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Radical Lindsay

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YAY!!! ^-^ Play-time! :D [Feb 8th, 2005 || 2:50 pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | RK - "Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu" ]

I got a Yahoo! invitation... TO JOIN THE KENSHIN_RPG GROUP! ^-^
I'M GONNA BE OKON AT [info]himuragumi, YAY!

Sayrah, what kind of a LJ username should I have? Do you happen to know Okon's last name? I have no idea what kind of a name I should have. XD Okon seems too mature or something to be called -chan or -kun or something... except by her squishable fellow ninjas, of course! XP *mind-blank*

ADDED: Do you know of any Okon icons anywhere? <:P

You scored as Loner.

Drama nerd






Ghetto gangsta










What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with

-- That's pretty accurate. I had a few close friends, quite a few aqaintences, but I usually enjoyed keeping to myself when I want. And although I didn't get to do so as much as I wanted, I would have taken all the art and drama classes. WHEE! ^^ Art and Theatre Arts were so much damn fun... ;-;
-- STONER?! Like HELL I did drugs! BAH! *gives that part of the quiz the finger*

You Are A Romantic

You are more romantic than 90% of the population.

You life your life like a fairy tale... or at least you try to.
Living for magical moments, you believe there's only one true love for you.
Love is the most important thing in your life, and you don't take it for granted.
Your perfect match loves to be in love as much as you do!

-- Got me there. :)
3 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Mostly crap, heh [Feb 7th, 2005 || 3:49 pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | Trigun - "No Beat" ]

LJ Friends Meme by [info]coolerq

1. You must tell 69 people about this game.
2. Lex Lang is the one that you love.
3. Sanosuke is one you like but can't work out.
4. You care most about Lisa.
5. Chloe is the one who knows you very well.
6. Link from Zelda is your lucky star.
7. Apocalypse, Please is the song that matches with the person in number 3 (Lex Lang).
8. Stockholm Syndrome is the song for the person in 7 (Sanosuke).
9. Hysteria is the song that tells you most about YOUR mind.
10. and Butterflies & Hurricanes is the song telling you how you feel about life
Take this quiz

My reaction:
1) Okay...
2) ...REALLY?! Gee, I had no idea. ;P
3) True, he is animated. XD
4) Yeah, she's mah sister, and I wuv her so much. ^-^
5) That be true. :3
6) I have Link on my shirt, and I was at a mindblank, so yeah, there ya go. :P
7) - 10) I just started off listing my favorite Muse songs in order. XD So that's all bull. XD

Besides, I've done this exact same thing tons of times via e-mail forwards and stuff. :P

Anywho, Eagles lost, oh well. I was only hoping they'd win for my friends. :)

Hmm... nothing much to talk about at all...

I wanna join [info]himuragumi as Okon so bad now. XD Think I'll be off to write the application. ^-^

Stupid quizzes and stuff behind here. :P Lol, I'm 75% Both, 75% Female, and 58% Male! XD )
Got Somethin' to Say?

Hehehehe >:P [Feb 6th, 2005 || 7:24 pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Chloe: This is Trvais. Travis, this is Lindsay: Kenshin fanatic.
Travis (to me): I love you and I don't even know you.

Lmao, I loved that, that was hilarious! He seemed so happy to know I was a Kenshin fan. XD I should have showed him my Sano wallet that was right on my butt! ;-;
He was a cutie and said how he and his friend were gonna watch all 4 Kenshin OVAs over the weekend. Gawd, wish I could, too. ._.; The only one I've seen was "Samuria X: The Motion Picture aka the-one-where-Sanosuke's-masturdating-in-Yahiko's-thought-bubble-and-it-freaked-me-out." XD!
I really wanna see the good one with Tomoe and Kenshin gets his cross-shaped scar and all. :3

...Also, Chloe's sharks all died, so she no longer has 5 blackfinned sharks. XD Now she has a bunch of goldfish or whatever in that tank of hers. One has scary-looking red eyes and is said to be eating the other fish. @_@
Oh, she never took a pic or anything of the sharks, so I've never and will never see them. ;-;

2 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

For lack of creative journal titles, here: :3 [Feb 6th, 2005 || 6:45 pm]
[ mood | chipper ]

Another Reminder, Lindsay: Start stamping people at [info]trigun_rating on the 9th, it'll have been a week since the first survey.
Original: Valentine's Day, "Gungrave" at 12:30

Some Spike and "Love Hina" stuff and a mini-battle between me and Usui: SPIKE TUSHY!!! I am the proud owner of this volume of the manga. XD Spike gets probed, the poor guy!

My sister borrowed "Love Hina" from Eric from school (all of it, 25 episodes on 3 discs). Man, were my ears perked! Found...
- Spike-voice as the shy chick's Dad...
- Kaoru's one of the main chicks
- Izzy/Toboe is a FEMALE character (about time!), she's the sword chick
- The main dude is Ken Ichijouji (Digimon 02) (he was also Lin from "Cowboy Bebop!")
Haven't found Sano-voice or anything yet. Sigh. ;-; And I've said it once and I'll say it again, "If I heard Usui, I'm gonna scream bloody murder..." *remembers to look up LH at ANN* ...No, Lex Lang's not in LH. Nope. Ah, Miss Megumi! ^-^ She's in it! And SAITOU!!! ^-^ I don't think I've heard Saitou-voice yet... :D
HA! Usui's not in it! Mwahaha, got away from me now, huh! ^v^ Take your tortoise shell and BE GONE!
Usui: *glare*
Lindsay: How the hell can you glare at me?
Usui: I can and will! *glares more*
Lindsay: Pssh. *walks away*
Usui: *throws tortoise shell shield at me*
Lindsay: *bonk* FUCK! >:(!
Usui: *evil laughter*

I don't even know what I'm doing anymore... XP

Superbowl: Hmm, I think I'll root for the Eagles since a couple of buddies here at LJ want them to win. ^-^ Plus, the Patriots have won a lot recently, so they can stand to loose one. >:P

I was actually BUSY yesterday!: 1) Went to eat with family for lunch, had a good time.

2) Donated blood even though it was pretty effed up. When the screener pricked my finger to test for iron, I bleed easy without her even squeezing.
Then it took a little while for the sample to sink in that cup of blue liquid, so she had to test it some other way. It passed, and it better, I take a multi-vitamin everyday! 0_o;
Then after a little while, my blood flow messed up. After moving the needle around (kinda ouchy-goodness) it got going again; she said something about my arm moving. ._.
Then, some guy got sick (in a bag, he warned he was getting nauseous). He did say he had only 3 tacos or something. I ate a big meal right before, so, ha. :P Or I'm just better at handling donating. :3 Ha! (Usui: What's with you and saying "ha" today? Lindsay: Stfu. >:P)

3) Chloe invited me to see her school's musical "South Pacific." Or really, their version of it, it's a classic Broadway musical and has been made into a movie 3 times. One of them came on today, weird coincidence, but I didn't watch it. :P
I really enjoyed the play, it was funny. :D

Thus ending my busy day yesterday. :)

8 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Dreams, survey and such-n-such [Feb 4th, 2005 || 6:38 pm]
[ mood | Viniger gets to me... @.@ ]
[ music | "Reba" behind me... *eyeroll* ]

LINDSAY. REMEMBER: "Gungrave" comes back on TechTV on the 14th, 12:30.
Saitou-voice = main dude, Sano-voice has 1 main role and 2 smaller roles. And I know of just about everyone else... XD

-- I'm actually addicted to the Muse now. I listen to the CD at least once a day now, really loud. XD Because it rocks that way. :P

-- Had a weird dream last night. I a building. With the Juppon Gatana? Anyway, there's like a fight or something, I think I was attacking people like Iwanbou because I was slashing with my fingers, like I had his weaponry.
Here's the weird part: I wind up in Usui's presence of something and for some reason, he can see and complements how pretty I am! :P I smile and get all happy and such 'n' such. :) Whee. The Juppon Gatana's full with love. XD

Possible explanation: I'm hearing Usui's VA everywhere now. *eyeroll* I checked out "s-CRY-ed" on iControl I was told because Sano-voice was in it. But before I hear him, I hear USUI. Geez. That's the 4th time. 1) Kenshin 2) Witch Hunter Robin 3) Big O 4) and now s-CRY-ed.

-- Another dream I had a couple of nights ago, complete with symbolism goodness! :D
In another dream, I was a white unicorn (which weirded my out, btw, 'cause that is so girlie-girlie, which I have NEVER been, XD never even had a thing for horses or ponies growing up like a lot of girls :P), in the desert, I see a stream of water, got a craving for some, of course, so I lay down and drink from it. I make sure to drink on the surface in the middle so I don't stir up sand. I wonder why it's so clean, but I look and see a good number of sand particles flowing with it, even if I don't stir anything up. And then I have a map with me, somehow, being equine and all, which shows the river and I'm studying it to follow up upstream to be somewhere, probably out of the desert and back to civilization.

The Unicorn: To see a unicorn in your dream, symbolizes high ideals, hope and insight in a current situation.
I have been in a lonely-I-want-a-man phase, so that explains it. I do want something, so there are ideals and hopes. ^-^

The Desert: To dream that you are walking through a desert, signifies loss and misfortune. You may be suffering from an attack on your reputation. Deserts are also symbolic of barrenness, loneliness and feelings of isolation and hopelessness.
Minus what I striked, BING-FREAKIN'-GO. I'm loss, lonely, isolated, want someone.

The Water: To see muddy or dirty [in my case, the sandy water] water in your dream, indicates that you are wallowing in your negative emotions. You may need to devote some time to clarify your mind and find internal peace. Alternatively, it suggests that your thinking/judgment is unclear and clouded. If you are immersed in muddy water, then it indicates that you are in over your head in a situation and are overwhelmed by your emotions.
Damn, that first sentence is GOOD. I have been in those negative emotions lately.

The Map: To dream that you see or study a map, signifies that you are being guided and led in a direction that will fulfill your needs and goals.
I'm being lead? By what? I'm not, not that I know of. But hopefully I'll be lead to happiness one day. :)

This stuff yoinked from Dream

-- Survey yoinked from a new LJ friend, crimsonr4ven. :) )

3 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

[Feb 2nd, 2005 || 9:42 pm]
[ mood | Meh ]

I am teh mod! I'm a moderator of [info]trigun_rating! Join us! ^-^
(I also made the layout of spiffiness, look! [the image between comment links PWN j00])

Yoinked from [info]road_not_taken:
The Questions! *gasp*
MoxieDeadite: 1. am i huggabe
2. if i were a animal what would i be
3. do i make you think/laugh
4. what's my best quality
5. would you hold hands and skip with me while singing loudly in a mall

-- Yaaaaay, I'm on Dad's comp since at one point Albert came over to use the comp, so I got off me and Lisa's. ^^
Lol, when I sat in front of this thing, I thought, "Damn, it's so HUGE! It's a freakin' TV! XD"
I can see ALL! XD (this thing is 1280 by 1024 res @_@)
And the color's stable!
I noticed Dinky, the tiny monitor I now have messes with the colors, it changes sometimes/often.

-- Grr, tonight's an exercise night, but my stomach's been messed up since this morning. ._.? I ate, I think, a Kroger's brand frozen pizza last night, never had that before, and some yummy cheesecake-like dessert their bakery makes. I've had that before, but I don't know if it made my stomach upset or not last time.
Anyway, I don't think I'll exercise tonight, I'll just to them tomorrow and hopefully stick with the schedule and still do my Friday night's on Friday. I don't like pushing forward the days, feels like I'm cheating or failing even though I'm not really doing so. :P

8 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Link day... @.@ [Feb 1st, 2005 || 8:35 pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Mai Yamane & the Seatbelts - "Blue" (live) ]

Happy Birthday, Sanosuke! (if we only knew which day you were born on...)
You, me, all the sake you want, and whatever...else happens! Party all night long, why not? :D 'Tis your birthday, love! ^-^

Layout status: Complete!: My Sanosuke layout is 100% complete! Whoo-hoo! Lookit here!
...Unless I can come up with better comment link text. I like the "Got Somethin' to Say?" part, sounds like how he'd say it, hehe, but the other half is, well, half-assed. XD

Title: BAD!
Sub: Welcome to Ruffian Row
Friend's Page title: Sano's Buddies
Icons: Sano icons of DOOM!

Don't you love the image in between comment links?! It's a cute "aku" symbol! ^v^ Yay for Google image search! :D

This is DEFINITELY my favorite layout thus far, not only for Sano, but gawd, you know how I love fire and stuff, so the bg image is LOVELY, and color scheme PERFECT. ^-^
Matches his personality perfectly, too, if you remember my "Anji vs Sano and Usui vs Saitou" analysis. ^-^ Basically, everything tells us Anji and Sano and fiery, passionate, loving people and Usui and Saitou are icy, determined, proud fighters. Symbolism like whoa, everywhere. :3

Vote for Steven Conte!: Vote for him one everyday until the end of the month! :) He's the awesome singer who does some music in Cowboy Bebop and Wolf's Rain. :) Though I much prefer his work in Bebop. "Rain," "Call Me, Call Me," "No Reply..." *swoon* Those songs are so lovely.

BAD! (cat): Woke up to the lovely sound of Nala heaving. Heavy. Heavier than usual. And for the first time, I didn't have time to get him out of the house. Hell, I was awake for less than a minute when, for the first time, he puked on Lisa's bed. X(
It's not as bad as it sounds, kinda. He problem is that he eats too fast so he upchucks and most of it it food and looks rather solid and whole.
Anyway, send him outside, scraped it off the sheets and stuff, and Mom's off now washing everything.
Hehe, when I told Lisa, I kept laughing nervously, and she gave me this o.o look as I beat around the bush for awhile, ya know, saying don't get on your bed, and how I heard him first, barely woke up... XP

Dang...: I wanted to get on the bike today, but I guess not... spent all day on LJ, most of it on my journal, customizing. But it took only some 3 hours! WHOO!
Think I'll take a nice hot shower instead. ^-^ Wednesday's another exercise day, so I'll bike (and maybe do crunches) in the afternoon so I can still do the "routine" that night.

P.S. The best-selling manga in 2004 was "Rurouni Kenshin," which depicts the religious and war rituals of 19th century samurais. YAY!
8 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

GAAH! [Jan 31st, 2005 || 10:17 pm]
[ mood | pissed off ]


Okay, does anyone have ANY idea why some wallpaper I load onto Photobucket is resized?!
For my upcoming Sano theme, I REALLY like this one wallpaper, but it gets smaller when I upload the 800x600 size. And when I upload the larger size, it stays that way!
I want 800x600 so [info]newfoundgirlie5, I, and possibly others can see it whole. Because it's Sano, dammit, I wanna see all of him! ;-;

I'm so pissed. *Aku. Soku. Zan.'s everything in sight's asses* >:(

...P.S. I think I've finally decided on next month's theme, Metroid, since those games pwn all others and I love 'em to death. ^-^

6 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Shocking VA fact-thingy! [Jan 31st, 2005 || 3:41 pm]
[ mood | shocked ]

Yoinked from Sayrah:

What Makes You.. by SheBangs12
Your name?
Your gender?
What makes you sexy?Everything
What makes you pretty?Everything
What makes you loveable?How loving you are
What makes you fun?Everything about you!
What makes you irresistable?Your voice
What makes you cute?How you laugh
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Lmao, on the birthday card little Jackie made me, it started off with something like "To the girl with a cute laugh" or something like that. XD
My voice irresistible? I dunno, I don't know what to think of my voice. Haven't heard it clear enough. I think it's okay. I'm told I sound like Mom over the phone. I don't like that. Not that she sounds bad, but I want my own unique sound, you know?

*squee* Muse music video! ^^: Today, although boring and uneventful as always, started off with a happy note.
I turned on the TV to a HBO Zone channel and guess what I see? The music video for Muse's "Hysteria!" I was so fucking happy, it's one of the songs I love. ^-^ And the mv's pretty, at one part there's all of these streams of white lights, but kinda rainbow-y, too, being white light and all. It was cool. :D

THAT'S who does Iwanbou's VOICE?!: Omg. Omg! Omfg! That's so... disturbingly funny and weird! LMAO! I have never noticed this before until today (read it on the RK cast list at ANN)... Holy hell...
Guess. Who. Does. Iwanbou of the Juppon Gatana's voice? Guess! GUESS! XD!!!
*rotfl* Holy CRAP! Well, I sure never saw THAT one coming! That is DEFINITELY the most I've heard Lex Lang change his voice. Gawd, I can't even picture him va-ing Iwanbou! @_@ Then again, he did shock me singing as a tenor. Geez, that man's voice is talented, I don't care what anyone says. To be deep 'n' sexy, act as Iwanbou, AND sing beautifully as a tenor... yeah. :P
And being the biggest JG fangirl, that means I did love Iwanbou to. He's hilarious!
Iwanbou: "Daaah... I think... I think..."
Hennya: "Idiots should stay outta the way, idiot."
Iwanbou: "Dah, stay outta the way..."
Also, when he slashes the Oniwaban, he goes like "I'm the strongest guy I've ever seen!" XD!
And of course him scaring the hell outta Kaoru and Misao by spinning his head a complete 360 is priceless. XD
But still... Lex Lang's also Iwanbou?!?!?!?! It's the biggest thing since I found out Spike-voice is Professor Nebraska in Trigun. Ho-boy. @_@ But I think that's more shocking. Prof. Nebraska's voice is... indescribable. XD

VAs in Saturday's "Kenshin": Fuck, I can't believe it took me SO long to figure out the VA Heihachiro Sasaki (the teacher, ex-samurai) is Saitou! XP *head-to-the-desk a million times* And the older dude who talks to Spike-voice (Toma Sakaki) about him is a member of the Van. In Cowboy Bebop. One of the 3 old dudes in the Red Dragon syndicate that Vicious kills. "And now you will shed tears of scarlet." *slash* (hehehe, that was such an awesome line XD)

And I leave you now.


Got Somethin' to Say?

[Jan 30th, 2005 || 8:46 pm]
[ mood | a little hungry ]
[ music | Bon Jovi - "Bed of Roses" ]

(by [info]rehtaeh11)
How could I NOT take it? XD I just may use this in my upcoming Sano theme. It's to deliciously hentai not to be ignored and shared. XD

...My banner pwns, too!

Made by Sayrah, of course! ^-^
Hehe, she posted my Lex Lang one, too, but my timing was SO awesome, because I was browsing his website a couple of nights ago and found a better pic and suggested that one instead. XD! So yeah, she's gonna re-do that one for me. Aw. Sorry! XP

-- My abs hurt like hell. Which is so... good-n-bad. XD Did a bunch of crunches while listening to the entire t.A.T.u. CD since I like most of the songs on that one. 'Course I rested a lot, but my plan worked: I did enough within that time frame to make 'em hurt today. Mwahaha. >:) And the CD is 40-something minutes long. Whoo.

-- [info]catssyclaws! Spike-voice! He's in Kenshin! Did ya TiVo last night's episode?
Spike voice is the main cop dude. ^-^ I think he spans a couple of episodes or so, I remember seeing him for a good while from the last time I saw it on TV. :)

Hahahaha, you what what I've noticed? Spike-voice pwns Sano-voice in the RK series. XD
I remember him, now, as the cop-dude threatens Sano and pulls his katana to Sano's throat.
And then, of course, Spike-voice is Shishio-sama, and he practically kills Kenshin, Saitou, and Sano. So, wherever they meet, poor Sano-voice is gonna be in trouble, hehehe. XP

...And for some reason, I haven't watched last night's episode yet. I taped it while I showered.

-- Tomorrow's gonna be the last day for my Saitou theme. ;-; Then, Tuesday starts my Sano theme. :D

7 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

2 surveys and a meme :3 [Jan 30th, 2005 || 3:45 pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | Samus VS. Parasite Queen Battle (Metroid Prime 1) ]

A couple of surveys (yay!) yoinked this time from rumbro. )

I like the worst song ever made! Mwahahahaha!!!! BEHOLD! (The 50 worst songs of all time, bold the ones you like) )

I'm just so happy none from Bon Jovi are up there. *hearts Bon Jovi*

1 Little Comment AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Survey time! [Jan 28th, 2005 || 3:50 pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | RK - "Kaoru Kamiya" (her theme song, I suppose :P) ]

Two surveys; the first from unwelloverlink, the 2nd from road_not_taken_ :3 )

Got Somethin' to Say?

Lmfao! [Jan 27th, 2005 || 3:18 pm]
[ mood | *bouncybouncybouncy* ]
[ music | Yoko Kanno - "Road to the West (with rhythm)" CB ]

This is too fuckin' funny to keep to myself. XD Yoinked from ANN:
Pokemon Causes Cancer (2005-01-26 23:43:44)
Scientists at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) have identified a new gene that, when aberrant, can cause cancer. They've named the gene POKEMON or POK Erythroid Myeloid Ontogenic factor. Details about the cancer-causing Pokemon gene can be read on the MSKCC website or in the January 20th issue of Nature magazine.

-- I've found Usui in "Big O!" *does the Juppon Gatana merry jig* He's the guy whom Roger tips for information in the pool hall. :3

-- That damn ad at ANN keeps teasing me... "The best anime series since BeBop; Champloo somehow, seems even better." - Play Magazine
Shuddup! I know I got 17 episodes I can't watch right now! ;-; ;-; ;-;

...WHOO-HOO! LEX LANG'S IN SAMURAI CHAMPLOO!!! *screams in utter delight*does an insanely merry jig* (granted, his name's among that list of unlisted characters, but still!) Hope he gets a larger, easily recognizable role in later episodes. ^-^
Hoji! *does another Juppon Gatana merry jig*
Ha-ha-ha, Sora from .Hack//SIGN! A.k.a. Michael Lee from WHR. And Lee Samson in the CB movie.
Sayrah! Hyottoko's here, too! ^-^
Dr. Gensai, hehe. :P
Lupin the 3rd, heh.

-- Figured out which The Muse songs I like best, although "Apocalypse Please" and "Butterflies and Hurricanes" (aka Aoshi-sama's song) remain my favorites. :)
So, I also like: #5 "Stockholm Syndrome" (cool title, no?), #7 "Interlude" (just a short electric guitar thing :P), and #8 "Hysteria"

-- Joined the following communities: [info]sxsas (SaiSa), [info]lone_wolf_club (the new Saitou commun, only 2 other members :/), [info]voiceactor_comm for those who, like me, love VAs. ^-^ Chris Patton of ADV Films lurks there! :P Gonna post a couple of "duh, hiya, I'm teh n00b" entries soon. XD

4 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

My butt hurts like hell thanks to that air bike! >:P [Jan 26th, 2005 || 10:48 pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | R.E.M. - "Losing my Religion" ]

First of all, thank you, everyone who commented on my last entry! *gives each of you a personal hug*
Actually, all of you guys mean the world to me, not just those 4 who commented.
I seriously look forward to LJ everyday to talk more with your guys. ^-^ I you all so much! Talking to you guys is the greatest "little pleasure" of all. :)

And yes, I shall carpe diem! Or at least the best a freeloader can. I don't do much these days. ._.; (silly little convo between Sanosuke and I under here :P) )

*snicker* I'm so weird. XD

I actually didn't cry myself to sleep last night or anything, so that's cool. :) Tells me my "dip" wasn't too deep. :)

Yeah, today did oddly seem more productive than usual.
I decided to pass getting on the comp until later on. In the mean time, I got on the bike for once and (ah shit, tonight's a work-out night! X_X it's 11 now!) biked for 100 "miles," dunno what the turning numbers' measurement. I was gonna see which happened first: going 100 or going for 1 hour. The hour is longer. And I can't last that long yet, so I'm doing the 100 "mile" thing for awhile first.
Sweated my ass off. Which is good since the exercises I do don't make me sweat that much.
So afterwards, I took a nice, good shower. Very refreshing. ^-^ I felt so clean and energized after biking, sweating a lot, then showering.

Did all that while Mom and Lisa went off to do whatever. I wanted to go, but they were already ready and I had just woken up. XD Since they were going to places like Target, I mentioned how I wanted to look for Lex Lang's CD. Lisa said she'd do that for me. Since she came back without even mentioning it, I think she didn't find it. Or forgot to look. :P But I doubt it's the latter. :3

Oh yeah, she stayed home from school today since there was a math (Calculus, to be technical) test she wasn't ready for.

Hehe, before I got on the air bike, I played SSB:M while listening to CDs. LOUD. Damn, how I love listening to music on her stereo system loud! ^v^ Yeah, I'm one of those people who love their music loud, and lots of bass, if possible. :P
Listened to: The Muse & t.A.T.u.
Forgot Metallica was in there. ._.; But by the time the t.A.T.u. CD ended (it's one of the few CDs where I listen to most of the songs), I was done, so meh. Wouldn't have minded hearing "Of Wolf and Man," though...
(btw, that's one awesome Saitou-themed AMV, go dl it!)

Hmm, wound up watched 2 hours of Animal Planet. Namely "Animal Faceoff" and "Jeff Corwin," even though I've seen them both. :P
Go bear! The bear kicked the tiger's ass so easily. XD That's like the only AF episode where the animal I rooted for wins. :P
Jeff Corwin... He's a funny, FUNNY man. His show's more entertaining than "Croc Hunter" or "Snakemaster." Jeff's hilarious, love 'im. :3
Sad fact, there are only 324 Asiatic lions. And they're all in that one park Jeff went to. Hehe, but damn, that one episode tonight made me lol at least twice. XD

Anywho... Think I'll rearrange my exercising schedule for this week. I'll do them tomorrow, then Saturday, then start back on my original plan with Monday. Which is also gonna be the last day for my Saitou theme, then start my SANOSUKE theme for Feb, yay! ^-^

He's my favorite YGO! boy. :> His charm and esp. humor got to me. :P Can't resist funny guys. ^^

I Am Robin Goodfellow
You are that merrie wanderer of the night - outgoing and playful. Like Robin Goodfellow you enjoy a great joke, even when the joke's on you. You're the life of the party - you have a happy disposition and you like to laugh and have a good time. You're mischievous and you enjoy pulling someone's leg, but your jokes are generally good-natured and well meant (unless of course you're dealing with some fool mortal). When it comes right down to it, you'll do what you can to help out a friend.
Which Trickster Are You?
Take the Trickster Test at

Got the same you did, Sayrah! :D
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... [Jan 25th, 2005 || 8:45 pm]
[ mood | severely depressed, sad, angry ]
[ music | winamp stuff ]

I know myself psychologically better than I thought, heh. :/ Look at my mood. Yeah, it's one of those kinda entries now. )

Another topic that kinda branches off from the previous; All of this rejection and such has really fucked up my self-consciousness. )

Damn, I'm tired now.

'Think the exhaustion finally kicked in. I get physically as well as mentally tired after an emotional dip like this. Literally drains me. Dunno if I'm gonna do anything else tonight.

Bu if I'm still in a dip at all, I'll probably quietly and softly cry on Mr. Squishy-Fishie, my giant plush fish, like I've done so many nights before.
And probably pray a lot, begging God to help me and send me someone to love me, heal me, whatever.

I'm not gonna think of anything suicidal, though.
I've permanently decided to live for my Soul Mate (at least I hope, bi-polar is a disease after all... :/).

I know exactly how Kenshin feels.
I use to crave death, a release for the pain I'm in, but I do think I have a Soul Mate (or I pray to God I do, or else I'm gonna suffer forever) and have decided to live for him. Being Soul Mates, he'd be lonely without me in his life. He needs me as much as I need him (at least I hope). I'll live for him. And everyone else. I bet you guys wouldn't like this journal suddenly being inactive, huh? <:3

Well, I think I've talked enough. Felt kinda good, even though tears stung my eyes a few times.

Sorry God, for using Your name like that over and over again. I can't yet think of anything else to say that vents out intensity like that, and I'm sorry. I know I don't deserve it, but please send him to me, I need him more than anything else. ...Thank You for everything else, though.

...Guess I'll join communities and get some nice Lex Lang MP3s tomorrow or something. *yawn*

Heh, how fitting, the romantic "Adieu" song from Cowboy Bebop is playing now. *weak/sad smile*

Thank you everyone for dealing with this entry.

"Nothing is stronger than the will to live." -- Kenshin Himura

9 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Oscars! :D [Jan 25th, 2005 || 3:06 pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Koji Kondo - "Woodfall Temple" (Zelda: MM) ]

Oscar nominees! ^v^ But he's the list of the big ones.

Best Picture

RAY (Universal Pictures)
SIDEWAYS (Fox Searchlight)

Best Actor in a Leading Role

Don Cheadle for HOTEL RWANDA (United Artists)
Johnny Depp for FINDING NEVERLAND (Miramax)
Leonardo DiCaprio for THE AVIATOR (Miramax)
Clint Eastwood for MILLION DOLLAR BABY (Warner Bros.)
Jamie Foxx for RAY (Universal Pictures)

Best Actress in a Leading Role

Annette Bening - BEING JULIA (Sony Pictures Classics)
Catalina Sandino Moreno - MARIA FULL OF GRACE (Fine Line Features)
Imelda Staunton - VERA DRAKE (Fine Line Features)
Hilary Swank for MILLION DOLLAR BABY (Warner Bros.)

Best Animated Feature Film

SHARK TALE (Dreamworks SKG)
SHREK 2 (Dreamworks SKG)

5 Little Comments AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Last update for today, I swear! XD [Jan 24th, 2005 || 11:02 pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

SSB:M I'm working on collecting the remaining 6 or so trophies in Super Smash Brothers: Melee. Right now, I forget which trophy it's for, but I'm trying to beat Adventure Mode in the Hard or Very Hard difficulty (no continues) (I'm choosing just Hard, of course). With Bowser, of course. ^-^ He's mah boy. :)
But it's as tough as hell, omgwtfbbqtomato! Tried... at least 5 times tonight. It can be a real pain, but I've gotten close, still working on it. ^-^

(random) ...Falco!Kirby is the cutest thing in the whole world! It's Kirby with Falco's crest if blue feathers on his head and a cute beak! ^v^ I freak when I see him, it's so damn cute. XD

...And Mr. Saturn. Mr. Saturn's my baby, he's also the cutest thing in the whole world. XD I get so high-pitched and ramble gibberish whenever I see him. XD And totally K.O. the pants off anyone who hurts him. >:D
(end random)

Communities: I wanna join some communities, which I'll do tomorrow. A Voice Actor one (cause I especially love anime VAs *has a Lex Langasm*) and the SaiSa one. ^^ Maybe more. Found a nice Metroid one! :D Need to ask them where they get their cool Samus Aran icons. :3

Exercise: Been sticking with my current routine. But tomorrow, I think I'll start my "additionals": Going on the air bike and doing crunches everyday in addition to what I'm currently doing. Because I especially wanna work on my legs and tummy. :3

Blood drive: Yay, got a postcard about a blood drive coming up in February! ^-^ I'm happy since I missed that one a couple of weeks ago.

Oscars: The Academy Awards is coming, yay! It's the only award show that I give a flip about. :P Nominations will be announced tomorrow. *squee* I can't wait to see what the Best Picture noms. are! :D

I haven't seen many this movies past year, and I can't think of any. Maybe Spiderman 2 since that's supposedly the best reviewed film of the year. Heard a rumor The Incredibles might be one... but that's a long shot. A little trivia: The only animated film to be nominated for Best Picture was Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

...But another interesting little Oscar tidbit, some people did think Spirited Away should have been in the 2002 Best Picture nominees! :D But oh well, winning the 2nd Best Animated Film was great enough. I totally flipped and bounced about. XD I even have that clip saved on my comp!
I was SO glad Miyazaki-sama was recognized. That was an awesome movie, it played in a close enough theatre and I saw it... I think 3 times! ^-^; Wish the CB movie played close... I think if I wanted to, the closest place would have been in Dallas. ._.; I think SA was more out there since Pixar (Disney) made a deal with Studio Ghibli to distribute and dub their movies.

Lex Lang: I need more Lex Lang. XD Tomorrow I'll go to his site and get any/all MP3s he has up and see if I can buy his CD. Cause damn, he has the sexiest singing voice. *melts like butter*

Closing: Lindsay tired now. -.- She's gonna go sleepy. ...But whoever's in the bathroom needs to get out, I gotta brush my teeth. >:/ ...Aw crap, it's Mom going in the shower! X( Maybe I'll skip my teeth tonight... :/
...I got Metroid Prime music stuck in my head...that fucking rocks. XD

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Another pointless entry. :P [Jan 24th, 2005 || 5:30 pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | The Verve - "Bittersweet Symphony" ]

Name each of your pets, what they are (including breed), how old they are, and all of their nick-names. (nicked from [info]zitholkt)

Me pets. :3 )

1 Little Comment AKU Got Somethin' to Say?

Funny stuff, man. :P [Jan 23rd, 2005 || 3:11 pm]
[ mood | amused ]

I am worth $2,018,090.00 on

Holy crap, I am SO amused! Welcome to Houston, lol! )

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VG talk, leik whee. :P [Jan 22nd, 2005 || 2:21 pm]
[ mood | meh ]

-- Gah, I can't seen to beat All Star mode on the Normal difficulty with my players, Bowser, Falco, and Link. I come close with Bowser, though, since I play him best. ^-^ Cuz Bowser pwns you all! (yeah, I'm talking about Super Smash Brothers Melee :P)
Oh yeah, I also wanna go to and see what other trophies I still need. I know I don't have all, cause there's a Pikmin one you get if a Pikmin game is in the same memory card as your SSB:M game. So, I'm gonna see what others I need. :3

-- Enjoying my Metroid Prime MP3s muchly. ^-^ All I need now is the OST for Echoes. ...And I still need to beat Echoes! XD That fuckin Ing Emperor's too damn tough, I need to get all expansions possible, but that would take awhile, so I'm in no rush to get going. XP
...Oh, what pisses me off, though, is there's an MP3 called "Samus Vs. Incinerator Drone" and I... Lmao, I just remembered which mini-boss that was! XD!!! I was upset cause for awhile I had no idea who that was. Whenever I think of anything mechanical, I think of the many new machine enemies in Echoes. :P

That is all for now. ^^

I have a type B+ personality! :3 )

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