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Wife, Mother, & Friend
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anyone know what is up with gmail?

Your Linguistic Profile:

80% General American English

10% Midwestern

5% Dixie

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Yankee

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I'm pissed about this Terry Schiavo case.
Congress, the president, and the rest of the fucking United States has NOTHING to do with this shit. But...of course...everyone has their nose up someone else's ass so that's not the way it works. And it's very apparent to me that 90% of people don't even know what the hell they are talking about.

So...opinions. Everyone's got one.

Well here's mine )

Current Mood: pissed off

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welcome to kansas
i shit you not...
today it hit 85 degrees.
and what are they calling for tuesday-thursday?

this is actually normal kansas weather for march.

Current Mood: okay

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dancing meme
Dance the night away by karchan85
What you Look like
The MusicAnime OST
Quiz created with MemeGen!
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meme from keely
THE RULES: Go to images.google.com, type in your answers, and post the first postable image result for each.

here they are )
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i rarely update anymore. i always forget. :P

right now i'm exhausted. and wouldn't you know...aubry is asleep and ashy is wide awake. by wide awake...i mean she's squealing and laughing and trying to find something to do (she's on the floor scoping out her options...you can tell by the way she's looking around). it's cute as hell...but i'm SO tired i can barely keep my eyes open. i've slept from 7am until about 8am. kinda tired. ;)

i organized this month's swap at BOLU and i think it went well. i'm doing more packages than i was intending but i had to because there were a few people that didn't have anyone pick them for the swap and i didn't want to have to tell them they couldn't participate. it'll all be great though.

selling more stuff on ebay. i tell you what...maternity clothes are the thing to sell! i'm also selling a 1940s toy car for my dad. so far there are 4 people watching but no bids. if anyone knows of anyone who is into vintage toys or toy car restoration...let me know and i'll point them in the right direction. and i finally got out into the garage and and got all aubry's old clothes down. so now ashlyn has an entirely new wardrobe! which is good considering the little chunky thing is already in 6-9mo clothes!! aubry wasn't in 3-6mo clothes until well after she turned 6 months old...and ashlyn just turned 5 months old on feb 22. haha. so anyway...i'm getting ready to put the rest of the few 0-3mo clothes i have on ebay and then moving on to the 3-6mo clothes. kinda sucks because some of them she never even got to wear. but...that's what happens at this age. she didn't wear ANY of aubry's old 3-6mo clothes...because i didn't get my butt in gear and get them out of the garage in time.

oh!!! but before i forget! i found aubry's easter dress on ebay...it's the exact same as ashlyn's dress that my mom bought at the mall a couple months ago. ;) and! i bought the fantastic adventures of unico on dvd! i've been wanting that movie forever! that was my favorite as a kid. i know aubry will love it.

oh! and we're taking aubry to the circus tonight. excited about that. :) i think she'll have fun. i just hope i can manage to stay awake!

alright...better get busy.

Current Mood: okay

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snagged from mathilde
Ten things I've done that no one else on my friend's list has (if you have, tell me!)

1. had surgery (non-cosmetic) on my boob
2. quit a job to go back to the same job a year later
3. invited my ex to my wedding (and he came)
4. sat in the PICU overnight with my baby
5. got flowers for valentine's day from the superintendent of the schools
6. mom sent me flowers one year for valentine's day just to make my ex wonder who they were from. haha.
7. lived in a house made of styrofoam and concrete
8. bought a house (i don't *think* any of you have done that...i'm grasphing here)
9. moved 10 times and all but 1 of those times were still in the same zip code
10. have an autographed picture of mariska hargitay? (a couple of you might have one so this might not be true)

So...tell me if you've done any and I'll think of something else. :) I hope not though because those were hard to think of. Hahaha.
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Rainbow of Icons by FreezingInTheSno
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Your Blue Icon
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Your Green Icon
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Your Purple Icon
Your Orange Icon
Quiz created with MemeGen!
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dear mother nature:
please make it warm soon. my child is driving me INSANE.
thank you

seriously...aubry is jumping in circles in the livingroom. she's been doing this for half an hour now. and ashlyn is growling. i really wish aubry would sit still for like 5 minutes before i lose my damn mind. i haven't gotten squat done today. i tried folding laundry...HAHA. i did make lunch but so far i haven't got aubry to sit long enough to actually eat it.

see my new user picture? :) the rest are at my website. there are quite a few of the girls together, then pictures of each of them separately.
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i told you it would happen!
i've been banned from vaginapagina.

do you think it had to do with my comments about the menstrual art? or maybe it was something else. i'm sure it could be any number of things.


that's it? hmm...i thought there were more...
User: [info]tinyme
Name: Candi
Back April 2005