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FAQ Question #116

» Why am I having problems accessing pages on LiveJournal? What is "read-only" mode?

We understand the frustrations these problems cause our users, and we work constantly to make sure that LiveJournal is consistently and reliably available for our growing number of users.

LiveJournal's network architecture is designed to grow with its userbase. Sometimes, however, the number of users actively using the site at any one time is too great, and users will experience problems using the site. Some symptoms of these problems include double-posted comments, pages failing to load, entries appearing on your friends' Friends pages but not on your Recent Entries page, and error messages stating that your journal is temporarily in read-only mode.


Your journal enters read-only mode when your cluster requires maintenance, and can also happen temporarily and automatically when your cluster is under high load. When your journal is in read-only mode, you cannot post entries to it or change any account settings, and nobody can post comments in response to your entries.

This problem is usually resolved very quickly. If this happens to you, you should copy the text you typed into a text editor to avoid the possibility of losing data, and then try again in five to fifteen minutes. If this doesn't work, LiveJournal may be experiencing larger server problems or an outage.


During outages and prolonged server errors, please visit http://status.livejournal.org/ for information on any outstanding performance issues. You can also add the official "lj_maintenance" journal to your Friends list to receive maintenance updates and notification of any site outages.

If you find that pages only load partway, and this problem persists, then it is possible that you are seeing a cached version of a temporary error. For information on how to solve this problem, see http://www.livejournal.com/support/faqbrowse.bml?faqid=160.


If you receive an error message such as "Error running style: Died in S2::run_code running FriendsPage::print(): Style code didn't finish running in a timely fashion. Possible causes: Infinite loop in style or layer" then the S2 style system was unable to finish displaying the page. This error only occurs when loading journal pages using the S2 style system.

This could be a problem with the journal's layer code, but may also indicate that LiveJournal servers are too busy to process the style. Please try refreshing the page. If this error persists and you own the journal which is experiencing this problem, you may wish to either check your journal layer code for errors or change the way in which your journal is displayed.

If the S2 style system dies in the process of displaying the page at a particular point, you may wish to remove or disable the code that displays the next part of the page. Common solutions include removing the mini calendar, reducing the number of entries per page, or using the lj-cut tag to shorten long entries.


If you constantly and consistently have problems loading LiveJournal pages, and can never access the site without trouble, the problem may lie with your Internet connection, particularly if your friends aren't having any trouble. You should make sure your connection and browser is configured properly and is not blocking access to livejournal.com. If this does not help, you may wish to contact your Internet provider to request their help in troubleshooting the problem.


What is a cluster?

The lj_maintenance journal:

How do I use an lj-cut?

S2 customization resources:

Last Updated:
jayo, 2004-12-06

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