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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
1:00 am - Heya.
Hey. I'm in New York. They have internet access at the hostel I am staying at, and of course I couldn't resist.

I am fooking tired, and have been just about everwhere I can think of in the 2 days I've been here. I leave tomorrow, sadly. I could live here, if it weren't for the fact that I'd have to be some sort of very rich person to live anywhere near Central park. (Of which I have fallen in love.)

Central park is one of those terrible movie cliches as it turns out. Everyone is either running there being fit, or walking their dogs. The people walking their dogs are the coolest. They all own the same dog, or a very close variation. Labs and Collies, I'm telling you. Pretty much any dog that represents the perfect life. I love it. All the trees are dead now, but I can just imagine what a sight it would be with leaves.

I just got back to the hostel from a Broadway show. But none of the good shows are on broadway, they're all a block off. Phantom of the Opera, at the Majestic. I went to it. But it's not on Broadway. It's on 44th. It should be the 44th shows. And the 46th shows. And the 51th... Anyway, the real Broadways shows I didn't see anyone going to.

Carson was not at his window, so I was unable to throw fruit and bare my ass at him. Maybe next time. Gallivan, who is with me, suggests we save up money and buy the billboard across the street from the MTV building, and put on it MTV sucks. I personally would rather put "If you want proof that fame requries no talent, pay attention to the man who's hand you just shook."

The empire state building is now a ride. There's a line to buy tickets. There's a line for the elevators. There's a line for the second set of elevators 6 floors from the top. And there's another line for the elevators to get down. Funny, 10 years ago when I came here, it was just a really cool business building you could go to the top of. Either way, it was worth it. I couldn't appreciate the view when I was 11. I loved it this time. New York is a beautiful city.

Let's see. Briefly, I've eatin' chinese at china town, been to liberty island. For the third time in a row, my attempt to make it to the top of the statue has failed. Once before due to mother's asthma, again for reasons I do not remember because it was too long ago, and finally, yesterday, because they have not installed the new security measures, so aren't letting anyone in. Sigh.

And finally, of course, we paid our respects.. Don't need to go into any details, everyone knows. : P It's odd that you can pay admission to get to a viewing platform to see the site, but I'm sure it goes to help. We did not do this, we simply paid our respects and left.

Having fun, hope everyone is lovely. Pictures galor to show to family and friends back home.


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Saturday, January 12th, 2002
4:42 am - Look, a midget standing behind you!
Erm.. Journal, and stuff. Journals are for writing in.. Well, in this case typing.. But I don't. This is bad. I keep meaning to fix this problem, but so far most of my goals are remaining unachieved as of late.


So, here's a post. Quick update on life status.

Still jobless, because hey, real men don't need money. Or electricity. Or running water. Soon I plan to run the forests like my ancestors, who ate meat straight off the cows instead of purchasing it in cooked form from McDonalds. But back then, cows weren't cows. They were real cows. Manly cows that could think beyond "Moo." Yes, this is what I shall do. Minus the real cows since now all we have are stupid cows who say moo.

Well, that or starve. Has to be one or the other I figure..

Erm, anyway, enough boring 5am babble. The interesting thing to happen post-being-fired was I went to Vegas for this LQ thing. Spent last weekend there, doing under-21 vegas stuff. (I turn 21 February 22nd. Timing timing..) Unfortunately the trip was sorta spoiled a bit by some drama between some of my friends and their significant others. Nothing too bad, but a lot of arguing and frowning that was very unvacationish. So when we were driving away from our hotel on our way to Colorado, I randomly asked if anyone wanted to go to California for shits and giggles. Interestingly enough, everyone agreed. I mean, it's a 4 hour drive from Vegas. Very easy. So, we went. Very last minute, which was cool, but meant we didn't do much. Mainly did a lot of driving.

Anyway, I had nearly forgotten how fun road trips can be with the right people before this previous weekend. So I plan on doing it some more. My european plans have been massively destroyed from the whole losing my job thing, so this seems like a good secondary plan until I figure out what I'm going to do. (Probably school, for any who would wonder.) So that's my plan. Start seein' more of America while I'm still able to.

Secondary plan, as always, is to start posting more. Hope to do so. As always, I hope everyone is doing lovely.


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Monday, December 24th, 2001
11:02 am - I don't know why I thought this was funny.

What Video Game Character Are You? I am an Asteroid.I am an Asteroid.

I am a drifter. I go where life leads, which makes me usually a very calm and content sort of person. That or thoroughly apathetic. Usually I keep on doing whatever I'm doing, and it takes something special to make me change my mind. What Video Game Character Are You?

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Tuesday, December 11th, 2001
1:09 pm - Weeeeee!
Well, been gone from here for quite a while. Just been doin' other stuff. Haven't had time for computers in general.

Reason I've decided to come back is because I got laid off today. Heh. So I need a place to put down different thoughts about the whole mess.

Reaction #1:

That's fucked.

Reaction #2:

That's so fucking fucked.

Reaction #3-#42:

See above.

Reaction #42b:

Both my managers are completely bald. Why have I never found this humerous before?

Reaction #43:

Damn it that's so fucked.

Reaction #44:

Logic. On one side, I got fired from a very decent job that I despised. But, it stands to reason that any job I have I will despise, since I am the stereotypical american loser, and can not stand working, so really, I should've worked harder to keep the job. On the other side, I had a shitload of vacation time that I saved up, and will be paid that in full, so I'm not that bad off. On the third side one only sees when one is thinking logically, the economy blows ass at the moment, so getting a nother job that does not involve ground beef, or the closest variation there of, is going to be a hard task..

So, in conclusion, I was really pissed, then really pissed, then got over it and now I'm just gonna figure out what to do next. We'll see what happens. If nothing else, I can finally go to college.

current mood: anxious

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Friday, November 16th, 2001
7:48 am - Whoa. Livejournal.
None existant on livejournal, but with reason. Dealing with other stuff. Playing new computer games. Being a stupid geek. Spending large amounts of time with new kitten. Will post pictures eventually.

Nothing new. Boring, yeah? Yeah. Hope life's good for everyone.

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Saturday, November 3rd, 2001
7:21 am - Sick.
I don't get sick often.. But damn, I'm sick. I stayed home from work yesterday, another thing that's pretty danged rare. But didn't feel right about takin' today off. Only me and Melissa on today. If I took it off, someone woulda had to come in on their days off.

Still debating Amsterdam-ishness. Right now the simple choice is whether I want to go alone or not. Hard choice to make.

current mood: sick

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Thursday, November 1st, 2001
1:37 pm - Europe.
All right, this is bugging me.

Many people do this. You make some random comment, or ask some random question along the lines of "Hey, let's go to Amsterdam for a month. Isn't that a good idea?" Everyone you ask says "Wow, what a cool idea. Yea!"

Then you look up prices. Then you look at hotels. Then you look at all the specifics that make a joke or fantasy, a neat thing to say, into a reality. You ask those same people the same question. Suddenly you get nervous looks. You get the muttered excuses. Or you just get the question "Well.. Why do you really want to go to Amsterdam in the first place?" You answer, "Because I've never been there. And I'm tired of the thought that I'm constantly afraid to go somewhere I've never been." But this doesn't change their mind.

The plain fact is this. Plane tickets are cheap. CHEAP. You can go to almost anywhere in Europe for under 500 bucks round trip if you plan the trip for Feb. 1st and on. Amsterdam happens to be one of the cheaper places to fly into, but from there you can get anywhere in Europe for low prices. This is a chance to do something I've wanted to do for years, before I became too old, mature and wrapped up in stupid shit to pull it off.. But now everyone I know is old, mature, or too wrapped up in stupid shit to want to go with me.

I'm 20. How can that be too old?

current mood: confused

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Tuesday, October 30th, 2001
11:20 pm - I suck at Laserquest.
I suck at this game. ::Grumble::

First full tournament I'm playing since regionals last year, and I'm sucking it up. Lord, been playin' 2 and a half years now, and I'm still one of the worst scorers. How frustratin' is that?

Oi, I need a new hobby.

current mood: frustrated

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1:28 am - Wise Words. Remember them.
Try anything in life at least once.

Well... except stapling a waffle to your face... Don't try that once...

Actually, on second thought, stapling anything to your face can pretty much be considered an exception to the rule and shouldn't be tried once...

Or twice, for that matter.


Not that I ever have or anything...

current mood: geeky

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Saturday, October 27th, 2001
6:46 pm - Agh!
Bored! Someone give me something to do!

I actually got used to having shit to do on Saturdays. Now I'm bored out of my mind. All my friends are either busy, out of town, or going to this over 21 party thing down in Denver. Of course, I don't have many friends to begin with, so having them all be busy is no special feet. This fact, however, does not make me any less bored.

Furgh. Someone give me something to do, and I'll thank you forever.. For now, though, I'll be watching tv.

current mood: bored

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Friday, October 26th, 2001
2:00 pm - Another nerd test.(Boredom at work)

Nerdity Quotient: 47.2% (236/500)

Closet Nerd

Average score: 32.4%

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Tuesday, October 23rd, 2001
11:23 pm - I am now miffed.
Now I'm just fucking pissed. I finally get this piece of shit to the computer shop, and they replace my motherboard. I get it back, boot it up, and I get the same fucking UltraBios/No drivers attached error that I got before my motherboard crashed. And likewise, I bluescreen anytime I try to install something, and I blue screen any time I get a "webpage not found" error on IE. I also get a bluescreen now and then just for fucking shits and giggles. Exactly the same problems I had from before.


current mood: pissed off

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Saturday, October 20th, 2001
6:14 pm - Dem trees is yella', paw.
This happens every year. One day, I look around during the month of October, and BAM! ...Everythin's yellow. I don't know how it got that way, but there you have it. Yellow. Everywhere. My theory is that most of Colorado, except in the 'burbs, is yellow anyway. So when the trees turn, it's just hard to notice at first.

Anyway, point is, the trees are beautiful today. I noticed they were pretty before, but it just didn't register that they were yellow for some reason. I noticed it when I was just staring at this cluster of trees off to the side of the road on my way to work. What was nifty about them was the fact that the trunks were very, very dark, almost black, and the leaves were a very bright shade of yellow. The contrast was just down right gorgeous. Then it dawned on my that leaves weren't always yellow, and the natural next step in the thinking process from there was to realize it was autumn finally. Like, truly autumn. Not just 'cause a calender tells you it is.

I love Autumn. Yay.

And now I'm at work... Erm, boo.

current mood: cheerful

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7:21 am
Night shifts are a lot different once you've worked days for a while. Very tiring. But the sunrise was very very pretty. I did fall asleep for like 40 minutes, though. I hate covering shifts.

Plus now I can't do anything for my weekend. I have to work Saturday and Sunday night too. It's fookin' absurd. And I was supposed to be in Tulsa playin' LQ tonight. Sigh.

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Wednesday, October 17th, 2001
6:57 pm - 8-bit Theater.
I was a fooking walking 8-bit theater advertisement last night at LQ. I bought the Fighter t-shirt from his website, and it came in yesterday. So at the last minute I throw it on and walk out the door. Now, something one must remember about a game like laserquest.. mostly geeks like me play it, so *everyone* recognized the original Fighter character from the original Final Fantasy. I had to answer the question "Where the hell did you get that shirt!?!?" every 3 minutes or so. It was hilarious. I've never gotten so much attention before in all my life just because of a fooking shirt.

Rock on Final Fantasy.

current mood: amused

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Sunday, October 14th, 2001
3:56 pm - I'm a geek.
Had another getogether last night, this time over at Ray's house. Coworker from California. Was pretty fun, played bass guitar for the first time in a few months. Unfortunately, I know have a huge blister on my middle finger of my right hand. Damned thick bass strings.

A conversation that came up last night made me realize what a geek I am. Heh. See, there was pretty much all guys there, minus Jeff's fiancee Jen, and for some stupid ass reason most likely involving the damaging effects of alcohol on his brain, Ray asked Jen why girls never come to parties. Well, my answer was that they just don't go to geeky parties, but I kept it to myself. Her answer wasn't much better. Ray then went on to explain his theory about how girls have wild parties of their own in secret giant caves that men aren't allowed to see.

Ray is rather hungover today..

Anyway, I'm a geek. I stand proud.

current mood: nerdy

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Saturday, October 13th, 2001
3:26 pm - I've Changed.
Talked to my ex, she tells me I changed. Well, actually, I've changed in some ways but haven't in others. I'm still a kid, but that's not a bad thing, and I focus on day to day stuff more than I focus on the future important things in life. And this in-depth knowledge was uncovered during a 10 minute conversation about Gemstone.

On a totally unrelated topic, she mentions on a regular basis how much she's grown up and matured since our relationship ended, and how many levels up maturity she has gained. She's on a whole other level now, you see, then before.

Well golly G, thank goodness we're not together anymore. Little kids should never date Adults in this day and age.

Anyway, yeah. I just thought it was an interesting conversation.

current mood: complacent

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Wednesday, October 10th, 2001
11:04 am - Change needed.
I want to move somewhere else. I'm so tired of the pattern I've found myself in.. at the same time, I'm too attached to that pattern to let it go.

I think I'm in major need of becoming a wandering bum. Get my priorities straight... ya know?

Oh, and Black Mage is my hero. Check out his boogy-ing skill.

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Tuesday, October 9th, 2001
6:35 pm - When Furbies Attack!!!
I need to visit my parents. Haven't seen either of them in quite a while. One of those things I figured would happen when I moved out..

I realized my worst fears have become true. I have searched through the house.... and we do not have a scrap of real, honest food. I'm scared I may starve soon, so if I stop posting... Well, no, it doesn't mean I starved.. But still, I'm pretty damned hungry.

Oh well, time to play laserquest. Hope everyone's froody.

current mood: cynical

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12:08 am - Interesting Saturday night.
Well, not sure if I mentioned this, but for the couch celebration, my roommate had insanely purchased almost 200 dollars in alcohol. We hardly put a dent into it, so another friend of mine offered to throw a "get rid of the extra alcohol" celebration the following Saturday.

Well, we headed over to this friend's house, who's name is Adam. Everything was fine at first. We sat around and watched clerks, which was really nifty, drinking very little. Then out of nowhere, Adam's roommate, the raging alcoholic who I have always disliked, bursts out of of his room, telling everyone that it's last call, and to get the fook out before we can't walk out. Evidently Adam had not informed Eric of the plan for that evening, and Eric was not happy about it. Adam asked Eric what his problem was, and Eric responded by grabbing the nearest lamp, (a six foot tall black lamp.. You know, the ones that shine light up at the ceiling) and lobbed it at Adam much like a spear. The folk in between Adam and Eric weren't terribly pleased with this turn of events, and proceeded to jump out of the way of lamp turned projectile.

Now, the lamp didn't do much damage to Adam, just hit his hand a bit. He was a bit shocked, however, and just started saying "What the Fuck?!" over and over again. Eric just stormed off to his room. As might be expected, we decided a party there would be harmful to our health and all surviving lamps in the apartment, so we took off. At this point, there were maybe 7 people there. Now, with 7 people in mind, I suggested we go to my apartment.. 7 people would fit into my apartment just fine and dandy.

Well, we formed a nice little caravan and started the drive to my place. We started out as 3 cars. It didn't take long, however, for that number to suddenly double. Evidently Morgan, yet another friend of ours, was running late.. And he was bringing a few friends with him. The number of people that was about to squeeze into my very small apartment was no longer about 7, but much closer to about 20.

Anyway, it wasn't anything special.. Just your run of the mill get together involving a lot of alcohol. I really, really didn't expect that many people to be coming over, and we're still cleaning up the mess.. But still, it's definitely the most interesting thing to happen since we moved here. The memorable part of the night, of course, was the lamp flying through the air. In case ya wouldn't have guessed it, Adam is currently searching for a new place to live.

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