Life According to Duane

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24th November 2004


©2004 Duane Finley Artist

©Duane Finley Artist
12:31pm: ***

Holy cotton socks, Batman! Look! It's a UFO!

Just kidding...
12:25pm: ***

So, I did some photography... )
8:34am: I just woke up and mades some coffee. I have a few repairs to do today. I kind of just goofed off yesterday. Well, I cleaned up a little and ordered some supplies. I'll have to leave early to take Miss Easy Listening to her doctor's appointment. It'll be a light but busy day, with a lot of running around. At least I won't have to do grocery shopping. Mr Moneybags bought the whole feast and we're all going up to his house in Alpine. It should be fun.

I need to get in the shower and get going.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Happy birthday, [info]rosielavie!

23rd November 2004


©2003 Duane Finley Artist
9:11am: I slept in this morning until 8 AM. I have a bunch of repairs to do today. Yesterday, I heard that the Vicoden Queen got ECTs (Electro Convulsive Therapy). Yes, they still practice this archaic form of medicine. But now, they put them under general anesthesia. The lights were on, but no one was home. She didn't recognize anyone. This is what the modern medical science community does with severe depression that doesn't respond with drugs. This is so wrong! Making swiss cheese out of people's heads isn't the answer.

22nd November 2004

8:40pm: Alternator
Finally, finally, finally, finally I replace my alternator today. Mr Moneybags talked me into it last night. I had been putting it off for way too long. It's a luxury to be able to drive around at night, with headlights, even. Then I went to pick up a check from the sex doll factory. Mr Sex Doll had forgotten to tell them about the check, so the girls had to call him. The secret wasn't a secret anymore. Everyone knew about the neon sign. I was told his wife loved it. I also picked up a couple of brochures, just for shits and giggles. The brand name of the product is Real Doll and they cost $6500 a pop.They also make a male sex doll now.

After that, I went over to my parent's house to do the birthday thing. They're doing well. I had dinner over there and my Mom had made me a cake. It's funny though: My Dad started a tradition of singing the birthday some as horrible as possible. The whole family's talented and has perfect pitch. It's too funny!

I finally got home at 7, or so. I'm kind of tired. It's been chilly out at night, but the days warm up pretty good. I actually turned on the heater last night for a little while.

Oh yeah. This morning I made up a little sign of the rules for the laundry room for the landlords They were happy about it. Our rent was the only one that didn't go up, so I guess it doesn't hurt to brown nose the landlord a little. Now I just need to get rid of the parade of homeless around here. The landlord has been complaining about the water bill and we know that it's the homeless that are taking showers up at the Plant Lady's apartment. I'll probably just talk the landlord into surveylance cameras and hook them up to the internet, so that he can see what's going on around here. That should take care of things.

21st November 2004

8:22pm: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
That movie came on, for a second night in a row. Now, I'm sitting here, with my serapi, my hat and my cigar, whistling the theme song.

whootle whootle whooo


Damn, this cigar's good!
7:16pm: Stormy Start
I woke to my cell phone alarm at 5 AM. I wasn't feeling so well. So, I reset it to 6. Then I reset it to seven. Right around 6:30, the storm hit. Lightening and thunder. I got up and mad some coffee. I didn't dare turn on the computer. I've had a bad experience with lightening and computers. I was on the road by 7:30.

More )
6:48pm: 45

I cleaned Miss Easy Listening's house yesterday morning and watered her yard. I got there kind of late. I didn't get out of there until 2:30 PM Here's some shots from Morena Blvd, of Mission Bay, as I was driving home:

More... )

19th November 2004

6:42pm: Terminal Birthday

Pictures from the day )
7:29am: Forgot to get coffee beans.

Nuking yesterday's coffee.

The stars are bright
chicken delight
deep in the town
of Texas

~A quote from Poncho Villa, a couple of days ago...

Must go to the shop now.

Ziggy played guitar.

Life is like trying to play with a yoyo on a roller coaster.

18th November 2004

8:15pm: Bonita Vista ala 78 y 5

So, I did some photography... )
3:38pm: around the shop

more... )
9:27am: Norse o fhere

So, I did some photography... )
6:51am: I'm up early again. It's another big push for Mr Sex Doll's project. I went to bed kind of early last night. Sacramento called, right before I was about to go to sleep. I let it go to voice mail. I didn't feel like being kept up, as she's done before. I'll call her today, sometime. Things have settled down around here. The back yard is pretty well cleaned up, after my rampages. The Plant Lady thinks I've been doing too many drugs. I'll just let her think I'm crazy. It's an old Celtic trick. She's the one on drugs. She's going down the same road as Miss Ritz. There's also a lot of traffic from her apartment, and it aggrivates the neighbors downstairs. I think it's a matter of time before they are evicted. I'm tired of the parade of homeless around here. There are reasons they are all homeless: First, is meth. Second, is that they think that cocktail hour is at 7 AM. Third, is that they really don't want to work and even if they did get a job, they would fail the drug test. Why work, when you can get free money on the offramps and the street corners, by looking pathetic and holding up a sign, made out of a raggedy piece of cardboard?

17th November 2004

4:53pm: Yeah, it was kind of a bad day. My vendor sent me a mixed batch of glass. I ended up with a bunch of two tone letters. It's not apparent when the glass isn't lit. The phosphors look the same. I had to hook them up to the vacuum maninfold, one by one, to find all of the wrong colors. It ended up being about $300 damage. I called up the vendor and they felt bad and made good on the deal. They sent me replacement glass and gave me a $300 credit. I'm glad they did. I called up Mr Sex Doll and told him what had happened. He was understanding. I've got a couple of more days to work on it.

I'm tired. I don't think I got enough sleep last night.
9:50am: Bad Morning

So, I did some photography... )
6:14am: I'm up early. I'm waiting for it to get light enough to drive without my headlights. I'm tired. Drinking coffee. I'm a little stressed from being behind.

16th November 2004

7:51pm: Picture Day
I didn't get done what I wanted to get done today. It was a day of interruptions. So I think I'll just post the pictures I took today. A couple, I took from the shop. The rest were on the way home.

All work safe )
6:40am: I'm up early, but not as early as I planned. I'm going to attempt to finish Mr Sex Doll's project today.
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