Alex's Livejournal Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Alex C" journal:

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February 3rd, 2005
06:45 pm


This is Brilliant

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January 24th, 2005
10:40 pm


Heh, I found this from a while back
A priceless email I received in May 2000:

"Whilst you no doubt regard the Sims newsgroup as your own judging by
your comments in it, I feel it only fair to let you know the results of
one of your postings.
My wife has recently suffered a nervous breakdown recently after the
unexpected death of her mother. She was quietly on the road to
recovery, and one thing that really cheered her up was playing Sims.
Last month she regressed, stopped playing Sims, etc and ended up on some
quite severe medication, much to the anguish of both myself and our
children. I have just reformatted the hard drive and put everything
back together on the computer, and now know the probable cause of this
regression. She posted a reasonably innocent and inoccous question on
the newsgroup; and you flamed her. Now you may feel justified in doing
this, but as you can probably imagine, from my end it appears both
unnecessary and over the top. If my wife did not suffer from the stress
related headaches, then she most probably could read the manual. As for
whether she is a 'cretin', I assure you she is not. Clearly, when
dealing with someone with an intellect such as yours, I would expect no
apology for the severe inconvenience you have caused to my family, and
almost expect an acidic smart arse reply. Just remember next time you
flame someone, they may be a small child, OAP etc and not as robust as
the normal NG user - especially in a group for a game like sims.

p.s. - if it was such a 'cretinous' question why did you put it in the

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January 10th, 2005
05:23 pm


Note to self: Items labelled "Galloway Honey Farm Oatcakes" aren't necessarily honey oatcakes... blech

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January 9th, 2005
02:33 am


Alex - so it's 2005, who gives a crap? says:
I shall sexually assault you then

Hungry dreamer says:
yes, please

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present you your evidence before the fact...

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December 21st, 2004
11:08 pm


Damn psychic bastards
[23:03:51] <TMA> SMHB
[23:04:01] <TMA> (ATAVH)
[23:04:30] <Jamie> I'm sure they are
[23:04:42] <Jamie> You need to wax

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December 17th, 2004
05:01 pm


Sucky day!
Two things. Well... three.

I didn't get the internal job I applied for in broadband ops. This wasn't entirely surprising given that the other two people who applied were very experienced and considering I've only been there 3 months (as opposed to 2 years for the other two) I'd probably have chosen the same way given the choice. However, it was apparently very hard for them to make their minds up (took a day longer than expected) and apparently they were very impressed by me, but the other two scored well on the tests too and in the end they had to differ to experience. Disappointing nonetheless.

Secondly, I got a new phone to replace my ancient one that my car ATE about a month ago. Yes. It ate it, and that's the last that shall be said on the matter. Anyway, I manged to get the SIM blocked on the new one within 5 minutes of turning it on. Go me! So now I have to phone some premium rate number and get laughed at by the orange CS people just because their phones are impossible to understand. Bastards.

One thing did make me feel good though while walking through the centre of town. There was this scruffy, unshaven left wing tosser with a megaphone, on a stand with big posters all over it with pictures of George W. Bush and the words "The world's #1 Terrorist!", and he was bemoaning the behaviour of certian western governments with respect to certain policies. Now, I see enough of this crap on TV from the BBC so quite frankly I'd had quite enough, and I went up to this guy and shouted at him "SHUT UP, DICKHEAD". And he did. This mature behaviour made me feel a lot better. Even better, 30 minutes later I came back the same way and he was no-where to be seen. Obviously my aggressiveness had caused him to get scared and run back home, where no doubt he can continue to bleat about how evil and nasty George Bush is from the safety of his own internet connection.

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December 1st, 2004
05:22 pm


Happy birthday [info]unknownj !

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November 28th, 2004
01:03 am


Geek stuff:
So after waiting what felt like an eternity for my new motherboard and CPU to show up, courtesy of Amspack being a bunch of inadequate morons, I've plugged it all in and oh my God - this stuff runs like greased lightning being chased by someone's jilted lover after being discovered in bed with his missus. Er. Not that I'd be able to quantify how fast that was... anyway, back on topic:

All at default voltage, too. Now, while I appreciate none of you will know what that means, I had to mention it anyway... because it's awesome

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November 22nd, 2004
01:58 am


After not seeing it for some time, I decided to go on a hunt for my mobile phone. It was definitely in my car when I last saw it on Tuesday, when Jaime was here, but it's not now. And it's not inside. Anywhere.

It's gone.

Hurrah! I'm even less contactable than ever before, which is nice.

Current Mood: ecstatic

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November 11th, 2004
04:17 pm


My Athlon XP died last night while playing Rome: Total War.

I'm not too bothered, though, firstly because I have a spare CPU (albeit a slow one) to replace it, so I can still watch videos and surf the web, and secondly because now it means I have a decent excuse to spend stupid amounts of my hard-earned cash on a new system.

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November 9th, 2004
11:59 am


First agent-customer joke that worked!
Me: Evening you're through to Alex, can I take your user name please?

Caller: My user name is superb

Me: I'm very happy for you, but what *is* your user name

Caller: Hahaha very good.

Normally you try anything even vaguely funny and you'll get no response at all... sigh.

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November 1st, 2004
10:56 pm


*chomp* chocolatey goodness
Why does Paula Radcliffe only eat fun-size snickers bars?

Because she can't manage a full Marathon.

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October 31st, 2004
08:26 pm


One of the customers I spoke to today was called James Pond.

Yes really.

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October 20th, 2004
07:22 pm


[13:30:09] <Dirk> I just accidently dropped my new 10Euro pen to the ground
[13:30:13] <Dirk> and it broke
[13:30:15] <Dirk> ):
[13:32:15] <Dirk> maybe buying a pen that comes with a LED and laser pointer wasn't such a good idea o_O
[13:32:24] <TSC> Heh, that's cool
[13:33:26] <Dirk> no it's not
[13:33:28] <Dirk> it's broken

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October 15th, 2004
07:36 pm


So I was thinking - what if the hokey-cokey is what it's all about?

And what is the point of BBC4? And croutons?

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October 10th, 2004
12:51 pm


Because some pun action in #adjarmy reminded me, my dad nearly killed us with a pun over dinner last night (Yes, yes this is how dull my life is I have to report other people's puns) - as we were eating bangers and mash a conversation erupted about sausages - specficially the tastier types. And then onto the less good types, and discussing their childhood memories of frankfurters and SPAM. And as to the least favourite of the two... my dad came to the conclusion that frankfurters were Die Wurst.

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October 1st, 2004
11:21 pm


I stole a domain name... is now mine! Well... until the dev I stole it off wants it back.

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September 29th, 2004
07:24 pm


Oh yeah - and Alien vs. Predator is one of the worst films I have ever seen. Avoid at all costs.

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September 26th, 2004
08:45 pm


What? Oh... right, yes. Topic.
I'm in a really bad mood. I "fixed" my bike, by which I mean now it's even worse than it was before. I can't even go into the outside ring on the front cranks now. That's really annoying, as I need top speed to avoid getting murdered by cars. And there seems to be no reason why it's broken. At all. And I spent hours (with my dad's help after a bit too) trying to fix it. No joy. GRRR!

In better news, I did put money down for a car. So in about 2 weeks I'll be the proud owner of a Ford Fiesta 1.25 Finesse 3 door. In silver. Not a bad price at £6300 for a brand new one (54 reg).

Happy birthday to my Big Sister, who is 25 today. And a belated happy birthday to [info]inane who was 25 yesterday. Practically antiques the both of them.

Job stuff: Starting proper training on Monday, which will be a nice break from doing calls. For some strange reason I quite like doing failed billing, it's infinitely preferable to sales calls which just turn me into a glorified parrot, repeating the same stuff to everyone who calls up asking about "Broadwidth" and the "Interband". However, once trained, I'll be able to deal with all and sundry.

I'm not sure I want to deal with all and sundry. All and sundry are seldom intelligent people and I wish they'd all die. I'm not getting paid enough to do this crap...

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September 11th, 2004
04:51 pm


Yes, ok, I know you've heard enough about it but I do have to mention it from time to time. My ADSL is still knackered. Today, I had 2 fairly lengthy phone conversations with a man from the special investigations branch at BT, during which he basically owned up to not having a clue what the problem is. Apparently interference has been ruled out, the ADSL synchs fine at the exchange, various line pairs have been swapped over on our line, and even the route has been changed from the exchange to the green box down my road. The thing that tells me it's not my problem is the fact that several engineers have visited and found that their own modems wouldn't synch up to ADSL when connected directly to the line at the cabinet in the road.

So, because the "special" investigator man was out of other ideas we both came to the conclusion that a cease and reprovide should be tried - after all, provision is what happens to people when they want ADSL and there isn't a widespread problem reported with new ADSL lines, and because the actual line has been changed between the exchange and the cab near my house, the chances are that a C&R will fix whatever is causing the problem, even though no problem with the exchange equipment can actually be detected. Fingers crossed...

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