staring the morning shroud.
Concert for Tsunami Relief was amazing! Omg.
I didn't see the encore because my brother's friend is a Sarah h8er and had been drinking/seemed like a possibly belligerent drunk, but omg anyway. It'll be on DVD in three months.
Sum 41 showed! They punked the place up! With spitting and Elvis impersonations! At one point Deryck was conducting the audience's yelling/the rest of the band like an orchestra, and this gent behind us was like "that guy's gotta be gay". And I went "heee". He's such a wee spitfire (Deryck, not stereotype-lovin' guy)! They played all the standards, plus a few things from Chuck (Deryck calling George W. Bush a moron and not swearing about it was eenteresting, and the related song "Moron" was excellent), and "Pain For Pleasure", their alter ego song. Brilliant.
Avril too. I figured out what unsettles me about her: it's not that she's talentless, 'cause I don't think she is, nor that she's fake, because I think she's very sincere and an honest-to-goodness east coast white punk chick, it's that she does nothing with the talent. And the people around her let her think that's all right/force this mediocrity upon her. She could be so much more. Aie. Perhaps an Alanis in the making? Anyway.
And there was Robin Williams (!!!!one) and he was funneh (though he made a First Nations joke that did not go down at all, let alone well), and and. He introduced BNL, who were specTACular. I haven't sung along so loudly nor so well since I saw Matt at the Vogue in...a long time ago. They punked (punkEd, not Punk'd) the place without being punk. Awesome. I really would like to see them do a full show (though they played around eight songs, probably more, which is a lot, considering Sarah only did four before bringing out the encores).
I'm all out of order here, but still excited so leave me alone. Raine Maida didn't come on until Chantal Kreviazuk had done three songs, but oh my. They did "Running to Stand Still" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" acoustic (Hauke says he doesn't think the latter can be done any other way). Rocked me sincerely.
Delerium was also good! The bassist is utterly fuckable. But then, I tend to think that about bassists. It's a very sexy instrument.
Rick Mercer (!) and Brent Butt were quite good as the hosts. When we sat down and I saw the teleprompter, I groaned on the inside and went "oh shit, there goes the night" on the outside. Wasn't too bad. My brother asked both of them to marry him at different points. And this was possible because we got moved from our balcony blue line seats to gd plaza level stageside seats. Beeeeeautiful, people. Absolutely. About four seats from us was the actual side stage area, where all the acts came through on their way up, and where our Hostses with the Mostses did the post-set interviews. So my brother and his friend were of course over at the railing yelling and making gestures and getting shooed back by security. Oy.
Basically we got fifty dollars each more seatage for the cost of two pops and two slices of pizza (we were offered the chance to move while at the concession). Awesome, eh?
It was awesome spectacular amazing sincere and yeah. Cool.
Must go sleep now, I have to do homework tomorrow and go for orientation at the gym.
Current Mood: happy
Current Music: ahead by a century - the tragically hip.