Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "trigun".
433 matches:
0panchan0 - SaMuS
100bullets - The Trigun Drabble Community
21stbc - 21stBC
343_guiltyspark - Otaku madness
60billion_man - the_$$60,000,000,000_man
__adultswim -
__crimsonpublic - trudy.
_adultswim - adult swim
_akatsuki_ - Akatsuki
_angelicicons - Angelic Icons
_anime_club_ - _anime_club_
_animefans_ - The Anime/Manga Community
_animeicons - Anime Icons
_deathlyflight_ - euphoria is fake
_fanfics_ - The Fanfiction Archives
_graphicontest - Graphic Contests
_immortalrain - The First Immortal Rain Community
_mega__deuce_ - Dameneuce of Mega Deuce
_rps_within_rps - Rps Within Rps
a_anime - Anime/manga discussion for those of a mature age
a_i_h_ - Anime.Icon.Haven.
abstractnotions - Abstract Notions
adopt_a_person - Adopt a Person
adult_swim_fan - Adult Swim Fanatics
adult_swim_time - Adult Swim
adultswim_music - The lounge music of Adult Swim
adultswimadults - Adult Swim Adults
adultswimcult - adult swim cult - an [as] friending community
adultswimfans - [adult swim] fans
adultswimfans10 - ADULT SWiM FANS
adultswimicons - Adult Swim Icons
adultxswim - Adult Swim Lovas
agencycorkboard - The Agency Corkboard
ago - Anime and Gaming Organization at Drexel University
ahs_cards - Arapahoe Card Players Anonymous
all_anime - All Anime Fan Fiction
alternateplanet - Alternate Planet
ancon - JapaNation!
angelic_charliz - Angel Face Charlize Theron
anichallenge - I challenge you to write...
anifanfic - Anime Fanfics with a Sensual Flavor...
anigamers - Anime/Gamers
animanga - The Anime and Manga Fan
animanga_world - For Anime and Manga lovers only
animation - The Animation Community
anime - LJ Anime Lovers
anime4sale - for those looking to sell or buy Anime
anime_4eva - anime_4eva
anime_addicts - A N I M E - A D D I C T S
anime_and_manga - anime and manga
anime_at_carver - Anime Club at Carver
anime_cg - anime_cg
anime_challenge - Let us write...
anime_chorus - Anime Lyrical Challenge
anime_club - Anime Club ^_^
anime_colorbar - FOR ANIME COLORBAR
anime_conqueso - anime anything
anime_couples - Anime Couples
anime_critters - Claim Your Favorite Anime Critter!
anime_dedicated - Anime Dedicated
anime_dojo - Anime Dojo
anime_etc - anime_etc
anime_evolution - Anime Evolution Community
anime_extreme - anime EXTREME: everything about anime
anime_fanlist - Anime Fanlistings
anime_fans - Otakus', Fangirls', and Fanboys
anime_fin - Animea suomalaisille.
anime_for_all - The Sanctuary of Anime
anime_freedom - anime_freedom
anime_group_me - Anime Group Member Claims
anime_hush - Anime, Manga & RPG Textless Icon Challange
anime_jrock - Anime & JRock
anime_kids - Anime Kids
anime_lounge - Anime Lounge
anime_luvers - chase-chan
anime_manga - Anime & Manga
anime_names - Claim a Character!
anime_north - Anime North
anime_obessors - ANiME/MANGA~FREAKS
anime_objects - Anime & Video Game Object Claims
anime_obsessed - People Obsessed With Everything Anime
anime_otaku_eu - European Otaku
anime_replica - Who's your anime replica?
anime_stills - Anime & Manga Stillness iContest
anime_swap - The All Things Anime Swap-Shop
anime_updates - Updates for Anime Child Website
animeaddicts - anime addicts
animeaddme - Anime Friends!
animeadult - Anime Adult
animealternates - animealternates
animeartxchange - Original Anime Characters Art Exchange
animeawards - Anime Awards
animecharacters - Anime Characters - Claim a Character!
animecity - Anime City Community
animeclaims - Anime Claims
animediscussion - animediscussion
animedotcom -
animedrabble - anime drabbles
animedvd - animedvd
animefanfiction - Anime Fanfiction
animefobanners - Anime Friends only banners
animeforums - Anime Forums LJ Community
animeheaven - AnimeForever
animehetsmut - The Friends of Anime Het Smut
animeisland - Anime Island
animejoukai - Anime Joukai
animelovers - Anime Lovers
animema - Anime Mid-Atlantic goers!
animemages - Anime Mages
animemanga - Best of Anime & Manga
animemusic - The place for fans of anime music!
animemusicvideo - Anime Music Video Community
animeobsessions - Anime Obsessions
animeobsessives - anime and manga obsessives community
animeod - Anime Overdose
animepeeps - Anime Peep
animepenpals - ☆animepenpals☆
animequotes - Anime and Manga Quotes
animereviews - animereviews
animescreencaps - Anime Screencaps
animesong_names - Claim an Anime Song!
animesongs - Anime (and Video Game) Song Claims!!!
animetrade - anime trade network
animeuniversity - anime no university
animeversus - Anime Versus
animevgsongs - Anime and Video Game Song Claims
animevillains - Anime Baddies
animewallpapers - Anime Wallpapers Forum
anipike - Anipike: The Lj for Links to Anime Sites
annfic - Ann V's Fiction
antiabercrombie - antiabercrombie
anythinganime - Anything Anime
aoas - aoas
aozora_no_knife - Aozora no Knife ~ Blue Sky Knife
apollonian_goth - Gainesville's Goth Pack
ashtonia - Disgruntled Postal Orcs and Knights of Tyranny
baroque_pirates - art community
baseic - Baseic Icons
beta_readers - Beta Readers
better_than_j00 - The Dark Side Of The Moon
bgm_sockpuppets - Black Gate Sockpuppets
bish_names - Bish Name Claims ~* Ouu.
bishieclaims - The Sweet Bishie Haven
bishisrus - Anime Nicknames - Bishis 'R Us!
bishoujo_awards - Bishoujo Icontest!
blackgate - Black Gate MUX
blackholeanime - Black Hole Anime
blockheads - kubricks and other block figures
brainpainfanfic - Friends Don't Let Friends Write Trash Like This
bunchofanime - Bunch of Anime
bwcrossover - #bwcrossover
cabaretmidnight - cabaretmidnight
canonfodder - Canon Fodder
cartoonslash - A Live Journal Community for fans Cartoon Slash
cats_in_anime - cats_in_anime
celcollectors - celcollector
chaos_lunarseal - The Anime Enigmatic Characters Claim List
cheshirerage - the mirror of your life is shards
chibiloansmanga - Chibi!
chic_outcasts - The Sisterhood of the Misunderstood
claim_a_bishie - Claim a Bishie!
claims_in_anime - Claims_In_Anime
clingon - For Those Who ~Love~ The Cling
clubcommons - Club Commons
cmuanime - CMU Anime Screening Society
co_ninja_club - Coloradian Ninja Club
coldblueeyes - coldblueeyes
comicartist - Comic Book Artists
communist_ace - D-boy
communitypromo - Community Promo
con_dreams - Dreaming of the Conventions
couchpotatoes - We watch too much T.V.
crossoverland - Anime Crossover RP
cure_anime - the cure & anime freaks in one
cutiecabbit - Stephie
cyborgfetishes - Cyborg Fetishes
cypreview - Choose Your Review's Updates and Comments
daggera - daggera
dark_fallen - Youkai Fallen
dark_lit_101 - dark_lit_101
dead_names - I see dead people...
dedication - = I'll remind you of who I am. =
digitalflare - Digital Flare
dimblack - DIMBLACK
do_me_vash - Vash the stampeed
dolphinsex - SQUEE Reviews
dorkass_emmaw - Emma Watson: British Dork
dp_cons - Demon Prayers Icons
dvdcovers - dvdcovers
ecchifam - The Ecchi Family
edinburgh_anime - Edinburgh Anime & Animation Fans
efgc - EFGC LJ Division
f_cosplay - Finnish Cosplay Community
fag_punk - Slash me up, baby...
fandom_songs - This song is PERFECT for...
fans_of_zeki - Fans of Zeki!
fans_only - fans_only
fic_on_demand - Ficlets on Demand
fiction_writers - Fiction Writers Anonymous
fightlikeagirl - The Girls
firstcoastanime - First Coast Anime
flamingyou - FFnet FLAMERS
forbidden_haven - Forbidden Haven - Fans of Bishies Everywhere . . .
forever_ctheron - Charlize Theron Forever
forgottenbytime - Forgotten by Time
freeamvs - Free AMV's
fruitsofchaos - Fruits of Chaos
gaia_online - Gaia Online
gaiajournal - Gaia Online
geekculture - geek culture
gh0ul__sc0uts - .:x † spooky kid † x:.
ghetto_cosplay - Ghetto Cosplay
ghost_needs_pie - The Drawing Room
goshikkuyosei - UC the Webcomic of Intense FUN
gothiclolitians - The Realm of Anime, Crossplay, and J-Rock
grandiloninjas - The Grandiloquent Ninjas
graphic_awards - graphic_awards
gs_charsupport - Gunsmoke Character Support Group
gun_grave - Beyond the Grave
gungrave_family - Gun Grave Family
gunsmoke_art - Shoot your gun and paint a picture: trigun fanart
guyswhowantcass - Guys Who Want Cassadi Thomas
hakuraki - Hakuraki
hallway56 - hallway56
hanabi_graphics - Hanabi Graphics
hayami_sama - Sho Hayami Fans
het_names - Claim a *gasp* heterosexual couple!
het_romance - BI's Community for Fans of het couples in anime
high_elbow - high_elbow
high_minds - High Minds = High Thoughts
homemade_manga - Homemade Manga!
hott_anime_guys - Hott Anime Guys
ichigo_media - Ichigo Media
iconxjealousy - [ .icon.x.jealousy.]
ihatetrigunsues - A fanfiction writers' community. . .
im_addicted - The Addiction community
in_cold_blood_i - Sci-Fi community
insanityquill - T.S.I. Institution
iupuac - IUP Underground Anime Club
ja_elite - Japanese Anime Elite
japan_music - Japan Music
japan_stuff - Japanese Lover
japaneseanime - Are you a Japanese Anime F®ËãK?
japanfan_ottawa - Ottawa's Anime and Japan Fans
jhonen - mr. vasquez's fans
jolt_obsession - obsession is happy!
jrockism - The Jrock community
jtownanime - J-Town Anime and Manga Society
jubilette - [ J U B I L E T T E - - - picks by ]
k_x_v - Brotherly Love
kage_bushin - kage_bushin
kaijuu - Kaijuu Icon
kaleido_stars - ~Kaleido Stars~
kamc - Kingwood Anime/Manga Community
kamikaze2005 - KamiKazeCon 2005
kattcon - Kattu's Icons
kazz_icons - Kazz's Icons
kazzfiction - kazz's fiction
kingdomhearted - Kairi
kitsune_clan - kitsune_clan
kngdmheartanime - Kingdom Hearts Anime RPG
knightsabers - Knight Sabers
kuramas_garden - Kurama Fan Area/ Anime Fan Area
kuratainc_ffic - kuratainc_ffic
lbcc_thirdreich - The Undead
legatoworship - ~Fans Of Legato Bluesummers~
lizzycon - lizzycon
longliveanime - Nagai Raivu Anime
love_and_peace - The Crazy Hippie Club
lovethineenemy - Beautiful Nemesis - a haven for love between foes
loveyourghg - A Community for Gung Ho Gun Lovers
lyk3wh0a - Graphics by TKsama ^.~
mad_bot_sex - Madbotsex
manga - The Japanese Manga Community
manga_icontest - manga_icontest
manga_ka - Manga-Ka...where aspiring manga artists go
manga_medley - ++Manga Medley++
manga_trade_uk - Manga Trade In The UK
mangaaddicts - Manga Addicts
marry_sanctuary - Character Claiming ^_^
mctoys - McFarlane Toys discussion
michigan_anime - Michigan Anime
missouri_anime - Missouri Anime
modestanimefans - For the normal fans ONLY
moonage_icons - Moonage Daydream
multi_anime - Multi-Anime Community
muse_asylum - Asylum - A Haven for Muses
museofthedamned - Muses for the Damned
muserealm - Larathia's Realm
myflagsred - no one
nandesukan - Nan Desu Kan Community
ne_anime_club - Nebraska Anime Club
neko_icons - Neko Icons-Anime Icon Community
nekochans_anime - Nekochan's Anime Happyland
nekocon - Nekocon!
nerv_elite - The Elite of NERV
nisky_anime - The Niskayuna Anime Club
nj_otaku - New Jersey Otaku
no_yaoi_here - No yaoi here
nofur4u - pop
nonuglyotaku - ☆Non_ugly_otaku☆
novacomet - novacomet
nuharu - ~* N u h a r u *~
nyanime - NY Anime
nycgeek - nerds and geeks of nyc
otaku6 -
otaku_club - The Supreme Otaku[s]
otaku_jinrui - University of Nebraska-Lincoln Anime Club
otaku_mayhem - otaku_mayhem
otaku_writers - Otaku Writers: The Place for Anime Fanfiction
otakubuddies - otaku buddies
otakutribe - otaku tribe
otherworldrpg - Anything and anyone RPG
ouatim_asylum - ouatim_asylum
ouatim_central - ouatim_central
p0pwar - for the pimps who play skate and skate popwar
pairing_claim - Claim An Anime or Manga Pairing
pencil_board - Shitajiki
piro_in_japan - piro_in_japan
planetgunsmoke - Planet Gunsmoke - Trigun Roleplay
poeticeternity - poeticeternity
power_names - Claim your powers. >)
projectseeds - Project Seeds (A Trigun Community)
quiztaker - Anime Quizzes
rabidfanssuck - Rabid Fanboys and Fangirls Suck
raburiichaami - raburiichaami
rakugaki - JeMx +[ rakugaki ]+
randomjunk - :.._::RandomJunk::_..:
rant_of_ravens - rant_of_ravens
razorbloods - Bloodwarped and Twisted
reccacon - Recca Con
rinsden - Rin-chan's Den
river_styx - The River Styx
robotic_art - robotic_art
roleplayanime - Anime Role Playing
rp_central - role play
rpg_list - RPG Listings
ru_trigun - ru_trigun
ruinists - the Ruinist Community
rujca_club - rujca_club
saffic - saffic
sakurainn - The Sakura Inn Mansion
santomadachi - Amour
santouseiji - Anime and Manga for the Sane Fan
sashafan - Sashages
sc_anime_club - Santa Cruz Anime Club
semes_united - For The Uke In Need of a Seme
serenity_icons - Usagi
seven_worlds - Erin
sex_anime - SEX & ANIME
shivae - Shivae Studios
shonenfans - Fans of Shonen
simple_studies - Simple Bible Studies
snarky_yaoi - ~Yaoi Humor for the Immature and Snarky at Heart~
somethingdark - Karen
songs_of_anime - Anime Songs
spakuzza_spa - we are all made of stars
sparklybra - sparklybra icons
ssac - Studio Sokodei Appreciation Club & fan parodies
strange_earth - strange_earth
subdue_the_bish - Subdue a Bish!
support_slash - Support Slash & Other Smutty Fannish Weirdness
swabi700 - ...Slackers Who Are Blissfully Ignorant...
swank_icons - swank_icons
t_h_e_m_anime - THEM Anime Reviews
talk_anime - Talk about anime
tchs_anime - Timber Creek High School Anime Club
the_r00m - the_r00m
the_uncool_club - You Might Be a Part of It Sooner or Later
theadultswim - Adult_Swim
thecajunmafia - The Cajun Mafia Land Pirates
thecuteones - The Cutest Anime and Manga and Game couples...
thefanficsite - Amy's Fanfiction Site
thegreensheeps - The Black (and Green) Sheep of Society
theinterweb - It's like coolsville daddyo...
thelufflies - The LUFFLIES
themusic411_new - The Music 411
thepaperduet - The Paper Duet
thesumofbadfic - The Fanfic Summary Trash Bin
thewildchilds - The New Crew
thktldy - 이명은
through_fire - Through Fire
tie_you_up - Tie You Up! Claims
tiedyekiddies - 大きいTIE-DYE の大災害!!!
tohmaryuichifan - ~*Ai-chan*~
tohmas_closet - Tohma's Closet
tohmaxryuichi - TohmaRyuichifan
toumas_closet - r3turN t0 ::[ tohma Seguchi's ]::[ cLos3t
tradeanime - The Anime Trading Community
tri_bop - tri_bop
tribal_dribble - tribal_dribble
tribe_mke - TRIBE_MKE
trigun_awards - Trigun Icon Awards!
trigun_fics - Trigun_fics
trigun_icons - trigun_icons
trigun_manga - Trigun Manga Community
trigun_pairings - trigun_pairings
trigun_paragons - trigun_paragons
trigun_plothole - Trigun Plotholes
trigunfans - Vash the Stampede
trigunyaoi - *Welcome to "June" City*
try_this_fic - Your Local Yaoi Supplier
tweak_twitch707 - tweak_twitch707
ukcosplay - Cosplay in the UK & Europe!
umd_anime - UMD Anime
under_1000 - Short Fiction Warehouse
v_x_w - Warm Gunmetal
vancouvergothic - Vancouver Gothic
variety_core - Variety Core - vXc - Advice, Friends, Music, etc.
vash_meryl - For Vash/Meryl fans everywhere!
vashfans - Vash lovers X3
vegeta955 - anime and games
wangtastic - Wangtastic :: RP Journal
welcome_home - ::Welcome.Home::The.Time.For.a.New.Beggining::
westmi_anime - West MI Anime Fans
where_am_i__ - Where Am I?
winnipeganime - The Winnipeg Anime LJ Community
wolfwood_fans - wolfwood_fans
wouanimeclub - The Western Oregon University Anime Club
xx_the_ac_xx - TOGAC and the NFHS Anime Club News Network/Updates
yaoi18 - Yaoi!!
yaoi_add_me - ~Yaoi-Loving Friends~
yaoi_challenge - Yaoi Challenge 2004 - 2005
yaoi_fanfics - Yaoi Fanfics
yaoi_smut_fics - Yaoi Smut for the Soul
yeah_beavis - yeah beavis
yeoldebar - Trigun Fanfiction Factory
you_wish_anime - "You Wish!" Anime Reviews
youdrawidraw - youdrawidraw
yuri_add_me - Yuri-loving friends
zero__hour - Meisters.
Interested users
The following users are interested in trigun. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
466 matches:
_anus - --- \\ - Lost in the Motion.
a_gothic_beauty - a gothic beauty
abstruse - Jason Byrons
ac_natakusama - Majin
addledbrains - Mary Beth
aeon6 - (ae)on
aeristerra - Aeristerra
agent57 - text messaging and unnecessary cruelty
airame - Maria... the other potato
akael - Akael
akiotena - Aki, the Mistress of Darkness
alania - Lani Love
alsie - Alzuki
amariana - Amariana
ammo - Allison L
amp - April
angel18 - [ l i n d s a y ]
angelcarnivore - Mara
angeloftears - Salem
angeluserrare - [ t e n s h i ]
angelusexcaelum - [ t e n s h i ]
antipeople - Anti
aoshi - Sam
aperfectincubus - Rin
aperfectmistake - A perfect Mistake
arafel - w00tabiscuit
arca - Sucube
arf - Jessica Perkins
arikado - アリカド
arukus - Ciarrai
asiina - Asiina
asilvahalo - come to heaven, silva halo
asmodeusb - The Flaming Octopus Man
astrosonya - Sonya
atholbrose - atholbrose
atomx - AtomX
automaticman - The Automatic Man
awriter - awriter
azurelunatic - I see you falling
azzinita - Ms Azzy Star
bakanogami - Thomas McAlister
bam2 - Greg Ayres
baomon - baomon
beelzy666 - Liz
bekavalentine - Kate
beyond1 - The Texas Chainsaw Ballerina
biggersone - Barrett...alas for I barely knew him...
bigr - Roarke
blackpaw - Black Paw
blark - Thomas White Hates Your Pop Culture
bluss - Bluss
boombinah - Boombinah
bquine - Bobby Quine (The Swine)
byaina - b00ty mcw00tw00t
calico - Happy Fun Hair
cally - The Dark Lord: Chuckles, the Silly Piggy
captainhero - justin"the fish"kraeer
caravel - Caravel
celestina - Nysia
chan - Chan
chantal - Leah
chaoticblue - Mockery
cheefirefluff - Chee Firefluff
chibiichi - Mrs. Winner
chichiri - Roxy
chime - Chimerasame
cindysilver - cindysilver
cipher - Kitsune
cl0ckw0rk - the Doctor... Who? Exactly
clefbarton - Kale Boehmer
cmdrbean - The Odd Man Out
cpudemon - Dried Up, Tied and Dead to the World
crazyfurries - Marusia Ringeisen
crimsonphoenix - Keikura the CrimsonPhoenix
cube - key[s]
cyberknight - Wesley
dandysruleok - We'll live forever in books, darling
darkenchantress - Tenshi
deathchicken - ninja kitty!
deftscythe - Count Rockula
deliriumzero - Delirium Zero
dellessa - The Princess of More Than a Bit
despair - 절망 Despair
destroyingangel - The Prime Minister of the Republic of Prompt
detlev409 - Matt
diabless - Lazurus
diavana - Ms.D
dickymon - apostrophe in apostrophe out
disarrayed - KaM-RaWn
dive - dive
doom - Doom
dorthycatalonia - Kiwi
dracovixen - V
dragondaisy10 - that is my voice rising
dragonlord58 - Carlo Di Marco
dragonpearl - Dragonpearl
drfrank - Battlin' Jack Murdock
drstevechaos - Dr. Steve Chaos
duotgod - Duo
dw33b - Voodoo Mark
easalle - Czep
ecneics - Ecneics
eeek - eeek the funky town soldier
egaumer - Eric Hibiki
eienai - the fire burning inside my mind
elctrcmonkyman - Jeff
elhaym03 - Ranma-chan
emiko - the girl with the gun
eozarth - Eozarth
esmeltz - esmeltz
eyeconqueror - Kenshin Guy
fallenrose - geekitty
fieryragegoddes - star
fireeyes - fireEyes - the worry factory
fireriven - Deborah
fluffy - stranger
folle - Lunitari
forseti - Forseti
fortis - Zack Corcoran
funkywhiteboy - funkywhiteboy
gala_silverstar - Galadriel Silverstar
galewind - Christopher
gamer_697 - Sebastian
geechan - migrating coconuts
gelly - gelly
geni91782 - Kerri
ghettofridge - Pita
ginnyseta - Ginny Seta
girlbleeding - la mia malvagità bella
girlwithagun - death to ice weasels
gksetzer - GKSetzer
glory_box - Robyn
grayfox - Andrew "NeoSeifer" Fields
graywolf - Liz Miller
greenarcher22 - Akuma
greenhalo - Hartman
grimseth - Grim
grinick - Complete Insanity
gryffyn - gryffyn
guyver - Guyver
haphazard - m.
harlequinn - Fish
haze - Haze
hcm28 - Hypatia Tylwyth
heavenisalie - I wanna be abused
hecate - Just Miki
himeko - Rina
himitsu - Shelley Kleysteuber
hippocrates - Hippocrates
hojonomiko - Cat-Chan the Yaoi Goddess
hyuga - Hyuga
icebratrpg - Misty
icesickle - Ice Sickle
iloveme32 - Stranded starfish have no place to hide
iluvikarishinji - Ashlie
inane - Dirk
innis - Innis Conry
iria - Player Utena
ivey - about a girl
iyoichi - Iyo Ichi
jaebird - Gummi Worm
jaezebel - Jaezebel
jagoros - Jagoros
jaina - xai^2
jamesorr81 - James
jaysunrocks - Jaysun
jaywalk - Jayson
jear - jear
jerobi - Myntric
jeroenwing - Jado
jessi - The Marvelous & Infamous MARSHMELLOW FAIRY!!!
jeydo - The Man who was but a Dream
jezabel666 - lascivious.
jimmystecchino - Jimmy Stecchino
jnoxenet - Jewel Noxenet
johnko - John Ko
joie - Ninja Artist
julianchan - Julian Spillane
julka - Julka
juujinkan - Juujinkan
kalyandra - Kalyandra
kamaitachizero - -Trella Cashin
kandykorn - Ash
karsh - Savvy
kasou - hyde
katica - Kata
katsu02 - katsu
kdrudy - Kairu
keiko - Katie
kellycuba - a sprinkling of rain
kendrasue - Kendra Sue
keruri13 - Keruri
kingofbouncers - Tom
kireisarah - Train now leaving on Track Number Sex
kirstian - Kirstian
kitarra - Kitarra
kiten - kiten
kittycatlover - Peanut
korgan - St. Jimmy
koutetsu - Koutetsu Saigo
kyrie_asini - EKD
ladytundra - Lauren
lambentwanderer - Jack Meeker
lame - Mr. Blue
lenina - Trinity Bennett
leonardofelix - Leonardo Félix
les_cuki - Leslie
lifeformzero - Zero
lightning_count - Sunbeam Fire King
lilygrrl - illstar
linaket - she's got them glitter veins
littleamirgirl - Zelly
lockeboy - 失名
loopychew - Lawrence Chu
lordmork - Lord Mork
lost1605 - Lost
lostfactor - Eliot Lefebvre
lostindeath - Kat Breaux
louisiana_trout - Junpei
lovemonkey101 - bleeding profusely
lsduser - Soda de Madrid
luvmegabyte - ~¤Sexually Attracted to Fire¤~
lyme - Iraqi Attack Pretzel
lyndon - Your New Best Friend
lyss - Lyss
madrain - Joshua
maeka - sabrina
mageraine - Raine Thompson
malaisia - MK
maliekin - maliekin
maltor - John Banker
marktheshark - mark
marzarelo - Marzarelo
masterfedora - Ricia Fedora
maxerg - Calamity Annie
maybelline - [ [ m i s s . n y k k y ] ]
mehbeh - Mary Beth
melliemeal - Mell
mentalguy - MenTaLguY
meo - Meo
mephron - Gwalchmai
merichan - The Rage of Achilles
merisa - Merisa
michelleleo - MichelleLeo
michiru_umi - Michiru Umi
mika_vumner - Mika
mindy - Mindy
mitsuchan - Mitsu
mmenoire19 - Aquarian Tendencies
mofomisfit - Iate138
mommiemilo - Shana Markham
moogleborg - Eddie Wilson
moogleslair - Moogleslair
mooiez - Jess
moondog247 - Moondog
moonknight - Khonshu
munkdogg66 - munkdogg66
nachtzehrer - cat
necroflux - friend of a friend of a friend
neev - Devious Degenerate
nekobasu - Zach
nekomimi - Freak with a Fetish
neo651 - Vash
neonowl - The Pope's Cousin, Count Popeula
nickie - The life of Nickie
nienna - nienna
ninja39 - Slyninja
ninjahedge - Scott
nonplus - Heir Hamlet
noodlboy - Noodleboy
nooneloved - nel
not_the_one - marymary
nssreno - Evil Archdruid Warlord
nuero - nigger WHAT
nullcherri - Kittun
nyaraka - Abbess
nyrockcity21 - Stophe
oceans_of_jade - dressed to kill
october_rust - A E O N
oddcat - Oddcat
omega_13 - Andrew
omnidream - Omnidream Nytemare, the Keeper of Dreams
oniko - Jean
outlawtrunks - ·Nena·
paige21 - Professional Mad Scientist Lady
pangeasplit - nosferatu
peneli - Alien Booknose Peneli
perigune - lobster moon
persona210 - persona
phycho - Mike
piiko - Piiko
pikaboner - Domesticated Pikachu
pixelspaniel - Courtney
plinko - Pope Zypgx
pointedulac - the champion of idiots
poopers - Kait Sith/Kat Najera
powerrad - Adam
prairieflower - Mrs. Rawlings
princessofpain - Kat, the Almighty Princess of Pain
professor - Professor Moriarity, Evil Genius At Large
psycrowe - Lunch Box
pudnakp - "DAVID"
punkfox - Rudolph Bradford
pureanimeotaku - ~Flonne Loves You~
pyrop - Magister Loony
quatres_star - Star
queenjess - Kinderbat
raechan - Joy
raichu - Vicky Janelle
rainbowblue - knock hard. life is deaf.
rayven - Brujah Luna
razormage - Ryan
razorwolf - £¥ÐÏÅ
rdofthe7thtier - Rivin Drivix
reddragonace - Red
rei_ayanami_iv - Rei Ayanami IV
rein - Eddie
rejoicify - メリンダ!
rem_saverem - Rem Saverem
remchan - RemChan
remylebeau - Remy LeBeau
rentasmo - Rentasmo
rigator - Gator
rinae - Rinae
rockyrakkoon - Z
ronfar - Ronfar
ronnieraccoon - Ryan J. Smith
rosegwen13 - MidnightTigeress
rpgbabe - Cherry-Tonic
rph_0000 - Master of all that is inconsequential
rubilee - JLJ
rundancefreak - She
rurouni_kenshin - Adam
rynumber3 - Ryanne Thomas
sadnessnpeace - brian
saeryph - 天使
safiiru - Karl
sageofdarkness - Sage Of Darkness
sailormgm - "The World is Quiet Here."
samchan - Tsume Ryu
sanban - スズの月世界
sandrock - E-Chan/GundamSandrock
sapphire44 - Kippy Zanzibar
sarcasticval - Val of the Sarcastic Vals
saria - hikari wo sagashite
satsuka - Satsuka
saturnismine - Vash The Stampede
scribbleschan - Scribbles
seifergrrl - The Videogaming Alchemist
seiry - seiry
seiryu - Seiryu's Sanctuary
sen - sen
sephirothisdead - Charlie
septmed - Septmed
serendous - Serendous
seriner - Super Toast
seris - Slender Gender Bender
servermonk - server monk
sesshoumaru - Sola
shadowrunner - I'm Wolverine, and I'm the best at what I do.
shatter707 - Shatter
shefell - Mecha-Meg
shikari - Felicia Atkinson
shimarisu - Sadie
siliconsylph - Benjamin
silversolitaire - Silver
simhuman - Natasha
sinenomine - Kizazi Ayumi
sketchzero -
skittlex - Noodle Boy
sky - Gwaland
skywise - The Stargazer
slipkn0t - Bohemiam Samurai
smegheadsmurfs - harms
smooploops - Jay-San (AGAIN!)
smyrkingrevenge - Free and Clear
sokotos - Sokotos
sola - little carpenter bee
somethingelse - still born
sorano - Pale and Sickly Child
sparkyjayson - Jayson
spidergirl69 - ragazza di venerdì
spidersilk - Little Miss Procrastination...
spinnersmurf - Patti
spiritbomber - SpiritBomber
spiritchan - Connie
spiritwalker - Dream
squeekster - Blue Ronin
srinoaheartlys - Wing Heart
statikcat - eternal entity
stmykel - nuclear*winter
sweetsongstress - Aileen
synaesthesia - jessica
taelos_saloth - Taelos Saloth yn Aerinathia, Vahleys yn Banerosha
taffy - Steve
tani - Tani
tarpo - Not a little white dog
technogypsy - holly
tenchichan - Kris-chan
tenketsu - Matt
tenshi - Tenshi
terra - Kemru
tesla - William Pemberton
thanee - Thanee
thatoneguy - Deluded Id
the_frail - Vash the stampede
theelectricmonk - Blatant the Unseen
thelastsong - Firefly -- the Newtype Girlie
thetraveller - Road Wulf
thewolf - ....and i decided i was never coming down
thunderblossom - Thunder Blossom
tifalockheart07 - Tifa Lockheart
tigers9lives - The Shadow of a Shadow of a MUFFIN
timon - Jay Sin aka. Worthless
tis_true - i'm going to kill worf
tomodachi - Auj
toubabo_koomi - Joey Noodles
touchthemonkey - your mother, trebeck!
tozo - The Shadows
triplea - Triple A
triplesix - Mandee
triscuitzop - Zop triscuit
triza - Triza
trunksgrl8 - Sami Kei
tsukainokami - Rob B.
tsukushi - Bethany
twondo - Twon, Twan, Tuan...
typhon - Typhon
undrgrndhardcor - Short Stories With Tragic Endings
unit02 - Tampon the Pirate ® ««Blue Team Commando»»
urieloblivious - Uriel Oblivious
utena401 - Thoughtful Disillusion
valgaav - JtHM
valgal - Val Gal
vash - El Presidente
veazey21 - Captain Mediocrity!
vegeta - Intoxicated By Your Blood
verie - Verie
weepingwillow - Goddess of Fire
weirdpixie - Mallaidh
wetheril - F. Tephritidae
whengeeksattack - Niko
williameva - Spirit DeFective
wolfgirlari - A good cat deserves a good rat.
wolfwood - Max
xeentar - angela
xellossmazoku - Xelloss Greywords
xenia - Xenia
xfire - kuroneko
xplodinggirl - between the spine & the skin
xsilverfox - Mr. Cellophane
xxlavenderxx - Pretty baby, un petite ingenue
yasminm - Yasmin M.
yikes - Anna
yllis - Tanya
yum - yUm
zab - Elizabeth
zazaloida - Zazaloida
zerbrochen - Omi
zero_alpha - Shiyojin 'Zero Alpha' Rommyu
ziddar - Ziddar
zophar - Antistar
zorkfox - ZorkFox
zrosan - Jonathan // Ximenes