Hentai Kitty's Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse

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Thursday, November 25th, 2004
12:31 am
Here rests Geckolio
She died the way she lived...
Drunk and programming Risk

Well, assignment four was submitted.  I reckon I've put over 100 hours into this damn thing, and that bitch STILL won't work.  Luckily I'll have a few days this weekend to relax before I have to get started on the last one.  Then it's BACK TO WORK ASDHALSKH!!!!

I went to a psychologist the other day, for the first time in years.  And you know what I talked about?  Risk.  I spent an hour bitching about Risk, and actually shed  few tears.  What have I become?  I'm doing better than average in class, but this last one was brutal and I think the amount of stress it has caused me is a bit extreme.  So she set me up with the psychiatrist so I can get hooked up with Straterra, a non-stimulant ADHD med, which I think will help.  Part of the reason I've had much more trouble this semester is because I am apparently no longer able to take stimulants without getting chest pains, so I can't take my Ritalin when I need it anymore.  When I'm not on Ritalin and need to focus for more than a couple of hours, it gets pretty bad.  So here's hoping that shit works.

Umm, what else?  Last Sat was a goonmeet, and it was very small but very fun.  We held a fake protest about saving the orcs and making sure Magic Missile was a constitutional right for all wizards, then we went bowling and I did terrible, then we went to dinner, and then karaoke.  I sang mostly rap songs.  I saw Salt Shaker, Tipsy and Milkshake on the list, and I knew there was no way I was leaving without singing them.  I think I did alright. :D  There was around 30 of us, a far cry from the 90-100 we've been getting lately, but it was still great.  Oh those goons are so silly.<3

Oh, we have a temporary Cockatoo.  His name is Frankie and my sister got to keep him for Thanksgiving weekend, she's in a small animal care program at school so they've got all kinds of things.  I'll probably take pics soon, he's really cute.

And with that I am going to go and celebrate being done with this part of the assignment by getting crunk on winecoolers and rum and playing Disgaea.


current mood: relieved
current music: NONE BECAUSE MY SERVER DIED!!!!

(3 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Thursday, November 18th, 2004
12:50 pm - Secret Sweater Sense!
That was weird.  I was just thinking to myself "Wow I wonder if my shipment of sweaters from Victoria's Secret has gotten here yet, I'll go downstairs and check."  As I was halfway down the stairs I heard the doorbell ring and the storm door open and close.  I opened the main door and the package of sweaters fell at my feet.  Fuck yeah, Secret Sweater Sense!  Hopefully my ability of detecting when packages of sweaters arrives will come in handy again in the future.  FYI all the sweaters are really cute.


current mood: amused
current music: Pj Harvey - The Dancer

(2 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Wednesday, November 17th, 2004
2:08 pm
I am currently redoing most of my Risk game. It pains me to scrap large chunks of code and delete whole classes, but it is necessary to make it more efficient.  I got 460 out of 500 on the last one, but the average is fairly high so I'm not sure what kind of grade that means for me.  Once I finish revamping the whole thing, I get to write a GUI.  HELL YEAH!  So I'm cutting classes today to work on this, and will probably cut classes tomorrow as well. Thus is life.

Xtina showed me some gay German skinhead pr0n the other day.  Beautiful German men in military fatigues and gasmasks beating the fuck out of each other and making out.  It was pretty hot until they started fucking each other in the ass. :[

I'm probably going to start playing DDR more.  I feel like such a lazy bastard because I never make it out to the gym, but there's never enough time to do that.  As nerdy as it is, DDR is a good way of fitting some cardio into my life.  That combined with weightlifting should help me shape up.  I won't be happy until I see some rippling abs!

Finally, I really want a pet piggy.  Look at the piggy!

current mood: productive
current music: Foetus - Verklemmt

(14 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Monday, November 15th, 2004
9:41 pm
I have the headache from hell.  :[

At the KMFDM/DJ? Acucrack show a couple of weeks ago I bought a large DJ?A shirt, with the intentions of modifying it.  A few days later, I turned it from a  shapeless wad of black to a cute tank top.  It's pretty nice, although I misjudged the size of my boobs so now it squishes them down a bit.  I'll probably slit it down the front and lace it up to fix that, or maybe chop it up later and add side panels  We'll see.  But for now:
Oh cleavage-chan u__u;;

And lately I keep on signing up to all these social networking sites.  In addition to this, Friendster and MySpace, I'm now on OkCupid and TheFaceBook.  I don't even LIKE most of these sites!  Actually, I take that back, OkCupid is pretty cool because it has a neat matching algorithms.  I made Xtina join it and it seems like we were a match made in heaven!  My OkCupid profile.  It's terribly fun finding people I know and matching myself up with them.  I suggest everyone sign up because lol.

Oh god now my stomach hurts. :[

current mood: naughty
current music: siechtum - Dressed In Rape

(8 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Sunday, November 14th, 2004
11:18 am
I think pyramid head has become my muse, because it seems that everything creative I've done lately has involved him.

Done in flash in ~5 hours spread over a few days.  I really have to get quicker at that program.  I also forgot to shade some parts, but whatever.  It was for the thread "MSPaint video game characters in the real world"

In other news, I had a programming-induced relapse of bronchitis.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I was stressed out last week over a programming assignmnent that I had to do last minute, and the more stressed I got while coding, the more I coughed.  I had to miss school the next day and go to the doctor's office,  and they hooked it up with Z-pak!  This is the same cough I had two weeks ago that mostly went away until the coding, so I'm pretty sure this is a relapse.

I have been playing Disgaea lately.  It's pretty fun, dood!  I keep on doing a few battles here and there when I've got a free moment, and I'm really enjoying it.  I fucking hate the dark assembly though.  I give those jerks gifts and they still don't pass the shit I want.  >:E

Plan for the day: Eat, play Disgaea, code, study!  I lead such an exciting life.

current mood: okay
current music: The Prodigy - Baby's Got A Temper

(15 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2004
8:25 pm
I've had one of these MySpace thingies for awhile and I got tired of just having Xtina as a friend and only getting messages from bi chicks, so I figured I'd post it and maybe use it or something:

Oh, and the Colin and Brad thing last Thurs was great.  It was basically a live "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"  While it did get slow at times, for the most part it was really funny.  "Moving People" practically had me in tears!  <3 Colin and Brad, that is a highly recommended show.

Last night was KMFDM and DJ? Acucrack again.  Both acts seemed a lot more energetic this time.  BB Kings is a damn fine looking venue, with carpeting and leather seats and everything, but apparently management wasn't so nice to the bands.  Still, that didn't really effect me, and the sound was pretty good.  I got to talk to Jamie a bit and give Joolz a hug before I left.. probably would have chatted more if security didn't shoo Tom and Christos out, while my back was turned.  I had to find them and leave.  On the plus side it looks like Acucrack is going to come back to NY in a few months.  I'm so there.


current mood: working
current music: Massive Attack - Dissolved Girl

(4 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Saturday, October 30th, 2004
12:54 pm - I saw DJ? Acucrack and KMFDM last night and all I got was this lousy AIDS
A series of events occured last night that resulted in me dancing to 70s funk on the KMFDM/DJ? Acucrack tour bus with members of both bands.  Huh.

It was 8PM and I was finally starting work on my program after having to reinstall pretty much everything Java-related on my computer, which took me a while and pissed me off.  I got a call from my friend Rob, who said he had extra tickets to the KMFDM show, but the show had already started. I wasn't going to go at first, but my dad said "Ali just go to the show and relax tonight."  Sure thing!  I got gothed out in under 15 minutes and got to the club at 8:40.  Fortunately Acucrack hadn't gone on yet, and some metal band was up.

More adventures! )

current mood: happy
current music: Ace of Base - All That She Wants

(12 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Saturday, October 16th, 2004
9:47 pm
Hey everyone here's a pic of my new boyfriend Mortiis.  Isn't he dreamy?


Yeah, I'm at that point where I have 26 1/2 hours to get my program up and running, and I'm starting to go a little crazy.  Just a touch.

I haven't gone dancing in like 3 or 4 weeks, I'm suffering from withdrawl.  Last Sat  I did have a lot of fun with the goons though.  We went to a Scientology meeting and watched a movie and everyone started acting like jerks.  During the movie people started coughing and everyone's cellphone went off and someone was blasting a fog horn.  One goon actually blew up a blowup doll during the movie!  Half of us got kicked out, the other half left out of terror.  Afterwards we retired to a frathouse we had rented for the night, where we drank a lot and played foosball and Karaoke revolution, amongst other things.  I had a great time once I stopped fearing that the scientologists were going to lock us up and gas us.

Finally heres me jiu jutsuing the blowup doll at the meet.  Yeah I know I don't have her neck right, sosueme.  She wasn't exactly putting up much of a fight.


current mood: busy
current music: Converter - Error

(12 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
12:19 pm - [CHATLOG FRIENDS]
I think Clay and I have officially lost our minds from programming non-stop all weekend.  Example:

Geckolio: hjaldahdf goodnight
Autolyze: good night! HSDAFHSDAF
*** You have been disconnected. Tue Oct 05 06:18:27 2004.
*** "Autolyze" signed on at Tue Oct 05 06:20:14 2004.
*** Auto-response from Autolyze: 
public void sleep(int durationOfSleep){
    while (durationOfSleep > 0){
    if (Math.random() < 0.7)

okay then, sleep(6)

On the plus side my program is submitted.  On the not-so-plus side, there are parts of it that definitely don't work and I need to get them to work ASAP because the second program needs the first one to run.  Also on the not-so-plus side is I have to write something in C by 11AM tomorrow and I suck at C, and I have a test on Thurs.  Goddamn it, all I want to do is go to the gym and pump some iron but I don't have time for it now. AKLSHJALFHLD

At least I have a goonmeet on Saturday.  I really need to get out of the house before I fucking snap.  Although it might be a little to late for that, as I've been pretty delerious as of late.

current mood: tired
current music: Delerium - Flowers Become Screens (Deepsky Remix)

(1 Smack |What did the hand say to the face?)

Monday, October 4th, 2004
3:55 pm
I've been coding all weekend and I didn't get any sleep last night and and aksjfffffffffff

earlier i was doing handstands to keep myself awake, and periodically I take dancing breaks where I just play a jam as loud as possible and dance for a couple of minutes, then drink some water and go back to coding.

oh god I'm gonna die i'm gkij wah

current mood: exhausted
current music: Mortiis - You Put A Hex On Me (By Tarmvred)

(5 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Saturday, October 2nd, 2004
3:06 pm - This is the title of my entry
I am coding 1/2 the rules for the game of Risk and it's actually not going so badly.  I haven't encountered any major problems yet.  It's just a bit hard to test because a lot of parts work together, so initially I have to write a fuckload of code in order to test something small.  It's due Monday at 11:59PM so if I don't get it done by then I'm going to fucking shoot myself.  I think I should have it done within 24 hours if I keep at it though.  Hell, I'd love to finish it this evening but, knowing the way I work, I'm not betting the farm on it
Screenprinting supplies arrived!  Now if only I had time to use it!  I cleaned off a couple of the screens last night though, if I do good enough on my program today I'll treat myself to buying the last of the supplies and painting in one of the screens later tonight.  I'm excited.
www.illig.com is back up for the first time in a year!  Fuck yea!  Sadly they leave no indication as to whether or not they're going to continue producing their own line of clothing outside of Hot Topic.  I really miss their non-Hot Topic lines, they were very sexy.  Fuck you Hot Topic, for first turning Tripp NY and then Illig into horrible mall goth clothing factories!
Adrian sent me Gooncon2k4 pics the other day, so here's a pic of Elf Pr0n and I smoking pipes.

current mood: productive
current music: Lunatic Calm - Leave You Far Behind

(12 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Sunday, September 26th, 2004
2:04 am
I just ordered $150 worth of screenprinting supplies Friday morning, so hopefully within a month I'll be ready to start making a few of those sexy Pyramidhead shirts, both styles.  Can't.  Fucking. Wait.  I'm also considering making a System Shock 2 shirt, with "Remember Citadel" in bloody red letters on the back, and something like "Von Braun crew" on the front.  I'm really excited about the idea of making these Pyramidhead shirts more than anything, though.

Speaking of Pyramidhead, Xtina and I set up a romantic date with him last night.  It was just me, Xtina, a bottle of merlot and Silent Hill 2.  We beat it!  I could have beaten it sooner, but I didn't want Xtina to miss anything so I only played it with her (plus it's 10x more fun getting scared shitless with a friend).    It's a fucking excellent game, I'll probably go back and play the first one and then the third and fourth, if I ever get the time for it.
A couple of weeks ago it was our annual "Build a Big Fucking Sandcastle Day," I got some neat pics of it.  We didn't get the turnout of helpful people we wanted, but it was enough to make a pretty large sandcasle.

More sandcastle behind the cut )
I've been working on my program quite a bit lately, but it still seems that for every two steps I take, I have to take one back.  I've always taken the "dive right in" approach to programming, which I realize isn't the best thing to do, and that will NOT work with my current assignement (programming half the engine for the game of Risk).

And finally, my poor boyfriend just got home from work a few hours ago.  He had been stuck at work for around 30 hours, working most of that time to correct a database.  He had to sleep on the floor. :(

Ok I'm gonna go to sleep now and try not to have nightmares.

current mood: sleepy
current music: NKVD - Acceleration

(16 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004
8:54 am - Mad as a hatter
While the fall is my favorite season (mainly because I like wearing coats but not driving through the snow), I'm still not used to having to walk around the house in socks or slippers.  Fucking cold floors. >:E
Recently Xtina and I started playing Silent Hill 2.  I've never played any other game in the SH series and I'm really enjoying it.  Somehow I've completely fallen head over heels for Pyramidhead.  To the point that I made a shirt based on a really strange private message my friend got on SA.  I'd like to get some real screenprinting supplies when I'm less busy, but for now this is pretty awesome.

I designed another one but I haven't printed out the stencils yet.
We had the annual street fair in my town on Sunday.  I have to walk exactly one block to get to it, and it's great.  They sell all sort of home-made things and cheap hair decorations and BIG FUCKING PRETZELS w/ a mustard bar and they have $1 for a bag of books.  Xtina did the book thing and she got me a 1985 book on robots while she got a book about herpes. :D
I feel like I'm gonna fucking die.  I just found out I have a linear agebra exam tomorrow, and stupid me I thought the homework was tomorrow, not the test.  Now I have a little more than 24 hours to learn the basics of vectors and matrices.  It doesn't seem that hard, I just hope I can retain all the information.  What sucks is that I'd like to take my ritalin to help me study, but if I accidentally take too much then I might get those blasted chest pains again.  Ajfhsdfkadf!

Xtina told me the other day that when I'm frusturated from studying I should just stuff my face in my pillow and scream as loud as possible, it helps relieve stress.  I think I'll go try that now. 

current mood: stressed
current music: Tom Waits - Diamonds & Gold

(23 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Tuesday, September 14th, 2004
7:52 am - What's my name, bitch?
A good deal has happened in the past month.  Where to start?  I guess the beginning would be a good idea.

On 8/21 was the big NYC goonmeet, the one we had raised $4,800 for.  It went off swimmingly, I might add.  We had about 70-80 goons throughout the course of the day.  If you'll remember, the $4.8k was to be spent at Toys R Us in Times Square, then lugged over to the Ronald McDonald house for donations.  We did just that, and Cannibal received an award which read "To David and his fellow 'dot com' members."

If you have ever wondered what nearly $5k of toys looks like, it's something like this:

More pictures )

School started at the end of last month, along with some really horrible chest pains.  Like, gripping-my-chest-oh-god-I'm-dying bad.  They would mainly happen at night while I tried to sleep, thus waking me up.  This would typically happen maybe a dozen times per night before I'd finally pass out from exhaustion.  Not a fun way to sleep.  It reached it's climax a couple of Thursdays ago when I tried to go to sleep at 3AM (I gave up trying to sleep before I was completely exhaused, it didn't work) and the chest pains reached a new level of fucking terrible.  I had my mom rush me to the hospital, where they performed all sorts of horrible tests on me.  They took a lot of blood and butchered my arms in the process, I got an x-ray of my chest (which I have a copy of now :D ), and I got a CAT scan.  That CAT scan was really fucked up.  They filled my veins with some sort of fluid REALLY quickly, which I felt rushing cold through my blood while feeling like I had wet myself (a normal side effect for girls).  I never want to do that again. 

They never found out what was wrong with me and it has mostly subsided now.  THe only good thing to come out of it was that I got shot up with morphine and found an awesome show on PBS called Sit and be Fit, where a bunch of old people do exercizes in chairs.  It probably wasn't that great, but the morphine made me think it was the best thing I've ever seen, and I'd like to remember it that way. I was trying to do the exercizes too but I had two (2!!) IVs in my arm so moving wasn't really an option.

Ok enough of that.  School is here, and I'm somewhat enjoying it right now.  I'm taking Computer Science III, Foundations of Computer Science II, Computer Organization and Linear Algebra .  With the exception of Linear Algebra, all my classes are with [info]fear_of_corners and Paul the crazy Romanian dude, which makes the boring classes more tolerable. 

I guess I'll post about the sandcastle and my shirts next time, I'm lazy now and I want to make stencils.  I'm not sure why I've been up since 6:30, as I don't have school until 12:50.  Fuck.

current mood: tired
current music: David Allan Coe - You Never Even Called Me By My Name

(1 Smack |What did the hand say to the face?)

Tuesday, August 17th, 2004
8:27 am - HIT MEH!
Public Service Announcement:
The Skinny Puppy video for Pro-Test is fucking excellent.  BREAKDANCING GOTHS! http://www.godless.com/streets.mov

Holy fuck!

No exciting plans today, except maybe cleaning the glider cage, buying Slimfast powder and hair gel, going to the gym, and maybe work on learning PHP and Photoshop some more.  Wait, that's not exciting no matter how you look at it. :(

current mood: amused
current music: Skinny Puppy - Pro-Test

(12 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Monday, August 16th, 2004
1:27 pm
I could probably watch this all day long.

(6 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Friday, August 13th, 2004
This week hasn't been super busy really.  Last Friday I stayed in and watched The Grudge 2 with Tom, Chuck and Matt Lamb.  We all screamed like little bitches EVERY TIME that scary blue kid showed up.  It's amazing how scary the whole thing was, considering it was just a little asian boy with blue paint.  Hell, one time we went back to look for a scene, and we knew he was gonna pop up, and when it happened we STILL jumped.  If anyone gets the chance, go watch The Grudge and/or The Grudge 2.  I haven't seen the first one yet but I know it's gonna scare the fuck out of me. 

On Monday I accompanied Paula ([info]paulakaiser) to her job interview at MAC cosmetics in the mall.  My role was to sit there and look cute while Paula did my makeup, while the people observed her technique and evaluated her.  I'm not sure if she got the job or not, but damn she's good with a brush.  OMG OMG PAULA IM YOU RNUMBER 1 FAN AND IF MAC DONT TAKE U THEN THEY R DUM!!!

Tuesday I went mountain biking with Brian.  Well, there weren't really mountains since this is Long Island, so it's more like we rode our bikes over logs and hills in Syosset.  I fell a few times and got my calves all scuffed up, but it wasn't that bad.  I'm actually surprised at how well I did, considering that was not only my first time mountain biking, but my first time on a bike in about 5 years.  I was really wobbly at first but by the time we were almost finished I was flying over logs and up rocky hills.  I'd love to try it again, only maybe I should invest in spandex pants to minimize scrapes. 

Today I worked out for an hour.  I just did cardio and my back, I'll probably do biceps tomorrow.  I feel great, and I believe I'm going to hit the Ultrasound Lounge later to dance off some more weight.  I'm pretty fucking skinny right now, but I'd be happy if I lost another 5 lbs or so. 

And finally, I have to go to the United Nations tomorrow.

Why, you may ask? )

current mood: amused
current music: Ying Yang Twins - Salt Shaker (Ft. Lil Jon & The East Side Boyz)

(12 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Thursday, August 12th, 2004
9:39 am - OTAKON 2k4: Mischief. Mayhem. Hachi Machi.
Why is it that I always take at least a week to write an entry after a major event?  In this case, close to two.

Anyway, for me this was the best Otakon ever.  Otakon 2k1 exploded, and Otakon 2k3 was fun but not as fun as this.  Many thanks to Kip and Tristan for letting me sleep on their floor.  It was a nice floor.  Events:
  • Got to see Kip ([info]nadesaco), Amanda ([info]badluck) and Joel ([info]jibakushounen) again.
  • Met Tristan ([info]tb303), Sean ([info]saxmansean), Ronny Bojangles ([info]ronnybojangles), and a bunch of other rad people from Boston.
  • Ran into two of Tom's friends at ESPN Zone, said hi to them and had them pretty much ignore me.  WOW GEE GUYS THAT MAKES ME FEEL GREAT I'M GLAD YOU RESPECT TOM ENOUGH TO BE NICE TO ME EVEN WHEN HE'S NOT AROUND WOW JUST WOW!
  • Friday night I got to see the most excellent Japanese Porn panel, where  I laughed so hard that I had a bit of trouble breathing.  There's a .jpg of one screen behind the cut.
  • Saturday I drank a whole bunch.  I don't remember everything, but apparently I was swigging from the bottle of 151 in the afternoon, and Tristan had to carry me down 6 flights of stairs and both he and Kip had to help me walk down the street.  Sorry guys. u__u
  • Saturday night was the Stereotypes in Anime panel, which was also hilarious.  I could explain it in detail and it still wouldn't be nearly as funny as the real thing, so I'll leave it.  For me, the highlight was the "Black people in Anime" video, and when some nerdy kid tried to explain how anime wasn't a cult and Ronny Bojangles shouted "Your pants are too high," much to the dismay of the nerdy kid. 
  • Briefly caught the "Piano Squall" concert with Amanda.  Aptly named, Piano Squall is a hot Squall cosplayer who plays Final Fantasy songs on piano.  He is also very very gay and met his parter at an I-CON at Stony Brook.
  • The party Saturday night started out kinda slow (or maybe I just percieved it that was, as I was exhausted), but then Ronny Bojangles started talking and everything that came out of his mouth was sheer comedy, including some terrible jokes relating to bicep muscles that somehow got funnier every time he said it.  I can't even describe it.
  • On Sunday we ran into the nerdy kid with the high pants while walking down the road.  He was upset because his ride ditched him or something.  So Kip says, and I'm really paraphrasing here, something like:
    Kip: "Listen kid, you know what you need?  You need to go to a bar and find a woman who looks to be about in her mid 30s.  Someone who looks like she's popped a couple of kids out already.  Go up to her, buy her a few drinks, then give her the best sex of her life.  You'll be fine."
    Nerdy Kid: "... uh.... do you live in West Virginia?"
    Kip: "No.  Why?"
    Nerdy Kid: ::runs at TOP FUCKING SPEED in the opposite direction::
    I laughed so hard I think I began to cry.
  • On the drive back to NY I saw an SUV up in flames.  It was beautiful.

I'm really sad Xtina couldn't stay.  She came briefly on Friday but left early because she was feeling crappy.  Next year, Xtina.  Next year.  And thanks for letting me stay over Thursday night.  We won't get into that though. :D

And now:

Kip-kun, Tristy-kun and I got our pic taken with Derek "Goku" Rich!  Sadly he was dressed as Trunks, but it's close enough to Goku so it's ok.

More pics and the sad sad story of Nate Smith )

current mood: tired
current music: Mindless Self Indulgence - Clarissa

(12 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

Friday, August 6th, 2004
3:34 pm - Oh Tim-kun n__n
icedrando: You remind me of the babe.
Geckolio: what babe?
icedrando: Well by the time you responded he grew to a toddler and now he looks nothing like you.
Geckolio: OH FUCK!
icedrando: What have we learned?
Geckolio: That when we talk about the babe we have to do so in a timely fashion

(What did the hand say to the face?)

Wednesday, August 4th, 2004
5:03 pm - Trip Report: Gooncon2k4 in fabulous Las Vegas!
Oh Gooncon.  It's been a couple of weeks already and I still don't feel like I've fully recovered.  I'm just going to use people's SA names for consistency.  I stayed at the Imperial Palace.

A lot of shit happened over the course of the weekend:  I...
  • Was reunited with many goons I hadn't seen since Gooncon2k3 (Rivetz, Friggybum, Nightmarez, Bizarro Toby, UnkleBob, isnoop, etc.)
  • Met a bunch of rad goons for the first time (Elf Pr0n, Justin_On_Fire, Chickensuit, Dork457, Farquar, Cashback, The Hugsville Horror, Crazyellow, Predictable, DannyManic, The Cookie Bird, Madd0g11, Therapy, etc.)
  • Went to the SAAZ suite party Thursday night, where Friggybum made me a white russian that consisted of milk and ice, as he had spilled most of the alcohol on his shirt when he tried to pour it.
  • Teamed up with Rivetz in an attempt to get some underaged goons a room, while the evil pirate dude loomed nearby, just waiting to bust us (long story).  FUCK YOU PIRATE DUDE!
  • Smoked peaches and cream tobacco out of pipes with Elf Pr0n.
  • Ate pizza in a bathroom with OMGWTFBBQ.
  • Danced like crazy at Kahunaville and IP's karaoke party
  • Carried really really heavy boxes of merchandise across Vegas with Crazyellow while we both wore heels and skirts.  Got to see Lowtax's suite in the Luxor, which was fuckin' pimped out.  She later allowed me to drink some of her Hurricaine, even though Lowtax didn't want to give it to me.
  • Went to the Hofbrauhaus in Vegas with Madd0g11 and Friggybum, and watched as Friggy owned everyone there in a drinking contest and won a mug.
  • Went to the Bellagio buffet on Saturday and Sunday for champagne brunch, where I drank a lot of fucking mimosas.  Even better was when somehow the buffet became a draw-me thread.
  • Played blackjack with Siege! and lost $40, then threw down another $20 and won back $30 of what I had lost.  I got three midori sours out of the deal so it worked out alright.
  • Saw some black dudes get the shit knocked out of them by security.
  • Watched some REALLY bad movies that Lowtax provided for our viewing pleasure.  Robo Vampires was fantastic.
  • Sang "SHAKE IT LIKE A SALT SHAKER!" in the car with UnkleBob.
  • Watched really bad porn with a roomful of people, while DannyManic kept on making funny comments.  Word from the wise: Never watch "Older women and hot young studs"
  • Watched Therapy booty-dance onstage at Kahunabille to "Baby Got Back"
  • Oh god, I don't even remember anymore, but everything was magical.

And now, pictures!

Justin_On_Fire feeds me pie at the Bellagio:

More pics )

And that's the end of my Vegas and Gooncon adventures.  Pardon me, I'm going to go drink some more wine now.

current mood: drunk
current music: Oomph! - Dein Weg

(9 Smacks |What did the hand say to the face?)

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