Relevant Communities The following communities are also interested in "the 80s" .
34 matches:
Interested users The following users are also interested in the 80s . More fun stuff can be found on the interests page .
787 matches:
107 - Fall To My Soul
5ara - A Bad Dream Come True
abandonedhope - Signore David Estefan
abelfan - Tania
acissej - Jessica
ada - Ada
adraindpuck - Puck
aebon - aebon medazzal
aeryvae - kangaroo kate
aestetrix - weenie gnosis
ahoyhoynectar - JokeR in the PacK
aidualc80 - c-c-c-claudia
akeke - kELine
akira28 - SammyP
alannahrose - AlannahRose
algeh - Algeh
aliaylin - Ali
alister - Alister
allieish4x0r - allie
almostelusive - jackie
amalthia - Amalthia
amylee1178 - AmyLee
amymich - Blue Jean Baby, L.A. Lady
anandita - K.a.t.h.e.r.i.n.e
andrea397 - Andrea (mable)
angeldevildrea - :|: Andrea :|: -- LambLove
angelical - ashleigh
angelic_shimmer - ~*Mary*~
annabelevil - Annabel Evil
annalra - AnnaLRA
anordinarystory - Emma
antigirl - Kate da Great
antiheroes - :.::holli bolli::.:
antislut - Vacant
antisocialdiva - antisocial diva
anukis - All Your Base Are Belong To Lauren
applelard - Tallulah
applexshamp0o - Ren Hoek
arachne - arachne
ari21 - n3rdt45tic
arlia - Karen
artfuse - pyr pyr
artless - artless
asgoodasdead - The Dread Pirate Roberts
ashmasterflash - dead at heart
assmongrel - just another std
astoriabound - The Motivation-Seeker
astric - never even caught her name
atak97 - AL
athanatos - athanatos
augustxsky - Brandar drives a hondar.
auryanne - Auryanne
awwwyeeeaaa - Diesel
b3ttyb00p818 - betty
babyplunk - º° ßr¥ °º
badash - ash
bambi85 - Clare
bandie528 - *Laura*
banshee384 - CC
banzai - Banzai
bdreligiongrrl - Bad Religion Grrl
beamsoflight - Kimmie
beanheadned - material girl
beannn - Gena -> you're so tomorrow
beau0519 - Beau
beautydenied - Kit
beezus - randomness is goodness
beguiling - bee-bee
belisamabranwen - Belisama Branwen
bemyyokoono - Cristina
beneatscrayons - Auto response from beneatscrayons1
biker_boi_dhane - Dhane
birdland - Ladybird
bitemytongue - cherrie grrl
blackmass -
black_arachnia - Black Arachnia
black_book - stories from the city, stories from the sea
blcknblu - SAMANTHA the cookie monster
blind - our unsleepable friend
blinkboi - ~* Dan *~
blondee821 - Rhonda
bluesummersv - Damien
bneely - brett neely
boarderchickrxb - ~JaMiE~the~DaY~
booradley - Igzy
brakachu - b . r . a . k . a . c . h . u
britney_rocks - Dayna
brittyn - Brittyn
bronzemistral - Mistral
brooklyn - here's tom with the weather
brooklynk78 - Oy with the Poodles already
bunglehead - the anti-jen
burnmeinstars - burn me in stars
busterh - Buster
cairpaverl - MacKenzie
caitthegreat - Cait the Great
cal333 - caleb
callyhighfield - Miss Innuendo
candicorn - ~c (candace)
candyncigs - RoxanaWillRockYouSoHardcore
candysun - Frizz
caramel_ - caramel
carene - Carene
carnationgirl - Renee (or someone like her)
carnival_show - PostMortem Shakes
catalyst1979 - catalyst::reaction
catpandaman - Nate the tie
ceasetoamaze - ::~ CEASE TO AMAZE ~::
celestialdebris - Spam
charstarlene - Charlene
chaseme249 - That Estoopid Kid
cheapmustard - kim
cheezemonkeys - Julie
chelleyv - Michelle
cherrysmurf - Nikki
chibi_neko - a clockwork girl
chicalta - may i wear you...out?
chironsoldier - Xia
chocobojojo - anarchy in my pjs
cholula - Cholula
chrisomatic - Meanie McMeansley
chronophasia - chronophasia
citizenhum - Zero Pink
cknj530 - Cyd Vicious
clam - *richelle*
clevelandspazdx - Christi
cocteautwin - grey vogel
compwiz - Ari Pollak
confessionalbox - el pollo loco
conseptik - Consept
coolidge - Ashley
coolsville - Knuckle Head
cool_geek - Ashley
corazon - girl versus heart
corazon_perdido - Melissa-bo-bissa-banana-fanna-fo-fissa
corvuschan - Reverend Corvus
creativelytrite - LaurenMarie
crematia - Ari
crestfallenly - 1976
crunchypunk - whitegirl
cry4help - Liana
cutelilsk8er - Sweet Soul Sister
dadastuntgirl - dada stunt girls
dammitjanet724 - Gayle the Quail
danaxlove - *Dana*
dancingspork - plastic lawn flamingo
danipopali - dani pop
dapheni - That Crazy Girl
daubigny - Daubigny
davanshi - Angie
dblaze - D.Blaze
dcompose - d
deadkisses - Va to the nessa
deathhue - This is my Away message
deathjester - Deathjester
deceptiveprick - Your Sweet Catastrophe
decora - Teenage Schizoid
deepgreensea - deepgreensea
delicaterain - ~*A kingdom for a kiss upon her shoulder*~
dementeddoll - oOoSPACEcadetoOo
demirep - Steph
designated - lindsay
destroythelight - Persephone
dethryl - Dethryl
detroitbryan - Bryan
devanshi - .·:*¨¨ *:·. Angie .·:*¨¨ *:·.,
devilish_bitch - Samantha
devonsego - devonsego
diaphanouswaif - Bon
dindin - DinDin
dirtydiana5 - Diana
dist0rted - juliana
distressedamsel - zebra swallowtail
divinesarcasm - divinefuckingsarcasm
djblax - Unabashed Extrovert
dmeeraaakjv9 - *Miss Shortcake*
dochyde - Doc
doctorbob - magnum, p.i.
dollaramawoman - FlowerMcPussyWillow
dontseemobvious - !!!!!!SEX AND VIOLENCE!!!!!!
dorkrock240 - caroline.
dormantwastelnd - r o b o t i c a l l y c h a l l e n g e d
dramainherhead - Dashboard Confessional Chick
dreamburnt - dreamburnt
dreammaven - Emalia Jinx
dreamyblue - hilary & the full effect
dross_cat - The Fox
duchessinpink - Izzi
duckaroo - Becky
duckyastheycome - elizabeth
dylan_natalie - Dylan & Natalie
earth_dragon - earth dragon
ebair - weirdos turnin' crazy
eclecticpoet - Em. Es.
eemodork - greg
eionva - eionva
elemenoh - Jack
elfindaze - MC Elfie
elfpowergirl - wendy starr
elf_power - slacker bitch
eliae - Amanda
elitist_maus - Vanessa
elixirlips - huggy mcpickles
emjayne - Emjayne
emoandy - andy.
emoholocaust - lady luck
emotion - emotion
emptytrashben - ben
enidthecoleslaw - Enid Coleslaw
enjoy - JoyFace
erincita - erin lynne
ernieo - ErnieO
eroticvulture - i'm on fire
eternal_sigh - Anavrin
eventides - Wallflower
evildiscofaerie - Lori
evilidoless - Erin Idol
eviltwin94 - Erin the Fine and Dandy
exploding_girl - Peta
eyeheartbatman - a smirk on her face and a gun in her hand
eyeofjapetus - Kae Emm
fairyarmadillo - nadja
fallendwnleaves - The heartbreaker
falln2myworld - fighting.words.under.her.breath
fancyladnate - Jonathan
farrahlynn - Farrah
feathersiron - Lower Wolves
flambe - September Cinderella
flamingvivi - Vivi
flashqz - James
fluke_me - fluke
flyingsolo - Nicole
fock - .a.m.
folkyboy - cheer up emo boy
foodface - Food Face
foxyfarfar - Farrah
freckles86 - Ashley
frederich - Frederich
fruitkitten - snasheepaphra
funkyg - Luna
fwapacha - ZUCHiNI BiKINI
g5f - 404
gabizoidal - Gabi
geeky_linz - Linz
gehgoigoddess13 - Ra Ra Rasputin.. I mean, Roops
ghettobootystar - holly golightly
ghettofabbdawg - britty
gimples - 8-ball
gingerravababy - GingerRaVaBaby
girlawhirl - make me clean
girldecksboy - everything outta me
glamsham - DreamThatHasn'tEnded
glitterspitter - electro-gash
glowwurm - eat me.
gmoneyjonesiii - G Money Jones III
godpidgeon - GodPidgeon
goldbucket - a journal
goldenboy - Golden Boy
goobsboobs - *Ginger*
goodlookinout - Lauren
gr8punkette - Punk Rawk Gurl
grahamady - Anything but Ordinary
grease - Kirby
greenness37 - Daddy's Little Defect
grimkitten - ~::..der.kitten..::~
grinnmn - La Fée Verte
gruvych1k - Mily
gwydi - Gwydion Elderwyn
h3av3nlyboi - Ryan
hammondcheese - k to the Atheryn
hasidichysteric - Itana
hasslehoff - Dave Smith, Mechanic
havenstar - Jewels of Denial
healthhazard - Claire
heartofice - Lady Amalthea
hecate - Do you close your eyes when you kiss me?
hellmstrphibi - Jimmy
hellsbitch - Lady Riddle, Dark Queen of Evol
hemophiliacmel - stupid smiles and autographs
hereiam - J.R.
hereinmyravine - Whispers In Blindness
hermionestarlet - Laura
highlander3751 - Therin
hisashi_zero - Taga-Prégo
hit_this - ashley news network
homosuperior - Gotta make way for the HOMOSUPERIOR...
honeybee82 - Cathy
hproudfoot - Evil Soulless Thing
humbug_heather - Alowishus Devadander Abercrombie
hybriphyx - Skirby
ibleevenfaeries - «´`·.¸.*.¸.·´¨`» Becky «´`·.¸.*.¸.·´¨`»
iheartart - Cat
ijuxtaposition - Ijuxtaposition
ikeeplooking - ikeeplooking
iluphjew - Minimort
ilzabet - ilzabet
imaguymagnet - cyNICal
imsorad - Beth
imstarryeyed - superficiality disorder
im_pretty_dull - You know, that one boring chick
inabscentia - Jessica
indignantfig - bex
inertialx - Jay
infamousmrmatt - 29 Helens Agree
insaneyjaney - electric sheep
insanity - Secks and Chicken
inthebackground - Borgo
in_absentia - Jessica
islandinthesun - kell+nadia
ivye - Ingrid
iworshippaige - Sexx
jacy_ - « ßü®ñîñG ƒì®€ »
jadedrecreation - Angeline
jaggo - J. Godley
janegallagher - kate.
janine_angel - *Ja9a*
jared_anthony - J-Rod Van DOOM, The Bitch of Deziree
jemstone21 - fuseji
jen - Jen
jenifermarie - jen
jerseyemogirl - pretty in pink -- and these looks could kill
jesseball - Hey kids, it's Jesse Ball
jessierules87 - Jessica
jewelbryte - Soul Thief
jillthepill - Jill the Pill
jj7823 - Jinx
jobyschmoby - Jo
johnxbogan - Marcellus Wallace
joinee - Cristina
joshums - Joshums
joysndahood - j0y :)
jredbaby - Jules
juliebean - Julie
jumpingrobots - suzanne c
justanotherpunk - [*]Gina[*]
justinc - justin
j_crew_guy - J. Crew Guy
kaitea - ever so frequent nosebleeds
kanasu - Just A Girl
karmakanic - Paulie and His Pedantic Drivel
kawaiimiaka - Miaka-Puff: Bunny Girl & Blender Goddess XD
kelliebean - Kel ²
kelliee - kelliee
kh1369 - Katie
kicktomorrow - Lacey
kika778 - Kiki
kikiechase - Brandi
killinglogic - Documenting the Akigorou
kimikoneko - Kat
kissme1lasttime - .A.World.Full.Of.Ears.Become.Deaf.
kissyface21 - Colleen
kittenenvy - dizzy
knoxvillekitten - flickered like fireflies
kokochan - Koko, Miko of all that is Sonic
kolumbia - kolumbia
komatose_666 - The Mad Hatter
kozizi - seher
krash44 - KrasH
krazydazy6 - Kristen
krisco - The Proctologist
kristek - Matthew
kristikat12386 - kRiSTiN
kungfu_cindysue - Ryanne.
kymberstorm - sick of it all
kymeling - Kymeling
k_osbourne - Kelly Osbourne "the girl with many hair colors"
k_to_the_risti - Kristi
ladykilla - a homo
ladytatiana - tatiana de profundis
lastnite - my neck, my back, my uhh just like that
lauralizzie - Laura Elizabeth
leanie616 - Miss K-eeks
leannnnn - Leannabean
lenagirl42 - Lena
lianlily - Lian
lilmisshardcore - *white*phantom*
lilrainbowme - princess buttercup
lil_earthquake - *dorknuggetita*
lissai - Lissa I
lissalynn - alissa
litfirecracker - the J
litlpretty - BiG RiSa
littleluckystar - jEsSiKa
littlepinkshoes - courtneyx
littleweirdgirl - LittleWeirdGirl
liukeshi - K...C?!
liverstealer - Jon M
locutinurl - Puss
loftyexpert - Bookworm
lonelystar02 - **Latanya**
lonneka - lonneka
loopaygirl - Melissa
lord_cum - cum
loreal - L'OREAL
loungegirl - J♥celyn
ltrstocleo - Mutant Texas Pete
lucidscreamer - lucidscreamer
lucid_dreamfall - amelia
lucindalunacy - Lucinda Lunacy
luckystar13 - Sadia
luna_goddess - Starla
mabus_alus - Ed
madamehollywood - now i'm feeling zombiefied
madammim - Amy
madaseel - mada
magicance - Access denied
maizeandblue4e - Gretch
mandelicious - Happy Bunny
mango - i'd rob a quik-e-mart for you
maniacal_monkey - maniacal*monkey
maniqueen - maniqueen
marsbars123 - Marsbars123
maryswildnight - quite contrary
maydaydream - Laurelin
meahmeahmk - Meah
measle - measey peasey lemon squeezy
meebs - Boo
meggaling - Megan
meggmegg - Meghan
melainium - melaine
micks - M to the I to the CKS
midnightrising - Jeremy
mikesallot - Caesar
milky427 - uncle phillip
milli - nadja
miscreations - Lissa
mishakal - arch angel for hire
missbettybadass - Miss Betty Badass
misscthegoddess - Courtney
misspilar - Miss Pilar
miss_innocence - Amanda
miss_rogue - Miss Rogue
mistahc - Samuel Christ: Superstar
mistryl - Michelle
mmmmmriley - Kim
mobyphile - chickybabee
mokuren - a little piggy in the mud
monarchofhell - Jessie
monkeyfunk - News Felch
moobean - moobean
moonchick6 - Moonchick
moreandmore - coffee & tv
morningthief - Lauren Staley
moshpitwaltz - hilary & the full effect
mrchips - Lee
mrs_bighead - Bev Bighead
mrtsa_team - Rushmore Academy
mr_guy_thomas - Captain Jolly-Awesome
mumblesme - Mumbles
musefromnowhere - Kate
mydollparts - Stephakitten
myfeethurt - Amy
myjulianatheory - Tristian
mynameisweepel - Jared
myonlycure - a rusty razor kissing my wrist is my only cure
myriadfacets - dancing on hot tiles
mystifyme - Atomic Kiss. Atomic Sex.
mystra - Silence
myykke - Michael Brown
naivebunny - j0
nakedpineapple - pineapple
nanninoo - joanna
natekelly35 - Guitar God
nekomimi - Susi
nelstar22 - Jenna
neomi_rhainne - Neomi "Rhainne" Leighton
nicestems - Nice Stems
nickerbee - Nicho VanOptenbosch
nightowl3c - PC3 Fan
nightspawn - Nightspawn
nikkichicken - Nikkita Chicken
nirvana_freak - drug against war
njvinnie - Vinnie
noaizumi - Noa
nonsequitur83 - Lauren
normajeane - that girl behind the glass
noskating - niki!
notahilbilly - Stompy McFuckerpants
notwhatitseems - old cassettes and cigarettes
no_comply - nothing left
nullsleep - nullsleep
n_doll - Nora
occurs_n_dreams - ~*:: HiLaRy ::*~
oceanminded21 - eyes wide open
offen_augen88 - Meghan
ohhhmicaella - oOoOo micaella
ohsosoupy - emily
oh_kitten - oh kitten
oichka - steph malfeasant
onechordwonder - J.
oo_porcelina_oo - trailer trash barbie
opiumfluff - Mahgniphahcent One
orgydaygloftsha - Rainbow Dementia
orionsgrrl18 - Ms. Golden Sun
orkfiester - andrew
otowns_sugamama - Krystyna
outkastbarbie - i'll steal you stars
paperdolldecayd - melissa
paperheartsrip - william clark
paper_sack - meghean
partyflip - roman
paynith - Zezozose Zadfrack
peanutkeeper - alexis
pegnut - pnut
perkyems - *~*emily*~*
pesalian - Anita
peskyangel - Emma
pezqueen325 - Trudie
phabalous - stella
phantasia - ø¤º°º¤ø{.Miss Take.}ø¤º°º¤ø.
pimpwiththeears - Rabbit
pinkcaitlin - Caitlin
pinktyrant - the Lady Pink Tyrant
pink_bunny - The Heinous Bitch
pixelfrenzy - raven
pixelghetto - Pixel Ghetto
pixienymph - Pixie Nymph
pixistardust - miss pixie
pixl - kira
pjordha - Pjordha
plasticjack - jaime
plasticstar - traceh
plini - lady miss
plinko523 - Mattress
plumlicorice - witch baby
poetic12 - viki
policyoftruth - Logical Aversion
pomade - polka dancer
ponyhead - PonyHead
poopie - //sum.mer
possessed_dolli - Candice
powerpuffpimp - PowerpuffPimp
prettyneonpunk - Seth
primalteen - Miss Zarves
princessangie - Princess Angie
pulsation - Isa
punkpix1e - your razors, my wrists......
punkrawkinshow - take that, nancy!
punkyglitter - MaDonna
punkygoat - Quiz Kid Donny Smith
punkystar - punkystar
purrfekt - RiLEY
pywacket - The Crazy Cat Lady
p_y_t - B3T53Y
queenamberla - ~Amberla~
queer_as_danny - danny
quietlife - Kevin
rabble_rouser - Hazmat
rabidrabbit - RabidRabbit
radliz - super rad lizbert
rahl8kod - Ali
rainbowxbrite - -insideout-
rainfilledeyes - jane
rakastaa - you've taken my heart + left the incision
ranchan5 - Bec
raquelhell - Raquel Hell & The Voidoids
rasberryrush - .siberian.kiss.
ravenesque - ravenesque
ravenflood - Ravenflood
rayne_young - Too Young To Fall In Love
redpaint - onion
redwaterlily - Redwaterlily
reive - irrational number, fissionable material: reive
ricaboo - Felicia
rloveking - Turtle
robinsgirl - emma
rockstar1021 - x. destroy x. something x. beautiful x.
rockstarrooby - [electronique....fanatique]
rokkie - the Bruekelen Bitch
rukkus - "The District Attorney" Kyle A. Hebert
rusholmewithluv - Rusholme
rychiar - JAy
s6chika2003 - [\]~*So Emo It's Sickening*~[/]
sadie_babe - x.>>.mrs.squidward.tentacles.<<.x
sadisticangel - Enchanted Angel. . .
sadxwithxtears - *** danielle ***
sammiekate - Your Mama
sammy6979 - sammy
sangonomiko - Tess-chan
sarahspice - Sarah Bling Bling
sasserson - Sarah Lynn
satur9muse - Lyuba
scar1e - p ian o ma n
scaryrich - Ric
scentedtrashbag - maria
scoozba - Heather
screwedupmind - flab pork toppless kittens bounce
season - almost andrea
seasons - seasons of my life
sebethis - Sebethis
seconds - Speak And Spell
secret_agent27 - Secret Agent 27
sekhmetsat - sekhmetsat
septic5 - Brian
serendipitymegs - meg
session - la-di-da
sgrless - failure by design
shabonmerc - sara
shadesofdigital - Adam
shadowolf - Shadow Wolf
shakewell - swell
shan64 - Shannon
shaunna - jesus is my internet boyfriend
sheismysin - Buttons
shestilldreams - Melody
silkentassel - jocelyn
sillyduckling - Portuguese Ophelia
sillyturtle303 - anNa
silvernemo - Sebastian
sindarella - SINdarella
sinistar - Don.
skakitty - l'unica stella
skaneverdies - West End Kid
skyeblulove - Nikki
slantygwen - Ghetto Hokey Pokey
slave4chris - tina
slimmons - a classy lady
slippingaway - slipping away
slugg - Slug Arnold Lewis
smashleigh420 - Ashleigh
smiledecay - Ryan Rankin
smudgedeyeliner - Va ne ssa
snowbum - Mark DeArman
snowmonkeyplum - Mary Kate
snr0n - Sarah
somecanuckchick - SomeChick
sonikkuhedgehog - Olgilvie Maurice "Sonic" Hedgehog
sophistafuck - Sophistafuck
sorabeth - Sorabeth
soxin02 - Dan
soyamanda - I <3 SluTs
sparklesxox - invisible to the naked eye
sparklingsam - Sam
specialk_aren - Karen
species8471 - The Unconquered
spengler - Spengler Skunk
spindozer - Martyn
spinmistress - ::the.bat:device::
spinningdizzy - sarita chiquita
spixiana - Spixiana
spnut1979 - Tim
spongeworthy - Holsta
spooky_ghost - blank
sprjr721 - Reilly
sputnick - Steve Sputnick
squeakyfish - Squeaky
squeezy_cheese - Satan
star84 - Astrids
starbuggirl - ~*stella*~
starjunk_ - something once said in a fairytale
starkate - Adventures of Katie
starkviolin - `Seph of Things Nonsense
starlasaz - Kathy
starsprinkles - Celeste
stars_dot_sky - disorder
stephaniepirate - :::Stephanie:::
steph_dammit - stephanie
stev - Stev
steveoboy - Steve
stina47 - Still Superficial
stingergrrrl - Daria
storm_cloud - Sara
strawberry7092 - Haley Leigh
stuckon1111 - Mike
stumblingovary - Victoria
stupif - ¤*a-man-duh*¤
styling - Emilie
submiss - toast enthusiast
suburbanxrebel - i cant stand to be so quiet
sumgurlzrcrazy - ~*MiNdY*~
summonphobians - Pope Quixote
superduperduper - talia
superkt - .katie.
supersasquatch7 - Laurie
supertrooper - Stubby the Newsgirl
supposedlover - priscilla presley
suprasonik - yer mom
sweetsheetmetal - Manda
sweet_pea - Amelia
swimmerchick77 - Liprings are HOT!!!
tainted_rain - t a i n t e d * r a i n
takemeon - i gotta fever..
talktolizzy - Puckin Frick
tammtamm - Tammtamm
tandooribone - Tom
tangerinechica - TangerineChica
tastee - Jillian
teaforme - Christine
terifklywowmary - Mary
terseywersey - Therese
the80sninja - The infamous WEENER POODLE
theclosetslt - monica
thedevilchilde - the glittery hairslide
theemptyjar - WEAPON-X
thefleshfailure - Eni
thepinkpromise - you will be a hott dancer
therabidduck - Restricted
therealkate - the girl in the back of the devil's car
thesucubus - McMulchenstein's Friend
thetaet - Lori
the_jug - The_Jug
thrubeingcoool - mhm mhm mhm
tianathestar - oh my dirty pillows!
tickledpinkchai - †Çhâýâ†
tiffyd321 - the money honey
tilted_hal0 - Roxy
tilted_halo - Roxy
tinydreams - just another girl
tinyfish33 - Bend Sarcastic
tooledup - TooledUp
toridisagrees - Tori
torndollparts - You don't know me
total_fat_0g - [.bj.xo.]
touchmyfuzzy - a little to the left
touchmypony - No. Ok yes.
toxicmethgrl - own crapulence wallower
tranceodysy2001 - Kara Lynn Murphy
twiggyramierez - twiggy
uberbabe - :D certain people
uknowwhosgirl - Angie
understudyashey - Ashley who will soon be Ty Pennington's love slave
undrthenightsky - Tristessa
unknownelement - Shh...I have a secret to tell you
untruestatement - heather
urbansilence - sushi Q
urbanstarlet - Anne
valley_grrl - Polythene Pam
vampire_shona - >-<>-f a n t a s t i c f r e a k-<>-<
vampyrya - Suzanne
vanillalemonade - Vanilla
vanillatokyo - Michele
vansgurl - ariel le robot
vartan - Paul
vegan_crystal - Crystal
venomous - Sally
verona117 - Morgan
verthandi - mitsuru tsuwabuki, criminal genius
vickymouse - *Vicky Mouse <3*
victoriapaige - Heidi
vinylnomiko - Vinylkin Skywalker
violette - Ameth
violet_allura - e x i g e n c y
virgilenehendy - virgilenehendy
vodka_nights - She Looked Eighteen
voice_inside - Brentwood
vorque - vorque
v_baby03 - Veronica
werd2yourmotha - erin with an e
wetcat - paramecium kite
white_oleander - Gwendolyn
whorgasm - angee maree
wingsofstone - ...and you can use my skin
winstonpabst - Winston Pabst
wizzfizz - Relalicious
wonderfungus - Chandy Pandy
wrapped - around your finger: mikahsue
wysteriafae - Wysteria Fae Nightingale
xchicagobyrdx - Pissed On Arrival
xclarityx - claire
xdismalxstarx - sarah
xexe - Jenna
xhotrodcircuitx - I said that name and skipped a heartbeat.
ximmuneheartx - nicole
xjaw_breakerx - Take a look Around
xkosaipunkfranx - *FRAN*
xmarkrentonx - Über Justin
xmarlox - january girl
xnessakakesx - .smile like a saint curse like a sailor.
xreadytodiex - JAKE THE SNAKE
xshimmergurliex - Cait..rhymes with "great"..and "masturbate" :)
xstarkatex - adventures of katharine
xvertigox - the insuFFerable big-Balled bastard goat
xvorgana - Davie
xwhispersx - molly
xwithoutx - your affection: van
xxhottiexx - hot stuff
x_offender - x_offender
y2jai - Jai
ya_dead_homie - heatheR ya dead homie
yes_sir - Kasia
yitzhak_groupie - Yitzhak Groupie
youngfievel - Fievel
yourworstenema - Branden
your_ma - your ma
yukidreams - ...:...katie...:...
yumjello01 - punkrawkchick743
zingaz4k8e - k8e's magical gummi bear land