Wed, Jul. 14th, 2004, 09:44 am From officialgaiman, the Neil Gaiman Weblog!
" CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) -- A church's plan for an old-fashioned book-burning has been thwarted by city and county fire codes.Preachers and congregations throughout American history have built bonfires and tossed in books and other materials they believed offended God.
The Rev. Scott Breedlove, pastor of The Jesus Church, wanted to rekindle that tradition in a July 28 ceremony where books, CDs, videos and clothing would have been thrown into the flames.
Not so fast, city officials said.
"We don't want a situation where people are burning rubbish as a recreational fire," said Brad Brenneman, the fire department's district chief.Ah, it warms the cockles of your heart, doesn't it? Not to mention my favourite sentence, Breedlove said a city fire inspector suggested shredding the offending material, but Breedlove said that wouldn't seem biblical. Obviously not. I'm sure this is the kind of pastor who would assure you that in the bible, Jesus always made a point of burning his novels, tee-shirts and CDs on proper bonfires. None of that new-fangled shredding nonsense for him." I love Neil Gaiman. That big ol' geek. (If you need evidence, just look at this.)
Mon, Jul. 5th, 2004, 02:31 pm House!
House is good. Updating from library as no internet yet. My room is large. Am only sharing the house with Alex and Eleanor as the others have gone home for Summer. This is a very short post, just to say that everything is good.
Oh, and happy... um... yesterday, to all those American types. Well done - you got us outta your country! Or something. Thu, Jul. 1st, 2004, 03:38 pm Okay, so...
We're moving into the house today! This means that, depending on how things like the phone line / electricity / etc are set up, I might not be online for a little bit.
Unless I go to the library, of course!
See you folks soon. Mon, Jun. 28th, 2004, 03:51 pm Blarb
Here is a load of stuff. - I get my exam results today. As do many others. I can't wait...
- My website is starting to take shape. Sort of. It's not all uploaded yet.
- It's Walky! is coming to a close, and all hell is breaking loose. It's kinda sad, actually. All sorts of people are getting killed off!
- Our university newspaper, "Spark", is apparently written by people who have trouble distinguishing one of these from one of these.
Me and Laura want to write in and complain about their "Summer Films Special", in which they review Garfield, Shrek 2, and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow. Okay, so, fine, no problems so far. Except:
- They clearly haven't seen the films. I quote the Garfield review: "Having not seen the trailer it is difficult to say whether the animation works or not, similarly, it is hard to know whether Garfield is going to be the cult classic it should be, or just another cutesy, action, family romance that offers little new or exciting." SO WHY THE HELL ARE YOU REVIEWING IT???
- They seem to have read the reviews / previews for these films in Total Film magazine, then changed a few words and reprinted them. Also, they've given them scores out of ten - fine if you're reviewing a film you've seen, but totally pointless and inappropriate here.
- They've chosen films about which they seem to know nothing. Of Sky Captain: "[The film] should be coming out some time over the summer." Duh!
- Oh, and they can't even spell "director".
So yes. Laura and myself want to let them know what we think, and tell them that we could write better stuff with our arms cut off.
- I have run out of money, and we still need to get insurance for the house (or, more specifically, our belongings inside the house.)
I think that's it!
Sun, Jun. 27th, 2004, 01:03 am Update
I've been working away at flashqz.com, so feel free to go and have a look there. Basically, I've ported the site over from Geocities, and I'm gradually changing it, adding new stuff, all that. I've put a summary of what's happening on the main page. There's not much up there at the moment. Keep checking back, though!
Fri, Jun. 25th, 2004, 02:43 am Sci-fi shows rock my socks
I would like to reassert, on behalf of myself, sparkly_groover, princessblade01 and jon__lowe, that Firefly kicks more ass than the Kickassomatic 3000 on full ass-kickin' setting. That is all.
Wed, Jun. 23rd, 2004, 11:10 pm Never worry...
This will keep me amused for days. Or five minutes. Tue, Jun. 15th, 2004, 11:51 pm Argh!
I'm really losing my touch.
Two years ago, I could have had at least ten windows open at any one time, minimum. Most of those would have been IM windows, and I would have felt fine.
I'm currently talking to four people on MSN, and it's freaking me out and I'm all flustered. So if you were one of them, I apologise - now you know why I wasn't replying.
...argh! They're all flashing at me again! I've gotta go. Thu, Jun. 10th, 2004, 01:09 pm Thing (My LJ subjects are really, really poo lately)
Just a bit of community pimpage... If you're anything to do with Reading Uni, and you're not already signed up, go and check out... reading_uni. The name says it all. Tue, Jun. 8th, 2004, 08:33 pm Random
I'm gonna get a dog. And I'm gonna call it Achilles. That way, when I want it to come back to me, I'll be able to say "Achilles, heel!"
Thu, Jun. 3rd, 2004, 03:07 pm
My Amazon Wishlist, in case anyone feels positively generous. I'm posting it because I just remembered I had it! Wow, so many cool films... Tue, Jun. 1st, 2004, 10:38 am I 0wnz0r3d that exam, for I am l33t.
Well, that's Spanish out of the way. Nice and easy - mostly multiple choice / fill-in-the-blanks pre-GCSE style stuff. There was a bit of writing at the end, but I'm fairly sure I did okay. And I left early! Rock on. Now, on to an assload of documents I've got to go through and sort out for various things, then I'm gonna relax for a bit. Oh! And, interestingly, looks like my dad might help out with the housing bills for a bit. Shiny.
Mon, May. 31st, 2004, 09:52 pm Bullet-point update time!
- I went to see Prisoner of Azkaban last night. I like it best of the three films, I think - the imagery was a whole lot darker, Hogwarts looked cooler, and it had all the cool new characters. Definitely a cool film. Enjoyed it muchly!
- I have an Spanish exam tomorrow for which I feel ready despite not having revised all that much. Should be interesting.
- I fell asleep a while ago, and only just woke up. Now I feel disorientated. Might have something to do with staying up after PoA finished (at around 3am) to watch the sun come up from the roof. It was pretty. And cold.
- I'm currently enjoying a week off work. Yay!
- I'm gonna go now and see where everyone is.
Mon, May. 24th, 2004, 12:16 pm Woot!
Exam over! Went well! Two exams left, both of which are easy! No more essays this year!
Ahh... I love the calm after the storm. Sun, May. 23rd, 2004, 09:53 pm Procrastinat-o-matic
No, I'm not needlessly wasting time. I'm doing worthy stuff. Honest.
By the way, can anyone recomment some good quality movie-editing software? I've been using Windows movie maker lately, and it's not bad, but I want something proper, with multiple channels, sound facilties, all that. Any ideas? Sun, May. 23rd, 2004, 01:39 pm Saved for posterity...
I followed a link and saw this. Hilarious, mainly because it's ALL TRUE!! Anyway, I'm gonna save it here in case it goes offline. Feel free to read. ( Can Star Wars Episode III be Saved? )
Sun, May. 23rd, 2004, 12:46 am Troy
I just saw Troy. ( Spoilers ahead... )Anyway, that's about it. I enjoyed it. I kinda snoozed in the middle because I'm TIRED, and all. But yeah. Go and see it. Or else. Wed, May. 19th, 2004, 11:08 pm Bantha poodu...
I feel like Jabba.
Just been to pizza hut to celebrate Sian's birthday. Despite RIDICULOUSLY slow service, we successfully ate our own weight in pizza and ice cream, and drank at least a couple of gallons of fizzy drinks. (Please note that there were eight of us.)
Now I intend to not move much, and check my emails. Then I shall gather the strength to climb the three flights of stairs to out corridor, drag myself along it, and go to bed.
Ugh. |