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Below is user information for Ghân-buri-Ghân. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:ghan_buri_ghan (518063) ghan_buri_ghan
Location:the Forest of Druadan, United Kingdom
Bio:The headman of the Drúedain (aka the Wild Men, Woses, Róg, Púkel-Men) of the Forest of Drúadan at the time of the War of the Ring. He aided the Rohirrim in their ride to the Battle of the Pelennor, and in return received a personal promise from King Elessar that his people would forever dwell undisturbed in their woods.

Hmm. Many strange things have happened in the world of the Tall Men. First the land filled with water, then many score-of-score gorgûn ran through our forest. None return, but the Horse-Plains burned. No great loss.

Wild Men now work nightshift in Timulty-Land for beads and firewater, but old Ghân-buri-Ghân watches and thinks...and now he has an Internet connection. Yes. Wild Men also work MIS nightshift for most Stonehouse intranets. Do not cross the Wild Men.

Oh, and do not enter the Forest of Drúadan without asking Wild Men first. You will not return. You should already know this. Bah.

(Member of the Middle-Earth Sock-Puppet Player Company since April 2002)

Interests:32: being inscrutable, forestry, forests, horse-lords, hunting, hunting orcs, installing servers, jean m. auel, killing orcs, killing trespassers, leather, lord of the rings, lotr, mespt, pukel-men, quest for fire, rohan, sawdust, sons of gondor, squirrels, stonecarving, taunting rohirrim, the middle-earth sockpuppet players, timultyland, tracking, troubleshooting intranets, waiting, watching, wearing shades, woodcraft, woods, woses. [Modify yours]
Friends:513: View Friends .
Friend of:315: 6thgaladriel, _forsaken_one_, a_legolii, a_ringwraith, adrahil, aeglos, ailosacath, alasseogamgee, alcawyn, almare, alume, amandil, ambarto, ameniel, amrothos, ancalagon, angelicabaggins, angrim, annael, annlarimer, ansongamgee, anvanime, aranrusco, aranwethenoldor, arfeiniel, arines, arodofrohan, arthad, arwens_evenstar, asphodel_bb, aule_the_smith, baby_liv, bbolger_baggins, beorn_bearman, beren_erchamion, bergil, black_lokiel, bosunsmitty, bullroarertook, butterbur, captainmathias, caradhras, caranthir, celeborn_6, celeborn_iv, celebrianrules, celebrimbor, celegorm, corsairqueen, corsairsofumbar, cuine, curufinwe, cysel, daughteroflions, deagol, denethor_one, dervorin, dioreluchil, dirhael, divaerestor, dr_spengler, drogobaggins, druedain, duilin, durins_bane, duskdancer, dwarven_ring, ecthelion, eglantinebanks, elanorgamgee, elemmakil, elfhelm, elfofdoriath, elfstan, elfwine, elladanthesane, elrondhalfelven, elrosofnumenor, elurin, elusive_frodo, emeldir, eobeth, eomer_of_rohan, eonwe, eowyn_eorlingas, eradan, erendis, erkenbrand, esmereldatook, estellabolger, estethegentle, everardtook, evilfrodo, f_and_f, falastur, faramir1, faramirtook, farmermaggot, fastred, feana, felarof, fengelofrohan, finduilasnoldor, finwe, fortinbrastook, foscobaggins, foxkingofatvia, fram_i_am, frealaf, fredegarbolger, frodo_junior, galadrielxiii, galathil, galdor, galmod, gelmir, gerontiustook, ghan_buri_ghan, ghostofisildur, gildoringlorion, gilmith, gilraenthefair, girloliphaunt, glimdoron, gloin, gloredhel, glorfind3l, goldiegamgee, gollumsback, gorlim, gourrybaggins, great_vanimar, greymantle, groin, guilded_flower, guthlaf, gwaihirwl, gwindor, hador, halfredgamgee, hama, hamfast, hamfastgamgee, haradrim, haricot_basil, hasufel, helm_hammerhand, helmsdaughter, hildthewild, holfastgardner, ...
Member of:8: lotr_whorehouse, mespt_daycare, mespt_jobmart, mespt_singles, middle_earth, shardsofarda, strudelkingdom, twotwelve
Account type:Free Account

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