Well Ven the man did it. He made it look nice. Here is a picture of my candles at the craft fair. So here is the link to the picture itself. Candles at the fairThe silver containers are 8oz soy candles and I am selling them for $6 a piece. The soy tall pillar I am selling for $7. The soy tea lights scented are $3 for a 10 pack. The soy poured in crystal are $5. (soy washes out with soap and water once done burning and you have a reusable container for tea lights or votives) The soy votives are $2. The beeswax votives are $3. The tall beeswax pillar is $10. More shapes in pillars to come! If any one is interested feel free to email me at naturalcandles @ gmail . com and I will take orders. I also have paypal that will accept credit cards but under another email. So just ask! I am also going to be getting clear tealights holder vs. the metal ones. Better light throw and they hold up better in shipment. I have a crystal tea light holder and I know it glows better with a clear holder vs the metal one. So that is my main inspiration for the change. Scents available: Bergamot Warm Vanilla Sugar Bayberry Sandalwood Clove Coconut/Lemongrass Lemongrass/Sage White Ginger Lavender Chocolate Vanilla Also if anyone has a favorite scent, let me know and I'll see if I can get it.
Current Mood: creative