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Autumn in Central PA. [24 Nov 2004|08:00pm]

Autumn in Central Pennsylvania


Prints update:

Due to popular demand, I'm now also offering the sunset silhouette series of prints individually for $13 each. I'm only going to be making 10 of each print, so get them while you can! ;) (Heather really needs to get to North Carolina.)

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Limited Edition Prints [23 Nov 2004|02:47am]

In an effort to raise funds so I have enough money to go down to North Carolina in January/February to see Chuck when he returns from Iraq, I am starting to sell my photo prints. You all know how important it is for me to make it down there to see him. I refuse to let him come home to no one there to greet him and show him how much he was loved and missed. It's vital that I raise enough money for this trip and I figured putting my talents to use would be a good way to do so.

I'm currently running a sale of limited edition prints. These are all photos I took with my 35 mm camera, developed myself and will print myself in the darkroom. I'm guessing with Christmas coming up, some of you might be in the market for gifts & these might be right up your alley. I'm selling these for quite a bit cheaper than I normally sell my prints for because I love you guys, I'm not feeling greedy and I hate being all super expensive and exclusive which limits who can and cannot buy. You know? Plus, all I really want to do is see my wonderful guy when he gets back from the hell he's been through for 7 months. Sigh.

Anyway, the page below has all the info:


The silhouettes series is a bit lighter in the actual prints than as seen in the digital scans of them I did. If you'd like to see larger versions of the photos (the thumbnails don't do them justice) I can show you those. Or anything else you want to know... Just ask. :)

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Last Letters Home & Veteran's day [11 Nov 2004|01:25pm]
For those of you who have HBO, I highly suggest watching Last Letters Home: Voices of American Troops from the Battlefields of Iraq tonight at 9 PM EST.

I'll be watching with a full box of tissues beside me.

Be sure to thank a veteran or two today. It is Veteran's Day, after all. I'll be thanking my two Vietnam War veterans at home who happen to be my parents tonight. And I'll be writing a letter to thank my veteran, still in his second round in Iraq, as well.
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[04 Nov 2004|06:11pm]
Beer & ketchup chips are where it's at.

& a very happy birthday to [info]saveyoursanity! :D
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Constant Reminders [27 Oct 2004|03:37am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Dixie Chicks - Traveling Soldier ]

The photos on the wall tell these stories of war. Brown eyes, staring out. Eyes that told a girl how much she was loved one day when they stared into hers.

The well-used lighter on the desk tells these stories of the hands that used it. Neon orange, scratched and nearly empty. Lips with the faint taste of smoke that kissed a girl and showed her how to love.



The flamingo finger puppet in the pencil holder tells these stories of years long since past. One eyeball missing, slightly dirty pink plush material and legs that never go quite where they're suppose to. An inside joke of seven years that never faded and held onto a girl's heart and never let go.

The pink post-it note, carefully tucked inside the wallet tells these tales of letters sent and recieved. An address written in all capitals, neatly placed across the top of the small page. A piece of paper given to a girl that reminded her of what was to come and bound her to a promise.

The yellow ribbon attached to the single braid tells these stories to the world. One long braid, carefully made and tied with golden yellow ribbon on top of a gold elastic band. A braid that silently tells the story a boy and a girl to the world, if the world bothers to notice.

Constant reminders.

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