dAndy in the Ghetto
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in
Andy's LiveJournal:
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Friday, February 6th, 2004 | 8:30 pm |
Tomorrow. Hellbound. Guns,blood,and all sorts of fun. | Tuesday, January 20th, 2004 | 1:20 pm |
Whut up TRICKS? Im having feelings I have never felt before, and Im a little scared. I think I might feel a tad bit happy. I don't expect many people to understand, but I will know who my real friends are. Brandie dawg talked me into doing a Noir show, I think it might be fun. :) Current Mood: dorkyCurrent Music: marilyn manson, (s)AINT | Saturday, November 22nd, 2003 | 12:24 am |
Why not me? Well Im here in Jackson, blah. I have a funeral to attend to tomorrow, my aunt passed away on wednesday. I know this does'nt sound right, but shes lucky. Obviously nothing new with me, I have been working really hard on getting my shit together, seeings how my behavior has been a little out of control. Im not very happy with myself, so I believe after the holidays I will be moving back to Jackson, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY. This way I can go back to school, and become something more than an Asst. Manager in some crappy mall job. Well I should be back tomorrow for anyone who cares. PEACE Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: Iris, vacant | Friday, October 31st, 2003 | 6:18 am |
WHERE YOU BE? So I dont care, I think the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre is hot!!!!!! I loved it. I loved it more than Freddy Vs. Jason, and thats odd. Anyhow things are iffy, hung out with KMFDM, Raymond watts is cooler than I thought he would be. Brandie and I brought the band chicken noodle soup, because they were sick. They loved it, Lucia thought Tree was a bombshell, and that she should be a super model(nigga pleeeez). I can't go to MOTOR POP 2 because I am in debt. I just want to see E-craft again, saw them once talked to them, and fucking LOVED it. OH well, I did see Manson with fucking SKOLD. WARNING, my costume tomorrow, will be a totally different direction, than last year. Im kind of being forced to do this. Lets just say, my name will NOT change. Peace Current Mood: crazyCurrent Music: Unit 187, second class citizen | 5:52 am |
I hate what I have become to escape what I hated being. | Thursday, October 23rd, 2003 | 8:54 am |
If I were a song what would it be? If I were a band who would I be? If I had a taste what would I taste of? If I were a hat what would I be? If I were shoes what would I be? If I were a colour what would I be? If I were an animal what would I be? If I were a phrase what would it be? If I were a item of clothing what would I be? If I were a drug what would I be? If I were a shape what would I be? If I were a flower what would I be? If I were a fragrance what would I be? If I were a car what would I be? If I were a famous person who would I be? If I were a country what would I be? What emotion do you feel when you see me? What would you most expect me to say? | 8:39 am |
Chicago VS Detroit Detroit wins. Saw Manson for the 11th time excellent as always. Was sad that Twiggy left, saw Skold and changed my mind. Damn, I wish I was as hot as Tim Skold. Thats all. Current Mood: drunkCurrent Music: Manson, tourniquet | Sunday, August 31st, 2003 | 2:58 am |
Why can't I explode!!!! I think I finally lost it. I have been feeling really nervous lately. Sometimes I feel like I have no control, I just sit back and enjoy the ride. Well maybe sometimes, I would rather get off. Because sometimes rides can make you sick, and thats how I feel right now. Sick. What happened, where did I fall off, and why? No one really knows me, no one knows the things I think, or feel on a day to day basis. Things are really starting to hurt. I don't think anyone will understand, maybe because I don't understand. Current Mood: crazyCurrent Music: nine inch nails, and all that could have been. | Saturday, August 30th, 2003 | 4:51 am |
Look at this FOOL. I don't know why I care? Im really not sure where I am right now, and not in a literal sense. I just find myself really pathetic. I don't want to hear it, and no one can change my mind. What can I do, that I have not done. Its time to leave hope behind. See I told you I was pathetic. Its not a phase, it will come back again. Current Mood: drunkCurrent Music: covenant, invisible and silent | Friday, August 29th, 2003 | 1:40 am |
| Wednesday, August 27th, 2003 | 5:40 pm |
Too much spending and laziness. I really need to learn to budget my money. I get paid tomorrow, but there is only 10 dollars left in my account. I was gonna dip into my savings and put it back but noooooooo, that stupid Jackson bank closes at 4:00. Also Im really sick of this heat, Im moving to Antartica. | 11:31 am |
Im going to vomit. So last night I went with Audra and a couple of other people to the bar. They did'nt want to go out in Jackson(can you blame them?). Anyhow we ended up in Ann Arbor. I stuck out like a soar thumb everywhere we went. I have never seen so many clones and people the make me want to revisit my dinner. Tonight I will return to safety for Luna. At least there will be people I like. Thats about it for now. Peace Current Mood: boredCurrent Music: Covenant, bullet | Tuesday, August 26th, 2003 | 11:31 am |
This blows. I need me some mo' money. I want a cigarette, but the closest store is like 10 miles away. No walking for me, I miss my ghetto. | Monday, August 25th, 2003 | 6:22 pm |
Who down wit tha C.B.B Came home cuz Im off from work this week. Gettin away from all those hoes. I think Im gonna go terroize Jacktown with my homies, and my glock. My mom insists I eat before any cappin of any azzes, she thinks Im too skinny. She don't know sheeeeeeiiiiiit. Later, PCP | Sunday, August 17th, 2003 | 4:44 am |
You can't help, but to love the fucking shit out of me! The other day I was told I should be a comedian. Somehow I just don't see that. This all kind of came from this whole black out bullshit(babble babble). Spent the last two nights partying with some old friends. Someone told me how much I was missed, I always livened things up. I was also told, Im really enjoyable to be around. This really made me think? Where in the fuck are you gonna go in life, if your #1, miserable #2, deny yourself any happiness #3, hate everything (ha,ha) and so on and soforth. Truth is kind of funny, because you hardly hear anyone speak it. Denial and lies are just emotionless and pathetic. The whole angst driven fuck you attitude is really lame. Get over your insecurities and get on with life. Why waste time caring about pointless issues. Just be honest, and be who you are. Don't waste any more time. Current Mood: drunkCurrent Music: Wolfsheim, wundervoll | Wednesday, August 6th, 2003 | 5:40 pm |
Home again. Not much new in my life, just the same ol' sheeeiit. Just came home because I needed to get away from my apartment. I really need to figure some shit out, get my act together. I always say that, but just can't find the ambition to do it. Someday, I know I have the potential to be a better person than I am. Current Mood: dirtyCurrent Music: Hanzel und Gretyl, trans-plutonian anhialation | Friday, July 25th, 2003 | 3:15 pm |
Im goin. So yeah, Brandie is cool because I get to go to Ozzfest for free. I get to see Manson YAY. I dont care if you dont like him, I DO. End of story. | Monday, July 21st, 2003 | 10:17 am |
Babble,babble. Well the weekend was kinda lame. Went to that stupid club, it sucks living so close. Get bored, what else are you gonna do. Saw maybe a handfull of people worth talking to. Saturday Becky came up we hung out then went to the club. It was fun hanging out with Becky, but then you know the whole CC part can never really be fun. Sunday, I woke up way too late, and felt the need to get away from my apartment. Now Im here in Jackson, about to head back for work. YAY :( Current Mood: crankyCurrent Music: Hanzel und Gretyl, uber allas | Friday, July 18th, 2003 | 12:05 am |
Muthafucka. So I saw something in this random journal. Dre pointed it out and I wonder if it could be aimed towards me. There is a chicken, manson, and a panda. Hmmmm. Then somewhere in the comments the name Andy appears. Maybe Im paranoid, maybe its a coincidence. I don't care, I do what I want, and could care less what some anonymous fuck thinks of me. Besides I don't like eggs, and stupid bitch chickens come from eggs. Current Mood: annoyedCurrent Music: Snake river Conspiracy, somebody hates you | Monday, July 7th, 2003 | 4:14 pm |
Thats just me. Congratulations on being the creator of a new Evil Plan (tm)! Your objective is simple: Soul Accumulation Your motive is a little bit more complex: Evil - It's my nature
Stage One:
To begin your plan, you must first Assassinate a Pope. This will cause the world to sit up and take notice, stunned by your arrival. Who is this Evil Genius? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good in a Robotic Exoskeleton?
Stage Two:
Next, you will Desecrate United Nations. This will cause countless hordes of the Undead to flock to you, begging to do your every bidding. Your name will become synonymous with Slaughter, as lesser men whisper your name in terror.
Stage Three:
Finally, you will Unleash your Doomsday Device, bringing about the Return of the Antichrist. This will all be done from a Underground Secret Headquarters of Doom, an excellent choice if we might say. These three deeds will herald the end, and the citizens of this planet will have no choice but to elect you their new god. |
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