He's the first person I've told. And I'm going to get help. I just thought you all should know.
Canada and things |
[23 Jun 2004|07:58pm] |
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Andy Warhol! |
] |
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music |
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O.C. Soundtrack- How Good it Can Be |
] |
I'm back from Canada! And Canada is cool. Vancover has a crapload of gelatto places. And there was a really great place called Cupcakes. That;s all they had, cupcakes. Then I passed Rubber Rainbow Condom Company. In Victoria we had tea at the Emperess (It was Emily Blachley, my dad, and I) and went shopping. The best part though was when we went to the Vancover Art Gallery. They had an Andy Warhol exibit. It was the greatest thing ever! It was sort of unreal. Like, you're seeing the Marilyn Monroe prints, but you can't belive it. My favorite was the one of Grace Kelly. And they had some of his drawings too.
I had a great time. And Emily and I had great conversations. Inteligent ones about college and such. Emily wants to go into some sort of science. So she's looking at Purdeu (sp?), which is in Indiana. Her parents want her to stay close by, but she wants to get out. So, I think she was glad to get away for a while.
Andy Warhol is the greatest.
"I see you have the machine that goes 'Bing!'" |
[19 Jun 2004|03:43pm] |
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mood |
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giggly |
] |
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music |
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O.Co. Soundtrack- Caught by the River |
] |
Yesterday was badass. I hung out with Kaylin and Christine downtown. I got some things at Mi Amore. And, I got my permit. That's right. Finally, I have my permit.
Anywho, we made a breif pitstop at my house, and then went to Christine's. We had buritos and ice cream. Then we watched Monty Python's Meaning of Life. Twas funny.
OK, the sperm song in Monty Pyton is so true. As a fomer Catholic (watch, I spelled it wrong), I must say that is correctly illustrates the Church's veiws on birth controll. Here are a few lyrics:
"Every sperm is sacred, Every Sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God get's quite irate."
"Every Sperm is sacred, Every sperm is good. Every sperm is needed In your neighbeorhood."
Tomarrow, I'm off to Canada. I'll be back Thurdsay. I'm leaving again Saturday. So I can hang out Friday!
Ann's love life: UPDATE!!! |
[17 Jun 2004|03:15pm] |
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mood |
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hot |
] |
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O Brother Where Art Thou? Soundtrack |
] |
He's back! Will is back form Alaska. Oh, and before I continue, Nate, if you are just going to patronize me, then shut up! Anyway, He said we should hang out. Hee hee. I'm all excited.
In other news, The bonfire was pretty kewl. Yeah, there were Astoria folks and Seaside folks. I met Grace and Wendy, which was kewl. Yeah, lots ob bad asses there.
Yeah, it's a nice day. but this morning i was in a bad mood. I only have one pair of nonrunning shorts that fits me. One! And they're very short, and meke me feel uncomfortable. I need more, but I think I'll only get like, two pair and then get a few skirts. Skirts are better, because they keep you cooler. I only have one springy skirt. No, two, but the other doesn't fit me all that well. I also have my kahki skirt, which works in any season. But yes, I'll be in Ashland at the end of the month, so maybe I'll find a cute skirt there.
Dreams |
[15 Jun 2004|01:28pm] |
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indescribable |
] |
OK, had this dream the other night. I saw Will in a grocery store. I went over to talk to him, but he was acting all cold twords me. Then, Kaylin appears, and Will tells me that he's going out with Kaylin. So I said something about going out with him after he's done dating Kaylin. Then Iram appears and Will tells me that he's going to get married to Irma, because she never had a yard, and he wants go give her a yard. Yeah. So, it was all weird. Then, during the dream, I was walking around wondering if waht happened was a dream. Then there was some creppy movie on AMC and yeah. So, the dream. Twas crazy.
bye bye! |
[11 Jun 2004|08:52pm] |
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mood |
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artistic |
] |
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Ondule |
] |
It's that feeling again. Like I need to get out of here and go on a writting retreat in the Pearl District. Or anywhere in Portland. Just away. To write. About... things. Great things, terrible things, true things faux things, happy things, sad things. Just write. And be. In a coffee shop. Or at Moonstruck. Leave Seaside and Ann Branson. Go to Portland and be Ann Rementeria. Yeah, that's whhat I need. To go home and write.
"The only man who can have his way with me now is Milton Hershey." |
[11 Jun 2004|01:57pm] |
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content |
] |
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music |
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Jimmy Buffet- Barefoot Children |
] |
Hey ya'll. I saw Stepford Wives with Nate, Ellen and Anders today. It was fun. Mathew Brodrick look very good. And Bette Midler is badass. And John Lovitz was her husband. It was so great.
Last night my dad and I watched Down With Love. I thought he'd hate it. But he really liked it. Hee hee. So much sexual inuendo. I want an apartment like Barbara has, It's so cute!
Rainbow Collored For Your Pleasure |
[10 Jun 2004|03:00pm] |
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mood |
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calm |
] |
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music |
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La Mer Opale (my French music) |
] |
Well, yesterday was fun. Hung out at Trend west with the lovely Kaylin and Ellen. Chrisitne came to. So did Laura and Chelsea, but just to swim.
Ellen and I swam in the ocean! Christine cam to, but she didn't swim, considering that she couldn't get her hair wet. It was really cool. I felt really sea goddess ish. The ocean was green and grey and gorgeous. Really fun.
Last night, I used the love voodoo doll on Will. I stuck the pins in chemistry and phone call. Hopefully it'll work.
I read two chapters of that stupid driving manual today. God it's boring. Uncle Rick offered me a job doing technical writting after college. But that's not the kind of writting I want to do. 1) it isn't creative. Sports writting allows you to be more creative than writting manuals. 2) Nobody reads the manual! Come on! It's boring! I don't want to bore people for a living.
The yearbook looks really nice. I'm proud of it. And next year, I'll be aware of what hell awaits me. Oh yeah. No suprise next year for me! And I think I'll actually go to that ad thing this year. Only if I get to go to Astoria though. Maybe I can buy stuff at Four Seasons or something. And perhaps there will be a lunch at Urban Cafe involved.
I was watching Hairspray the other day. That is a really good movie. I love it so. If I ever see it on DVD at Costco, I should totally buy it. It's such a good story. And the music and dancing is fabulous. I love the scene with the beatniks. Mmm, Hairspray...