Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "*teh music" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:teh_music (4484099)  
*teh music
the music recommendations community!

Welcome to *teh music, the LJ community for music recommendations! This is the best place to discover new bands, find songs by your fave artists and share music. Please read through the rules and then APPLY for membership. If you have any questions, please read the FAQ first, and if your question is not answered, feel free to contact us - either at my LJ or through our email address,

**Accepted to the community already? Click HERE to accept your invite!

***PLEASE NOTE: You will not be added to the community if you request to join (you click on "join this community" at the top of the page)!!! You must apply for membership so we can ensure that you have read the rules.

01) No non-music-related posts. Your post must contain either a music recommendation, a music request, or your mp3 list for requests. For music rec's and music requests, you must copy one of the forms provided below:

*music recommendations

*music requests
for EVERY music request, you MUST post a recommendation!
(your post will be deleted if it does not contain one)

Or, if you have an mp3 list that you'd like to post for people to request songs off of, you are welcome to post it, but please put it behind an LJ-cut.

Any posts without one of the items above will be deleted.

02) No albums are to be posted in the community - they cannot be requested and they cannot be recommended (this includes playlists - they can still be posted, but no albums should be requested. If you would like to share albums, please do it on your own LJ and not in this community).
03) No bashing of other people's music, or musical preferences. No profanity.
04) Songs can uploaded onto personal servers or onto YouSendit (send it to your email and then post the link up). Do not direct-link to any files unless they are on your own personal server.
05) No promotion of other communities.
06) When filling music requests, you must reply to the INITIAL post. Please don't create a new post just to fill someone's request (this just creates unecessary posts).
07) As mentioned above, if you choose to request a song, you must recommend one for every song requested. Vague requests ("Any songs by The Thrills other than Saturday Night and Our Wasted Lives") must include at least two recommendations.
08) More than 3 recs/requests must be behind an LJ-cut.

All posts coming into this community must be approved by a moderator, so if they do not follow the rules, then it won't get approved. Read and understood all the rules? Good. Apply here.

If you have any questions, please check our FAQ first before contacting the staff.

*maintainer and head moderator - Emily, [info]outtathaway

Mandy, [info]mandysopranina
Heather, [info]angelich
Noa, [info]a_thing_sublime (also taking requests) **ON HIATUS**
Amy, [info]acciofirebolt (also taking requests)

*request team:
run by: Kirstin, [info]kirstin_kthx
Kim, [info]_break_free_
Moraya, [info]shagalote
Alex, [info]deadmantalks
Michelle, [info]_allshallfade
Liz, [info]07six10 **ON HIATUS**
Diana, [info]vinyl_addict

If you are looking to request for playlists to request songs off of, these are the people to ask! Check out the memories for their constantly updated playlists.


Looking for affiliates (LJ music-related communities only)! Please email us or contact me at my LJ.

Want to promote [info]teh_music? Just copy and paste the html below and you can use this lovely banner :)

Please save and upload to your own server!

Teh Music does not promote or encourage the sharing of illegal, copyrighted files. Should any members choose to participate in file-sharing, the members bear full responsibility and liability. Teh Music does not claim responsibility for any of the members, the files obtained, and their activities.

Memories:23 entries
Interests:9: artists, bands, cds, mp3, mp3s, music, recommendations, sharing music, songwriters. [Modify yours]
Members:2151: View Members .
Watched by:1051: 07six10, 121784, 15rooms, 1984_, 24_centuries, 3ebmadrigal, 3minuteromance, 3x1minus1, 48volt, ___captivated, ___seventy2, __dyingxday, __firetruck, __grey, __perspective, __unlovely, _allshallfade, _allthatjazz_, _angsty, _br0kenhearted, _cayty, _d0rkette, _emipink, _emz_, _ewanaholic_, _exhale__, _fateyoucarved, _flutter, _fortunesfool_, _girlwholived, _insilence, _jems_, _kissyfish, _nessah, _night_lily, _owenitsover, _paperairplane, _r_a_i_n_b_o_w_, _schwarz_, _secondbest, _skulking_, _slash_addict_, _soulblueprint, _spentcigarette, _teufelchen_, _throw, _velvetkill, _wishing_away, _xjustsurrender, a_thing_sublime, absolut, abstruse_soul, accio_ronnikins, accio_tiara, acciofirebolt, acertainperson, acornpirate, adamasoda, addercat, adgy, adiavry, adolwyn, adrateia, aea, aebbel, aechei, aerowyn, aesthetical, afropuff, after_the_rain_, agent_molly, aidenfire, ailsa_clare, aintmadatcha, ajinmypocket, alchemia, aldaelendil, alemara, alia612, aliasbuzz, aliaspiral, alioth, alison_chains, allamodabella, allegoricduck, allegria, allex, allthingsgood, alluneedislooov, almost_enough, amaralen, americanmutt, amesville, ammonite, amorousfear, amyth71, anaid_rabbit, anamchara, anath, andyish, anearlessworld, angelgirluk, angelich, angiel3, anne_elliot, anythingbutgrey, apebapesta, apestaartje, apillarofsalt, apoetneedspain, applelollipop, apraisechorus, aprilbegins, araeariel, aralinde, arellabella, arienette, artrot, ashh, ashinae, ashleyr388, ashtray_girl, askmehow, aspirez, assimilate_me, atorable, aubergine, auguris, augury_rue, aussiekitty, autosolarium, autumnrhythm, awmp, axurity, ayngil, ayrin, azkabaned, aznwonder, b_hallward, badbunnie, bailunrui, batchmode, battlemullet, belladonna, belovedenjeru, benharvey, bewitchme, biat, biginjapan, billdapony, ...
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