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[29 Nov 2003|10:13pm]
OKay well instead of waiting til 2004
Im taking my retirement from Live Journal as of now.
Thanks for the help on deciding T
11 drippings|leak down...

Pick me over Roeper? [25 Nov 2003|09:16pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Type O Negative- Pyretta Blaze ]

I've started it.
It is like staring me in the face like a new born baby.
I almsot don't know what to do with it, I'm so excited.

I found so many great books today.

Well this thing is stupid... I've decided for 2004 I will discontinue the usage of Live Journal as I feel it is childish and misleading.

Truthfully we are all not to be considered victims of childish games, but the players.

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[23 Nov 2003|12:51am]

When AOL pops up all I see is how great Hillary Duff is and they dont say anything about Jonathan Brandis.... or the war.. or anything that is really important.

Well.. at least I still have tomorrow at 9...Johnny Depp The E true hollywood Story...
god only knows he killed himself and we dont even know about it
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Subjecting to this http once again.. [20 Nov 2003|08:16pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Fionna Apple- Child is Gone ]

Do you know when something repulses you so much that you just have to keep going back..
Yeah thats Live Journal.

John Carpenter is a good guy and I am sure glad he's not as bad as Michael Jackson.

"You Know my dear, we cant all turn out like that fuck, Turner"- John Carpenter.

Well I died today.. Shoulda caught it on tape.

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autumn air.. [19 Nov 2003|08:51pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | television... ]


I love the rain.

So I got into a car accident.

Then I got braces on my teeth .. again.

Now I refuse to drive.

Tomorrow I go to the Manhattan Film Lab ..

Who deletes emails from people they know?

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THANKS T [19 Nov 2003|04:56pm]
You are a true TON fan. Don't forget to catch them
on tour!

How Well Do you Know Type O Negative?
brought to you by Quizilla

Type O Negative on a black leather lounge
You know those Green Men as well as I do!

Do you know Type O Negative like I do?
brought to you by Quizilla
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Can't wait for this girl ... [17 Nov 2003|08:42pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Mellowdrone- Beautiful Day ]

Run Lola Run- 40 more days :)

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[16 Nov 2003|01:03pm]
[ mood | productive ]
[ music | Moonspell- the Antidote ]

It is funny how my parents are quick to get me into a car alone after I just had an accident.

Anyway- I think a day of shopping is needed today.

So far.. I've been liking today a whole lot.

The new Moonspell album cant compare to Darkness and Hope- or is that too an underrated statement? (for those of you who know what Im talking about)

I wonder what will drive into me today?

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[14 Nov 2003|09:17pm]
I wanna wear an Orange jump suit now...

hmmm no I dont..

I love you Type O Negative
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[11 Nov 2003|05:08pm]
the only person who knows how stupid online journals are is catherine
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[04 Nov 2003|11:39pm]
52 more days til December 27th
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[03 Nov 2003|08:42am]
[ music | Chris Whitley ]

Next Thursday keeps slipping my mind..
I guess I am growing up.

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[31 Oct 2003|08:03pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Martin L Gore- Gone ]

I am so close to getting rid of Live Journal
It's hazardous
And lame
Anyone who wants to share with me can do just that.. SHARE
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talk talk talk talk talk talk talk ... eh [30 Oct 2003|11:47pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | The Doors- Soft Parade ]

Im sorry for this Halloween.
I'm just getting stranger and stranger everyday ..

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Live journal.. blah blah blah [29 Oct 2003|08:47pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | LORENZO- Phon ]

Ehh stole my idea..

Linda is coming on Christmas day. What a present :)

Here is the goddess with all her impurities....
Words never said it so well..

You'll never see the courage I know
Its colors' richness won't appear within your view
I'll never glow - the way that you glow
Your presence dominates the judgements made on you
But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights
The shades and shadows undulate in my perception
My feelings swell and stretch; I see from greater heights
I understand what I am still too proud to mention - to you

You'll say you understand, but You don't understand
You'll say you'd never give up seeing eye to eye
But never is a promise, and you can't afford to lie

You'll never touch - these things that I hold
The skin of my emotions lies beneath my own
You'll never feel the heat of this soul
My fever burns me deeper than I've ever shown - to you

You'll say, Don't fear your dreams, it's easier than it seems
You'll say you'd never let me fall from hopes so high
But never is a promise and you can't afford to lie

You'll never live the life that I live
I'll never live the life that wakes me in the night
You'll never hear the message I give
You'll say it looks as though I might give up this fight

But as the scenery grows, I see in different lights
The shades and shadows undulate in my perception
My feelings swell and stretch, I see from greater heights
I realize what I am now too smart to mention - to you

You'll say you understand, you'll never understand
I'll say I'll never wake up knowing how or why
I don't know what to believe in, you don't know who I am
You'll say I need appeasing when I start to cry
But never is a promise and I'll never need a lie

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[28 Oct 2003|04:50pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Fiona Apple ]

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
frozen2late goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Enid from Ghost World.
comehomenow gives you 11 tan orange-flavoured wafers.
demanufacture gives you 10 blue cola-flavoured jelly beans.
elscorcho33 tricks you! You get a broken toy car.
funeralfetish gives you 12 red-orange banana-flavoured pieces of taffy.
green79 gives you 18 mauve lime-flavoured gummy worms.
hwangnyc tricks you! You lose 24 pieces of candy!
lovehatelove tricks you! You get a piece of string.
mistressskye tricks you! You get a thumbtack.
olivia_gum tricks you! You get a used tissue.
painfultruth tricks you! You get a piece of string.
frozen2late ends up with 27 pieces of candy, a broken toy car, a piece of string, a thumbtack, a used tissue, and a piece of string.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
7 drippings|leak down...

[28 Oct 2003|04:44pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Fiona Apple ]

"I hate the world for denying their anger and pretending to be all like...content"

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[26 Oct 2003|12:41am]
[ music | Muse ]

Gotta believe those tarot cards..

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[24 Oct 2003|10:13am]
My sister called me at 8:30 to tell me that her school was having a black out and she needed me to come get her. So I just got out of bed and ran to her school...

Some sleep...
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Remember Where You Came From .. [23 Oct 2003|12:27am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Life of Agony- Bad Seed ]

First there was innocence... no worries, just the day to day.
Then there was turmoil.. Not having any direction, contradictions.

Now there is nothing

Have you seen this Dog?
He is 10 lbs and has blue eyes..
He is small, and long, and soft to touch...
He is black and white... a real chick magnet.
He just ran off.. God knows where he can be right now.

.....Poor Lynn...
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