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Opposable Toes

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[30 Jun 2002|01:46pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | The Beatles - Hey Jude ]

"It's babies."
"...Kitty babies?"

And so it was. Mom came into my room (Brave soul!) at about 10 this morning (See? Brave!) to get me up, as the fluffy stray ad done to her moments before. Now, for Mom, this is okay. Mom gets up at 10 at the latest, everyday. Me.... Well, there was an earthquake at about 10 AM a week or so ago. I stayed in bed. :3 But I'd stayed up till 6 playing Silent Hill 2. 10 AM is not wai.
But anyway. We have 2 new baby kittens. I haven't checked their genders, yet, as they're sleeping and it's hard to tell when they're only an hour old, anyhow. One is tabby, with little orange patches (Mother being Calico and all), the other's all black and white. Not much of a question as to who their father is... This little white guy who comes around sometimes, with a black cap & tail. So sweet, very tiny and SO afraid of people. Really skinny. He's started to warm up to me recently, though, I take him food whenever I see him. He's odd-eyed, too, one brown/one blue, so I can't wait for the kittens to open their eyes, and I'm curious what they'll change to be.
...Yaykittens! I'm so glad they both came out okay. A little afraid there may be one more still inside, maybe dead... She hit that door hard enough to bruise herself, and her stomach felt awful firm... But hey, maybe she just needs a kitty-potty. ^^;


An hour and 45 minutes after the second kitten (The white & black), there was a third (A black and white--Dan, he looks like George in miniature. WAY miniature.). So there's the first (Tabby & Calico--She, and a runt), the second (White & black, looks much like father--He) and the third (Black & white, looks like George, very long--He). All done now, afterbirth and everything. No deaths or miscarriages. Yaaaay!

I am sooooo tiiiiiiired. 6.6 Pondering giving [info]tozetre QotD for creative use of the word "Fuckbeans"...

EDIT AGAIN: Eleven. She had a fourth kitten, the most beautiful shade of mahogany brown with a nice red shine that I have ever seen. Haven't checked gender yet. All are still healthy. Glory hallelujah. ^^;

And again:

A FIFTH! JESUS, where was she keeping them, her LEGS? She's a very small cat! And getting smaller by the minute. ^^;; Anyway, the fourth and fifth are both ginger tabbies. Don't know the fifth's gender yet, but the fourth was a she. All are nice and healthy, wiggly and fluffy and happy.

28 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[29 Jun 2002|03:18pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Goo Goo Dolls - I Don't Wanna Know ]

Tablet lives, whee!
And Dae sets the tablet down too hard.
And the little light stops blinking.
And Dae cries.

...Actually, it seems okay. Just... The little light's not blinking. I might as well learn to draw with the fuckin' mouse. I could, in theory, just use it with Sephi... Maybe this tablet just doesn't like Windows ME... Hell -I- don't like Windows ME. I want XP back on this thing.
....But I don't WANNA sit in front of th'damn computer all day! Wah, boo hoo.
Oh, ne, Dan. Your Boot Camp Yearbooks ("Aww...Look, scared little bald people!") arrived in the mail yesterday. Mom and I went through it, and may've found a photo of you. I mean, you all looked pretty much the same (See aforementioned quote), right? But whoever it is, it's a pretty cool photo. So, like, come get 'em, bitch! XD
Okay. Gonna go draw now. Correction; Gonna go draw MORE now...

Edit: Groovy, despite the fact I am completely hopeless with a mouse, I managed to edit the pic. A bit. Sorta. Didn't do much.
Forgot to mention, our pregnant stray kitty friend had an accident with the cat flap yesterday..Long story short, she mangled one of her own nipples in the incident, almost tore it off. To make an even longer story short, Mom & I wound up holding her down to the table, shaving the area around aforementioned booby, applying gauze and --Yes-- Neosporin, and tying it all to her with a roll of wrap-gauze. She was less than thrilled. I have some nice new perforations in my hand. ^^;
She's okay, though... Bruised a bit, hope she didn't hurt the babies any.

6 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[28 Jun 2002|09:25pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | The Doors - Hello, I Love You ]

So, uhmm.... Twofer pic=Done=Yai! I think I'll do the background in CG before calling it a finished job, though. Who knows.

Finished DVD #2 of Sex & the City. Carrie is such a dumbass for cheating on Aiden with big. A: Aiden=Hottie, Big=....Not. Jesus, I like that show too much. :3

Silent Hill 2 is... more slow-paced than I expected, almost dull in some parts. And the fog must go. Go, fog, go. Damn the fog. I really like killing the Straight Jacket monsters, though.
Pyramid Head so funny. XD
I'll write more.... tomorrow, maybe. For right now, Mother and I are going to a beer festival (Keo, yick. But it is free.) down on the beachfront with Jeffery Diane. Yayfreeb33r! Aaand I look fabulous in my new Yoga pants. My butt is so awesome (HA, Dan, I said it AGAIN!) in these pants, and these great purple shoes. I'm out. Wish me fun. :3

8 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[28 Jun 2002|01:16am]
[ music | Savage Garden - Santa Monica ]

So, I wanted to play my game, right? Hasn't happened. I did move the TVs around though (Well, me & Mom. Poodle, the big burly--HA!-- man of the house, played computer and watched us doin' it), and got the cable/DVD player/VCR/PS1/PS2 and all that happy horseshit all set up... Harder than you'd think, and in such heat! Not so hot today, only 34'C or so. But so humid! Ugh.

We went and got Chinese. And it was good.

Uhm uhm uhm.... Oh yeah, watched Sex & the City's Third Season's first disc (DVD collection) with Mom... So much fun. Drew lots; Go me.
... I wanna play Silent Hill 2 now. Maybe in a bit. I desire chokit milk. And more duck. Mmmduck.

At request of Cha, have decided to apply to a college in Boston... Haven't picked one yet, but Cha seems to have this aversion to Raccoons overrunning the dorms and such in Louisiana. I happen to like Raccoons. And FYI, the school mascot is a damn wildcat. XD

14 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[27 Jun 2002|04:41pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]
[ music | HIM - Sigilum Diaboli ]

Soo.... I was drawing... But I hate drawing in silence. I hate silence, period. I am my father's daughter, I like noise, and lots of it.
So, like a total rebel, I....

....I went upstairs and watched Tarzan. Yeah, whoo! Go me, I'm bad, oh yeah. :3
I really like that movie, actually. The animation's so smooth, it's almost fluid. I love the Jaguar best, really, though Jane was done well. My only issue with Tarzan was his complete and utter lack of cheekbones, made it look kind of odd. And maybe his jawline was a little too narrow, but not very. Maybe I'm just picky. All in all, though, I really liked it. In fact, I don't think they've topped Tarzan's art since then. I wonder if Jylen worked on Tarzan at all. XD
...But anyway. ^^;; I did, in fact, draw some. Lorelei's hair is such a BITCH to draw. I keep redoing and redoing it. I'd be done by now if I could just get happy with her damn hair. I've got her face PERFECT though, I love it. Hope I don't fuck it up when I ink.

YAI!! Daddy sent me Silent Hill 2! Poodle says I can't play it, because mah PS2's in his room. I told him to piss up a rope--Bringing TV & PS2 down here to my living room, letting him have the TV/VCR combo up in his room. I am not playing this in black & white.
Also, I've told him I'm not installing his Mechwarrior 4 add-on until he tidies up all the discs in his room. It's scary. There's DVDs, CDs & PS games lying everywhere, and none of them are in there boxes. His room is scary. Okay, bitchrant over. I should take a photo, though, just to prove how bad it is... It would make Dad cry/eviscerate Poodle, no doubt about it.
Okay, done bitching. I have work to do. And then, I'm'a go play Silent Hill. I was never good at these survival games, the controls always confuse me. Let's see how I do. :3

2 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[26 Jun 2002|02:56pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Bon Jovi - Wild in the Streets ]

Best painting in the world, ever!! Jin's just done the most incredible painting of John Lennon. I -want-. And she's only charging $85.00 for it!! EEEEEEeeeeeee!! **Jump jump jump** Come on, people, help Dae raise 85 bucks! Dammit, I shoulda sold Myth-chan my boots. Uhmm.... Maybe she'll still want to buy them, even though she already sent off the paintings. o.O I dunno, MAYBE.... I need to go draw. Lots. Twofer pic=Almost done, yai! Just need to ink & colour. Whew. Lorelei's head=AUGH. Such a pain.

I Am Coyote
Coyote is a fun-loving goofball and that fits you to a T. Playfully silly, you appear somewhat bumbling at times, and your goofy exterior sometimes makes people forget what a quick mind and razor wit hides behind that amiable grin. In the mythos of the Plains tribes, Coyote is also a Creator, and stole fire as a gift for mankind. Your gift to the world is the creative fire of your quick, capable mind..

Which Trickster are you?
Take the Trickster Test at

Uhm, like, whee. I have to go do stuff now. The computer is not my friend, and I don't trust it. Rar. Socks. I'm gonna wear socks today...
4 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[25 Jun 2002|12:06am]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Degameth - Mastermind ]


I have webspace! Well, I mean, I already did, with Dwagon, who is most good to me, but I use so much space on Hiryuu, I was starting to feel really bad. ^^; But now I have space on Sandwich--Big kisses to Calc and Dwagon for dumbing it down enough so that I had some idea of what was going on. ^^;; And not only that, Blue said he'd design it for me and stuff! Yaayeee! You people are far too good to me. AND, Myth has said she'll pimp me. So essentially, I'm set. XD
....Now I need to finish that drawing for [info]twoflower (Which, I give up, is just gonna have to be a real picture, on real paper. It won't look as good, but my tablet is dead. ;_; ), so I can have bling, to pay nice sweet Calc. Yaybling!

Grin For Me

[24 Jun 2002|09:30pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | The Fine Print - English ]

18 new messages in my inbox. Dishpan hands, sore feet, sore back, sore cheeks. What's beat Dae up so bad? Yes, folks, a lunch get-together with our LANDLORD. XD Well, our landlord, his family, and our next-door neighbors, who're his in-laws (His wife's sister). And. Their. Children.
2 babies, and 2 toddlers. Who screamed. And ran. And chased cats. And learned that Dae does not tolerate cat-chasing.
But anyway.... Yeah, that.... on my feet the whole day... Up since 9:30, so I'm going on more or less exactly 4 hours' sleep. Not unusual, it just didn't lend me much spare patience to deal with sprogs. Especially when they decided to tug on my hair whenever I walked past. I'd be all, "Step-step-step-stepWOAH!" as they yanked my head backwards. Fuckin' paws.
Oh, and I met this Maria chick again, she's real nice (My landlord's wife's younger sister, in fact).... About my age (Exactly 6 days older, in fact), very friendly, etc etc... She even whined about how THIN I am. ME. Either she's on drugs, or just desperate to flatter me. XD So yeah, anyway, she invited me to her house tomorrow... I'd go, if I knew where her house WAS... Oh well, she has our number, I think. No biggie. Might be interesting to have a friend here, though.
So, uhm... Did I miss anything? Did the party thing.... Washed all the damn dishes, played bartender (I love that, though, so it doesn't count), that sorta thing... While..Poodle hid downstairs, on the computer. Fucker. Rar.
And to make everything completely wai, I'm also violently cramping, and now being ill due to the fact that, evidently, T3 doesn't like me. Eeeew.
...Bored. Lah. Will draw now. Sooo tired. Must draw. **Thud**

Grin For Me

Myth: "Oh my god...too homoerotic...TOO HOMOEROTIC!! [24 Jun 2002|04:25am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Deathboy - Sunday Killing Time ]

That has nothing to do with this post, by the by, it's just that she won QotD. XD I give Cha & myself a close second:
CharlesHBoucher: Why? I think it's rather pathetic. ^^;
Dae: Pathetic? Hell no. Stamp-collecting is pathetic. Masturbation is fun. ^^

Jesus, I log back on for a second to LJ-Update, and am ASSAULTED by like 3 million Trillian windows.... o.O Man, y'all missed me that much, hmm?

Anyways... Tidied the hell out of downstairs (for like, the third time)... Nice and tidy. You can hardly tell it was ME who did it. XD But yeah, is tidy. I evicted a monster spider from under the sink. Fucking spiders. Poodle's officially an aracniphobe, too... I mean, he froze on sight of this teeny weeny (Like, as big around as a dime, TOPS) little thing on the side of the pool today when we were cleaning it out. Why am I the only MAN in this house, goddammit?
Ugh. But, tired of being a man, I chose to pamper myself. I worked hard today. I weedwacked (Weedwhacked? How the hell do you spell that? I doubt it's in the dictionary...), I sweapt & mopped the downstairs, cleaned counters, swept off the driveway and the sidewalk (With Tybalt's help, of course.), cleaned out the pool, yaddayadda. And I got DIRTY! So I decided to use this groovy cucumber-smellin' masque I bought the other day--The kind that hardens, and you just peel it off? Haha, "just", she says, like it's a small feat. Haa ha ha. But anyway, after I finished peeling all this goop off my face, I looked at this pile of what looked like dead, shed skin. "Yuck," I thought. Then came the inevitable "Cool!" that always seems to follow my mental "yuck"s... And of course, as always follows a "!", I thought, "This would wig Poodle the fuck out." So I snuck upstairs, to where he was sleeping, and put a nice thick layer of it over his cheeks, and around his mouth... Harmless, but it'll make his skin feel really tight by morning. And of course, I threw the shed-skin stuff away. That would've been yucky. XD
...I can't wait to hear his terrified screams tomorrow morning. Better than waking up to sex, what is it? It's the terrified, confused wailings of a tormented teenage boy! Better than kicking Shinji in the side, then convincing him it's his own damn fault for making you do it. XD
....Well, I got the reference. ^^;

But, uhm, yeah... My skin feels nice. Ahh, exfoliation. So good. No more dirt in MY pores. It's astounding, for all the odd makeup I wear (Read: Eyes & lips. That's -it-.), and all the chocolate I live on, I have nice skin. So odd! Not that I'm complaining. ^^
YAI! Myth finally got Songbird framed, and will be sending it & Stitches my way tomorrow. Dan, do NOT tell Mom; Songbird is a surprise for her. Myth says the frame looks, in her exact words, "FUCKING GORGEOUS". Oh yeah... She also says that if/when I finally get off my ass and get a site, she'll pimp me. Whoo! So, uhh... Who wants to design me a pretty page? I wish I wasn't so computer-retarded. I think the next time I see Calc, I'll ask him to host me... He doesn't charge much. Hell, he hosts Myth for free, so why not? I need the pimping. So... poor... Homeless senses.. tingling!
Speaking of tingling: I am now talking masturbation with Cha, Ambre AND Junpei. Damn, I'm good. XD

6 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[23 Jun 2002|10:30pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | Bon Jovi - Just Older ]

"Dear Dae,

It's my pleasure to inform you that you've been invited to present your poetry and receive the International Poet of Merit Silver Award Bowl at the International Society of Poets Summer Convention and Symposium (our 14th Convention) to be held August 23-25, 2002, in the U.S. Capital, Washington D.C.

Your invitation has been sent via U.S. mail, so please keep an eye on your mailbox for full details. Our Conventions routinely sell out (our last was attended by poets from 58 countries worldwide!) so please RSVP early to avoid disappointment. The deadline for registration is August 12th. To register now click here, or go to≻=Y212

Click here for more information.

Steve Michaels
Convention Chairperson"

....It's like they're rubbing my nose in the fact that I got no scratch for plane fare! Tch, as if I've seriously won anything, though. So annoying. ^^;;
....Still drawing. **Shuffles off** Don't mind me. :3

Grin For Me

[23 Jun 2002|09:06pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Mick Jagger - Visions of Paradise ]

Whats Your Sexual Personality?
this quiz was made by Val

Rowr. Yeah, baby. [info]peacefulchaos-Sama, ah'm comin' fer -you-. XD

So like, I, uh.... Need to draw, and stuff. But right now I have this one image in my head, and I know it's not going away until I draw it. You can all see it later, after I've done so. XD
9 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[23 Jun 2002|01:01am]
Lurkrdrome: EYE
Dae: ...Thanks.
Lurkrdrome: ^_^

....I'll kill you, Lurk. XD

Okay, so I'm supposed to update, I guess. Uhm... I went shopping today. Yay me! Among other things, we bought lots of booze (wine, mostly), including a nice set of Bailey's Tumblers that, oddly enough, came with a bottle of Bailey's! Imagine that!
I also discovered an eeny-weeny (like, 8 ounces) bottle of JD. SO. CUTE. We bought a bottle of this "Gentleman Jack" stuff, though, because the only whiskey we have in the house is Daddy's JD Single Malt, and he'll kill us if we let anybody else have any. Coincidentally, the only reason this is a concern is because a couple of the people we're having over for a party on Monday are whiskey-drinkers. Whoo fuckin' hoo.
So, uhm.... Anything else? Not really.

Except... )
12 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

[22 Jun 2002|02:44pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | ?? - The Devil Went Down to Jamaica ]

Tiny Panties = World Domination?? According to [info]issendai... I'm closer to it than I thought! Long live the Daectatorship! XD
...I'll edit this to a real post later. But right now, the shower's free. Must...BATHE.... Yee!

26 Cheshire Smiles |Grin For Me

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