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You take a lot of chances with your feelings... [entries|friends|calendar]
Sarah Anne


Welcome to the story of a girl from a city in a state in the world. She isn't perfect but she tries.


19 years of age college student sisterloves to laugh hates to cry loving loyal creative shy optomistic realistic smart gullible trusting paranoid all that and a bag of chips

~*Around Here*~

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for various reasons this is now... [
Thursday 25th December 2003 @ 4:28am
[ mood | mellow ]

1) add me first
2) comment on this entry
3) read my entries and have some input :)

<3 me

078 if you have an impulse, let it out

hit me with your best shot [
Wednesday 3rd December 2003 @ 1:05am
[ mood | awake ]

I've seen this around in so many different forms. I forgot who I got this from.

Post anything that you want in reply to this entry. Anything. A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love, an opinion, a critique - anything. Be sure to post anonymously and honestly (IP address won't be tagged either). Post twice if you'd like. This can be about me, or anything you want. I won't get upset or hunt down who it is that made a certain comment. So write what you want. Just say something..please? :)

013 if you have an impulse, let it out

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