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[1 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Mm. Ok. [31 Aug 2004|02:16pm]
This journal is now officially


April.2.2003 ~ August.31.2004

Too many memories.
Must resist the temptation to look back on the good old days.
Must avoid the possibility of reliving the worst days of my life.

Plus it's too easy for people to find me. ;)

Now residing at [info]miss_anee.
See you on the flip-side. =]

- An-ee

[4 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Eek. [31 Aug 2004|11:04am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Sarah McLachlan - Do What You Have to Do ]

I've been having weird headaches lately and I'm constantly tired. After about a week of this I told my parents and now my dad is almost convinced that I could have a tumor in my brain. o_O;; Mom's going to take me to the doctor's this weekend and have an MRI (scan) done on my brain to see if anything is wrong.

They have the tendency to overreact.

I'm not scared. Just slightly... irked?

[5 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

[29 Aug 2004|02:49pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

Been kinda depressed all day... I blame it on the cold and hormones. -_-

Oh yeah. Ray and I have been married for a year today.
Happy anniversary, my beautiful gay hubby. :D


[6 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

[28 Aug 2004|07:04pm]
[ mood | blank ]
[ music | Watching" Jet Li - "Hero" ]

Your LJ RPG Team
LJ Username
Favorite Color
Weapon of Choice
Your Partner the_insanity
Your Warrior misskitten77
The Giggly, Flirtatious Magic User with Big Breasts the_insanity
The Talking Animal scuubatyler
Main Archenemy meltd0wn
Evil Incarnate sammbou
This Quiz by ass_ - Taken 120627 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!
Tee hee hee...
Went to Nik's last night
Watched movies.
13 Going on 30
Singin' in the Rain

Gene Kelly was beautiful.
Tap dance is sexy.

Watching "Hero"
How weird that it's in theaters now
Even though it's been on DVD for over a year?
Anyways, it's good.
You should watch it.

[11 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Meep! [26 Aug 2004|11:47am]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | Gavin DeGraw - I Don't Wanna Be ]

I did it.
I cut my bangs.

...Not too bad. ^^b


Actually, I'm starting to see a bit of Audrey Hepburn from "Roman Holiday" and Audrey Tantou from "Amelie" XD

[8 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Since school pictures are over...shall I, [25 Aug 2004|09:28pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out ]

Cut my bangs myself
Not my bangs myself...

That is the question.
Help me reach the answer.

(As of 3 weeks ago)

If only everyday life could be as simple as these last weeks of summer.

[1 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

[25 Aug 2004|09:24am]
Sure, wait until HALF AN HOUR before your party to invite me. :P

BORED at home. Call me!...

[7 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

AHHH! [24 Aug 2004|05:53pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Watching: "Sleepless in Seattle" ]


1 --- Pre-Calc/Trig: Corso
2 --- AP Chem: Dillard
3 --- AP US Hist: Savellano
4 --- AP English: Williams
5 --- AcaDEC: Burke
6 --- Ceramics: Fitzgerald

Just like I thought! :D

Any classes with me?

Sooo... BeachNet was yay-ness today. Glenn and Kevin visited... Kevin pretended to be a raving drunk. :D

Kevin: (Looking at me) Helloooo strange little woman... (looks up at Pedrom)'re a very large ugly woman!

8 (no Kevin =[) of us went to La Salsa for lunch with Megumi making wisecracks and innuendos the whole time.

Megumi: (something probably very gutterbrained)
Glenn: Does she EVER shut up?
Annie: ...nope.

Yup... so uh yeah. Nice day. Nice day.

[7 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

[24 Aug 2004|07:49am]
w00t registration is today...

[3 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Ps --- [21 Aug 2004|12:04pm]
Adam get's his super special, meaningful entry now.
We've been good friends for a year, approximately around today.
You'll always mean a lot to me,
Probably more than you'll ever know.
But anyways... much love man.
You are truly awesome.

And I told you I wouldn't forget!
Bitch. ;D

[2 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

W00t~! [21 Aug 2004|10:27am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Richard Marx - When You're Gone ]



Yesterday I went with Nikki, her sis, and her mom to see "Princess Diaries 2". Ahahaha, so cute. Disney live action movies always have the hotties. :D *Raar*

The sisters got me this really awesome turtle that looks like a fabrege egg! :D And Danielle got me a bobble head turtle from Mexico! ^_^


Rachel Yamagata - Worn Me Down
Gone, she's gone
How do you feel about it
That's what I thought
You're real torn up about it
And I wish you the best
But I could do without it
And I will, because you've worn me down
Oh, I will, because you've worn me down

Worn me down like a road
I did everything you told
Worn me down to my knees
I did everything to please
But you can't stop thinking about her
No, you can't stop thinking about her

And you're wrong, you're wrong
I'm not overreacting
Something is off
Why don't we ever believe ourselves
And I, oh, I feel that word for you
And I will, because you've worn me down
Oh, I will because you have worn me down

Worn me down like a road
I did everything you told
Worn me down to my knees

[1 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

[19 Aug 2004|08:31am]
Have a good one, Mate. ;)

[7 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

[18 Aug 2004|09:58pm]
[ mood | giddy ]
[ music | Watching: The Olympics ]

Men's gymnastics is so sexy.
Individual All-Around, baby.
RAAR check out those PECS!!!
GO USA~!!! :D

Ahhh Glenn, so sorry I wasn't in Bnet this week (for once). I'll be in again next Tuesday :D

I wish I lived up in the mountains so that I could lounge on the hood of my car and watch the stars all night.

But still rather lonely. =\


[18 Aug 2004|10:53am]
[ mood | artistic ]


[3 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Ew. Manual labor is tough on nails. [17 Aug 2004|09:23pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Coheed and Cambria - The Crowing ]

Note to self: Dad has NO sense of spatial reasoning whatsoever.

My dad and I spent the afternoon assembling my new computer desk (yay), problem is, like stated above, my dad has no sense of it at all so we had an accident or 3. He's got a few boo-boo's now, while I, the one who actually read the instruction booklet, remained unscathed and did about 60% of the work. Go me. It's heavy as fuck. We're not done yet, still need to rearrange my room so that the god damn thing FITS... it looked smaller at the store. >_<

In other news...

Bwa ah ah...

[5 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

A Girl and Her Turtle... [16 Aug 2004|04:30pm]
A small girl sits by the window of her living room, staring sadly at the fish tank that rests on a table outside, her chin propped on her small hand.

"Mommy, can't Lady stay inside?" she calls to her mother, who is busy in the kitchen.
"No, her tank takes up too much room on the dining room table. We need it clean so that our guests can sit." The girl pouts and continues to stare at her little friend who is swimming around in circles. The turtle climbs up onto its higher platform to soak in the sun.

"Mommy, what if a bird tries to eat her? She's so small!" She sees a horrific vision in her mind of a great eagle swooping down and catching up dinner from the tank. Wide-eyed, she is about to go outside to bring in her turtle before it becomes a bird's meal.
"Birds don't eat turtles, stop worrying about it. We only have little birds here, no eagles. If you want, you should put something on top of the tank to cover it."

Great, little birds. Little birds leave little holes in little turtle shells.

Stepping outside into the sunshine, the girl searches for something to put on top of the tank. Finally she settles on a large rectangular basket and sets it on the top. It doesn't quite fit over the edge of the tank, but it will have to do.

"What if she gets too cold at night before the guests leave, Mommy?"
"Err..." Sighing, the girl turns back to the tank and puts a finger on the outside of the tank. Her turtle swims to it and presses her nose to the glass.

Damn birds.

"Come inside before you get a sunburn," her mother calls from the kitchen. She drops in a few turtle pellets and goes in. "Now I want you to be nice and play fair with Aunt Yen's little boys." The girl makes a face. "Eww...boys." Scoldingly, her mother swats her on the arm. "Go get ready. And finish your chemistry homework!"

...So what if that happened 20 minutes ago? :P

[8 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Here's an idea... [15 Aug 2004|09:39am]
[ mood | awake ]



Ps--- Check out the new icon, props to [info]dwinston... ahaha, love ya bro.

Jacked from Beth... )

[14 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

Hey, cool, my 600th LJ post... [14 Aug 2004|09:34am]
[ mood | complacent ]

I'm having boba cravings... time for another trip to my Asian Town... anyone wanna hang out in Little Saigon today? :P


The Opening Ceremony for the Olympics was... long. It went on for about 4 hrs. I stayed up long enough to see the torch get lit... with channel surfing in the meantime.


Yep. Me too.

Isn't it odd how such a short amount of time can make even the best of friends feel like strangers?

If I were a sea animal, I'd be: a dolphin
If I were a liquid, I'd be: vodka. er, green tea. ;P
If I were a tree, I'd be: a bonsai ^^
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: rainy
If I were a mythical creature, I'd be: a dragon
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: vanessa mae's violin
If I were a color, I'd be: red
If I were an emotion, I'd be: meloncholy
If I were a fruit, I'd be: a peach
If I were an element, I'd be: fire
If I were a song, I'd be: The Calling - Stigmatized
If I were a movie, I'd be:  Mulan
If I were a religion, I'd be: Unitarian Universalist
If I were a body part, I'd be: hands
If I were a shape, I'd be a: a star
If I were a number, I'd be: 9

[12 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

[13 Aug 2004|10:55am]
[ music | Dean Martin - Ain't That a Kick in the Head? ]

My head keeps on spinnin',
I go to sleep and keep grinnin'
If this is just the beginnin'
My life is gonna be beeeeeautiful.

I've sunshine enough to spread,
It's just like the fella said.
Tell me quick,
ain't that a kick in the head?

Question for Billy-goat: Are you and I more like a Will & Grace or more like a Jack & Karen sort of bit? ^^p

I watch too much TV.

To Do Today:
- Start/Finish assignment for "The Crucible"
- Find at least 3 more quotes from "Waiting"
- Do at least 3 lessons from SAT prep
- Finish last 2 problems of Chem and 1 page of formulas
- Take over the world

Ok. Let's get to work!

[8 broke down the door.| Haunt.]

From Ti... ^^ [12 Aug 2004|11:00pm]
What would you do if:
» I said I liked you:
» I lived next door to you:
» I started smoking:
» I stole something:
» I was hospitalized:
» I ran away from home:
» I got into a fight & you weren`t there:

What do you think about my:
» Personality:
» Eyes:
» Face:
» Hair:
» Clothes:
» Mannerisms:
» Family:

Would you:
» Be my friend?
» Lie to make me feel better?
» Spread rumors about me?
» Keep a secret if i told you one?
» Let me borrow some cash?
» Hold my hand?
» Take a bullet for me?
» Keep in touch?
» Try & solve my problems?
» Love me?
» Date me?

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