ways in which i am not like you.
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Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 11:17 pm
but you can see the cracks.

I remembered yay!

The thing was that I watched "Tabula Rasa" on freaking Monday, and have had "Goodbye to You" (nooo, not Michelle Branch!) stuck in my head ever since.

Very odd that I didn't remember that when it is the most. Annoying. Thing. Ever.



ps: SPACE changed their daytime schedule around, so now we've got Buffy at noon and original Trek at one (Buffy used to be on at four or five and Trek was on at noon). So now I can watch both my favourite soap operas. Hurray!

pps: I saw a George W. Bush icon that said "my war is pastede on yay!" and I laughed and laughed. With Michelle Branch playing in my head. It is a wonder I haven't tried to buy a shotgun in the last four days.

Current Mood: irritated
Current Music: all because of you - u2.

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Thursday, February 3rd, 2005 06:45 pm
staying right behind in shadow.

Watcha! I passed my final road test yesterday. So now I have no giant green magnet on my car. Yay!


Um. There was something else. Somewhat important. I can't remember what it was. Alas.



Current Mood: working
Current Music: little sister - queens of the stone age.

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Tuesday, February 1st, 2005 02:08 pm
standing on the edge of a broken heart.

Bill C-38, the "Gay Marriage Bill."

I'm all tingly! Just like the gold medal hockey game of the 2000 Winter Olympics.


Current Mood: excited
Current Music: band's reunited: vixen.

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Sunday, January 30th, 2005 02:39 am
staring the morning shroud.

Concert for Tsunami Relief was amazing! Omg.

I didn't see the encore because my brother's friend is a Sarah h8er and had been drinking/seemed like a possibly belligerent drunk, but omg anyway. It'll be on DVD in three months.

Sum 41 showed! They punked the place up! With spitting and Elvis impersonations! At one point Deryck was conducting the audience's yelling/the rest of the band like an orchestra, and this gent behind us was like "that guy's gotta be gay". And I went "heee". He's such a wee spitfire (Deryck, not stereotype-lovin' guy)! They played all the standards, plus a few things from Chuck (Deryck calling George W. Bush a moron and not swearing about it was eenteresting, and the related song "Moron" was excellent), and "Pain For Pleasure", their alter ego song. Brilliant.

Avril too. I figured out what unsettles me about her: it's not that she's talentless, 'cause I don't think she is, nor that she's fake, because I think she's very sincere and an honest-to-goodness east coast white punk chick, it's that she does nothing with the talent. And the people around her let her think that's all right/force this mediocrity upon her. She could be so much more. Aie. Perhaps an Alanis in the making? Anyway.

And there was Robin Williams (!!!!one) and he was funneh (though he made a First Nations joke that did not go down at all, let alone well), and and. He introduced BNL, who were specTACular. I haven't sung along so loudly nor so well since I saw Matt at the Vogue in...a long time ago. They punked (punkEd, not Punk'd) the place without being punk. Awesome. I really would like to see them do a full show (though they played around eight songs, probably more, which is a lot, considering Sarah only did four before bringing out the encores).

I'm all out of order here, but still excited so leave me alone. Raine Maida didn't come on until Chantal Kreviazuk had done three songs, but oh my. They did "Running to Stand Still" and "Bridge Over Troubled Water" acoustic (Hauke says he doesn't think the latter can be done any other way). Rocked me sincerely.

Delerium was also good! The bassist is utterly fuckable. But then, I tend to think that about bassists. It's a very sexy instrument.

Rick Mercer (!) and Brent Butt were quite good as the hosts. When we sat down and I saw the teleprompter, I groaned on the inside and went "oh shit, there goes the night" on the outside. Wasn't too bad. My brother asked both of them to marry him at different points. And this was possible because we got moved from our balcony blue line seats to gd plaza level stageside seats. Beeeeeautiful, people. Absolutely. About four seats from us was the actual side stage area, where all the acts came through on their way up, and where our Hostses with the Mostses did the post-set interviews. So my brother and his friend were of course over at the railing yelling and making gestures and getting shooed back by security. Oy.

Basically we got fifty dollars each more seatage for the cost of two pops and two slices of pizza (we were offered the chance to move while at the concession). Awesome, eh?

It was awesome spectacular amazing sincere and yeah. Cool.

Must go sleep now, I have to do homework tomorrow and go for orientation at the gym.


Current Mood: happy
Current Music: ahead by a century - the tragically hip.

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Friday, January 28th, 2005 05:05 pm
may contain scenes of violence.

I would like to know why, oh why, pub nights are always on Thursdays. Does it have something to do with the definiton of the event? Pub nights for school, pub nights for BIO, yada yada yada (I was recently told that "yada yada yada" should come in the middle of a list or description. I do not care), always on Thursdays.

Also! The next two Rascal's parties are on Fridays. Hauke says it's 'cause they couldn't get the WISE Hall on the Saturday, which is entirely possible. I'm still peeved. Peeved, I say.

However, BIO's party/workshop things are on Saturdays this month and next month, so that's good. Never been there, though. Enter anxiety about new things, etc.

Eh. Have to go to work now. In seven weeks, I'll have worked there exactly one year. It seems not nearly that long. Of course.


ps: 'Kay, so last night we were messing around (not playing, messing around; I find coherent thought pretty much impossible while playing), and I thought, right in the middle, "Now, how am I going to lj this tomorrow?" Wtf, self! W. T. F.

Current Mood: irritated
Current Music: buffy. the halloween one where dawn almost gets date vamped.

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Thursday, January 27th, 2005 08:20 pm
ride it ride it.

'Kay, so, the first time I laughed today was just now, when I checked me e-mail to find a newsletter from Lion Brand Yarn, informing me that I can knit men's ponchos!

Just the right note of absurdity.


Current Mood: amused
Current Music: save me - unwritten law.

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Thursday, January 27th, 2005 08:07 pm
never felt like we should we never did what we ought to.

Today, it has been sixty years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau:
Survivors ask world to remember victims.
Key events leading to the liberation.
Life after Auschwitz.

And because, by God, this world will become a better place: Same-sex legislation likely to be introduced Tuesday.


ps: It's supposed to be Rabbit Hole Day, in celebration of Lewis Carroll's birthday. I don't feel like it.

Current Mood: determined
Current Music: it's been a while since i was your man - matthew good.

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Tuesday, January 25th, 2005 08:22 pm
we were just a good thing we were such a good thing.

quote of the moment:
"The human brain makes up 5% of the body mass and consumes 20% of the oxygen and glucose used by the body. The human brain is a lot like America."

I was over at my parents' tonight before I came to work, and we were watching some show with a wedding or whatever, and my dad looked over at me with these puppy eyes and I was just like, "No." Hell. No. Even more no than the looks he gives me when we're around babies.

Not that I wouldn't like to (wedding, not baby!), just. Eh. Whatever.

And that's about it.


ps: I bought The Killers' Hot Fuss this afternoon and it is the good crack. Yes indeed.

Current Mood: amused
Current Music: midnight show - the killers.

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Monday, January 24th, 2005 01:19 pm
meet me on that corner again and again.

"Either way, most Jewish BDSM adherents don't mind interpreting halachah to their advantage..."

And I say, what else is new? Jews have been interpreting halachah in the most picky, yet convenient ways since, well. Since we've had it, basically. And that's one of the things I like about Judaism.

Article in question: Ties That Bind: is there a hereditary inquisitiveness that leads Jews to bondage?

(Via [info]weirdjews.)

Really going now.


Current Mood: amused
Current Music: lightning is my girl - melissa auf der maur.

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Monday, January 24th, 2005 01:00 pm
now he's back home doing nine to five.

Stupid MuchMoreMusic, doing a thing on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. Now I have that song stuck in my head. Gah! Though it does have cute Will/Jack memories attached.


I'm driving the Sports Night [info]crack_van in February, so, y'know, write some. However! Writing plus bj's friend does not equal rec. Because I'm pretty sure that's against the rules. Telling one's friends to write in the fandom in question might be against the rules too. Probably should be, if it isn't.

I watched A Few Good Men thrice yesterday. Does it show at all?

In unrelated news, have now finished three school assignments on time. Cool, ne? I mean. For a very long time, including high school, the only stuff I handed in on time (if I handed it in at all) was creative writing. Because it's generally extremely easy for me, of course. Other things require work, yuck.

On the other hand, this last assignment was very not-hard, which makes me think I did it wrong (natch!). It's also only two-thirds of a page, single-spaced, when the sheet says it should be at least a page, single-spaced. But it also says to be concise! And I was! It isn't my fault I can condense concepts into one or two words! It's a character flaw!

Which is funny, 'cause. Never mind. Too geeky and irrelevant.

Off to class, yay.


Current Mood: accomplished
Current Music: lady marmalade - yada yada yada.

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Friday, January 21st, 2005 01:17 pm
maybe go on yeah.

Christians issue warning on SpongeBob video. Holy god, people. Get a life! Also, stop appropriating your religion the same way you're accusing this guy of appropriating cartoon characters!

(Via [info]faith_feminists.)

BBC version, linked because yes, the BBC does do it better. Used the CNN link above only because of the caption under the picture of SpongeBob.

Lastly, d'you know what SpongeBob's name is in French? Good, because I'm going to tell you. Bob L'eponge. Yes. Bob the Sponge. Excellent.


ps: I guess this is my outing as a L'eponge fan. Woot.

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: all i wanna do is get off - the dandy warhols

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Thursday, January 20th, 2005 10:18 pm
i say we'll teach you to fight.

Scan my interest list in my userinfo and pick out the one that seems the most odd to you. I'll explain it. Then you post this in your journal so other people can ask you about your interests.

The third part is not mandatory!

interests. because i'm bored and you're lazy. )

Except "fuck therapy" isn't really shared either. If you click on it, mine's the only username to appear.

Back to work!


Current Mood: bored
Current Music: confessions - violent femmes

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Tuesday, January 18th, 2005 07:28 pm
crawl from the cancer to land on your feet.

Well. Got a DVD recorder. It's an RCA DRC8000N. One-fifty plus s&h; from New York. Will be sending them the money (not in money form of course) rather than using the credit card, so I think I can still swing a concert.

Whee! TV again! Yay!

Speaking of which. Since I moved out, I've been watching 6FU on Showcase Sunday nights, and I haven't been commenting on here or anything. This is weird, I know, because normally? I cannot shut up about TV. Anyway, it's s2, and I'm enjoying it thoroughly. I love everybody. Okay, maybe I don't like Brenda with Nate. I mean, she's an awesome character unless Nate is in the same room. Then she is evil and annoying. Blaming it on Peter Krause.

So yes. Primetime weeknight television will once again be entering my life. Yay!


Current Mood: excited
Current Music: strange days - matthew good band

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Tuesday, January 18th, 2005 04:35 pm
are you crazy to want this.

Hm. I just realised that the subject line lyric is, basically, also in "Fell in Love With a Bad Idea". Hm.

Regarding the concert poll: funny how it's been 50/50 since I put the damn thing up, hee. And I still haven't decided which show I'll be seeing. Possibly neither, if I can find a reasonably priced DVD recorder.

Yeah, yeah, supposedly Frankensteining my computer and putting in a tuner would be cheaper, but you know what? Too much trouble. I just don't feel like it. So, guys at work, shut up and leave me alone about it!

Also, I like having shiny silvery/blackish electronic devices. They make me feel affluent.

As for writing, I sent "Dallas" to Or for a read, and she has not gotten back to me. Possibly because I haven't been on aim for like a week. And! I am near to finishing my 1000 Whispers challenge. That's only, what, eight months old? Maybe? And the community has been turned into some strange Christmas challenge thing. Anyway. Yes. It is Nick, he hates Sara, and there's angst. Woot.

Now, I must go and get ready for work. Yay.


Current Mood: cheerful
Current Music: strange days - matthew good band

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Sunday, January 16th, 2005 01:34 pm
saturdays i'm reminded of.

How to repel a vampire if you're Jewish and not a slayer.

I think somebody should write Whedonverse with that. And I think it should not be me.

Waaaah homework is the devil. Omg.

Also, Hauke's daughter is starting to go through the whole "zits! I am ugly!" thing. Which I don't remember having a concrete beginning, but she didn't act like she was a toadstool with particularly gruesome warts last time she was here (two weeks ago).

And he's all "she's too young for this!" and I'm all "dude, I got my period when I was ten. Relax." Thankfully, he didn't pull the "yes, and look how normal you turned out" card.

Finally, I am supposed to be watching the (American) football game(s) so I can tell him what happens. Yeah right. I'll take the punishment, thanks.


PS: The song title is tooooo loooooong for the wee text box. "Ex-Pats of the Blue Mountain Symphony Orchestra" and it is good.

Current Music: ...blue mountain symphony orchestra - matthew good.

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Thursday, January 13th, 2005 09:18 pm
charge and spike your heavy guns 'cause that ain't no kind of belief.

Sarah Slean on March 15 at Dick's on Dicks. This is a Tuesday. So I'd be taking the night off work. However, Sleater-Kinney on February 26 at the f'n Commodore. Which is a Saturday. They're both seventeen-fifty.


Poll #418193 The Great Concert Debate
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Feminist Indie Rock vs. Canadian Girl With Piano!

View Answers

8 (61.5%) 8 (61.5%)

Sarah Slean.
5 (38.5%) 5 (38.5%)

If you read the names out loud really fast, you get dizzy. I do, anyway.

Or, I really really need something to do. Perhaps will go do some reading for school. Yes. Seriously, I have nothing actually work-related to do. eta: Now I do. Yay.


ps: This is important, because I waffled on seeing Hot Hot Heat this weekend, and now it's sold out. Both shows. At. The. Media. Club. Dammit.

Current Mood: indecisive
Current Music: empty road - matthew good

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Wednesday, January 12th, 2005 09:15 pm
take my photo off the wall if it just won't sing to you.

Absolutely disgusting. Or, it's now legal in Ninth Circuit states to fire a woman for not wearing make-up (if make-up is part of her "uniform"). I think. Does the ruling make it legal, or is it non-binding? In Canada, it'd be a law.

In other news, North Bennet Street School has a full-time, accredited bookbinding program. Yum. *covets*

Pros: bookbinding! What I'm assuming is something like a diploma! In bookbinding!
Cons: it is in Boston. Which is not in and of itself a bad thing, but yeah. Boston is very far away from here. In a different country, even. Also, it costs about twenty-five grand American, and it's fulltime, right, which means most of the money would have to be saved up front. Et cetera.

And I've been looking pretty seriously at UofT's Sexual Diversity Studies program as well. The decision is basically: a lifelong dream (books!) or intense self-interest (SDS). Hee.

Anyway. This is a thinly-veiled gip. That is, in fact, my actual school. The lovely and recently remodelled New Westminster campus of Douglas College. The caption is a quote from Alice in Wonderland:

"I couldn’t afford to learn it," said the Mock Turtle with a sigh. "I only took the regular course."
"What was that?" inquired Alice.
"Reeling and Writhing, of course, to begin with," the Mock Turtle replied; "and then the different branches of Arithmetic--Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision."
"I never heard of 'Uglification,'" Alice ventured to say.

That is all I have to say about that.


Current Mood: discontent
Current Music: look what you've done - jet

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Tuesday, January 11th, 2005 08:17 pm
i want a god who stays dead not plays dead.

So my metamorphosis challenge title for Sports Night is "April is the Cruellest Month" (which is the first line of the poem in question), so I reread The Wasteland for inspiration. I'm not sure what direction I'm going to take the challenge, even. I could go for the correction remix, and put in all the stuff everybody wishes had been included (as far as canon allows--I wouldn't have Dan and Casey start making out in the hallway or anything). For example, Dan apologises too, and Casey actually apologises, Jeremy apologises to Natalie for lying to her--and there's of course a bunch of stuff I can't remember because I haven't watched it in about a million years.

Or, I could go for the oppositional remix, and change the outcome--Casey doesn't show up (though it's been done in every single "five things" story ever), or Dan doesn't; Natalie and Jeremy get back together that very night. Et cetera.

Or, I could not write anything at all. I could make a painting or something. I could write a poem. Do a soundtrack (mmmsoundtrack).

And I really really want to do my HP and Everwood ones, too. "Backfire" and "The Last of Summer", respectively. But SN is the biggie, I think. Because I have these ungrappleable love/hate relationships with the episode and the poem. And I don't even have "The Last of Summer" available for rewatch (*weep*).

I don't know. I'm all in a tizzy. Stupid challenge.


ps: Icon for use when I am at work. It's from one of our t-shirts. Yay corporate cult!

Current Mood: artistic
Current Music: neitsche - the dandy warhols

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Tuesday, January 11th, 2005 01:55 pm
take me to the shore.

Okay. I've decided to do the fifty books challenge thing.

Only have one book so far. But I'm going to the library at school on Thursday and hopefully I'll be able to pick up something interesting. Maybe they'll even have a used sale. Mmmusedbooks.

george carlin. when will jesus bring the pork chops? )

Back to it. I'm writing, yay!


Current Mood: blah
Current Music: vermilion - matthew good band

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Tuesday, January 11th, 2005 12:24 am
how can you love jove drusilla and forsake rome.

I had an interesting thought while reading the responses to this post at [info]weirdjews.

I'm Canadian, a nationality traditionally thought to define itself based on what it is not rather than what it is.

ie: Canadian means not-American.

I live as a noachide, a follower of Judaism without a formal conversion. Jews are, in modern times, often forced to define themselves based on what their religion/culture is not rather than what it is.

ie: Judaism is not-Christianity.

Like (and I swore I wasn't going to make this into a big thought processy post, but there ya go), if I were a follower of Christianity without a formal converstion, most Christians would just say I'm a Christian. But that's not how Judaism works (Reconstructionism doesn't require a lot of the rituals and acts that the other denominations do, but one does at least have to be attending shul regularly, and I have done so a grand total of one time). Yeah.

I just had the thought. Though, of course. I chose to be a noachide, and I totally didn't choose to be Canadian. So.

This bears much more thinking upon. But I am still at work and I should probably do some of that.



Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: we're so heavy - matthew good

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