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bugs [03 Jan 2005|08:52pm]
[info]cindymonkey, i am cursing you even as i write this. i can't come up with a damned thing. *shakes fist*

i may come in empty tomorrow, dammit.
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[02 Jan 2005|01:19pm]
sighing at the rain, drinking jasmine, home.
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new year's eve redux [31 Dec 2004|06:04pm]
i posted in a pal's LJ about a bastardized cuban NYE tradition i follow -- you put everything bad in a glass of water, then throw the water out the window at midnight. (i changed it so it has to be BEFORE midnight, since i will be smooching.)

this has now been again modified by [info]rivetpepsquad to loading WATER PISTOLS and taking it to the streets. (will anyone notice in the rain?)

if you need to find us, look behind the velvet ropes at the midnight kisses/facepunches booth. we'll be staffing it.
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[31 Dec 2004|05:09pm]
for all of you, more light, more laughter, more love, more joy, more peace, more ease, more grace, more home.

thanks for keeping me up. you do.

(i will leave it at that, since to write all the things to all of you that i have to say as to what you did for me in oh-four would take so very long, i wouldn't be able to kiss you at midnight. so, thanks.)

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public messages for private peoples [29 Dec 2004|11:57pm]
for my first record store man:

(because i could just email you but this is faster)


walked home tonight singing

i've got you under my skin
where the rain can't get in
but if the sweat pours out
just shout
i'll try to swim and pull you out

21 (jesus) years after you made me the mixed tape. it was called "sixteen again". it was my 15th birthday. but you know that.

i came home in the pouring rain, grateful that the people who have (almost without exception) been my beloveds have still been beloved later, and we've chosen to stay in touch, coast to coast, for all the right, important and vivid reasons. so thanks for the love. it's returned.
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quick notes [29 Dec 2004|08:01pm]
1. i probably should be doing something important. which is why i'm off to the lex.

2. [info]poetryslam, i am cursing your name. i have the stupidest flashback of you reading, in falsetto, the stupidest lines you ever wrote:

"oh baby i'm ah-DICc-ted
to what your DICK did."

thanks, eirik. i hate you. HATE. HATE. HATE.

3. i can't find the 'mats mix that [info]sherilyn made me. i can't quite explain how distressing this is.

4. walking in the rain. yum.
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so the vet called... [29 Dec 2004|02:14pm]
thanks for all your thoughts and wishes and prayers for miss murp last night.

the vet just called and here's the deal: her blood and urine are normal.

while that might seem like it would be great news, it really isn't. we were looking for something easily treatable, like hyperthyroidism. the thing that wouldn't affect the blood but would show wasting like she's got is... (yeah, say it with me, you already know it) cancer.

we're going back in a month to re-check her weight and ultrasound for abdominal masses.

ready for one more irony?: if it's cancer, we're hoping for lymphoma, since feline lymphoma tends to respond fairly well to prednisone.

if you know me well, you also know that my father wrote the first paper in the U.S. on lymphoma. and it's what he died of.
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[29 Dec 2004|01:43pm]
uh... steve perry fan fiction, right here...

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that in love there is no wrong. [29 Dec 2004|09:46am]
"These children that come at you with knives, they are your children. You taught them. I didn't teach them. I just tried to help them stand up.

Most of the people at the ranch that you call The Family were just people that you did not want, people that were alongside the road, that their parents had kicked them out or they did not want to go to Juvenile Hall, so I did the best I could and I took them up on my garbage dump and I told them this -- that in love there is no wrong."

-Charles Manson
November 19, 1970
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playing "let's pretend." [28 Dec 2004|06:44pm]
let's pretend for a moment that the sheer act of paying $200 at the vet means your cat will be just fine, that it's like a car repair, a haircut, a cavity.

let's pretend the cat hasn't lost a fifth of her body weight.

let's pretend that everyone you've lost is coming back. look! here!

let's pretend there's more space to break in the heart.

let's pretend that thing you're so ashamed of never happened.

let's pretend there is nothing wrong in the whole wide world and let's pretend you're holding my hand.

let's pretend that love is its own reward and you can stop bad things from happening by sheer desire.

let's pretend i'm not causing my own cancer.

let's pretend it will all be all right.

let's pretend the velvet underground is still together and making good records.

let's pretend the american dream is possible.

let's pretend that at the bottom of pandora's box was not hope, but joy.

let's pretend the cat will be fine.

let's pretend that lighting the white candle will help.

let's pretend this is a just world, a kind world, that god is a benevolent god, that there is shelter for all and

let's pretend i'm so fucking brave that tonight there are extra stars. i find them in my own eyes. i give them to you.
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am thinking of don marquis and archy and mehitabel [28 Dec 2004|01:18pm]
i'm not putting this behind a cut because you should read it.

if you don't know about archy the cockroach, well... it's worth knowing that this is from his perspective.

the hen and the oriole

well boss did it
ever strike you that a
hen regrets it just as
much when they ring her
neck as an oriole but
nobody has any
sympathy for a hen because
she is not beautiful
while everyone gets
sentimental over the
oriole and says how
shocking to kill the
lovely thing this thought
comes to my mind
because of the earnest
endeavor of a
gentleman to squash me
yesterday afternoon when i
was riding up in the
elevator if i had been a
butterfly he would have
said how did that
beautiful thing happen to
find its way into
these grimy city streets do
not harm the splendid
creature but let it
fly back to its rural
haunts agian beauty always
gets the best of
it be beautiful boss
a thing of beauty is
a joy forever
be handsome boss and let
who will be clever is
the sad advice
of your ugly little friend

--don marquis
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oh my goodness [26 Dec 2004|11:36am]
what am i supposed to do with all this joy?

if it takes a village, i'm apparently living in a very good place.
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dancing in my bedroom to ted leo, the sky breaks open to dance, too [24 Dec 2004|04:48pm]
gold is just a trick of the light
and lead is light as a feather
so meet me where the kids are alright
and we will all go down together
and that's the way
it's gonna be
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mashup [22 Dec 2004|09:27am]
hey, anyone willing to download and burn this beastie boys v. beatles mashup for me?
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breathless [21 Dec 2004|12:19am]
it's an amazing thing, to end the darkest day of the year with an awareness of how much one is loved.

thank you for doing this to me. and i'll get you back. believe it.

i don't want to sleep because i'm so happy.


the holy yes on my mouth, the gardenia i'm smelling, the softest place to collapse against, the finger puppet, the made bed. tender. hot sake. deep sleep. and rise. rise. yes. arise.
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fun with spellcheck [19 Dec 2004|04:25pm]
So I just finished conforming and spellchecking the mss for Homewrecker and here, for your amusement, are ten words that spellcheck did not recognize, straight from the draft:


...and adding insult to injury...

it recommends changing "Beauvoir" to "Beaver".
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name those lyrics! [17 Dec 2004|10:50am]
okay, since everyone's posting that identify-the-song meme, i thought i'd take a crack at it.

1 - God save the queen/the fascist regime
2 - Here at the Copa/Copacabana
3 - Whoa-a here she comes/She's a Man Eater
4 - I just called to say I love you/I just called to say how much I care
5 - Cause I'm a rocket man rocket man/I think it's gonna be a long long time
6 - Just beat it/Yeah beat it/Yeah
7 - He's a pinball wizard/There has to be a trick/Pinball wizard
8 - Let's dance/Put on your red shoes and dance the blues
9 - Oops I did it again/I played with your heart
10 - Purple Rain/Purple Rain/Purple Rain/Purple Rain

Good luck!!!
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SCURVY DOG SIGHTING!!! [16 Dec 2004|03:59pm]
chekkit out y0...

apparently he hooked up with the [info]bourbonpony!
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for today's "daily chronicles" -- emperor [16 Dec 2004|11:06am]
(note: daily chronicles is an lj group started by [info]theaggregator -- it uses a prompt from the SF chronicle as a basis to create a piece in 10 minutes.

today's prompt -- emperor.

Read more... )
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premature celebration [15 Dec 2004|06:23pm]
-- have a final order for "homewrecker". as soon as i have contributors' agreements from all the known parties, i will post the entire list.

-- in celebration of that fact, i let myself order a neighborhoodies t-shirt that says "homewrecker." tasteless? sure. but not quite as tasteless as the "thorazine" shirt i was going to make.

-- look for the homewrecker LJ soon. first there was whythingsburn, then [info]final_girl. seems to be part of the process now!
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