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Below is user information for Reinventing the Wheel. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:asmodeus1 (1363560) asmodeus1
Sweet and Sour Reality Factory
Name:Reinventing the Wheel
Location:California, United States
Bio: Born in California. Never learned how to surf, but on occasion I do use the word dude. I live in what could be considered the vast wasteland of California. It has been compared more to Nebraska than San Francisco.
I would like to consider myself an intellectual, but that could be an arrogant attempt to make up for an extremely consistent lifestyle.
Memories:4 entries
Interests:23: anime, anthropology, cartoons, chess, culture, determinism, documentaries, economics, grey areas, history, ideas, mine sweeper, movies, philosophy, politics, pragmatism, psychology, science, science fiction, sociology, technology, videogames, writing. [Modify yours]
People10:asmodeus1, dark_math_girl, frannywentzel, jeffrock, maimed, orangecicle, sinisterputty, taospark, the_clouds, wicked_wish
Communities16:absolutedebate, armchair, cali_politics, challenging_god, cogsci, conservatism, democratic, economics, futuretech, game_ideas, intellectelite, liberal, ljdemocrats, philosophy, pltcl_solutions, scientificwhims
Account type:Free Account

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