Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "nerds".
419 matches:
- 10_my_loserness - The best rating community for unique losers!
- 13shots - 13shots
- 3moredoritos - Three More Doritos
- 4nnx0rz - 4nnx0rz
- __puresex - __puresex
- _adorkable_ - Geek Testers of Love
- _are_you_a_dork - Are you a dork?
- _bluehair - _bluehair
- _candysweets - sugar owns you!...
- _casalinga - maya
- _dorkified - Dorks Are People Too.
- _error - Error Designs
- _loserxcore_ - loser X core
- _nerdxcore_ - hardXcore nerdXcore, yo.
- _superdork - Dork Street
- _the_ladies_ - ♥The Ladies♥
- _therestofus - _therestofus
- _trendywhores - Trendy Whores
- adambusch_icons - Adam Busch Icons
- addmealso - make more LJ friends!
- admin_console - Admin Console for Dummies
- adorkabel - How Adorkabel!
- adorkablekids - adorkable kids
- agoura_high - Agoura High School
- algorithms - Computer algorithms
- alien_nation - Alien Nation
- aliens_only - aliens_only
- allthelosers - allthelosers
- amazing_inc - Amazing Incorporated
- angry_beavers04 - Post your Angry Beaver Face!
- anime_unleashed - Anime Unleashed
- anti_elitist - contre d'elitism
- anti_geeks - ANTI- GEEKS --- For LJ users who HATE GEEKS!!!!!!
- anti_riaa - Boycott the RIAA
- antianklepant - Anti-Ankle Pant
- awkward_as_fuck - accidentprone
- basementfreaks - Basement Freaks who *love* mail
- bearsminions - bearsminions
- becauseiam - Individuality
- between3worlds - Hyphenated Subcultures
- bipolarsurvival - Surviving Day to Day
- bitchingnmoanin - Tears show feelings; Words show hurt
- bleeding_juliet - Juliet Is Bleeding
- boglinwritin - boglinwritin
- book_clublj - The Live Journal Book Club
- boredism - Bored people
- broken_glasses - Books lovers of all Types
- broken_scream - OOC Fear_Itself
- btwhs - Booker T.
- buffy_nowish - Buffy and Culture
- cafedoom - "It's Always the End of the World"
- cambium - pretending to be artists is so liberating
- camsters - CAMSters
- candydepo - candydepo
- canuckgrads - canuckgrads
- car_crash_kids - cck
- carlsbadhigh - carlsbadhigh
- chamblee - Chamblee High
- chiara_kayce - chiara & kayce
- chickland - Chick Land
- citykittie - citykittie community
- claim_a_dork - claim_a_dork
- classicdorksx - ..We're So Classic..
- clay_kelly04 - Clay & Kelly 2004
- cocknpussnation - CocknPuss
- contrary_beauty - contrary_beauty
- country_cutiez - country_cutiez
- countrypunk - punk ass mofo's up in herre
- crazy_fucks - The crazy people on LJ
- creepypeople - creepypeople
- crushdujour - Share your crushes, celebrity or otherwise!!
- cty_therapy - forevermores
- cult_of_wenis - wenis
- cum_on_this - Lick It From My Lips
- cute_things - All Things Cute
- cyber__sex - Um, your mom.
- cynicalbastards - Cynical Bastards
- da_random_nerdz - Here Are The Stupid Random Nerds...
- dalnetca - DALnet #California
- darkdharma - darkdharma
- db_chronicles - the douchebag chronicles
- demonfemme - loud, obnoxious, goddess with nothing better to do
- detroitgrownups - anti-drama detroiters
- die_jo_die - The I hate Jo club
- different_crazy - A Different Kind Of Crazy
- digital_tears - anemic&sweet
- disassemble - rip that shirt apart and sew it back up bitch!
- dizzy_bitches - dizzy bitches unite!
- dojo_of_1337 - Are j00 1337 en0uhg??!?!?!?!/1/1/3/1
- dont_cut - healing harmers
- dontbuyusfood - Don't Buy Us Food
- dork_e_ness - for nerds and pseudo-intellectuals
- dork_faced - My Mom Says I'm Speshul.
- dorketry - Dorks of the World
- dorks_elite - dorks_elite
- dorks_n_doofs - you just don't like us cuz we're better than you
- dorksarepeople - Dorks are people, too!
- dorksofmichigan - we are dorks!!
- dorksrawesome - dorks everywhere
- dorksunite - Dorks Unite!
- dorky_teens - Reserved for Rejects
- dragon_con - Dragoncon ONLY Community
- dragoncon - DragonCon
- dramadorks - Drama Dorks
- drownedicons - Drowned_Icons
- e_wingers - e_wingers
- electronpushers - electron pushers
- eli_hates_me - ozolmjojvjjj!!!
- elite_dorks - DORKS WHO DON'T SUCK
- emo_girls - EMO GIRLS
- emofilm - emofilm
- emoindiepunk - Emo boy meets Emo girl
- extreme_makeup - The Extremely Extreme
- eyeshots - blink
- f_y_r - Fine Young Republican
- fantasm - Fantasm
- fear_itself - The Scoobies
- flyin_sumo_cows - flyin sumo cows
- fmk_yourmom - fuck, marry, kill
- food_heeaay - Mmmmm...eaaating.......
- fourelements - Four Elements Photography
- foxy_intellect - The sexy-smart bitches of LiveJournal
- freakitude - LJ's Own Sideshow
- frecklynerds - frecklynerds
- freeireland - It's okay to be different...
- freshoutdaoven - Fresh Out Da Oven
- gamma_girls - gamma girls
- gaygeeks - Gay Geeks of the World Unite!
- gaygeeks_pa - gaygeeks_pa
- geek_luv - geek luv
- geekfights - Geek Fights
- geeklets - Geeklets
- geeklovers - Geeks And The Women Who Love Them!
- geekoids - GEEK x CORE
- geeksanon - GeeksAnon
- geekscience - Science Fiction Come to Life
- geeksunite - geeks unite!
- geekswithguns - Geeks with guns
- geektards - Geeks 4 Evah!
- geekware - GeekWare
- geekwars - *Geek*\/\/4|2s*
- geeky_designs - geeky_designs
- geeky_glasses - (lovers of) cute people with geeky glasses
- geekyboys - geek chic
- geekykins - geeks, dorks and nerds & those who <3 them
- geekynerds - Geeky Nerds
- glitter_vein - ULTRAfashion
- gothicpoetry - Blackened Memories
- grammar_whores - Grammar Snobs
- greekorgeek - apply here
- guide - Guide
- hall_of_shame - Hall Of Shame
- harposbookclub - Itinerant Literates
- harvardwestlake - Harvard-Westlake School
- heavenly_dorks - For the sexy dork in you.
- herbquete - herbquete
- highlandertales - Highlander Tales
- highschoolhell - highschoolhell
- holla_nerds - HOLLA!!!!
- hot_enigmatics - Self-Confident Ecclectics
- hot_nerds - hot_nerds
- hotornot_rating - LJers on
- hotprobs - Hot Problems
- hotpussy_cats - hotpussy_cats
- hurtgirls - Hurt Girls
- hxc_ohio - hxc_ohio
- i_am_rad - The raddest.
- i_is_jack_squat - i_is_jack_squat! (not really though)
- i_like_stuff111 - i_like_stuff111
- iam_squishy - [narf]
- ianmalcolm - Ian Malcolm
- ibscrewed - IB Screwed
- icon_crazies - icon_crazies
- iconsensual - Iconsensual
- illmannered - The Ill-Mannered, Bitchy, Blunt, Superficial Snobs
- in_the_garage - nerdy obsessions
- ingerhamkids - ingerhamkids
- ins0mnie - ins0mnie
- interlake - Interlake High School
- its_only_ashes - SoCo Lovers
- jackosbourne_ - Jack Osbourne
- karma_suture - opening wounds... closing wounds....
- keeg - geek
- kisss_the_girl - The Sistas
- la_geeks - the great los angeles geek out
- lesser_circle - A bunch of losers
- library_fetish - Hypatia's Dirty Little Secret
- librarydyke - Library Dyke
- light_cite - weird, wacky, funny citations
- limabeans - The Human Lima Beans
- linuxsucks - linux sucks
- littleblackstar - _little[black]#star
- ljgeeks - The Geeks and Freaks of LJ
- ljnerds - Livejournal Nerds
- ljstars - The self-proclaimed stars of LiveJournal.
- lni - ~LNI~
- lonegunmen - Lone Gunmen Addicts
- losangelesink - Los Angeles Ink!
- loserheads - First Name: Loser Second Name: Heads
- losers_unite - the loser revolution
- lovemerobot - love me robot
- lovingeekladies - We love "Geeky", intelligent, and learned Girls!
- lowell_nerds - The Overworked
- lucasplaining - Absurd conjecture about the films of George Lucas
- mandrake_users - Mandrake Linux
- manic - Manic Depression
- manicjane - The Alt-porn Utopia for Not-Your-Average-Janes
- mi_geeks - mi_geeks
- middle_ground - We Put the 0 In "Top 10"
- mildreds_kilt - mildreds_kilt
- mmstc_kids - The Kids of MMSTC
- monitor_mafia - Cashmere Bitches!
- moppers - Math Olympiad Summer Program
- mousecrap - Mouse Crap
- mykhakihandbags - mykhakihandbags
- n3rd_p0w4h - The Nerdiest Community on Livejournal
- n3rdcor3 - The Epitome Of Nerdcore
- n3rds - It's hip to be square
- n_e_r_d - Nerd Lovers
- nashvillefreaks - Nashville Freaks
- nekkid_nerds - nekkid nerds
- nekoboshi - neko boshi-sama
- nerd_haven - Nerd Haven
- nerd_whores - nerd whores
- nerdbattles - nerdbattles
- nerdclub - Nerd Club
- nerdcore_nxc - nerds unite
- nerdcorecrew - NerdCoreCrew
- nerdcorps - nerdcorps
- nerdhaiku - Nerd Haiku
- nerdlogic - nerdlogic
- nerdnoise - nerdnoise
- nerdrageous - nerdrageous
- nerdsluts - The Nerdsluts of LiveJournal
- nerdsrule - Nerds
- nerdy_auctions - nerdy_auctions
- nerdy_terds - nerdy_terds
- nerdyqueerkids - nerdyqueerkids
- nethackers - nethackers
- neverkissed_ - People Who Have Never Been Kissed
- nm_techies - New Mexico Techies
- nofaux - No Fauxxx
- nonsportsfans - I don't watch spectator sports, and I'm damn proud
- nonugly_geeks - non(ugly) GEEKS
- northeastmagnet - Northeast Magnet
- norwescon - Norwescon
- nosheepforyou - nosheepforyou
- not_mainstream - Haters of the Mainstream
- not_so_cool - The unique ones
- nowherekids - ♪ Smile Empty Soul ♪
- object_face - object face
- objectivethink - ObjectiveThink
- oceansidefriend - oceansidefriend
- ocelot_of_doom - God.
- oddballs - oddballs
- oregonclique - Oregon Clique
- oreos - Racial Nerd
- osofknhot - fuuk mi // fuuk yuu
- otaconfangirls - Hal "Otacon" Emmerich's Fangirls
- our_sas - s.equential a.rts s.ociety
- outcastpix - punk, goth, freak, nerds, dorks, pic hoes
- pa_nerds - Nerds in Pennsylvania
- pdx_geek - pdx_geek
- penguicon - penguicon
- pennsvallians - Penns Valley Area High School
- people_are_dumb - You.. IDIOT!
- perfect_rate - perfect_rate
- phreakers - The Phucking Phreaking Community
- phreaking - Phreaking Community
- pixelmimesis - PIXELmimesis
- poems - Poetry Reading
- poetic_thoughts - Poetic_thoughts
- postit420 - This, that and the other
- pound_seattle - #seattle
- ppiras - People Participating in Random Acts of Silliness
- programmerhumor - Programmer Humour
- project_torso - Torso
- projectakon - Project: A-Kon!
- promiskeepers - promiskeepers
- prophesies - Prophesies
- pseudo_abby - pseudo_abby
- puddingahoy - for cool uncool people
- punk_emo_ska - punk scenesters
- queerditchnerds - Queerditch Nerds
- quirky_diy - ★*~eureka!~*★
- rabid_fangirls - A box of one dozen starving crazed weasels
- random_babbling - Random Thoughts and Ideas
- random_q - random_q
- randombutuseful - Random But Useful
- randomdorkiness - We.Heart.Dorkiness
- rate_a_brain - NO STUPID PEOPLE ALLOWED!
- rejects_galore - Get Rejected? Join Here
- rhymeswitorange - The Band
- rice_university - the rice lj community
- ride_the_galaxy - Hitchhiker
- rimmed_glasses - geek
- rivet_geeks - The Rivethead Geek Forum
- roalddahl - Followers of Dahl
- roboarmy - Robo Army's Community
- rocketfly - minesweeper addicts
- rocknrollbookz - @shley is a bodacious book-worm
- rockyourface - Rock. YOUR. Face.
- roguescorner - Jolly Roger
- rq_spinoff - Random Question Spinoff
- ru_geeks - ru_geeks
- ru_mpd - Multiple Personality Disorder
- rufandom - rufandom
- sadintellectual - Misery Loves Company
- safetynerds - friend of a safety nerd
- salmon - Salmon, The Band
- sas_chapterone - The Society for the appreciation of Spinster-ism
- sataniclesbians - The Satanic Lesbians of America (and the rest of t
- scooby_gang - The Scooby Gang
- scornedgirls - Scorned Girls
- sdflkwjrhfwdh66 - sdflkwjrhfwdh66
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- sexies_anon - sexies_anon
- sexy_dorks - Sexy Dorks
- sexy_geeks - Sexy, Sexy Geeks
- sexyglasses - Sexy Glasses
- sexynerds_ - sexynerds_
- shag_list - shag_list
- shinigamis_cult - Cult of Shinigami
- shoresofavalon - Where Brilliant Minds Unite
- sillyratings - Rate Someone Silly
- single4everclub - The Single Foreverrrrrr Club
- slashyladies - Slashy Ladies
- snoodists - Snood Enthusiasts
- so_damn_bored - Loitering Losers
- soces_speech - soces_speech
- societyofnar - the society of nerds avoiding reality
- somewhat_cute - We're somewhat cute!!
- space_ghetto - space_ghetto
- spastichampster - the Hampshire College geek crowd
- special_people - the special people club
- species_of_one - Caitlin R. Kiernan Community
- specs_appeal - Boys In Spectacles - Love Them So!
- spoink - Last of the Magic
- startingarvists - A Collective Individuality
- stranded_rock - For the Dorks and Nerds of Rock and Roll
- strictlytaboo - Strictly Taboo
- stumble_x_fall - stumble_x_fall
- sugar_shop - A sweet dream of all things sugary...
- summerinstitute - Summer Institute for the Gifted
- summers_house - .::.House Of The Summers'.::.
- superdudeclub - The Top Secret Fortress of the Super Dude Club
- swank_icons - swank_icons
- sxe_geeks - Straight Edge Geeks
- techgirls - Females in Computing
- teen_movies - Neo Maxi Zoom Dweebies
- teh_unkool - The Uncool
- the_a_court - The A-Court
- the_anti_azn - We true Asians
- the_claim_game - The Claiming Spot
- the_hot_geeks - the hot geeks
- the_jim_files - The Universal JIM
- the_out_crowd - ...a SUPERFYL loser.
- the_padded_bra - ~Cotton is Comfort~
- the_strange - the strange
- the_troika - Tribute to the Nerds
- thecoolkidsclub - the cool kids club
- thedork_brigade - Dork's and proud
- theevilcrew - The Evil Crew
- thehotclub - Hot club?
- thelites - Nerd Central
- theliving - A fresh new alternative to television
- thenerdclub - The Nerd Club!
- thequestionclub - The Question Club
- theroom - The Room
- thestorytellers - the story tellers
- thesway - Subtly suggestive bandname
- theundivine - The Undivine
- thoughtsrandom - Random Thoughts of the not so critically acclaimed
- tickle_me_em0 - sweet_catastrophe
- timeforpizza - time for pizza
- tolkienart - Art Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien
- tree4god - Tree lovers
- truthsetmefree - Truth Set Me Free
- tsb - The Student Body
- ubergeeks - Ubergeeks
- uberrad - uber rad
- uglies - Ugly on the outside, beautiful on the inside
- ugly_beast - UGLY BEASTS UNITE!!!
- ugly_nerds - Ugly nerd? Join the herd.
- umd - College Park
- undeniable_10 - Undeniable
- unholycommunion - Catholic School Girls UNITE!
- useless_facts - Community For You To Share Some Useless Knowledge
- utopian_embassy - The Embassy of Utopia
- vampyatwestern - Verbally and Mathematically Precocious Youth
- vegan_candy - Vegans n' Vegetarians with a Sweet Tooth
- venture_nerds - venture_nerds
- virgin_sky - So Be A Virgin
- we_love_wpi - wpixcore
- weallliesowellx - I never told you I hate you but I show it so well
- weblosers - quips 'n' qualms
- weidontcare - fuck everything
- weirdlikeus - if you're one of those kids who just dont fit in.
- weirdosofcolor - The 5th Blaq Dimension. . .
- welovegeeks - Girls who like geeks
- wemustthrust - Mission Masturbation
- whatdoyouhate - What Do You Hate?
- whisperimagined - Newsflash!
- whowouldyou_do - who would you do?
- withoutalove - Destined to be Alone
- worry - Worry
- wrestling_chat - Wrestling Chat
- write_write - write_write
- wusslandia - Realm Of Wusslandia
- xcutexcorex - too cute for school
- xenocracy - xenocracy
- xguttermouthx - The Guttermouth Community
- xlosercorex - LiveJournal Home of Losercore
- xsentrick_games - xsentrick_games
- xsexlikewhoax - xsexlikewhoax
- xxbillycorganxx - LovetoLuvBillyCorgan
- ya_yas - Petites Ya-Yas
- zay_rotten - zay_rotten
Interested users
The following users are interested in nerds. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
456 matches:
- 1000milesaway - Lisa
- 2manyhumans - 2manyhumans
- 4everhalfasleep - amber
- adifferentpaige - Don't call me Noogums!...My Name is SCHNOOGIE!
- aki - aki
- aldonza - elsie
- aliiyn - aliiyn
- alijuice - Juice
- alister - Alister
- alkahest - Amanda
- altoangel - Tina the Geek Queen Extraordinaire
- americnjewl - Not Lonely Anymore
- angeldemusica - Angel
- anne_jumps - Sugar
- annelei - Annelei
- antifluff - Amber
- aprilstorme - April
- arafel - w00tabiscuit
- aramaseid - Samara
- arien - Guiding the Sun
- ashes143 - << a s h l e y >>
- asuka - sharon
- asylum_e - Shafreakwa
- atypical_gnu - Blunderbus
- awshit - collar high
- azrael720 - azrael720
- azuraze - envelope
- babaluma - babaluma
- babidoll - Sally Nightmare
- babycarrots - Mrs. Lady
- badgerisms - Badgerisms
- badkittykat - Cut To The Bone
- bandgeek04nfa3 - Kaitlyn the Great
- beautifulmalady - the sardonic cicatrix
- beijaflor - an electric eccentric
- belladonnarosa - Raucotári, Angel of the Morning
- betterideas - just another dorian gray
- bias_cut - Excess in Moderation
- bigbrain61 - Brianrietta
- bionightmares - BioNightmares
- blackturtleneck - Tongue N. Cheek
- blank_minded - Kristina
- bleeperz - Lucy
- blinded - ¿?tõ®tµ®êÐ §õµ£?¿
- bloody_numbness - The Trick
- blosmtx - amber
- bluegirl - Katie
- bluesiren - i want the golden goose
- bluestocking7 - Quidnunc Apotheosis
- bluevinyl - Jess
- boofuls - Elzbeita
- booh666 - Booh The Martian Mutant Warrior Hamster
- bootycreamchees - Kimmy
- brandnew_loser - BanD .. GeeK
- broken666wings - Miss Angel Starr
- brokenn - whorish
- burnaway - n@ a lie
- burntsnow - Mon'ster, Mon', Snowmunster
- butterfly419 - Louise
- byrdie - Renée Ann
- camram - Carrie Ramsdell
- candimandi - Mandi and Candi
- capnsponge - The lawyer with an eloquent tongue
- cappy_qt7 - (*it's the MOST wonderful time of the year*)
- carmen - carmenite
- caterpillargrl - Rachel
- cattchan - Catt Nyanko
- cenye - tine
- chemicals4elle - chemicals4elle
- cherry_pez - someone
- chess - Michelle
- childofsnow - Chaucer's Wench
- chimp_james - i'm chimp james, bitch
- circumambulate - Circumambulate
- cloeigrrl - Cloei
- colinisasexybea - Kimmy
- compound - Ghenisis L. Ugaw
- computergeek - Jessica
- conducts - Amy Marie
- cowsoncrack - The Electronic Symphonic, the Sound of the Found
- crackslut - I no longer reside here goto iworshipsatin
- danaeris - Danaeris -- or Dana for short
- dane_martin - Enad Nitram
- danor - kawaii-chan
- darkangelll - Rachel
- darkoblivion - melatonin
- deadbrain - judith udermonkey
- delusionalangel - Delusional Angel
- desamado - Another day in paradise
- desnia - Sera
- devon - a Siamese Cat of a Bird
- didicam - Didi
- dimastines - Journeying Machine Engineered for Sabotage
- discostar - E.B.
- displaced - kiran
- divagrrl - DivaGRRL
- divinereason - K.a.t.i.e.l.y.n.n.
- dixon - Brian A. Dixon
- dizzyrockstar - ~*DizZy*~
- dorky_xyra - ....oOoOoO.....
- drake - Drake Warren
- dramadoll - Elysabeth
- drcristin - Dr. Cristin
- drfardook - Mad Mod Rabbit God
- driftwood - hardcore bean
- drippedink - I ain't Frosty the Fuckin' Snowman a'ight?
- drunkprincessq - Shahla
- dumbassgenious - G.P.D.
- dusotch - Detective Gadget
- dvlf - viva
- earthmenstruth - erm
- ebound - Johnny Speed Racer
- echolex - Jenny
- efficientgumby - Kelly!
- eldanorien - Eldanorien
- elecktrik - pirate prude
- eliish - Emily
- elitegrunt - Teh Bacchus
- ellebell - Gabrielle
- elwe - Ryan Gabbard
- emilyrose - Emily
- emmzee - emmzee
- emo_rocks - Another Punk Kid
- enjoyincubus17 - john
- erotikino - Lizzy Gnosis
- eryn - citrus
- evade - Joanna
- evilishness - evilishness
- ex_position - Willard Hewitt of 385 Cloverdale Road
- exposed - X
- ezabeaslade - Ezabea Slade
- faerie_sylph -
- faeriechilde - just another misfit toy
- fairymist - Psyche
- fantastilicious - katertot
- fillerbunny - azn to the max
- fishie01 - five iron fishie
- flashqz - James
- flem - FLEM
- flrtygrl99 - Dale
- foreignemmy - £mm¥
- foreverscotty - Caitlin
- forsakenme6 - Jenny
- fozbaca - fozbaca
- francnfrtr - The Random Rants of Kristen
- freakytoast - ugly kid.
- frozenunderzero - Like a knife in your heart.
- fruitychick - Michelle
- fudgsicleflo - Christina
- geektom - 5 DOLLERS!?! Get oudda here...
- getupkid - bettie X
- gigglesnort - gigglesnort
- ginamoog - Gina de los Santos La Guardia von Sanchez
- glitzydancer - Mary Valentine
- glolikestetris - Gloria
- gloombunny - Gloombunny
- goldfischegirl - camera-yielding loud mouth
- gramaraye - Josephine
- grandpoobah - Subbing for Jamar tonight will be Bling Crosby.
- grave - tastes like burning
- greenbuddha - whitney
- greensmycolor - RACHILL!!
- grlathena - Carolyn
- grrrltalk - Crystal
- grundig - Markus
- gspaz - Gina
- h0ax - Apathy's Child
- hannunvaakuna - discord and rhyme
- hardcore_hazel - H-Squared
- hateme - Bad Monkey
- helditallinside - kristina
- hellokelly - Miss Rebecca Bloomwood
- homerpalooza - Apesy
- hotokeoni - Greg
- humblelbow - Nejifern Jenai FijiFernicous
- hypegreen - Jamie
- i_am_sad - Kevy
- ih8mylife - Kathryn
- ilbrantdai - You Can't Stay Here
- imnotafish - a reckless love story, my shameless confession
- insomniac886 - Amy
- iscythei - A Fantastic Waste Of Time
- ispeaknerd - Kaitlin
- jadedgirl - Erstwhile Adventurer
- jadedharmony - Jade
- jaebird - Gummi Worm
- janiethegeek - Janie
- jasonecaesar - Justin Grays
- javafiend - Isabelle Killingly
- jeffreypw - jeffreypw
- jellybellygirl - Dain Bramaged
- jennyjean - JenJen
- jessicka - Jessica
- joeskatan - Brandon
- jonkill - Dutch Rub
- jpwhite - jpwhite
- justiceforall7 - Tara
- justjessi - Jess
- justplainevol - Frankensloth Puffenstuff
- kalliope - (a brilliant mistake)
- kancer - Kancer
- kateykat - Kateykat
- kavsterwa - Gilberto Gugliachi
- khayman - Ouroboros
- kitryne - 紫罗兰色
- kittyvw - kitty.
- kkscatnip - kat
- klarfax - klarfax
- ksledge - Katherine Sledge
- ktlou - K @ tie
- l0vemen0t - meow.
- l_money - Lola
- lachryrose - Pink Ribbon Scars
- laitaine - Jen Who, Your Friendly Neighborhood Geek
- larly - and dream of sheep
- laurumz - Lauren Elizabeth
- lilygrrl - illstar
- linzbnl - Linz
- littlebill - Little Bill
- littlehapy - Jeni-Bob
- littlelostboy - seppuku ga yokatta
- llamapig - mere
- lolalita - lolalita
- lookofevil - Laser-Guided Chainsaw
- loqia - o r i g n i n a l i t y d i s o r d e r
- lovesuglychild - bite me
- luckysnorkel - make a little birdhouse in your soul
- luminere - Lumie
- luviniswhatigot - my name is pam.
- lvladhatter - Kul (corresponds with purple)
- lyshie - Lysh
- madamecello - Nicole
- madmadammim - Sally
- marafish - marafish
- martinigrrl - MartiniGrrl
- mbv24 - no1
- medicatedangel - Carla
- meeperton - ♥ Nel
- meggielaugh - Megan
- memorabilia - Maryann
- metalspork - eccentric mathy
- michelleh324 - Michelle
- midgetron - midgetron
- midgetsnmonkeys - Bar Bara
- milkbar - Michelle
- missalined - m'issa
- misshelene - HeL
- misteralligator - mister alligator
- mittengrrrl - jes
- mizalaina - alaina's id
- mmartiann - martin
- moe4eyed - Jack College
- monkey39 - the monkey
- moocowmali - perdant avec un macis
- moofly - Ria Peters
- moonpix - stephanie anne
- morbidart - Morbid Art
- morello04 - Kenny Rogers, the Gambler
- msblackheart - MsBlackHeart
- munk - Munk
- myrodatos - myrodatos
- naath - M'lisilinaath Thabana Aes Sedai
- naebliser - Kari
- napoleonherself - かたつむりはかわいい
- natesv - Nathan
- needle - needle
- nekomimi - Freak with a Fetish
- nerd4urpleasure - Jaiden
- nerdboy23 - Erik
- nerdgroupie - Nerd Groupie
- nerdism - Kara
- nermil - I am … Sancho
- neu - reverse psychology never tainted me
- neutron - you like that idiot
- nexusogoo - David, the Nexus of the Goo
- nezumichan - Meg
- nfgnikkimxpx - Just Feeling Tired
- nightgarden - Rachel
- nikalodeeun - ynvysybylys ymagynacyon (unseen dream)
- nikkomega - Nikkomega
- noleafclover_25 - noleafclover_25
- noog - got body if you want it
- nutsymoon - Mo Del
- oatmeal - Boyle's Law
- ocelotchick - gina [dynamite]
- oiandoi - i am ill with delusions of you
- okdkid - Justin
- ommkarja - Artemis
- onetoughbean - James J.
- oo_porcelina_oo - jennnnnnn
- oriongirl - Princess of Waterfalls
- otholovering - Keli
- pandbz - Marisa
- peony - Burdy
- pezchic - alice
- phoenixdigiove - Someone's Kiki
- piccokuh - Ben (Piccokuh the Hamstertush!)
- pip - pip squeak
- pixelspaniel - Courtney
- pixiepoof - Kevin
- plaid_news - crystal erica
- playthefool - call me crazy [kris/tina]
- pop_scene - Manderz Maru
- popsicle - electric shock hazard
- pprettyinpinkk - Barbara
- princesscarla - princess carla*
- prosegoddess - Elise Johnson
- pshairyn - Fighter fater faker and sin
- psycobob - So Damn Metal, My Bones Are Made Of Steel
- punkbanana - I ♥ Spoodles, Inc.
- punkrawkqueen - Rainbow Ska Monkey
- punkrochic - x.amber.x
- punkrockgirl417 - Sandy
- punquin - stephanie
- puzzill - well forked but not dead
- q - Ray
- queeneamidala13 - Queene Amidala
- rabidfangurl - Luthe
- racrichton - Racx
- raleigh488 - raleigh488
- ratgash - ratgash
- rcantilles - wedge
- rckstar13 - Jess
- rebelriot_grrl - PiECeS Of DReAMs GLuEd ToGeTHeR
- reckless - i'd rather be bold & lonely
- recklesswill - monkeybutt
- reddimples - Marie Bean
- reptilian_lace - komplicated karma
- retrospec00 - Bug
- rev2323 - snakemountainblues
- revgale - RevGale
- rick - Jessica
- rigel - Spirit Chrysalis
- rkmlai - rkmlai
- rlwii - Thorvald The Fierce
- rocknrollgrrl - Libby
- rozn - fuck these pills are strong
- rpgamera - Veronica
- rubylou - Senza Senso
- rudegrrlnj -
- running_shark - .. dare you to move ..
- ryansdreamland - a bum
- sadcat - Sadcat
- sandiegodork - Zak
- satoreye - my burning soul
- sawacutie - A Mind Of My Own
- scarykarrey - scarykarrey
- scrapedbeauty - brooke
- scriptgrinder - ~ Matthew Tougas
- serenity173 - Stop global whining
- sexymonkey - Vengence
- sexytwist - Nara Kootonii
- shadow - shadow
- shavo_is_here - shavo
- sheriot6669 - My Unopened Letter 2 a World That Never Will Reply
- shmoodie - cheekaBOWOW.
- silenced - bailey
- silla - Tiffany
- silliesmurf - ~*TaE*~
- sisterbunny - SisterBunny
- slashdot_s - syndicated Slashdot
- sleepybat - Lillian
- sleepypills - i saved latin. what did you ever do?
- slimelime - fallen frames
- sneezypb - Sneezy daPolarBear
- snowflake745 - ~* Nina *~
- snwbdwnb - Emily
- sod - sod
- somebodyelse - an appropriate pseudonym
- somechick - ramblings of some chick
- soulessflame - Goth Powder
- soulfower - Qué Será Será
- soy_bomb - Travis
- space_mike - space_mike
- spacefool - Karf
- spaceghost - Dream Out Loud
- sparklez - KeLL BeLLe
- spiffygrrl - SpiffyGrrl
- spiralingrain - Rain Drop
- spudsocks - the persistence of memory
- spunkerific - rad as plaid
- squidsipper_kim - Walking hand in hand with Him
- stalk_her - Nikki
- starfrog_1 - Nessie
- starlush - i am trying to break your heart
- steen - christine
- stikfigyer - raichal
- strandist - SPAM Engler
- studsmcterkel - Erin
- sugar_slit - Boris Grimley
- sugarbaby69 - K@ND!E =^-^= K!TTEn
- suicidexxxgirl - suicidexxxgirl
- supervixen528 - Typhoid Mary
- sweet_pea - Amelia
- sweetsblonde4 - Nay
- synapsepi - Kindara's potent potables
- tartcherry - *Christina*
- terrible_rhi - terrible rhi
- the_metatron - Metatron
- the_real_sorrow - Sorrow
- theamandapanda - Amanda
- theatreorchid - Orchid
- thecrushlineup - LRB
- thedevel_luvs_u - thedevel_luvs_u
- thedevil - Unspecified 2 dimensional demon in a rubber boot
- thediscomamma - Sara
- thelite88 - The coolest man on earth
- therealme - Ren
- thirdhand - Andrew
- throwmeaway - Sam Antha
- tickle_me_punk -
- tozo - The Shadows
- travistyx - Travis Bones
- trekster - Ritalin Math Parties
- treyci - Trey
- tribble - The Malkavian Kitten
- tripcore - tripcore
- trust_no_x1 - Nicole
- truthspeaker - truthspeaker
- twigsfourhands - makaeda
- tye - okay, thanks, goodbye.
- uglypunkgirl - Casey
- vampireskiss - Patient Zero
- varient - The Varient
- vealpuppet - Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
- veearr - :: neworldisorder
- vikkivak - ViKKi (bUg BiTE*)
- viktorcello - Supah dupah
- vixxen415 - One Dumb Stupid Fuckhead
- vndictivesprite - the chemistry goddess of pentachlororesorcinol
- wackedoncrack - wackedoncrack
- walkxonxglass - walkxonxglass
- wasabiabi - RanDawg
- wearygirl - leah
- whoatemycookies - Kate
- wibble42 - Amanda
- woop_de_woop - Wenslydale
- worfpunk - worfpunk
- worthless_hope - |x| BlAcK eYeLiNeR |x|
- wrinkledinfant - wrinkled infant
- xcom - Extreme Computing
- xellinus - Saint Xellinus D Ruin
- xjaprufrockx - The Robot "Jimmy"
- xliedmyfaceoffx - bobbi sox
- xlonelytylenolx - Marla
- xxglittergirlxx - You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me.
- xxkittenwhorexx - - Digital Kitten -
- yikes - Anna
- yshaloo - manic d
- yznia - Yznia
- zehara - Billie
- zentropics - Eldred Watson
- zeph - Mason
- zephyra - zephyra
- znemesis - David Inacio
- zonga - Elijah is a Falcon