.//.i feel like a quote out of context.//. [let me tell y'all what it's like|partners in crime|learn from the past]

[ website | n/a. just keep this around for nostalgia. ]
[ first impression | dumb girl ]
[ calender | so it goes ]

Saturday February 12th, 2005
Schoolwork. :P [2/12|3:22am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Wooo. Just finished an article on Islam Awareness Month. Went to a panel earlier tonight with Jackie, and we're both doing a story on it. I submitted it to the Alligator, but their freelance editor, who I've been in contact with lately, said she isn't sure if their multicultural writer was covering it or not. Eh, we shall see.

Chances are I will be covering the Women's Leadership Conference for them on Sunday. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.-- eesh! But I have to call tomorrow and make sure I can get in for free. :P

So much writing lately. I was not particularly impressed with my Islam article, but I had a 500-word limit and damnit, it's HARD to condense a lot of information into 500 words. And they only want 400 for Alligator stories. Lord knows what they'd cut if they actually used it. Eesh.

Now I am eating a cookie that a Hare Krishna gave me earlier when I rolled down my window at the intersection they were singing and dancing at. It's not half bad.

Tomorrow I am getting up relatively early (like 11) so I can go see the 2 p.m. showing of "What the Bleep Do We Know?" with Lis and Neal and Neal's ex German professor. Except not REALLY with Neal and his German friend fellow because he is too cool to actually go WITH us, but will probably see us there and sit with us anyway. :PP

Blaaaah. Sleep now, because I am exhausted.

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Thursday February 10th, 2005
Housing-- greh! [2/10|10:12pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Okay, still don't know what I am doing about an apartment for fall! Anna is definitely moving in with Matt, which is totally cool but I am homeless! Catherine and Laura and Ashley still need a fourth, but Ashley B. has dibs on that. Her parents want her to live walking distance, though, and she wants to live in house, so it may very well be an option. That'd be Campus Club, which is on 37th and not THAT far from campus. I could do that. Ashley B. and I also talked about moving into Courtyards together, but I think that was all talk 'cause she seems pretty intent on living in the house. Becca mentioned that her parents bought a condo down toward Williston, and Becca rocks, so that could be really awesome as well! Still, it sounds pretty far away (though I really have no idea how close/far it is, so who knows).

I just sent out an e-mail to the Kappa listserve to get a feel about living within walking distance to Kappa/Campus/W. University. Maybe some other girls are interested in living nearby. Courtyards is pretty ghetto, though. It's a step up from La Mancha, that's for sure! But still pretty ghetto. I'd sort of like a full sized bed and a fitness room and all those other amenities that you just don't find in the student ghetto.

Blaaahh! I just don't know yet. I guess I will see if anyone responds to wanting to live nearby and I'll also at least check out the other two places. I'd prefer walking distance, but I'd also prefer not to have random roommates for the third year in a row!

I dunno, guys and gals, any insight? Walking distance and sort of shady apartments vs. bus-ing and MUCH nicer apartments(and girls I already know)?

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I am lazy and I hate the internet!

Also, according to the internet:

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

fgfknh. Changing out of this dress now. Getting into comfy clothes and going to watch Queer as Folk with Lis.
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Wednesday February 9th, 2005
Masquerade Social. <3 [2/9|3:57pm]
[ music | Fountains of Wayne- Mexican Wine. ]

Kappa Sig social pictures! )

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[ mood | accomplished ]

Tonight I learned some very important lessons.

First: I don't have to drink to have fun.
Second: I can dance with myself.
Third: I LIKE dancing with myself.
Fourth: I DON'T need boys. They inhibit dancing. No, I do NOT want to feel your penis on my thigh, thanks!

All in all, a really, really great night. An even greater social! Danced with Vince even, who, when he first saw me, said "I was hoping you'd be here!" And it made me smile even though I didn't much like him in high school.

Tomorrow is going to be busy, busy, busy!

Much love to the world at large! <3

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Tuesday February 8th, 2005
Food intake. [2/8|4:58pm]
[ mood | pissy. ]
[ music | Def Leopard ]

Breakfast: nonexistant.
Lunch: Baked potato loaded with sour cream and cheese. Also a bowl of fruit salad and cottage cheese. (approx. a million calories)
Coffee Time: 1 grande vanilla latte (280 calories), 1 grande cup of coffee (10 calories, but only drank half), 1 slice pumpkin loaf(310 calories.) (approx. 600 calories total)
Dinner: Chicken Ceasar pita from Pita Pit with tomatoes, onions, feta cheese, and tzatziki. (approx. 300 calories)

Pretending the potato and cottage cheese total around 500 calories, I'm looking at 1,400 calories total for today. I'm eating less than 2,000 calories a day, I walk about two miles a day just to go to class and Kappa. And yet I have yet to lose my 5 lbs. of Christmas weight. WTF. Seriously, body. Stoppit.

I wonder if my body is being screwy 'cause I stopped taking birth control. When I first got on it, I got a little bloaty as well. Hrm. I intend to go back on it later this month, so I hope that doesn't screw too much more with things. Damned hormones.

PS- I contemplated giving up caffeine for lent but after going yesterday without any caffeine and feeling so shitty and out of it this morning, I've decided against it. But perhaps I should at least try to cut back... Eh. Whatever. I'd rather be more anxious and with it than calmer and totally effin' out of it.

PPS- I keep seeing James Freni around campus and he raised his eyebrows and me and said hey as we passed last week. Turns out he's in my Monday night Journalism lecture, but I have yet to talk to him. Maybe next week.

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side note: [2/8|1:03am]
[ mood | drained ]

Brain is fried. Vow to do very little this weekend apart from sleeping and tidying up the apartment. And maybe binge drink.

Going to bed with a Marie Claire and some Tylenol PM. Can't do anything academic tonight. Just need rest. Have a thousand things to do this week. Kappa Sig social tomorrow night. GAMMA meeting before that. Have to do laundry at some point before the social. Have class. Have to read 60 pages and write one or two for Holocaust before 9:35 AM Wednesday. Have to read the Stepford Wives in its entirety. Have to look into writing Stepford Wives essay. Have to do this week's article before Thursday (when?). Have to see Hotel Rwanda and write a response. Have to do corrections for Reporting. Have to eat. Have to sleep. Seriously, seriously have to sleep.

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Monday February 7th, 2005
<3 [2/7|11:57pm]

I love these kids! + sisterhood retreat )
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Sunday February 6th, 2005
"Um... check." [2/6|2:09am]
[ mood | exhausted ]

1.) Just in from Orlando
2.) Very tired
3.) Have to get up soon for sisterhood retreat
4.) Had an absolutely amazing weekend. It's strange how people you've known for years can surprise you simply by reminding you of the love you have for them. (Too many "you's," and I don't care)
5.) I absolutely love the following people: Chelsea, Alex, Carney, Keith
6.) I've missed the above listed people for so long without even knowing it. I am so blown away by the dynamic that remains between us every time we all get together. More on this later.
7.) Poker is the best game ever.

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Thursday February 3rd, 2005
[ mood | ecstatic ]


And I'm still in Gville--- GOTTA GO!

Carn's driving now; he'll be in O-town around midnight and WHEE! EVERYONE'S TOGETHER AGAIN!

This is so exciting! I can't wait to see these kids! <3 <3 <3 GOTTA GO PACK!!

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"I am thinking that we are on the moon, but it is not quite as I supposed it would be." [2/3|1:07am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Bic Runga- Drive. ]

Oh my god. I just had fun doing a Marxist reading. Literary theory is FUN. I've never really had such a specific assignment in applying one specific theory to a text and my god. It was sort of exciting. There is something seriously wrong with me.

I am so tempted to declare English as my second and study lots and lots of 20th century literature. Because it's my favorite. And because damnit. I enjoy this.

But then again, it was also exciting because I could draw parallels with things I've learned in history. Fnehh. FNEH. History is just so important to put things in context.

Okay. Sorry. Will make an effort to limit the academic rambling and instead lament on my own late stages of teenage angst. After all, when else can I angst so appropriately? I turn 20 in five months. I've got to revel in my angst while I still can!

<3 <3 <3 <3

PS- My German test today was pretty easy and so I can justify skipping on Friday. And I really do like school. Reporting just stresses the hell outta me! ONLY ONE SEMESTER OF IT! Then I can do feature writing and not worry so much about being newsie. Anybody remember Newsies? That's the best goddamned movie! I have it at home and I'm totally bringing it back with me after this weekend.

I don't know what I am going to do out of academia. Maybe I will just have to live here forever and ever.

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Wednesday February 2nd, 2005
you could have it all [2/2|6:50pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Sugar Ray - Rivers ]

Here I sit, procrastinating my essay. Lumdidum. Two classes, Reporting lab, and then Orlando to see Chelsea tomorrow night!! <3 <3

I talked to Maya today. She is a good girl. She invited me to West Palm with her Friday, and I'd love to go but I've got to see my homegirl Chelsea! Boo for sisterhood retreat Sunday. Rock climbing is fun, and sisterhood rocks, and Kappa is amazing, but damnit! Bad weekend for it, I think. Superbowl and Chels and Carn in town-- c'mon!

I think I've become increasingly sober and reserved lately (with a bit of an exception last weekend). But what happened to being hyper and happy and giddy and stupid? I miss being that way sometimes. Oh well. It'll come around again sooner or later.

Well, damnit, I am tired of being reserved! I guess I'm afraid I will tarnish some reputation or another if I let loose. Whatever, man.

Well, fuck this internet shit! I'm outta here-- I've got cookies to eat and showers to take and Marxist readings to write!

PS-- I need a place to live next fall. Fuck. I wonder if Laura and her girls still want me as a roommate. I didn't want to move away from campus walking distance, but, eh. I want a decent place to live! La Mancha is ghetto, man. Though I did run into Steven when I got back from Kappa and we chatted and had this awkward standing moment that really wasn't that awkward but whatever. He's sort of cute, I guess. Blah, blah. Off I go.

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[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Razorlight. ]


Just finished my fourth article for Reporting. Only eight more to go!

I still hate AP Style and hate getting five points off for every itty bitty mistake. But I am getting better at it, so I guess it's sink or swim.

What sucks the most about AP style is when I start using it automatically in papers for my lit. class and uh. Yeah. Get points off THERE too because punctuation rules re: composition titles are different and I never proof my lit. papers. AAsdgflhj.

But it's my own fault for being a lazy ass and not editing things like I ought to. :P

My heart is pitter patting. Hahah. I don't even know why. Well, I do. And I'm retarded for it. Lumdidum.

Just glad to have pumped out another article. That's really what it is. Pumping out. That's what it feels like. Like having a baby, I guess. A word baby, baby.

Oh, baby.

Today was a good day.

I thought I had more to say and maybe I do, but it's all hush hush right here, right now. And that's a damned good feeling.

Tomorrow I will ask Sven if I will miss terribly much by skipping his class on Friday and I will write my Marxist reading of We Have Always Lived in the Castle and turn it in to Robin's box early because she is letting me because she is awesome. And that book is awesome. And I am awesome. And you might be awesome, depending on who you are.


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Monday January 31st, 2005
side note: [1/31|9:30pm]
[ mood | retarded. ]
[ music | ani difranco. ]

I am totally losing my fucking mind. Finding it very hard to concentrate on the shit I need to get done for school with so much going on inside of me.

De ja vu. Anyone feel like we've been here before?

No. I guess it's just me. It ) normally is. )

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Promise me maybes and say things you don't mean. [1/31|8:06pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | Bic Runga - Drive. ]

I skipped my first class of the semester today. I was mostly prepared, but I hadn't finished reading for the American Nightmare, so I forwent German III in favor of Einstein's and reading We Have Always Lived in the Castle. I really like my lit. class. Damnit. It still seems illogical to declare that as my second major. But I HAVE to declare my second this summer or I will have too many credits to be able to do so. And I still think I will declare history in spite of myself. I can still carry a Lit. minor. Le sigh.

Today in class, Robin bitched us out for our short homework essays on Body Snatchers. I was freaking out because she had a lot of complaints and seemed pretty disgusted that there were senior English majors who weren't turning out very good work. And apparently someone said Hitler was a communist. She was pretty concerned about that one, heh. Still, I was sure I failed but I got an A-. (: Which is what I've been getting on everything in that class. Damnit. I should probably start putting more effort into it and doing my essays earlier than half an hour before class. Or at least start proofing my essays. I want to get rid of that minus. I can't fuck around in my classes right now 'cause I'll be damned lucky to get a B in Reporting from what I hear. We get chances to make up points in there, but still. FOUR A'S LAST SEMESTER. Out of 300+ students. AAdfgkjmlfkh. :\

I also forgot that I had an hour between the American Nightmare and Intro., so I ended up accidently going to some intro. film/entertainment industry lecture in the same room as my Intro. course. Whoops. I was sitting in the front, though, and after I realized my class didn't start for another hour, the lecturer had already begun talking and I would have felt like a douche walking out. Oh well. It was sort of interesting anyway. At least I went to three classes today like I was supposed to, right? So what if one wasn't the right one...

I need to e-mail Robin and Sven to see if I can skip classes on Friday or not. I want to see Chelsea and Carn (and Alex and Keith)! I have to drive back to Gville Saturday night because Sunday I have a sisterhood retreat that I can't miss. But at the latest I will be there to see Carney and Chelsea Friday evening. 5ish I believe. Chelseaaaaa! I really would like to see her and just... talk. I really need someone like her to talk to right now. I tried to talk to some people about things today, but it doesn't come out right to most people, you know?

I have a lot of work to do this week. I have three books to read by Monday. Needless to say, I won't be very social until the weekend. But it's okay; I slacked off last week so I just have to make up for it a bit.

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[ laugh all you want to | 15 jokes ]
[ go | before your time ]