Below is user information for Angharad Elwes. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | angharad (5048) |
| Quatsch Fiddlesticks |
Name: | Angharad Elwes |
Location: | Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada |
Birthdate: | 1974-08-06 |
Bio: | I live in Vancouver, British Columbia and am originally from a suburb of Portland, Oregon. Here: the not-100 things-about-me list. My other half: gragathaz. To reach me, drop me a comment or use this (friends-filtered) contact info (phone number, address, etc).
0: Music Degree, 1996 1: Computer Science Degree, 2004 2(pending acceptance to a school): Library Science Degree, ???? 3: 4: Profit!
Too many nouns and not enough verbs in my interests, below. I like a lot and I know a lot, but I don't actually do much. Sic semper infogeekery.
I was given a second journal: agentpaper. There, I will talk about library school (and, since I'm not there yet, the application process).
- If you think this is a large community list herebelow, you haven't seen my .newsrc.
- I have (so far) one posting filter. If I've friended you, and you want to opt-in, comment on this entry.
- Sometimes I de-friend a journal merely in order to read its RSS at Bloglines. That usually means you post publicly and/or write great essays and/or I don't care about reading the comments. This set includes: copperbadge, ginmar, motel666, theferrett, muskrat_john, casirafics.
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Memories: | 102 entries |
Interests: | 150: 1/0, abstract algebra, absurdism, absurdnotions, adventure games, aeryn sun, agglutinative languages, ale, anybrowser, apple newton, assembly language, atheism, awk, babylon 5, barry hughart, blake's 7, bob the angry flower, book lists, books, bread, bruno, buckaroo banzai, card games, cat and girl, cataloguing, cheese, clifford stoll, clouds, constructed languages, crossword puzzles, cryptic crosswords, dada, dangermouse, dark beer, dark chocolate, david wiesner, diacritical marks, die prinzen, douglas adams, dr who, dvorak keyboard, eliza, emacs, existentialism, farscape, fountain pens, frank zappa, functional programming, furl, get fuzzy, green, griddlers, hackers, ham radio, induction, information, interactive fiction, italo calvino, james turrell, johnny clegg, johnny depp, jorge luís borges, kerr avon, knuth, kraftwerk, leela, letterboxing, lewis carroll, librarians, libraries, lindsey davis, linguistics, logic, logic puzzles, lojban, manga, maps, marmite, mathematics, max headroom, metadata, michael ende, michael swanwick, monotremes, monty python, morse code, moxy früvous, murakami haruki, neal stephenson, nikola tesla, no tea, nonograms, os x, paper, paradox, penguins, pinkwater, pocket watches, postcardx, principia discordia, proofs, punnes, rain, reading, robert rankin, roguelike games, romanadvoratrelundar, rss, scepticism, seitan, semantics, set theory, seti, shelving, skepticism, sleep, solitude, space travel, sprachgefühl, stanislaw lem, steampunk, steve meretzky, swiss army knives, taxonomy, tea, tengwar, terry gilliam, terry pratchett, text adventures, the prisoner, theremin, tilley hat, tim powers, tmbg, toe socks, tom holt, tom stoppard, topology, totoro, triangle and robert, umami, unicode, unix, vegemite, vegetarianism, wabi, web comics, yestertech, zarf, π. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 262: | _feckless, _imran_, aaronthemad, acapnotic, adamcadre, aeiou, aesthetikmuse, agentpaper, ahawk, aikiwombat, alister, anarchivist, andrastewhite, anterastilis, anthrochica, archaeopteryx, asciident, auditorium, authorcarmen, avuncularsmile, azazelle, azurerose, badger5, banazir, barbara_gordon, barbarakitten_t, bathtubjinn, bercilakslady, bibliofiler, bibliogirl, biblioholic, bibliomancer, blarglefiend, blue_condition, blue_lotus, blueyed_leela, bonelesspuppy, book_girl, book_woman, bookfoole, bookgrrrl, bookwench, bookwurm, boringramblings, brithistorian, bttrpt, buffalogal, bv_manuscripts, caitirin, calltheday, catamorphism, cedarlibrarian, cedarmulberry, chickbrarian, cleverusername2, codeman38, coffee_and_ink, corenrind, csplibrary, dirtylibrarian, discoflamingo, djinnj, dream_labyrinth, eclair, eeyorerin, eidolonarchie, eilise, emily_swank, emilyintheglass, emshort, ephiriel, eruthros, erythros, eva_prawn, evilpablo, eyeawry, f00dave, fallenlibrarian, fasterthanlight, fenchurch, forthrysmian, fraisinette, frogclock, fruitkakechevy, fweebles, g33kgrrl, geekgrrl, geg, gezellig_girl, ginmar, glass_hurricane, gragathaz, graphxgrrl, graygirl, grumpy_sysadmin, gta_of_doom, hellosailor_, hfcougar, hlynna, howto, hutta, ihateusernames, ikkyu2, intelligentrix, janjoris, jcreed, jfpbookworm, jizmunci, jklumpp, joopy, kayiwa, kerr_avon, kitchen_pass, kylegirl, ladybirdsleeps, leanda, learnmygame, lethallibrarian, lexicat, libertango, librarian50, librariananna, librarianlust, librarianx, librarychick, listersgirl, lizbetann, m_cat, madamlibrarian, mangofandango, marag, mari_who, maryjotigermilk, mekanosaurus, melodysk, metacontext, mistful, modifier, mrpotatobug, mrscake, ms_which, msmemory, my_homunculi, n0nnahs, natsumi, neural_girl, nocontent, notassuch, nullonehalf, numignost, nutkins, nyxie, ollr, ommkarja, ooktavia, opportunitygrrl, orangutan, osbick_bird, pandorea, paradisecowgirl, parakleta, passionpirates, patina, penguinicity, perchingbird, phawkwood, pirate_hatty, piroshki, platypus, pne, poly_tesseract, pouk23, proetida, prorogue, puzzlement, pwan_madthingy, pyrop, queenmomcat, quietjenn, quodlibetic, rachelwp, rbb, reddragdiva, redtruckgirl, removabletype, renegade_lib, rettiger, rfreebern, rho, rimrunner, romana03, rufus, ryanschultz, sabishi, saffariah, sallym, sambony, samuraikitty, sasha_bee, schmatz, scotia_girl, skutir, slyfoot, snowgrouse, soaring_phoenix, solomoxen, spacey_grl, spiritbomber, spiritrover, staralshain, status, steapie, stephe, susieredshoes, tangerinpenguin, tea_and_toast, technocracygirl, technodummy, tetsab, thatdamnninja, the_daleks, the_lissa, thorfinn, tinkernoonoo, tmcm, topaz_munro, trec_lit, truecatachresis, trurl, twinbee, unkaphaed, valera, veggielibrarian, verylisa, vila_restal, vilakins, violachic, vulgarweed, wednesdayduck, wellah, wendolen, wengeue, wikkywikky, wintersweet, wonapalei, wordtraffic, xavier213, xmurf, xochizlan, yahozna, yakizakana, yawningangel, yfandes, yourfutureruler, zarfmouse, zeelee_penguin, zenmondo, zephyrcrow, zerodot, zigeunerweisen, zok, zrblm | | 235: | 9thelsewhere, _psychmedfree_, _sustenance_, academics_anon, amateurradio, anachrotech, anarchists, animepdx, applefans, applyingtograd, babylon5, bad_service, bepimpled, bestoffreecycle, bibliographic, bibliophilia, blakes7, blindwatchmaker, bookish, booknerds, books, booktards, borgian_review, breadmaking, britishcolumbia, britishcomedy, bush_sucks, canadabound, canadakicksass, canadian_girls, canadian_yank, canadianmusic, canuckgrads, cat_images, catsnotkids, caughtsnippets, cbc, cdn_currency, cheapvegan, childfree, cittagazze, co_workers_suck, codeconfessions, cogsci, comicfangirls, cookin_with_gas, critters, customerssuck, damnportlanders, darkvictoria, deepestsender, denglish, dieting_foodies, dirty_ink, dnd_women, dot_pedantic, dusty_pages, dykes2watchout4, eastvan, effexored, engrish, evilcustomers, expats, faceblind, fantasians, featureannounce, feminist, feministas, filk, found_objects, frugalgreen, frugalhearth, fruheads, g_ad, gears_and_steam, geek_swap, geeksluts, ghibli, girlsinglasses, gmail, gnusto, gradstudents, grammar_whores, grammargasm, grammarpolice, graycatclub, greatbigsea, guggle, hamsters, happy_feminists, helpscreening, hoom_hoom, immigration, infojunkies, int_fiction, ipod, it_all_goes, japanophile, jewishvegan, jewtunes, kevinshapiro, kirkspock_recs, kittypix, krazycooking, language_nerds, libraries, library_grrls, librarycrap, librarylovers, light_cite, linguaphiles, linguists, little_twitches, livingwithbooks, lj_backend, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, lj_support, ljmemes, ljupdate, lojban, longhair, m15m, macncheese_anon, macosx, math_jokes, mathematics, mathsex, medicated_life, memedev, men_in_kilts, mensanminds, metaculture, metaquotes, miceparadise, mock_the_stupid, mollys_cauldron, murakami, my_vintage_self, mykidsarecats, neuroscience, news, ninjasvspirates, note_from_cat, note_to_asshat, note_to_cat, note_to_self, onlinecomic, only_real_red, oral_sects, paidmembers, panic_anxiety, pdx_geek, pdx_wireless, pdxforsale, pdxveggies, pencilpuzzlers, phobia_support, pinupgirls, poor_skills, poorinbc, pottersan, powerbooks, problemaday, quatsch, quotez, rain_garden, rainydayreaders, rania_s_gate, rapidreaders, readabook, readers_list, readordie, readthebook, redheads, retro_icons, robyn_hode, roguelikes, scientificwhims, sexylibrarians, sindarin, slackerscancook, slof, socially_inepts, soredandsaucery, sos_usa, startrek, stonesoupswap, strongbadman, stupidneighbors, support_clients, supportlounge, sysadminguild, teafortwo, techchicks, techgirls, techsupport, tengwar, the_hot_nerds, the_tea_garden, the_village, thecommonwealth, thetardis, theyoungones, tuftedtails, ubc, ubergeeks, um_die_ecke, unixadmin, unixhistory, utilikilts, vaginapagina, vanbuysell, vancouver, vancouver_anime, vancouver_eats, vancouvergamers, vancouvervegs, vegancooking, veganfoodpics, veganism, vegetarisch, veggieslackers, veggievictuals, vegrecipes, vintage_pinups, vintage_sex, weirdjews, weirdjews2, welovegeeks, wiki, worksuckedtoday, xjournal, youngones, zen_within | | 2: | davebarrysblog, lipstick_lib |
Friend of: | 125: _imran_, _tofulover, aaronthemad, aeiou, aesthetikmuse, agentpaper, ahawk, aikiwombat, alister, anarchivist, archaeopteryx, avuncularsmile, azazelle, azurerose, banazir, barbarakitten_t, bathtubjinn, bibliogirl, bibliomancer, blarglefiend, blue_condition, blue_lotus, bonelesspuppy, bookwench, buckeyealum, buffalogal, casira, catamorphism, cedarmulberry, chickbrarian, cleverusername2, diagonally_fic, discoflamingo, djinnj, dream_labyrinth, eclair, eeyorerin, ephiriel, erythros, eva_prawn, fraisinette, fruitkakechevy, glass_hurricane, gragathaz, graphxgrrl, graygirl, intelligentrix, jklumpp, kayiwa, kitchen_pass, kylegirl, ladybirdsleeps, leanda, learnmygame, marag, mari_who, maryjotigermilk, mekanosaurus, metacontext, modifier, mrpotatobug, mrscake, ms_which, my_homunculi, numignost, orangutan, osbick_bird, paradisecowgirl, parakleta, passionpirates, penguinicity, pirate_hatty, piroshki, platypus, pouk23, proetida, pyrop, queenmomcat, quietjenn, quodlibetic, rachelwp, reddragdiva, removabletype, rettiger, romana03, sabishi, sallym, sambony, samuraikitty, sasha_bee, schmatz, skutir, slyfoot, solomoxen, spiritbomber, steapie, stephe, susieredshoes, taglicomedroghe, tangerinpenguin, tetsab, thatdamnninja, the_lissa, thorfinn, tinkernoonoo, trec_lit, trurl, twinbee, violachic, vulgarweed, wellah, wengeue, wikkywikky, wintersweet, wordtraffic, xavier213, xmurf, yakizakana, yawningangel, zarfmouse, zeelee_penguin, zenmondo, zephyrcrow, zigeunerweisen, zok |
Member of: | 17: applyingtograd, cbc, childfree, claim_a_book, damnportlanders, graycatclub, library_grrls, m15m, note_to_cat, note_to_self, quotez, rania_s_gate, tuftedtails, vancouver, veganfoodpics, vintage_sex, xjournal |
Account type: | Early Adopter |