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Deathboy - Sunday Killing Time |
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That has nothing to do with this post, by the by, it's just that she won QotD. XD I give Cha & myself a close second: CharlesHBoucher: Why? I think it's rather pathetic. ^^; Dae: Pathetic? Hell no. Stamp-collecting is pathetic. Masturbation is fun. ^^
Jesus, I log back on for a second to LJ-Update, and am ASSAULTED by like 3 million Trillian windows.... o.O Man, y'all missed me that much, hmm?
Anyways... Tidied the hell out of downstairs (for like, the third time)... Nice and tidy. You can hardly tell it was ME who did it. XD But yeah, is tidy. I evicted a monster spider from under the sink. Fucking spiders. Poodle's officially an aracniphobe, too... I mean, he froze on sight of this teeny weeny (Like, as big around as a dime, TOPS) little thing on the side of the pool today when we were cleaning it out. Why am I the only MAN in this house, goddammit? Ugh. But, tired of being a man, I chose to pamper myself. I worked hard today. I weedwacked (Weedwhacked? How the hell do you spell that? I doubt it's in the dictionary...), I sweapt & mopped the downstairs, cleaned counters, swept off the driveway and the sidewalk (With Tybalt's help, of course.), cleaned out the pool, yaddayadda. And I got DIRTY! So I decided to use this groovy cucumber-smellin' masque I bought the other day--The kind that hardens, and you just peel it off? Haha, "just", she says, like it's a small feat. Haa ha ha. But anyway, after I finished peeling all this goop off my face, I looked at this pile of what looked like dead, shed skin. "Yuck," I thought. Then came the inevitable "Cool!" that always seems to follow my mental "yuck"s... And of course, as always follows a "Yuck...cool!", I thought, "This would wig Poodle the fuck out." So I snuck upstairs, to where he was sleeping, and put a nice thick layer of it over his cheeks, and around his mouth... Harmless, but it'll make his skin feel really tight by morning. And of course, I threw the shed-skin stuff away. That would've been yucky. XD ...I can't wait to hear his terrified screams tomorrow morning. Better than waking up to sex, what is it? It's the terrified, confused wailings of a tormented teenage boy! Better than kicking Shinji in the side, then convincing him it's his own damn fault for making you do it. XD ....Well, I got the reference. ^^;
But, uhm, yeah... My skin feels nice. Ahh, exfoliation. So good. No more dirt in MY pores. It's astounding, for all the odd makeup I wear (Read: Eyes & lips. That's -it-.), and all the chocolate I live on, I have nice skin. So odd! Not that I'm complaining. ^^ YAI! Myth finally got Songbird framed, and will be sending it & Stitches my way tomorrow. Dan, do NOT tell Mom; Songbird is a surprise for her. Myth says the frame looks, in her exact words, "FUCKING GORGEOUS". Oh yeah... She also says that if/when I finally get off my ass and get a site, she'll pimp me. Whoo! So, uhh... Who wants to design me a pretty page? I wish I wasn't so computer-retarded. I think the next time I see Calc, I'll ask him to host me... He doesn't charge much. Hell, he hosts Myth for free, so why not? I need the pimping. So... poor... Homeless senses.. tingling! Speaking of tingling: I am now talking masturbation with Cha, Ambre AND Junpei. Damn, I'm good. XD