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I'm a wooly meme-sheep... OF LIGHTNING [Dec. 9th, 2004|11:03 pm]
Ok, this is just FAR too cool to pass up. :-)

Your Silver-Age Superhero Career
LJ Username
Your alias first-name is:
Your alias last-name is:
You can turn....
You team up with... grail76
...to battle: Rush Limbaugh
You petition to join: the cast of "Saturday Night Live"
Their response: they agree, but only if you let them paddle you
You are best remembered for: the way you'd freak out every time someone wanted you to introduce them to Batman
Your heroic level: - 91%
This cool quiz by sigma7 - Taken 15027 Times.
New - Help with love and dating!

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Six [Dec. 9th, 2004|05:51 pm]
[music |Michael Nyman - The Promise]

Several things:

Number, the first: [info]romanyg is the very coolest ever. Which of the many reasons triggered this declaration? Out of the clear blue and the generosity of her heart, she wished me a happy birthday by adding two months of time to my paid LJ. :-D You may all go leave loving messages in her journal to help with the thank yous.

Number, the second: today is my birthday, and I'm being taken to the recently-opened Elephant Bar here in my area for supper. I ate at one in Scottsdale when I was there on business, where they have great food and really fun decor. It's all African-flavored stuff, even though they have all kinds of food. I think mah seester is gonna get Pad Thai, I'm'a get some onion soup and a wedge salad, and we're gonna share. If I'm very lucky, they will make a good mojito, which means they do NOT use spearmint.

Number, the third: yesterday illustrated quite clearly that I read too much fanfic, slashfic in particular. How? Get this:
I was coming down an escalator in the mall when I saw part of a sign that had in big letters - SPANG(and then I couldn't see the rest of the sign til I got further down.) What instantly sprang to mind? Spangel slash, of course. It was actually a sign for Adam Sandler's new movie, Spanglish (which I have no intention of seeing, but still.)

Number, the fourth: Holo-Dek is awesome, and I hope they'll get one in my area asap. Official website.

Number, the fifth: I'm taking tomorrow off instead of today, because:
- I still need to take my floating holiday before the end of the year or lose it
- I have a dentist's appointment (so they can put my permanent crowns on)
and (oh, you'll love this one; and by love I mean envy the hell out of me)
- I have my usual Friday chiropractor appointment (yay Dr. Russell!) BUT - I also get to have a massage this time, on the heated table, provided by my very own wonderful husband. I know, I know. That's jealousy you're feeling. Don't worry, it'll pass. (But confidentially, you can get one too. Just make an appointment.)

Number, the sixth (and then we'll be done): As of today, I have been faithfully going to Curves every Tuesday and Thursday for four solid weeks. As in, working out. Yes, me. I checked into the place a little more than a year ago and liked the idea, but was simply appalled by the fact that they have very inconvenient hours. My work schedule means I do lunch between 2 and 3, and they're closed between 1 and 4. GRRR. I would prefer to work out over lunch, but that's not gonna be possible if I want to do it there, which I do.

They're a place that's designed for folks like me - terribly out of shape and rapidly bored by most work-out facilities. When you work out at Curves, you spend time on weight machines (actually hydraulics - more resistance the faster/harder you work) and on platforms between each machine jogging in place. You do each thing for only 30 seconds at a time, and the whole circuit takes thirty minutes. They have you stop and check your heart rate two or three times in that stretch so you know you're where you need to be, and they have happy bouncy music to keep you moving, and fans to keep you cool. I like it, it works for me. It's not too hard, and I don't end up sore afterwards. I'm sure if I'm faithful it might eventually be too easy (wouldn't that be amazing?) but for now it's exactly what I need.

And yes, I'm going tonight because it is Thursday, even though it's my birthday. I figure that this close to beginning, I don't want to let anything be an excuse for not going, or it'll set a bad precedent.

Hey, look at the time. Gotta go to Curves, then make with the fooding. Catch you fine folks on the flipside. (And extra hugs and love-ons for romanyg one more time.)

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[Dec. 6th, 2004|05:11 pm]
[music | George Winston - Ocean Waves]

The rain just started again. I can hear it, though I can't see the outside from my cube.

This should make the drive home even more fun than usual.

Unless it stops before I leave, in an hour and 15.

*crosses fingers*

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Strat's 12/06 questions [Dec. 6th, 2004|11:19 am]
[mood | sore]
[music |Sounds of Nature - A Tropical Rain Forest]

How responsible do you feel to correct situations that are not, in the end, really your responsibility?
It depends on many things, like how likely it is that I can make a positivie difference, how many people the situation will affect and who they are.

Do you tend to repeat mistakes you've made in the past, or do you tend to learn rapidly from experience?
Depends on the mistake, and how drastic the consequences were. There are mistakes I make because I am blind to the possible outcomes, and mistakes I make because I'm selfish.

"That which redeems, consumes". Discuss
I think redemption (however you define it, whatever you're being redeemed from) is so vital to most people that if they truly believe they can be redeemed, it's a transformative experience. It's something that can so focus a person on the prize that things they previously found important become less so.

What do you want for Christmas?
Something impossible: I want to wake up Christmas morning and find myself the appropriate weight for my height and bone structure, with a little extra strength, flexibility and stamina thrown in as a bonus (and be able to stay that way for the rest of my life with minimal effort.)

Do you get into the "Christmas spirit", or do you just wish for this dreary holiday nightmare to end?
I get unreasonably annoyed at the beginning of the season, simply because it begins way too damn early. I eventually get into the spirit of the thing once I feel it's time to start participating (and not trying to ignore decorations that get put up long before Thanksgiving arrives.)

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Threevil [Dec. 4th, 2004|09:28 pm]
[mood |amazed]

Ok, this is just evil:
Krispy Kreme Bread Pudding with Butter Rum Sauce
Among the ingredients - 2 dozen krispy kreme doughnuts. I guess we can console ourselves with the fact that it contains no cream cheese...

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But truly? My favorite color is pie. [Dec. 3rd, 2004|11:40 am]
[music |George Winston - Ocean Waves]

This one is [info]milander's fault.

Gay or Not Gay?
by tashay17
LJ Name
Favorite Color
Gay or Not Gay?Bi-sexual
Quiz created with MemeGen!
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Must! go home! and bake cookies! [Dec. 1st, 2004|04:05 pm]
[mood | productive]
[music |Pachelbel - Canon In D (Piano version)]

Note to self: bake these soon. Make sure the CookieFiend that lives with you doesn't eat them all, so you can bring some to Val.

Pennyslvania Dutch Soft Sugar Cookies )

This and a couple other cookie recipes found here.

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"If they fail to do that, abandoning gays and drawing nearer to God won’t help them." [Nov. 30th, 2004|06:14 pm]
[music |King's Singers - It Came Upon a Midnight Clear]

Hey husband, this is the article I was talking about: An Uncertain Trumpet

This is the one about why Kerry lost.

And also, this is where the Christmas party is being held.

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[Nov. 29th, 2004|10:50 pm]
[mood | hopeful]
[music |The Family Guy - When You Wish Upon a Weinstein]

I can't even help myself, this idea makes me channel those commercials.


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With Queen Latifah as Auntie Em [Nov. 29th, 2004|05:09 pm]
[mood |delighted]

OMG you guys! The Muppets' Wizard of Oz !!


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Confidential to [info]exobiologist [Nov. 29th, 2004|12:31 pm]
[music |The King's Singers - A British Tar (from HMS Pinafore)]

Master Chief will always save us!

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Meming is love [Nov. 26th, 2004|10:43 pm]
[mood | amused]

Meme train! Meme train!

vegetarian cooking is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator
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Strat's 11/23 questions [Nov. 23rd, 2004|11:52 am]
Do you tend to fix traditional holiday meals on holidays? (ie: turkey for Thanksgiving)
Yes, and I usually make way too much food.

If you dish something out, are you prepared to take it in return?
Definitely, though if I get in over my head I might create a diversion and run.

How much of a punster are you?
I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.

So, what do *you* think the problem with the Drake Equation is? (and yes, I realize some of you have no idea what I'm talking about. Make something up!)
They keep including female ducks, which skews all the results.

Do you itemize your taxes, or just suck it up and take the standard deduction?
Depends on the year.
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A brief moment of amusement on a nasty rainy day [Nov. 23rd, 2004|11:44 am]
[mood | amused]
[music |John Mayer - Only Heart]

A limerick and a joke, because today is gray and dreary and we need such things. (Thanks to [info]grail76 and [info]poshcat for these - go tickle them if you must retaliate.)

A fairy one fine noon
took a lesbian up to his room
but they argued the night
over who had the right
to do what and with what and with whom.


Q: How many perverts does it take to put in a light bulb?
A: Just one, but it takes the entire emergency room to get it out.

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WATCHWOMAN WANT MORE EXPLOSIONS [Nov. 15th, 2004|02:42 pm]
[music |David Arkenstone - Rain]

Ok, cool game. :-) It isn't in English, but you'll get the idea pretty quickly if you play once or twice.

My best in one shot so far is 46, with a best total score of 114.


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So much griping, skip if you don't want to hear it. [Nov. 15th, 2004|10:44 am]
[mood | sore]
[music |David Arkenstone - Jewels of the Night]

Today? Not a good day.
I am three kinds of hurting all at once and I suspect it will take its toll on my patience and temper before the day is out. Want to hear all about it? Thought so.

I had two root canals done on Friday, which meant almost four hours in the chair (my jaw sang my praises after that, I assure you.) I can say that it wasn't as bad as last time - they were very attentive to my comfort and shot me up with new numbstuff anytime it started wearing off. They also brought me a blanket when I got cold, and made sure I had music to listen to on the cd player, to distract me from the horrible drilling sounds. I used the gas this time, which helped me relax and lie still somewhat, though I suspect a higher dose would have done a better job. (One very nice thing was that this time the dental assistant was very very good with the suction-y thing, making sure to get all the particles and stuff before it started going down my throat. That's something I really hated last time.)

So now I have two temporaries in while I await the proper crowns - they get put in on 12/8, the day before my birthday. I was on vicodin and antibiotics all weekend, which made me dopey and didn't fix all the pain (maybe 80%.) However, I didn't want to be on vicodin at work, so I'm just taking the weak version of Naproxen that another doctor prescribed for shark week - just 250mg - since she won't let me take the 500mg as often as I need to (every 6 hours, instead of 8-12.)

And speaking of shark week, that started yesterday morning. Huzzah.

The capper for this Day of Joy is that I slept wrong last night and can hardly turn my head to the left, maybe an inch or two. Made driving into work this morning vast piles of fun, every time I tried to look over my shoulder before changing lanes. Raising my arm to brush my hair was an excercise in not yelping as well.

However, I have to tell you about my genius plan, which worked just as I hoped it would. When I scheduled the Dental Torture, I also scheduled a chiropractor visit for just before. The reason is that I really look forward to getting adjusted - I always feel better afterwards - so having that to look forward to before something I was dreading made it easier. I didn't spend as much time freaking out about the dentist, because I was thinking how nice the adjustment would be. Go me for being Smarty McSmartsalot! (And go Dr. Russell, for doing such a good job.)

So now I am at work with my usual cup of hot cranberry apple tea, which helps warm me because it's always freezing in here. Hope you all had a better last few days than mine.

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Snurched from [info]rapier [Nov. 9th, 2004|12:14 am]
[mood | sleepy]
[music |John Mayer - Daughters]

Creamy memey goodness:

Take whatever writing project you're working on -- nanowrimo, your memoirs, translations from the Book of the Dead, whatever -- and plant your cursor any old where, even if it's in the middle of a word. Drag down about two lines and copy it to your clipboard, even if it's in the middle of a word. Paste it here.

and smiled that little boy smile again.  “Watch the torches, starting with that one.”  He pointed to one almost directly across from where we were.  It flicked out and back on, and then the one next to it did the same thing.

That part's from quite late in the tale, as I'm writing bits and pieces all over the place.  Out of order is fine!  I keep telling my inner editor that, at least...

I am insanely far behind.  If I'd kept up to the minimum number of words per day, I'd have about fifteen thousand.  How many do I really have?

2,237 / 50,000

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NaNoWriMo word update [Nov. 2nd, 2004|03:57 pm]
[music |Wynton Marsalis - The Very Thought of You]

How sad is this? By day two I should have nearly 4000 words. How many do I actually have?

890 / 50,000

For the interested, step one of my snowflake for this tale:
"Do an archaeologist’s dreams of her dead fiancé mean he’s alive, or that she’s going mad?"
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The Halloween Candy Meme [Oct. 31st, 2004|09:41 am]
[mood | satisfied]
[music |Vampire Beavers - Joe Hall & The Continental Drift]

Man, alot of you people are mean and tricksy.  But look!  Posh knows what I like best.  :-)

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul
taerin goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as a leather-clad swashbuckler.
agentscarlett tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
atara gives you 2 purple coffee-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
collie tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!
exobiologist gives you 13 teal passionfruit-flavoured gummies.
grail76 gives you 1 mauve lime-flavoured miniature candy bars.
janedavitt gives you 3 tan watermelon-flavoured gummies.
julietelise tricks you! You get a broken balloon.
poshcat gives you 14 light blue watermelon-flavoured gummy fruits.
rapier tricks you! You get an eraser.
stratagos gives you 10 dark blue root beer-flavoured pieces of chewing gum.
taerin ends up with 42 pieces of candy, two broken balloons, and an eraser.
Go trick-or-treating! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
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Hey look, a meme-train! *leaps* [Oct. 18th, 2004|10:05 am]
[music |Allan Stivell - The Return (Hymn 2)]

Of course I couldn't resist, you all know me better than that by now.

Make with the clickyclicky... )
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