February 5th, 2004
| 07:17 pm Tonight's CICCU thingywatsit is 'The Promise of ... sex' Uh? Anyways, not going wot wif it being cold an' wet and me being tired from practical and I need to shower and eat and spod and do orbits questions...
What do Christians (OK, what do CICCU, seeing as not all Christians agree with the annoyances) have against sex. Because, apparently premarital sex is a terrible thing... why? what's wrong with it? I mean presuming God made us like he did God made us with sex drives and genitalia...surely we were ment to use them? I can see that extra martial sex w/o consent of spouse is bad and wrong because you are breaking a trust and causing them all sorts of pain and d00m and badness. But when you aren't commited to someone else, and you can be commited to someone without a bit of paper from the gummint saying you are married, then what's wrong with shagging? It's fun, it's good for you, it's natural and modern medicine can stop allmost all of the potentiall nasty side effects (we remember at this point that walking down the street has potentiall nasty side effects too)... Some people are like 'it's a gift for that speciall person' uh? it's not like money... if I went down to the bank today I could probably lay claim to, oh, about 5 grand (I owe it to the gummint but I could get my hands on it), if I gave it all to someone then I wouldn't have it, and couldn't do that again... I don't have a finite store of sex (ok, so I have a finite store of time in which to have sex so I can't have sex an infinite number of times, that's not the point) and shagging one person today doesn't mean I can't shag someone else tomorrow. And what's more, it's not all the speciall a gift, it's just shagging for Eris' sake, it's not *speciall* or *important* it's just thing. Who cares? I don't see why the Christian church (and CICCU) make such a fuss about the whole thing, it's something that barely registers on my moral radar (non-consensuall anything is bad hence rape is bad)... I couldn't give a rats arse who you (generall) are fucking unless you are allso fucking me, at which point I might claim some sort of interest due to being involved.
Why is it such a huge deal?
Then again My Religeon Has Temple Prostitutes.
January 31st, 2004
| 04:00 pm - Wake Made it. Did invocation rather loudly (and with bad pronounciation because of alcohol+sleep deprivation+yelling 'cos of gale). Incidentally Sarah's lament was very nice (if somewhat cheesy) and it was very cold for it, but colder and wetter in the morning. Bah.
Drank far far far far too much.
I did go to my 9am lecture after we found breakfast in some radom cafe and was awake for about 3/4 of it. Walked home. Failed miserbly to get sleep... I'm utterly echausted but can't sleep... and thus have had maybe 3 hours sleep in the last 30. Grrr.
( invocation + translation )
November 19th, 2003
| 03:53 pm - stolen from Katy Post anything that you want, and post it anonymously. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love... anything. Make sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post as many times as you'd like. I've turned off the option of logging IP addresses, so I have no way of knowing who you are.
February 16th, 2003
| 02:52 pm Go here and fill in the poll.
Then tell other people about it, don't set up your *own* poll, because then we won't get a good count, point people at this one. If everyone fills it in then we can get a percentage of how mnay livejournerlers went.
Mucus gratias
January 30th, 2003
| 07:49 pm It snowed. I know I said that allready. But there was lots of it. 5 Inches in places.
And it's soooooooooo cool. Had silly snowball fight with Jo. Looking like real prat was I, in dressing gown in the snow (I was dressed underneath, but it's fuzzy and warm). We built snowmen too.
Look, intellegent adults acting like kiddies.
Wish I had a sledge. Or skies.
Hope the snow lasts, or better yet, that it snows more. I like snow. Current Music: Monty Python - Lumberjack Song
January 29th, 2003
| 05:23 pm It is Far Too Cold.
January 23rd, 2003
| 03:17 pm wheeeeeee I'm in my room. And on the net. wheeeeeee.
August 4th, 2002
| 10:56 am - attn foreverdirt I don't have a mobile... but you will recognise me. *grins*. Mostely due to the _bad_ costume...
July 25th, 2002
| 03:10 pm in other news... The new Arch Bishop of Canterbury is cool.
Can anyone recomend a decent temporary dye. I want black hair for dwcon, but I want to be able to wash it out.
July 8th, 2002
| 12:18 pm Went to see Miority Report with Jaq and Chess. yay!. Cool film. == Bought Sandman V (so now I have a whole half of the set...)
Last night's West Wing was cool and v. slashy, yay! also debate about type of projection for maps. Which is cool 'cos my uncle Paul had to write a paper on that for A level Geography, and now I know what it was about...
Cycled to gym this morning (in the inevitable rain). Did 20 lengths of pool, discovered that the Sauna is out of order. Cycled up to school in more rain.
I am very wet. And also I have messy hair 'cos I managed to forget my hairbrush this morning. bugger.
June 24th, 2002
May 30th, 2002
| 04:02 pm This is a public anouncement... due to my *evil* familly my journal is becoming increasingly friends only. If you are interested iin reading it, comment here and I'll stick you on my friends list.
| 02:01 pm - stolen from Wednesday's child How to spot Naath in a crowd:
Chances are that she's wearing clothes somewhat similar to N. Gaiman's Death, if not she'll be wearing something with a long skirt, possibly floral. If it's an evening do she'll be wearing a ball gown (never a coktail dress). On all but the most formal occaisions she wears an Ankh at her neck. Possbily acompanied by a Pentacle (silver with blue stones) or a sword. She's short, only 5' with waist length hair, often wavy, but this isn't natural. She's pale, more so if made up, and likely to be wearing dark eyeshadow of lipstick. Having said this she is not likely to be in a crowd in the first place, having an instinctive hatred of crowds.
The apparent nature of Naath
Appears shy and scared untill you put her with her friends, in which case she begins to talk in practically a forign language. Likely to ramble on about anything at length. Will argue incecently with parents. Flirts with anything, badly. Is either hyper or upset most of the time. Has bad manners (swears, talks while eating...)
The real nature of Naath Incredably scared of regection and/or failure. Has standards for herself that are unachievable, and on achieiving them never feels pleased. Trys desperatly to convince other ppl that she doesn't apply those same standards to them, because she doesn't. Loves books and fanfic, will read almost anything. However can't write worth shit.
She is in love with the inimicable Sath.
Common reactions to Naath dunno, no one's ever told me. Possibly 'what a wierdo'
What not to say to Naath
Homosexuals are evil. Join our religeon (whatever it is...) Can I buy you a drink (only because it'll cost you more than you think) Math is impossible.
May 23rd, 2002
| 07:54 am OK, I need new usrpics (what wihth getting 10 now that someone nice paid for my LJ... so, does anyone want to make some for me?
Also, does *anyone* have a picture of me at the xf2001 '80s' party... it's just that that outfit took some work, and I'd like to use the picture as an icon.
May 19th, 2002
| 08:02 am ok, school net not working well, home internet not-to-be-used-must-revise.
So less of me for a bit.
May 18th, 2002
May 16th, 2002
| 09:04 am So we get around the filter... so they change the filter! I can now see www.livejournal.com which is good, 'cos the cookies don't work right for
May 15th, 2002
| 07:51 am - test spam. ( spam! )
| 07:50 am why, since I got paidness on LJ dosn't looking at friends groups work...