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[24 Nov 2004|12:08pm]
[ mood | nearly turkeyfied ]
[ music | Dianogah - Spiral Bound (mp3) ]

I begin with a random link. Larry Powell should totally replace Dan Rather. Here's why.

Today's Dynamics test went moderately okay. I had no idea had to do the first problem (I thought that things involving the geostrophic wind equation were only supposed to be on exam two. I guess that I [along with the rest of the class, judging from the reactions of people I talked to] didn't get that memo), but the other four went swimmingly. I only made two stupid mistakes that I can recall, so it should be fine.

I got a 107 on my Astronomy test. It's worth noting that of the eight people (out of 60-something enrolled in the class) who bothered to show up, four were meteorology majors.

And speaking of being a meteorology major, is it really that obvious? A conversation I had this morning with some random girl while waiting for the bus to show up:

Random Girl: It sure is a lot colder today than it was yesterday!

[info]monica: Yeah, thank the front that came through yesterday for it. That's what all the rain was about yesterday.

Random Girl: Yeah... so what, are you a meteorology major or something?

[info]monica: As a matter of fact, I am.

In other news, it turns out that my Math class was cancelled after all. So I will eat lunch and head off to Dallas for my glorious Thanksgiving weekend! One good thing about have all my tests before Thanksgiving is that I have no homework over the break. Yay.

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Random Observation [23 Nov 2004|06:03pm]
It should be noted (why, I don't know) that there are two songs that appear on Blender Magazine's 50 Worst Songs of All Time list as well as Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time List. They are:

Simon and Garfunkel - "The Sound of Silence" (#42 worst, #156 best), and;
The Doors - "The End" (#26 worst, #328 best)

Ok. Now I really have to study.
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[23 Nov 2004|03:46pm]
[ mood | rainy ]
[ music | KD Lang - Constant Craving (mp3) ]

We had some heavy rain with strong winds today. I took my camera out to the porch.

If you're into this kind of thing, here's a few more... )

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[23 Nov 2004|07:41am]
[ mood | registered ]
[ music | Cream - White Room (mp3) ]

You know, you'd think that by the time I got to my last semester of registration I'd be able to get all the classes I want without a problem.

Instead of Self Defense, I am presently enrolled in the Step Aerobics PE because, well, Self Defense is full at this time. I'll have to keep an eagle eye on it, though, because it looks like some spots might open up. We shall see.

In other news, fifty points of answerable bonus on an Astronomy test kicks ass. Of course, it'd be about ten times better if that happened on my Dynamics test tomorrow. Unfortunately, I don't see that occuring.

Oh well. :)

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[info]stevenharper: why he sucks... er... is okay [21 Nov 2004|12:31am]
[ mood | stevenharper-ed ]
[ music | Pinetop Seven - The Fear Of Being Found (mp3) ]

1) He was on Jeopardy.
2) He knows the names of all the members of Air Supply, much to [info]quixotic's dismay.
3) We apparently have the same pair of flaming Airwalks, though I've never seen him wear them.
4) His Mitch Hedberg impression rules. In fact, he's a generally witty guy.
5) He puts up with my bland food choices.
6) He has/had a copy of MATLAB on his computer.
7) I think he realizes that when the weather is bad, it means that I'm not controlling it that day.
8) He picks me up on the way to Austin, making the trip far more interesting than if I were going there by myself.
9) He's good to his brother [info]smo0chy.
10) He's very generous and thoughtful. Damn. I might have killed my reputation by saying that.

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Why [info]becca_dallas is rawkin'. [21 Nov 2004|12:18am]
[ mood | becca_dallas-tastic ]
[ music | The Court & Spark - Rooster Mountain (mp3) ]

1) She's random comment girl.
2) She has the ability to talk people into most anything. Ask Nino.
3) She two steps better than I do, not that it's hard to do.
4) She doesn't seem to let anything get her down.
5) She's a good singer.
6) She has way more rhythm than a white girl should be allowed to have. ;)
7) She's a licensed massage therapist. I mean, come on.
8) She's one of the friendliest, most outgoing people I've ever met.
9) She's from League City, home of the Houston/Galveston NWS.
10) I always have way too much fun when she's around.

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reasons why [info]ladydilee kicks ass: [20 Nov 2004|11:26am]
[ mood | ladydilee-ed ]
[ music | The Prodigy - Hot Ride (on launchcast!) ]

1) We survived Dr. Fulling's class together. In fact, that's how we met. She sat down next to me and started talking about some History class she was going to drop.
2) She's an excellent cook... especially her fajitas. Mmm... fajitas.
3) She introduced me to the world of Harry Potter by buying me the first book (and later, books 2,3 and 4)
4) She's in Germany right now. Through her entires, I can sort of feel like I'm there.
5) Her family had me over for Easter, and we had really good food and hunted for easter eggs. Mine was very well hidden.
6) She shared a room with me in the dorms for a whole year and survived! Even with me talking in my sleep and everything. (We were so far from each other, then!)
7) Her name has two ns.
8) One time, she made me a pen and a pencil for my birthday. Those were really cool. And she tends to be very thoughtful in general.
9) She's the first friend I made here at A&M.; I was starting to worry after it seemed that everyone who talked to me wanted me to go to their church. She showed me that yes, cool people do go to A&M.;
10) I'm looking forward to when she comes back to the US. The apartment isn't the same without her.

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Why [info]coevorden2 is super-dee-duper: [19 Nov 2004|05:05pm]
[ mood | coevorden2-ated ]
[ music | Radiohead - Just (on launchcast!) ]

1) He's an excellent cook.
2) He turns into a squash sometimes.
3) He has better fashion sense than Phil Collins.
4) He avoids the Ho-hos.
5) He fills me in on all the Geography department gossip.
6) He's not that bad looking. :P
7) He acts like my jokes are funny.
8) He's a happy magic GIS master.
9) He's making me sweet potatoes this weekend.
10) His brother is DJ Spinlock. Come on!

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Why I'm proud to be related to [info]quixotic: [19 Nov 2004|04:59pm]
[ mood | quixotic ]
[ music | Poole - Ovalteen (on launchcast!) ]

1) She put up with me in the womb.
2) She's fighting for my civil liberties, so I don't have to.
3) Her sister kicks ass.
4) She's the best writer I know.
5) She's really hot.
6) She does little things to let me know she cares, like letting me tag along when she interviewed Chris Heinbaugh.
7) She kissed Elvis Costello.
8) She puts up with my inane babbling.
9) She also kissed Douglas Coupland and Mo Rocca.
10) She's my best friend, the person who understands me the most, and is probably the person in the world that I most respect.

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Why [info]hyz is superb. [19 Nov 2004|04:50pm]
[ mood | hyz-ified ]
[ music | Dar Williams - Southern California Wants to be Western New York (on launchcast!) ]

1) She lives in New York. What can I say?
2) I do believe that she's left handed.
3) Her army of clouds is almost as vast as mine.
4) She's the coolest Republican I know. Well, other than my dad, of course.
5) Her icons rock.
6) She's on Mock Trial. I was on Mock Trial. Coincidence?
7) Her hair is better than mine. That's hard to do. Okay, maybe not hard.
8) She has good taste in science teachers who play guitar.
9) I have a very hard time believing that she's still in high school. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she was making the whole thing up.
10) I'm voting Rivers/Williams in 2024.

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"...and that's why it's a wiggle." [19 Nov 2004|03:36pm]
[ mood | dreamy ]
[ music | They Might Be Giants - Meet James Ensor (on launchcast!) ]

Yesterday, I woke up thinking it would be an excellent idea to join the Army. Then I realized that the Army wasn't as happy-go-lucky as it was in the dream I was having.

Today, I woke and had no feeling in my right arm because of the way I was sleeping. You think my body would get the hint and, you know, roll over or something.

My Math test today went well. I don't think I pulled the 97 I did last time (because there was one integral in particular that I was not able to crank out because my knowledge of Trig identities is apparently not what it should be. Then again, I thought I was being tested over my knowledge of the theory of Partial Differential Equations...), but the grade should be fine.

This weekend: today I'm going to work on some homework and then eat dinner and go to services with [info]coevorden2. We'll likely do something after services, but I don't know what. Tomorrow I'll be doing a lot of studying during the day so I can go to Sven's Thanksgiving-before-thanksgiving party that evening. Ok, that isn't the official name, but that's what I'm calling it. Sunday will be fully devoted to studying. Why? Because Monday is my Astronomy test and Wednesday is my Dynamics test.

But soon those tests wil be over, and I'll be able to go home for a few days. It's been way too long.

And it's been way too long since I've put some stupid meme on my journal. Here goes! This one was stolen from the great [info]quixotic:

1. Reply to this post if you'd like me to tell you how cool I think you are!

2. Watch my journal over the next few days for a post just about you and why I think you rule the school.

3. Post these instructions in your journal and pass it on.

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Random photos [18 Nov 2004|01:15pm]
[ mood | photographed ]
[ music | Barenaked Ladies - Barenaked for the Holidays ]

I brought my camera with me today.

Nothing too exciting, I promise. )

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"For a second there, I thought you said Chastity Bono was going to be appearing with Schwarzenegger!" [16 Nov 2004|09:43pm]
[ mood | neato ]
[ music | Van Halen - Right Now (mp3) ]

There's finally time for a real update. It's been a few days.

The soup was quite successful, I must say. I let it simmer for five hours and got the flavors just right, and it seemed to be a hit. It was nice to see people getting seconds: the sign of a job well done (or bowls that are too small). That evening I went with [info]seasleepy, [info]coevorden2, [info]zaithat, and [info]alex_is_green to see South Austin Jug Band and Sidehill Gougers at 3rd Floor Cantina. Pictures are here if you missed my 3am entry a couple of nights ago. Sidehill Gougers were good, SAJB was excellent. If you like bluegrass at all, give them a shot. 3rd Floor Cantina is a fun place to do people watch. All in all, an excellent time (except I was very tired by the end of it!)

I tried to get Schwarzenegger tickets yesterday, but to no avail. They were supposed to go on sale at 11am. I got there at 1120 and they'd been out of them for fifteen minutes. Apparently people camped out and they started selling them early. I guess I don't get to hear Ahnold say "Gig 'em, Aggies!" after all. Such is life.

I've written four pages of the rough draft of my paper for Tropical. I just have one more section and the conclusion to write tomorrow. It's been shockingly painless to write because, well, it's not the final copy, so I don't have that pressure on me. Since she's going to read the thing and comment, I'm asking for her opinion in certain places (e.g., "Should I put this example in, or do you think it's trivial?" or "I don't like this topic sentence. Any suggestions?"). I'm taking advantage of the opportunity, see, because I really need to do well on this if I want to have any chance of making an A in the class.

I thought this Math test was going to be quite a bit more difficult than the last one (which was pretty easy, I must say), but from the looks of the review, that may not be the case. He decided to omit a section that I was having a lot of trouble with; I assume the rest of the class was having a similar problem. I think the tests seem so easy compared to the lecture because almost everything we talk about in lecture is strictly from a theoretical standpoint, and then he finally breaks out the numbers for the review. Numbers are good. Hopefully this test will follow the review as much as the last one did.

And finally, there's a chance we'll be getting a fourth roommate at some point. I came home today after class, and Briana was there eating lunch. She informed me that the complex had called and said a girl who was considering moving in was going to come by and check out our 4th bedroom. The girl (Ashley was her name) showed up about fifteen minutes later and inspected it, explained to us that she lived in the complex already but was having serious problems with her roommates (they apparently have a cat that "tears everything up" and one of them has a boyfriend that never leaves and uses their water, etc all the time and doesn't pay for it), and then left. She said "I'll probably see you guys soon." We shall see.

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[16 Nov 2004|07:43am]
This morning, I woke up with the Sesame Street theme song in my head.

Just so you know.
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[14 Nov 2004|02:58am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Arthur Dodge & the Horsefeathers - The Domestic Dream (mp3) ]

Today was enjoyable. View pictures here.

I would say more, but I'm up way too late.

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"You can do the Fourier analysis if you want; I'll just watch." [13 Nov 2004|10:38am]
[ mood | soupy ]
[ music | 10,000 Maniacs - Because the Night (on launchcast!) ]

In glorious College Station, TX, it is currently cloudy and 54.4 degrees (according to my thermometer). The expected high is somewhere around 57. You know what that means.

Yep, it's chicken soup weather. Behold! Witness the power of my stock pot:

You know you want to look. )

I expect it will be ready around 530, and if you live in the area and want to come by and eat some, comment or e-mail. Yes, the short notice does ensure that there will be more for me! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Now, onto non-soup related items. Thursday night, I went with [info]seasleepy, [info]eeyoreama, [info]zaithat, and the LJless Briana to Chilis, where we proceeded to inadvertently sit in alphabetical order. We had a very good time, though I was distressed to find out that they removed my usual (the tuna steak sandwich) from the menu. Bastards. My fajitas were good, though. After that, Sarah and I watched the American premiere of Hey! Spring of Trivia, which is one of those shows that would be really fun to watch in a large group, but isn't as good with just one or two people. I did learn some interesting stuff, though. I would have watched the second episode, except I had homework to do.

Yesterday, [info]coevorden2 cooked some clam chowder for dinner, which was much better than he thinks it was. After that we went to services, where I was momentarily confused by the large turnout until I realized that this was the weekend where folks from Hillels at U of H, t.u., and UTSA were coming into town. You'd think I'd remember this, considering I've been putting info about it on the website for weeks. After services, we went back to the apartment and played Pop Culture Trivial Pursuit with Sarah, who won again. How dare she. ;)

My plans for today involve finishing up my Dynamics homework (which shouldn't take long), working on Astronomy stuff (though Belyanin hasn't given us the exact date for the test yet. It's either Friday or a week from Monday. He needs to figure such things out), and working on the rough draft of my Tropical paper. Oh, and making sure the soup comes out awesomely. This evening, Sven and I may or may not go to a party that one of his old co-workers is hosting. Then we'll be going (with Sarah and perhaps some others) to see South Austin Jug Band at 3rd Floor Cantina. Shockingly enough, this will be my first time to see live bluegrass. That's primarily because I'm finding it very hard to drag [info]quixotic to such a show. :)

Sunday will (hopefully) be devoted to homework and eating leftover soup. That sounds good to me. The more of the Tropical paper I get done, the better this week will be, as I will start studying for Friday's Math test on Monday (that's when we get the review, and I've learned not to start studying before you receive the review, because it's just wasted time). Oh the happy.

So let's get started on the homework. First, though, I need to take a shower.

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[11 Nov 2004|05:20pm]
[ mood | surveyed ]
[ music | Colin Hay - Overkill (mp3) ]

So today's dose of Dynamics homework took less time than I expected. I'd have the whole thing done right now if I wasn't convinced that there was a major typo on one of the problems. I'll ask Panetta about it tomorrow.

At any rate, this is how we procrastinate before doing some Astronomy and Tropical stuff.

Lots of pointless surveys. Gotta love it! )

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[10 Nov 2004|10:13pm]
Yasser Arafat confirmed dead.

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I have nothing amusing to write here today. [10 Nov 2004|03:24pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Ventures - Walk Don't Run (mp3) ]

I made an 85 on my Tropical test, which is neither particularly good nor particularly bad. I was hoping for a slightly higher grade considering my hideous performance on test #1, but such is life. Research for the rough draft of my paper is progressing nicely, though, which pleases me greatly.

It looks like I'm going to have to make an amendment to the schedule for next semester I posted a few days ago. Nielsen-Gammon is teaching a weather forecasting class at the same time as the Food Science class and I'll be taking that instead. Though I'm not exceedingly fond of taking another N-G class, and I could really use a GPR booster, I'm a fool if I don't take the class because I will be forecasting for a living in less than a year and I can use all the help I can get. What's nice is that because it's a new class, he's looking for our input on the syllabus, so there's going to be a meeting to discuss what topics should be covered. I think that's a good idea.

And for your amusement, some pictures I've taken over the last few days:
Read more... )

And now it's homework time. Yay.

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[08 Nov 2004|09:59pm]
Stolen from [info]mrdankelly, who ripped it from [info]khaosworks:

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 23.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal...along with these instructions.

"The magnitude of [phi] is the amount of heat energy flowing per unit time per unit surface area." -- Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and Boundary Value Problems, Richard Haberman.
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