Live Like You Were Dying [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Live Like You Were Dying

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[Dec. 11th, 2004|11:40 am]
yeah definetly woke up with the flu this morning.
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[Dec. 10th, 2004|06:06 pm]
off to the work Christmas party I goo.....

w/ my spanish rice and my secret santa gift of boxed wine....

i hope i get a gift certificate instead of what i asked for.....

ohhh lalalala

please dont snow until i am home.

and i am out.
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;) [Dec. 5th, 2004|08:17 pm]
My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 giltedges a-yodeling.
11 glittercowboys a-calling.
10 rightsidedowns a-galloping.
9 earthbydays a-waving.
8 fleeceblankies a-posting.
7 mph99s a-sulking.
6 impatias a-swimming.
5 orange mrstevos.
4 rubbing lil_allie_maes.
3 Kuwaiti ambobwes.
2 bull j2dubs.
And a zoozyq in a orange tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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[Dec. 2nd, 2004|10:42 pm]
This is a post to say [info]ambular i love you. Keep having fun, and making me jealous.
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[Dec. 1st, 2004|12:19 pm]
math is evil.
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Woo Buckeyes [Dec. 1st, 2004|10:00 am]
ryan and i.. me enjoying my SWEET victory
me kissing my loser boyfriend hehe.
megan and i.. you can really tell that i am trashed in that one hahaha.
anthony and i before the game...
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all ya need is love... [Nov. 28th, 2004|01:34 pm]
education is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator
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Lalala [Nov. 28th, 2004|11:04 am]
So Christmas shopping is almost done, which is insane since it is only Thanksgiving weekend, but I am the queen of deals haha. The only person I haven't even bought anything for yet is my brother, but he is difficult cuz he wants all this crap that is out of my budget, so we will have to find something.

Friday night was the party at Greg and Joans. It was some good times, good food and good songs. Not much to report on that one.

Yesterday I went to the mall w/ Anthony and then I went back so I could hang out w/ Sarah. When Sarah and I were there Aeropostale was having a family night of 30 percent off everything. So I got two shirts that were already on clearance for under 10 dollars. One says I Hardly Study on it and the other one says I'm more than a pretty face w/ a monkey on it. :) Sarah got one that said Monkey Bars on it and had a picture of 3 monkey's at a bar. Very cute. I also loaded up on stuff at Bath and Body Works for my mom for Christmas. The lady was being retarded and pushy wanting me to do all this extra crap and then she got mad at me for saying no and didn't give me the coupon I WAS SUPPOSE TO GET. What a bitch. Oh well, thats the last time I need to go in there for awhile anyway.

After shopping Sarah and I tried going to Pizza Hut for dinner but they were closed because they are remodeling. Bitches. So we ended up at Zabros' which sucked once again, but I had an awesome salad and ice cream.:P After that we headed up to the Tiki Bar and hung out there for awhile. It was interesting, but there was a lot of Castillo drinking going on, YUCK. So I just kinda sipped on a drink Anthony made for Sarah.

Then Sarah and I came back to my house and went to bed. She got up at 7 to go home for church and I woke up again at 10. Anthony mentioned something about me going to church w/ his family and then to Pi's but no thanks, I like sleep. Now I am debating when I should go back to Saginaw. I have a ton of homework to do, but I really am too lazy to do it. But I basically fucked myself a few weeks ago when I didn't do some research then. So my final English paper is gonna suck ass and hopefully we can BS something for my bio presentation. I think I have a short 2 page paper due tomorrow in Geography as well. I really need to check into that. I know I have a Math exam wednesday, which is going to SUCK ass, and shit I have math homework due tomorrow. I need to leave soon. I have to stop at Walmart to get my BC, and I am debating stopping at the mall, but I think I have spent enough money this weekend haha.

Ohhh and in exciting news. My mom has given me a ton of Christmas decorations.. Woot.

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Happy Thanksgiving :) [Nov. 25th, 2004|11:28 pm]
I had a wonderful day today, with my family and Anthony's family. It was most exciting and I got to celebrate Christmas as well. :P Santa found me at Anthony's grandma's and I got some lotion, an SVSU tshirt and a cute christmasy candle. !!! I am pumped. I am super excited to go shopping tomorrow and I have no idea why I am still awake since I must get up at 4 to get ready to leave for shopping at 430. Tomorrow is also the party at Joan and Greg's so I have that to look forward too in the evening, with Anthonys family.

What I am Thankful For in 2004
1. My family
2. Anthony
3. Andrea as the world's coolest roommate
4. Tony's frozen pizzas
5. my friends
6. my apartment
7. my car
8. my wonderful job where i can play with the coolest kids around
9. tortilla soup
10. mexican food
11. kenny chesney
12. pontoon alley
13. jimmy buffett
14. birth control
15. slipper socks
16. hooded sweatshirts
17. TNT w/ it's law and Order reruns
18. hot chocolate
19. kahlua
20. malibu rum
21. my fleece black pants
22. fleece blankies :)
23. squishy pillows
24. my contacts
25. my computer
26. OSU beating U of M
27. my grandparents health
28. friends getting married
29. cute babies
30. being in love w/ the most amazing person on earth
31. the first snow of the year, even though all my car doors froze shut
32. meatballs
33. fountain pop *coke
34. snickers
35. tim mcgraw
36. dawson creek reruns
37. pumpkin pie
38. whip cream
39. white russians
40. pina coladas
41. trips to florida
42. that bush hasnt pissed off every major country yet
43. i still have my right to choose in this country
44. that i am not discriminated against because of my sexual orientation
45. detriot pistons winning the NBA finals
46. brownies
47. con queso
48. being able to eat at chi chi's as many times as i could before those bastards at outback bought them out
49. good summer times w/ friends
50. living on a lake

and i am exhausted so that is all..

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[Nov. 24th, 2004|05:38 pm]
And winter has offically begun in Michigan.

When I just got into a CHRISTMAS spirit YESTERDAY, and its not THANKSGIVING yet, and found christmas music station.. NOW IT IS SNOWING.. :)

It's actually quite pretty and it was so exciting to watch the lil kids get all excited about it. :)

Anyway, remember i said this, cuz i may never like snow again.!!!

edit: So what does this snow the nite before Thanksgiving mean?
KAHLUA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hot chocolate, maybe a snowball fight.. and LOTSA CUDDLING!!!!

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THE Game [Nov. 22nd, 2004|09:46 pm]
So Saturday was THE 101ist meeting of OSU and Meeechigan. Anthony and I woke up at like 830 and decided we needed to go to Meijer and get some Kahlua so we could have it in our coffee. So we went, and I looked HOT hahaha.. I had m OSU shirt on, blue stretchy pants, friday's makeup an friday's hair, with the kicker ---Anthony's slippers!!! But, I was a trooper and we got the kahlua and chips and dip and we were set.

So tailgating began at 930, with coffee and kahlua, affectively starting my 9 hour drinking day. :) My parents called me at 10 from tailgating and dad was alraedy drunk. How do I know? from the HEEEEEEEY EM. I received. He crackes me up. :) So Chris and Ryan eventually joined us about 1030-11 and the fun was begining.

They gave me soooo soooo much shit for not liking Meeechigan, but no one listened to me either. I even stated, if OSU plays like they have all season, they will lose today and I will not be pissed. But, if they play like its the OSU-meeeechigan game, they will win. Why? Because they ahve NOTHING TO LOSE. And I was right.

So basically lots of drunken behavior occured, soo much that I dont really know what happened between the 2nd quarter, halftime and 3rd quarter really. Except, I talked to my grandparents drunk, my parents and a ton of other people. I also managed to hide the obnxious playing u of m bottle opener they kept playing at me. But nobody missed it too much SINCE THERE WAS NO REASON TO PLAY IT. MUWAAHAHAHAHA.

So after the agme Chris tried throwing a bottle at me cuz I was doing my celebratory jump/dance and he missed so after i came out of the bathroom i teased him for being like Chad Henne and not connecting with his target. OUCCCCH! Then we all ended up going to Damons where I got my free meal, since Anthony owed it too me after his LOSS.

And I sitll haven't gotten around to any pictures getting on the computer, and my dad is sending me some soon.. So be prepared. :)
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Wedding Talk [Nov. 21st, 2004|02:06 pm]
So, it will take me mulitple posts and a lot of time to talk about everything that has happened in the last few days, but I will start with wedding talk, since I have time now while Anthony is doing a Computer job.

So, Sarah, aka Snerzzie, called me Thursday nite to tell me that Kevin proposed to her Thursday afternoon. Woooot wooo yay. Happiness. :) She asked me to be in the wedding and I of course told her yes. :) She is after all my best friend since we were three and jumpin in leaves. haha. So it will be me, Lisa and Rachel in the wedding. So we made plans for her and Kev to go out to dinner w/ me and Anthony Friday night in Saginaw.

They got to Antho's apartment about 8ish and we went to RJ's for dinner. Her ring, is soooo pretty. :) She is super excited too, so I am very happy for her. She bought a bridal magazine and a wedding planner book on Friday, so after dinner we did some wedding talk. She also cut Anthony's hair THANK GOD. It really needed it. :)

So we hung out w/ Megz for awhile and talked some wedding. They are thinking next October and are currently looking for a place for the reception. They will probably have it at the NADA center at Northwood, though I know Sarah really would want it to be at the casino, but that might just be too much moolah. She was trying to think of colors and red and black may have been deciding on, or not. :)

It's gonna be fun, helping her to plan all of this. Kevin is leaving soon for an internship in Colorado so this gives her something to do while he's gone now. :) She's waiting to get her license, and it should be here any time, so she can offically cut hair. :) Woot!!!

Anyway, lots of excitement and happyness ahead. This next year will be exciting, helping her plan, FO SURE. :)
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[Nov. 20th, 2004|06:07 pm]



I am so sorry if this is bad writing because i have been consuming alocholic beverages since 9 fucking thirty this morning.



I watched this with all meeeeeeeeeechigan fans untli the 2nd half until i recruited former msu students and a former ohian to cheeer with me.. and baby GUESS WHAT NOBODY FUCKING LISTENED TOO ME


DUUHHH.... OHIO STATE = SHITTY RECORD... u of m = better record... osu =no0thing to lose.. U OF M = EVERYTHING TO LOSE..;


quote of the day.." my dad on 2 way ,, repeating himself like 5 times..: THEY ARE DOING SCRIPT OHIO ...SCRIPT OHIO ... CAN YOU HEAR IT/ SCRIPT OHIO?????
CHRIS: sir, i think you have had too much to drink... dad: NOT YET SON!!!!


only thing better would be me in columbus or WISCONSIN BEATING IOWA


BELIEVE IN OHIO STATE FOOTBALL.. and look forward to drunk pictures at a sober moment.
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[Nov. 18th, 2004|11:18 pm]
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh my best friend since i was 3 got engaged today!!!!!!!!!

details later....

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[Nov. 18th, 2004|12:22 am]
It really makes me sad, when there has to be two funerals this Saturday, for two boys MY age in two towns near here. They both were Marines and both died in the past week fighting in Iraq. I can't even imagine being 20 years old and dying in a foreign country for someone ELSES freedom. Not our countries, someone elses. I honestly cant even begin to imagine how their famlies must be dealing with this. I thank God everyday the people I know and love for over in Iraq are alive. I hope I continue to be this lucky, especially when this shouldn't even be an issue. I also just read that someone from Beaverton died at Ft. Bragg. Great last week for military personnel from Mid-Michigan. In any case, Rest in Peace Justin Reppuhn and Justin Ellsworth. I hope dying was peasceful for you, God be with you and your families, and all of us.

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Get pumped for THE GAME! [Nov. 17th, 2004|11:58 pm]
Go Bucks )

Read more... )
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Schedule for Winter Semester 2005 [Nov. 15th, 2004|03:11 pm]
So I finally got to make my schedule for next semester and luckily was able to end up with the classes I wanted!

ENGL*201*3 (1486) Intro: Lit Studies SE 204 LEC T 07:00PM 10:00PM J. Wolff
-I've heard from a lot of people that Wolff is really nice and easy, and since it is a requirement my English minor this fits in nicely, especially since it is once a week. That is especially good since I will be taking another English class as well as a Communication Intensive class, which is gonna combined total a lot of reading and writing.

ENGL*202*1 (1502) Novel As Genre SE 125 LEC W 04:00PM 06:50PM M. Seitz
-This satisfies my requirement for a Gen Ed and it actually sounded like a decent class that I would like. Seitz also according to ratemyprofessor sounds good. Which is good. :)

THEA*128A*1 (5014) Intro to Theatre A 204 LEC M 04:00PM 06:50PM R. Roberts
-This satisfies a Gen Ed requirement and it appears to be super easy. Roberts sounds easy as well.

PSYC*317*4 (3766) Educational Psychology B 128 LEC TR 01:00PM 02:20PM J. Lynch
- This satsfies a requirement for the College of Ed, and I love psychology so I thought I would take it now. Lynch seems to be a pretty decent prof. I haven't heard anything real negative about her.

LAW*208!*1 (2342) Law & Society C 130 LEC TR 05:30PM 06:50PM Staff
-This is my Communication Intensive class that I need for a Gen Ed requirement. I decided to take this one cuz it was relatively easy to get into and I had heard good things about the class itself. I am also hoping I get the lawyer who this kid I sit next to in English has. All in all I think it will be an interesting and informative class.

And there you have it. No morning classes. :) Hopefully work won't care that I cant work many afternoons and still give me hours, or I will be forced to find a new job, which I don't want to do. But it was much easier to find all afternoon classes than morning classes. Cuz I would have had an all over crazy schedule like I do this semester and I don't want that.

I think I will have open to work, M- 7-330, T 7-12, W 7-330, and Th 7-12. Hopefully that works out well. I know next semester will be spent writing a lot of papers, which is why I have my 2 English classes as once a weeker's so I have more time to read and write the stuff!
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[Nov. 15th, 2004|12:05 am]
By the way, I got my unoffical results back from the MTTC and I passed!!!!!!!!! ;)

And today, November 15th, my LITTLE brother turns 17. :(

Oh dear.
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Random Trips are good [Nov. 14th, 2004|10:54 pm]
So yesterday morning after we woke up, we pondered of what to do. So I suggested, hey we should go to MSU and tailgate cuz they play Wisconsin and it is a 330 game. So Anthony says, hey yeah that sounds great. So we arrive in East Lansing at about 1130. I call around and poor Kerri is sick and gives us her's and Alan's tickets to the game FOR FREE!!!! So I just saw one of the best games I've been to EVER in College Football yesterday!!! MSU kicked some Wisconsin booty. It was an exciting game and probably one of the better one's I've seen in Spartan Stadium (though that really doesnt take much). hehehe.

Anyways, so that was our yesterday. My feet KILLED me when we got home because we walked at least 5 miles, ughhhh. Ohhh, and we got to go to Max and Erma's and I got Tortilla Soup.. Yummmm..

Today, I came home and worked. Booo. But I accomplished like 4 loads of FREE laundry, YAY.

So that was that. And I am too braindead to type more.

I register for next semester tomorrow, 10 people best not sign up for the english or theator class I need. Damnit bitches.
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Quick update from the Harts ;) [Nov. 12th, 2004|01:54 pm]
Sitting next to me in his ladybug jumper thingie, is poor lil Parker. He is sick again. I feel so bad for him. He just can't be a healthy baby, but he sure is happy. I know right noe he HAS to be exhausted, heck I even gave him drugs earlier to help knock him out cuz he was coughing a little, but he needed to sleep. Usually he has slept for about 4 hours by now...Not so much today!! He is hardly eating either, which is very shocking, considering he is a cute lil chunker!! Peyton, is being soo sooo sooo spoiled today. It is driving me nutso!! Aww poor Park's eyes are all bloodshot.

Anyway, guess what yesterday was?

I know everyone is in suspense.....

It was Anthony's and my 16 month anniversary!!

Holy crapola!! :)

We went to RJ's for dinner last nite with Andrea and Nate and then we all drank and played euchre. Andrea and I had Malibu Coconut Rum with Fruit Punch and pineapple juice. Yummmm.

Anyway, back to watching the boys!
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