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Your Own Personal Metal Jesus

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More of that game that is kinda popular at the moment. [Nov. 17th, 2004|08:59 pm]
From Tycho @ Penny Arcade's news post:
Apparently people who bought it at retail had some trouble getting their copies running right, it was fixed shortly thereafter. I'm given to understand that people who ride horses to work or in other ways live their lives discordant with science and reason also suffer because of their strict adherence to anachronism. Get with the fucking program. Stop mixing those specious folk remedies and download your games directly from the Intertron.

All I can say is A-F***ING-MEN BROTHER. I bought and downloaded HL2 through the wonders of STEAM and know what? I've had ZERO problems. Took a total of 3 minutes to activate it, and be playing it, FROM THE MINUTE OF RELEASE. Plus, it cost SIGNIFICANTLY less, mostly because there are no ass monkey publishers to grab their bite, no fuckwad EB employees to screw up my preorder, and no dealing with cocksucker kids wanting to buy JERK-MI-OFF cards in the line.

In another note, this comic basically describes my whole HL2 exerience so far. Hehe I love physics engines.
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It had begun [Nov. 16th, 2004|05:04 pm]

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Down in tha San Andreas 'hood. [Nov. 9th, 2004|09:32 am]
[music |Guns N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle]

GTA: San Andreas is damn cool. Will post my review later. This is just for me and other music buffs - the complete radio station soundtrack listing. It's a funkin great one too. More rap, but it's the old school early 90's gangsta rap that is actually good instead of that faggy Nelly shit. Much respect for some good classics from NWA, Public Enemy, Ice Cube and P-Funk. Then the alternative stations with the awesome mix I grew up with like Janes Addiction, Depeche Mode, Faith No More, Stone Temple Pilots, Rage Against The Machine and of course, the ULTIMATE San Andreas/Los Angeles track - Guns N Roses - Welcome To The Jungle. Funnily enough, Radio X is what is usually on in my ingame car. And as soon as I get my hands on the OST box set, in my real car too ;)
On with the list )

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Damn! [Nov. 4th, 2004|05:45 am]
Nader Supporters Blame Electoral Defeat On Bush, Kerry
- Supporters of presidential candidate Ralph Nader blamed his defeat Tuesday on George W. Bush and John Kerry, claiming that the two candidates "ate up" his share of the electoral votes. "This election was stolen out from under Mr. Nader by Bush and Kerry, who diverted his votes to the right and the left," Nader campaign manager Theresa Amato said. "It's an outrage. If Nader were the only candidate, he would be president right now." In his concession speech, Nader characterized Bush and Kerry as spoilers.

Yes. FOR SHAME ALL YOU BUSH/KERRY SUPPORTERS. How dare you stand in the way of poor Ralph's DREAM. This was clearly an election to be won by the Nader camp, but you were ALL DUPED by those charletans Bush and Kerry!
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Fell in love with a park [Oct. 26th, 2004|12:01 pm]
Leave work, 10 minute walk (or 2 min free bus ride) and $6 lunch and this is what you get

How much would this cost elsewhere? )

Love this city...
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[Oct. 26th, 2004|06:20 am]
"Hmm. This tastes like chicken."
"Whats wrong with that?"
"It's macaroni and cheese."
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[Oct. 22nd, 2004|02:09 pm]
Today's Survival Tip
Next time you are too drunk to drive,
Walk to the nearest Dominoes,
Place an order,
And when they go to deliver it,
Catch a ride home with them.
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Anonymous comments [Oct. 18th, 2004|11:29 am]
To the person who commented with this on my Jon Stewart post -

2004-10-18 03:22 (from
Jon Stewart rocks :)

btw, what sort of mod have you got on your xbox? and do you use xbmc? The crystal clear xboxes they have on the market right now look awesome, but I want it for media, not games :)

Could you please tell me who the fuck you are so I can reply to you? If you're just some random twink I won't bother, but if you're actually a friend of mine, I can help you out. Sorry if I'm a little short here, but ANONYMOUSLY ASKING ME SHIT PISSES ME OFF.
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ONE FOR MEGA [Sep. 25th, 2004|09:43 pm]


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2004 AFL Grand Final [Sep. 18th, 2004|08:03 pm]
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