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Routines get broken and chickens get choken. [27 Nov 2004|04:40pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Kool Keith - Black Elvis - Rockets on the Battlefield ]

Marie and I were fencing with our social security cards, then we watched the marshmallow holocaust. She really makes my spleen blush.

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Thanks [23 Nov 2004|06:30pm]
[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary ]

It's time to remember the things we are thankful for.

The centipedes at work.
ISIS this Saturday.
Old guys that sing songs in public that they probably made up.
Home nuggets/Friends Mc Nuggets.
The respiratory system.
Obst & Gemusel.
Muckets & Gobda.
The inner mounting flame.
Breast patriots.
Pineapple justice.
The Children... of Bodom.
The great fire of 1666.
Water solluble solutions.
Free math answers - (734) 425-3823

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RIp to the oDB [18 Nov 2004|06:13pm]
[ mood | sad ]
[ music | El-P - Deep Space 9mm ]

I feel like I may have been a little more familiar with the ODB's work than most people. This right here is one of my personal favorites by Big Baby Jesus.

I Want Pussy

Stink hos [repeat 6X]

I want pussy for free, I want pussy for free
You can not have my money
I want pussy for free, look, I want pussy for free
I want pussy for free, I want pussy for free (for freeeeeeeee)

I ain't givin none of y'all girls money shit fuck y'all
Love ya but fuck ya let bounce this ball
Screwface ya bitches put food on y'all
He won't slip, won't trip, won't ever fall
Bitch you better obey me, better not betray me
Callin the cops sayin this is his baby

Pussy for free, baby, I don't want none of yall havin my money
I want pussy

Yeah my momma can not protect y'all
Yeah my momma can not protect y'all
Yeah my momma can not protect y'all
Right, Right
Yeah my momma can not protect y'all
Yeah my momma can not protect y'all
Right Right
Yeah my momma can not protect y'all
My momma can not protect y'all
My momma can not protect y'all
My momma can not protect y'all
Bitch and I ain't gonna protect y'all bitch
Alright? Yeah

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Night of the living Bread. [13 Nov 2004|05:22am]
[ mood | rushed ]
[ music | Wu tang - Winter Wars ]

The beginning of this week I heard, what I thought was a bird chirping from somewhere in my house....It sounded very faint. It could have been coming from anywhere. I wanted to help, but I really had no idea where to look. The next day, it was still there...So this time I was determined to find it. I noticed that it was coming from under my desk. From in my computer! I was puzzled as to how a bird could get inside my computer. I still haven't opened it up to see what it really is, but it's much louder and squeakier now. Sometimes it wont do it for 10 minutes and I'll smile and feel pretty good...then "chirp chirp". How do I stop it?

There are two new Orange Cardboard Holiday tracks ready for your ears... They're a little rough, but I will share them with you. I don't think they're up on myspace yet. It wont let me upload songs, so if you'd like to hear them just send me an IM - privatellamas.

Free high fives: 734-425-0372

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Recipe for that ass. [07 Nov 2004|05:37am]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | Frank Zappa - Baby Snakes ]

The intergalactic lemon wow ratio.

Grab a mixing bowl and mix together the following ingredients.

-1 cup flour
-1 sliced lemon
-1 peppermint nougat
-1 marshmellow

Blend together:

-1 rutabega
-1 lemon jolly rancher
-2 shots of Bacardi 151
-1 choco taco
-7 ice cubes
-3 tsp ranch

Pour blended goop into mixing bowl.


-1 egg
-3 cups popcorn
-A splash of lemon juice
-A splash of butter X 2
-Fill up one shoe box with lettuce and mix in.
-1 cup of Ecto Cooler
-1 marshmellow
-2 kiwi star bursts
-1 grape
-3 slices of cheese

Continue mixing for 10 minutes...Cover with plastic and leave it outside for 24 hours.

Bake on high for 30 minutes and feel the magic.

20 comments|post comment

Halloween Advantages. [03 Nov 2004|01:56pm]
Okay, we have four more years to talk about how much we hate Bush... Forget about it for a minute and look at these Halloween/Advantage pics.

Read more... )
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Just in time for Christmas...More Bush. Thanks! [03 Nov 2004|05:26am]
[ mood | angry ]
[ music | Goblin - Profondo Rosso Main Title ]

A great tragedy is happening. What has America learned in the past four years? Since I'd rather not live in a cave this time next year...I think it may be time to leave. It's very unlikely that there will ever be a tie in any state... But I just learned today, that if there ever is a tie... It's decided by a coin toss.


Bombs Bombs Bombs.
Terror alert is high.
Give us your weapons of mass destruction.
So we can have more.
More caves.
It's easier to be a bum than ever.
I can't pay my water bill... But whitey's on the moon.
Wyoming...nicely done.
Zimbabwe, here I come.

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Slapstick [26 Oct 2004|06:03pm]
[ mood | impressed ]
[ music | Botch - Afghamistam ]

"Melody tosses pinches of feathers skyward. Because of the mild gravity, it appears that she is a white witch. Each snap of her fingers produces butterflies. I have an erection. So does Isadore. So does every male."

This is a fun book.

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Theatre Bizarre pics foo [24 Oct 2004|08:58pm]
[ mood | nimbo-stratus zacket ]
[ music | kid606 - chart topping radio hit ]

Theatre Bizarre times.

Read more... )

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This is an alphabetical representation of me. [22 Oct 2004|06:04am]
[ mood | naughty ]
[ music | Kaada - Hungarian Kiss ]

Some people are too serious about the game 'risk'... I lost bad, but all I really wanted to do was colonize the whale. Adam wouldn't let me.

The whale is mine if I own japan muthafukka!

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Anyone want to carve pumpkins? [18 Oct 2004|05:25am]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | Squarepusher - Full Rinse ]

SOme things transpired today.

Mongolian bbq.
Washed with the finest nactars.
Spider Baby.
Pumpkin Ale.
Kelly Goosecock.
Magic blunt cake.
Undercover Bro. <- aw naw!
I won a game of cut throat.
Pumkin seeds.
Friday after next.
No sweetness...

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bottled squid potion [09 Oct 2004|02:54pm]
[ mood | embarrassed ]
[ music | Bad Brains - Black Dots ]

there's ham in your mailbox baby - i got the flow, the juice is all i know... feel the thai city in my fridge... it's cold lady, but i'm 'bout to heat it up baby. your boobs are in trouble tonight ya! steam roll my spleen with your love and rip your potatoes from up above. i got the breaded gorilla squares style for miles and i wont quit for a while... going to amber's later and i love files. uh uh! i probably should fill up my gas tank and quit my job at the bank... fuck fuck ya! i need medicine cuz i feel like i played chess with a walrus last night- i lost and had to take the bus... but not for real! matt drove my car and i hurled out the window ya ya! i sent some text messages to yo momma and i spent a heavy dolla on some hen dog and it's today and i'm still walkin' through the fog.

keep it grape.

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the biscuit burned throughout the night. [30 Sep 2004|04:59am]
[ mood | nope ]
[ music | No Knife - The Red Bedroom ]

Today I was talking to this guy I work with about coming out with our own line of alcohol... It's going to be black cognac called spider pussy. We just need people to rap about it... so if you're a rapper now's your chance to get up on some free spider pussy.

For those of you who aren't friends with muckets on myspace.

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Bush-Cheney bonfire! [24 Sep 2004|05:18pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Botch - Micaragua ]

It's just as easy as a regular bonfire...

All you need is




And maybe some marshmellows.

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Drunk Institute of Arts [18 Sep 2004|05:36pm]
[ mood | flirty ]
[ music | dianogah - pitufina ]

Drunk painting is fun...

Try it tomorrow.

more drunken art @ [info]randomsociety

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I don't think I have ever written poetry. [15 Sep 2004|04:00pm]
[ mood | touched ]
[ music | The Life and Times - High Scores ]

Lately I've had butter on my mind and there's a fine line between what's considered a crime and what I put on my toast from time to time. When I throw it in your direction, it's not to give me an erection or give you a butter no. It's a curse to your face in the parlance of our times - and well I can only feed you cones of pine while you sleep and I have never been a big fan of the swap meet - except the nirvana song - I long to take all of your mail for a week and drop it in a vat of pudding while I watch Pete and Pete. Select my meat by the fire - it's no wonder you smell like tires.. Your duckets are what I admire, so pass them over or I'll feed your ear a pretzel with plyers.


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I'm on some 'fuck a zombie up' type shit. [04 Sep 2004|05:53am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Goblin - Edge of Madness ]

I am one of very few people who own this book.

My ham shake brings all the ladies to the yard.

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Put yo boobs on. [30 Aug 2004|02:27pm]
[ mood | something ]
[ music | Minor Threat - In My Eyes ]

Who's down to move to Canada if George Bush wins the election?

30 comments|post comment

yes sir. [24 Aug 2004|12:40am]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Hot Cross - A Tale for the Ages ]

sometimes my nose sounds like a camera.

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brand newness [19 Aug 2004|05:56pm]
[ mood | hopeful ]
[ music | Kool Keith - Rockets on the Battlefield ]

i changed my hair color this afternoon...

i always work thursdays so i just don't know what to do with myself today... lansing sounds okay. getting ho'd out doesn't sound so okay - i already experimented with that yesterday. i am going to west branch tomorrow for the wedding. it's a town that frightens there will be heavy drinking.

call for bottomless tortilla chips.

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