Livin on the edge in Suberia [entries|friends|calendar]

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Getting ready for bed [06 May 2003|08:53pm]
[ mood | tired ]

The last two days have been very uneventful. I got food poisoning from the bridal shower that I went too and I puked my guts out on sunday. I stayed up all sunday night puking so I didn't go to school on monday and today I was so tired and achy that I didn't go either but I had to take my mid term so I went at like 5 pm. My boyfriend called me to see if I was feeling better. I love my Dustin. He is so sweet and HOT!!!!. I think I may got bed now since I really have nothing else to write about.

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Miss Ava Gardner [06 May 2003|02:17pm]

She is can't get much better then that
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WOW [06 May 2003|12:57pm]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | none ]

I just realized that I have not written in here in like two years. I did forget my name and password. I always lose that kind of stuff. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I have to take my psychology mid term today. Someone shoot me. Just some random stuff: There is this really cute girl and her name is Karen that goes to Greenriver and she is friends with my buddy Nathan. I am not interested in her like that but she is so cute I wanna pinch her little cheeks when she smiles.

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Sickness and anger [06 May 2003|12:47pm]
[ mood | nauseated ]
[ music | none ]

I feel like crap. I got food poisoning from the food at a baby shower that I went too. Oh so crappy. I didn't start to feel it until sunday night. That is when I puked over and over again. My little shit of sister has to write stupid things about it in her journal (username exanimated). I want to punch her in her selfish, obnoxious face. She is such a stupid whore. She leaves to go hang out with her boyfriend until 2 am and I am supposed to keep the door unlocked for her. I fucking watch out for her damn ass and she has to say that I get on her nerves. I hope she fucking chokes on her boyfriends cock.

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HURT & DISCONTENTMENT [22 Jun 2001|06:16pm]
[ mood | gloomy ]
[ music | Rolling Stones "Paint it Black" ]

Today I really hurt....mentaly not physically if anybody did that... well... lets just say they would have no more shins. I just don't care about a lot of things anymore. I still feel and respond to every emotionl and physical stimuli like most humen beings. I have all of these feelings that I keep locked away because I don't want to be vulernable to the world. They are those feelings that you just can't put into words or you just don't want to utter them. They are on the tip of my tongue and I can't stand that I can't get them to spring forth from it. One of the feelings that I do have is disillusionment and is sucks big hairy man cock. I feel almost empty. Like the class is half empty kinda crap.

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