Take a Walk on the WildHaired Side

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May 29th, 2004

02:58 pm - This weekend marks...

WASHINGTON (CNN)-- This Memorial Day weekend marks the dedication of the World War II Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Something for all Veterans to be proud of as well as all Americans. Shake hands with a Vet this weekend if you have the opportunity. Thank him or her for their service to their Country and to You. All the Freedoms we enjoy on a daily basis (and take so much for granted) are ours due simply to the efforts of men and women who have served and fought for the past 200+ years in the belief that it meant something. Show them it does.
Current Mood: [mood icon] contemplative
Current Music: Deniece Williams...Let's Hear It For The Boy

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May 22nd, 2004

03:02 pm - Update day three
Hello everyone...I went to see C this morning with the expectation of bringing her home...Well the doctor said that she has to remain in the horse-pistol until she gets rid of the gas she has accumulated...So there is still a chance of breaking her out of that place tonight...But so far she is doing well maintaining her good Herrmann attitude and walking and attempting to empty the gas tank...I will go back tonight about six...Gunny

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May 21st, 2004

07:02 am - Another update
I was with C last night about 630...I must say that she has more determination than most...Just nine and a half hours after having her belly sliced open she is down stairs of the hospital smoking a cigatette...I think that the nurses realized that C vapor locking because of a nicotine attack is nothing that they should fool with so I was allowed to wheel her downstairs...I should find out today when she can come home...Last night C was thinking maybe as late as sunday morning...I will keep you all posted...Gunny

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May 20th, 2004

03:51 pm - Cahty's Surgery
This is Gunny...I just wanted to update all of C's friends...The surgery went OK...It took two (2) hours...I spoke to the Doctor and she told me that all went well...I spoke to C when she got to her room...All she wanted was a Mountain Dew (diet) and a cigatette...She has alot of pain but she is hooked up to a button that will give her Morphine every 8 minutes...She wants the whole bottle at one time...I left her about 230 so I could get some rest and feed the boys...I will get back to her about 6...We appreciate all the support you guys are giving her...Our best to all of you...Gunny

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March 25th, 2004

03:17 pm - LJ has had a great loss...an untimely one.
[info]duckiewuckie aka Christine has passed away.

She had just graduated from highschool and was so excited about getting started in life. She was 18. Beautiful and my daughter [info]didicam's friend. Didi is taking donations for flowers to be sent for her memorial and anything over the cost of the arrangement will be donated to http://www.leukemiafoundation.org/ that her family designates. You may make donations here. Her site was http://www.lilduckie.coocooland.com
Current Mood: [mood icon] sympathetic

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December 15th, 2003

07:22 am - Brrr...
Still cold...bad roads in places too especially our neighborhood where the roads aren't maintained by the state. I'll have to add more later as LJ ate my post a minute ago and now I'm running behind.

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August 11th, 2003

02:17 pm - Still aksing for your help here...
Anyone able to or interested in assisting us in getting [info]didicam home to us for the LJ Happy Pants House Party in September can make a donation for her plane ticket thru Paypal here...

We were able to find her a slightly cheaper flight...$189.50 from Thursday to Monday. Some of you haven't seen her in longer than I so this would be a great opportunity. $1, $5, whatever you can spare would be great...Thanks so much!
Current Mood: [mood icon] optimistic

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April 22nd, 2003

07:27 pm - Birthday suits...
This is my nephew Marvelous Marvin in his...he's da man!

Current Mood: proud

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07:22 am - Well it's official...
I have nothing to say.
Current Mood: [mood icon] blah

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April 21st, 2003

10:29 am - Cross posted in FortySomething...
"The Guardian" weekend quizz:

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Living close to water, lake, river, or shore, with Gunny. My kids in stable circumstances and close by, with enough money to be comfortable.

What is your greatest fear?

Opening up and letting people know the real me.Read more... )
Current Mood: [mood icon] content

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April 20th, 2003

07:30 am - Good morning...

Current Mood: awake

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April 16th, 2003

07:16 am - I meant to ask...
What's everyone doing for Easter?
Current Mood: [mood icon] apathetic
Current Music: The Allman Brothers...Ramblin' Man

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April 15th, 2003

10:28 pm - LJ is PMSing on me...
It won't let me post comments dammit! And after I bought their shirts too...Grrrrrrrrr!!!!
Current Mood: [mood icon] aggravated

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07:28 am - Running late...
I hate running late. My back is killing me from 8+ hours in the yard yesterday and then the stupid loan people called to cancel at 10 minutes before the appointment time. Jerks. They claimed they waited so late to call because they were trying to find another loan officer who'd be in our area...sure. I was born at night too, but not last night.

We had supper together in the gazebo...nice...

I fell asleep watching TV and woke at midnight then couldn't go back to sleep for a couple of hours. Now my back is a wreck and I have to get to work. Byeeeee!
Current Mood: [mood icon] annoyed
Current Music: Santa Esmerelda...Gloria

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April 14th, 2003

03:15 pm - Sunny daze...
I was watering in the bug control stuff for my lawn after mowing it and I heard the phone a ringin'. It was [info]grastix calling me while on her ten minute break at work. How cool is that? I love my friends.

Better get back out there now.
Current Mood: sweaty

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11:43 am - Since images are broken...
Lets post a pic of my kitchen since Gunny's been remodelling it! LOL This is how it looks now...

My "Before" pics have gone away. Shit. Before it looked like a garage. All one huge open room. Gunny built the island and the hanging pot thingie most recently as well as installing the trac lighting and the bigger ceiling fan. You can't see the kitty's dining room he built in this pic but I have posted it before. All we have left to do is finish the walls and the painting and he's putting a larger, bay-style window in over the sink. It's coming along...*grin*
Current Mood: [mood icon] good

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11:23 am - Broken Images...
Yeah it's not just you it's all of us and lj_maintainance says they're working on it.

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April 13th, 2003

09:26 am - I'm a posting fool this morning...
[info]justgoto will appreciate this. Thanks Zeno!
Current Mood: [mood icon] amused
Current Music: Chris Rea...Looking for the rainbow

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08:55 am - Congratulations LiveJournal!
On the addition of your one millionth account!

That's totally cool...
Current Mood: [mood icon] chipper
Current Music: Led Zeppelin...Whole Lotta Love

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08:37 am - I couldn't pass this quiz by...lol
what steven king book based movie are you?


all i can say is: you know revenge is sweet!

Click here to take this quiz.

This quiz was created with http://www.quizcreate.com

The picture sucks though. You'd think they'd have done better. I first started reading SK when "Carrie" was first published in 1974 when I was 14. When he addresses his little prolouges (sp?) to "Constant Reader" he could be reffering to me. I even stumbled upon a Richard Bachman story in a discount bin back in the day and was reading him as well, way before I knew he was Stephen King. Life is funny that way sometimes.

Current Mood: [mood icon] cheerful
Current Music: The Moody Blues...Go Now

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