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The Inane Ramblings of DrewMG Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Assistant to the Regional Manager" journal:

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January 21st, 2005
03:45 pm
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New userpic. Inspired by Jana!

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03:22 pm
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Videogames tonight?


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09:17 am
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I bought a 4-pack of extreme toothpaste last night. Crest Whitening Expressions, I believe it's actually called. It has Mint, Citrus, Vanilla, and Cinnamon. I tried Vanilla this morning, and it was awesome. I expected disgust, I got awesome.

Molly and I hung out last night, watching movies, painting, and eating pizza. It was a good time. I started my newest pixel painting last night, and it's gonna be awesome.

I'm debating leaving early today, because the upcoming vacation I'm taking is making every work day seem like an eternity. And I can't leave early next week on Mon. or Tues because we're having very important guests in the office, and I need to be here.

I want to play video games tonight. Does anyone want to come over and play video games with me?

Update: Willpower prevails. A regular exit-time for today, please.

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January 20th, 2005
03:13 pm
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What the hell ever happened to these:

While we're on the subject, why was everyone so crazy about them to begin with?

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09:45 am
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I went up to Gamers last night and ran into Larisa Hines. I have not seen or talked to her in ages.

Anyway, I got $240 in trade credit for the stuff I traded in yesterday. Considering I didn't expect more than $70, I was pretty taken aback by that number.

So here's what I bought: )

Man, this is just the slowest week ever. COME ON, WEEK!

6 days.

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January 19th, 2005
08:16 am
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Last night was just lovely as I met up with Marissa at the Kona Grill for dinner. We ordered sushi to split between the two of us, and it was just wonderful. Absolutely delicious. I don't understand why almost universally, no older people I know like sushi, but lots of younger people do. Is it trendy? I dunno, but I love the stuff. I think I ate a bit too much, because later that night, my stomach was starting to feel a lil' bit of wrath.

Anyways, after the meal, we went to see The Life Aquatic.

I'm headed over to Gamers tonight to sell the stockpile. If anyone else wants to lay claim to one of the items I'm selling, email me and make me an offer.

Ginger Altoids are rad.

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January 18th, 2005
10:21 pm
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Tomorrow, all this becomes trade credit. )

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02:32 pm
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The funniest thing I've read in days
Stolen blatantly from McSweeneys.


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01:18 pm
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Man, all this exclusive contract stuff for sports video games has me jumping up and down like my favorite team is running toward the end zone to put the game within a field goal.

EA gets NFL
EA gets ESPN

But now, Take Two gets MLB? And maybe BB sims? That'd be okay with me, as long as the playing field is a little easy. Maybe Take Two can get the Sports Illustrated license.

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08:50 am
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Have any of you fellow IT people used Norton Ghost before? Can someone who's familiar with it answer a few questions for me?

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07:34 am
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Something occured to me last night.

I don't like video games nearly as much as I used to. I know this will come as a shock to people who get sick of seeing me post about them every week.

There was a time when I could sit down and play a video game for the entire night. I would kill a night really easy. Now I'm lucky if I get 30 minutes in before I'm just bored of it. I mean, sure there have been times in the past year where I've been really into a game, and playing it night and day, but that's more out of some kind of assumed responsibility ("man, I really should have finished the new Zelda game a LONG time ago.") then because I'm DYING to play it.

So in that light, I've decided to make a bit of a change. I went through my video game collection last night, and decided to get rid of about 30% of it.
What's going:
Nintendo 64 + 3 controllers
about 14 N64 games
Sega Genesis + 3 controllers
about 8 10 Genesis games
about 12 PS2/Xbox/Gamecube games
about 6 Dreamcast games
about 5 GBA games
Generic DDR Pad

What does that leave me with?

Nintendo Gamecube + 6 Controllers
About 20 Gamecube games
MS Xbox + 3 controllers
about 8 Xbox games
Sony PS2 + 3 controllers
about 5 PS2 games
NES + 2 controllers + light gun
about 20 NES games
SNES + 2 controllers
about 13 SNES games
Sega Dreamcast + 4 controllers + 2 maracas sets
about 5 Dreamcast games
Gameboy Advance
about 10 GBA games
2 DDR Pads

So there we have it. Dunno how much I'm gonna get for it, but I'm hoping over $50 so I can get a new Gamecube game with it. Something I'll want to keep, and not just get rid of 6 months down the road.

me? me. )

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January 17th, 2005
02:22 pm
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Ben Folds, eh? Never heard of him
Songs for Silverman is supposedly the name of the new Ben Folds LP hitting stores (supposedly) in March or April.

I like the name. It's simple, alliterate, and keeps with the whole "working peoples names into song titles" thing he has going on.

In other news, I saw Harold and Kumar this weekend, finally. Chatted on the phone with [info]greyseal on both Saturday and Sunday. Went to the inaugural meeting of [info]bookclubomaha. Threw two pots on Derek's new pottery wheel. Went to Open Mic on Sunday at Micks, where I ran into [info]fotoman311 from my high school, who I haven't seen in ages.

Good luck to [info]ebef on her job interview in Atlanta.

9 days.

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11:59 am
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Those of you who are at work today, or whose regular schedule has not changed because of MLK day, please help me in keeping ourselves entertained when all of the people we regularly chat/email/LJ with are off today. We can get through this together!

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07:34 am
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Landslide Baby by Beulah is officially my new favorite song. It is the most rockingest rock song I have rocked out to in quite some time.

Congratuations, Landslide Baby. I look forward to rocking out to you for quite some time to come.

Here's the lyrics for all you people who like reading lyrics.

Landslide Baby )

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January 14th, 2005
01:03 pm
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I was looking around on Insound and I found a thing called the Cranky Sales Guy. He recommends you music based on what you like, and acts rudely toward you, to fully simulate the experience of a real music store. :) I asked for recommendations based on Ben Folds, Beulah, and Rilo Kiley, and this was his response:

"Hi Andy Goergen

Even though it pains me to think that someone like you is even allowed to purchase music at all, I will recommend the following artists in hopes that you get a clue:

ben kweller

neko case


For risking your pride and submitting a request to me, I'll reward you with a 10% off coupon for your next order at insound. Enter the coupon code below during checkout for the savings. You're welcome."

Cute. :) Anyone heard any Neko Case or Marbles? I've heard of Neko Case, but I've never even heard of The Marbles.

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12:38 pm
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I'm having a board game party tonight with my former roommates, but I have a feeling that board games will probably not be played for very long, because there might be a few more people there than I had planned on. Much to my (lack of) surprise, Ryan's not coming. The least he could have done was to reply to my emails. It's not like he's an invalid or anything. Frustrating.

I'm going to take my laptop back to Nebraska Furniture Mart today for some more repairs. Also, I will go to Dick Blick and get some more Art Supplies for my new hobby. I'm really excited about moving forward on some new, more complicated projects!

Yeah, so my cell phone bill was over $100 this month. All because of text messages. I have a plan where I pay 3.99 a month for 500 messages (sent and recieved). Well, I ended up with over 1000 messages this month total. In addition to my plan, I was charged $5.50 for recieved messages, and about $27.50 for sent messages. OUCH.

Last but not least, I am *FINALLY* about 50 pages from the end of A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin, a book I have been reading since July.

Current Music: The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (Power Out(

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08:59 am
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Pootie Poot?!!
I am the LAST person to be posting links to CNN stories on the president...


GGGGAAAHHH..... this makes my brain melt.

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January 13th, 2005
08:38 am
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I posted this as a comment in [info]lucydenyes's journal, when she asked for 10 songs that had historical importance to us personally for a mix CD she was making. I put more effort into my comment than I had anticipated, so I am going to post it as a separate entry.

From Lish's LJ: Ok! I'm in the mood to pick your brain. I want you to give me 10 songs that you associate with something or reminds you of a certain event. I'm getting ready to create "Top 20 Songs of My Life" chart, so this is a way to warm up. I will post mine as soon as I get home from work. GO!

My response:
In chronological order, as to not give any more importance over another:

1. Live - Pain Lies on the Riverside. I got into Live when I was a Freshman in high school, and this was one of a few songs I listened to incessantly when me and my first girlfriend (Jenny) split up. I particularly remember taking a school trip down to Worlds of Fun, and listening to this song several times on the bus.

2. Nirvana - Lithium. Pretty much the same as above. I went through my one and only goth/emo phase during the two months that Jenny and I weren't dating from late March till early May in 1995. I actually wrote a "lyrically goth" version of this song that scared off one of my friends. Hahaha.

3. NIN - Hurt. The only NIN song I ever really much cared for, because it's so damned depressing. I listened to this song (once again) when Jenny and I split up my Junior year. I listened to this song a lot on a road trip with my family from Omaha, NE to Virginia Beach, VA. Also listened to on that road trip, "I Wish" by Skee Lo.

4. Skee Lo - I Wish. I first started listening to this song on a road trip with my family to Virginia Beach, but later on I was singing it at a party, and a girl who would soon by my girlfriend (Rhianna) later cited that as the moment when she decided she wanted to be with me.

5. Jewel - You Were Meant For Me. When Jenny and I started dating again my senior year, I was REALLY starting to get into Jewel. This still remains one of my favorite songs ever, and is easily the best tune she ever recorded. I sat in my car and listened to this before school. Also, later on when dating Rhianna, she recorded a "Karaoke" version of this at Worlds of Fun and gave it to me on a tape.

6. Barenaked Ladies - One Week. Before I became a big Barenaked Ladies fan, I really really really loved this song. Rhianna bought me the album (or rather bought it for herself, didn't like it, and gave it to me), and I listened to it a lot on the drive between Omaha and Wayne, where I went to college. My first semester in college, I wrote a parody of this song called "One Month in the Life of a Freshman" and emailed it to some people. Before I knew it, it was in the student paper, and people from back home where talking to me about it like I'd just written a best seller. I couldn't walk down the halls of my old high school without people I didn't even know telling me that they loved my version of One Week.

7. Ben Folds Five - Narcolepsy. Narcolepsy wasn't the first Ben Folds Five song I fell in love with, but it was the song that was playing the moment I decided I loved the band and they were going to stick around in my top 5 all time favorite bands. I had made a mix CD of Ben Folds Five songs on a whim for a 4 hour drive from Lincoln, NE to Ames, IA. The second time I played the CD straight through, it was dark out, I was in the middle of nowhere, IA, and I hit track 10: Narcolepsy. When the climax of the song hit, I was literally rendered speechless. One of my favorite moments in college.

8. Ben Folds Five - Song for the Dumped. Later that night (the night of #7) I arrived in Ames, IA and immediately put on my Ben Folds Five mix CD so that my friends who I was visiting could listen. Sometime during the evening, my ex GF (Rhianna) called up the friend I was visiting (she always had a crush on him) and while she was on the phone, and because I was very intoxicated, I turned the mix CD to Song for the Dumped, and began to sing it very loudly over the phone to Rhianna. First night I ever got really really drunk.

9. Ben Folds - The Ascent of Stan. In July of 2001, I'd heard wind that Ben was putting out a solo album, and I stumbled across the songs on Morpheus. I downloaded and listened to the songs, but I decided to keep a few songs off of my computer so that when I bought the album, I would at least have SOMETHING new to listen to. As a result, The Ascent of Stan is the only new Ben Folds song I heard on September 11, 2001, and will forever remind me of that crazy day.

10. Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah. In 2001, I was enamored by someone I'd never met, and she introduced me to this song. I fell in love with it, and listened to it a lot that fall.

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07:45 am
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Because it's all the rage, and everybody's doing it, I updated my MySpace profile.

Search for me by full name or by email using agoergen {AT] gmail {DOT] com.

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January 12th, 2005
02:16 pm
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Last night, I bought this album for 6.99 used at Homers:

Yoko by Beulah.

It's a great album, and I'm starting to really really like this band.

I also went to Gamers and spent about 38 bucks on the following things:
Final Fantasy I&II;: Dawn of Souls for Gameboy Advance
Dragon Warrior I : NES
Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt : NES

Retro = Awesome.

In other news that you don't care about, I cleaned off my desk at work today, and I am now listening to Modest Mouse. It's nice to sit at a desk that isn't completely cluttered.

And now, I would like to take some ideas for old video game characters to put on a painting. Here's the ones I'm thinking of.

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